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/fa/ - Fashion

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6752125 No.6752125 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw two HS/college aged sluts throw taco bell at you from their car while you are riding your bike

I fucking hate humans.

>> No.6752145

Tfw still thoroughly entertained when hs girls hit on me.

>> No.6752178

At least they didn't call you faggot

>> No.6752188
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I get followed by little asian girls when I go to nearest Asian supermarket.

It's pretty scary

>> No.6752199
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>tfw re-watching some old sruli videos
>talks about design ideas - has a little giggle w/ team
>'yeah youre laughing but when you see me walking out like this *wrists bound gesture* with cuffs you'll know then'
>Video put on yt 2010
>no body giggles but sr
>dat post-umbuster tension
>sr ain gif a fuq
the video has layers

>> No.6752192

They called me a pirate and said "Fuck off back to treasure island". I think I'mma burn all ma Rick.

>> No.6752435

Sorry Op that want. Cool

>> No.6752457

Be a pirate. Pillage their booty.
Fucking betas...

>> No.6752486

at least they didn't force you to eat taco bell

>> No.6752487

>tfw Matt threw taco bell at you from his moms car while you are riding your dildo

I fucking hate cro magnons.

>> No.6752503

Somebody shouted "Oi" at me today from their car, but I don't know why

>> No.6752522
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tfw drive around wearing rick owens yelling at people all day

>> No.6752529

Somebody gave me a thumbs up out their car window this afternoon

>> No.6752525


>> No.6752531

gotta let em know what a nigga look like when a nigga in a roadster

>> No.6752577

thats from the movie dodgeball

>> No.6752583


>> No.6752600

was it a crunch wrap supreme

>> No.6752616


>> No.6752617


>I think I'mma burn all ma Rick.

good, that shit looks retarded as fuck anyway

>> No.6752645

Sensors confirm: poorfag detected

>> No.6752677


>generic rickfag emergency comeback

because rick garbage is the only expensive clothing in the world haha, no thanks, i'd rather spend that money on real designers

>> No.6752679



>> No.6752685

>implying you can afford them
you're nothing without your food stamps

>> No.6752695

post a fit

>> No.6752706

Sounds terrifying. For OP's sake I hope it wasn't.

>that aerodynamic shape

Could probably achieve velocities nearing triple digits in fps.

>> No.6752708

>post a fit
Last ditch effort launched, anon confirmed for poor

>> No.6752710


you don't know me, stay mad clown

>> No.6752724

I'm a different anon, not >>6752617

Lets see your superior wardrobe.

>> No.6752729

You're right, I don't
Ive got other problems and I'm taking them out on you because you don't like what I like
I'm a piece of shit today

>> No.6752793

post a fit
I want this attention

>> No.6752798

>Implying anyone not on food stamps can afford Rick.

>> No.6752806

Implying anyone not on food stamps can afford Rick.

>> No.6752823

the girl at the sandwich place i go to remembered my order

then she put a free cookie in my bag

i-is this normal?

>> No.6752828
File: 463 KB, 1600x1200, babby_murdering_ass_salt_clips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>graduate from high school
>don't speak too much english, but I know a good share at that time (moved to US from Russia in freshman year)
>got harassed for dressing in a similar way /fa/ does now by a bunch of swaggots
>decide to work out and at least not look like a faggot
>have to get all new clothes after a year
Fast forward to senior year...
>same nignogs keep harassing me throughout high school year because they have nothing better to do from living off welfare and stealing shit for cash
>one eventually grows the balls to step his game up and try to fight me
>he swung and missed
>punch him right in the face and curb stomp him
>nignog friends run away
>get suspended but it's cool, made up all my work and still have my 5.3 GPA (weighted)
Fast forward post graduation
>subhuman filth decide to try shit outside of school
>they follow me to my house and start throwing rocks and bottles and other shit at my windows and my dog
>grab my new shotgun, load it, and kick my door open
>they instantly swerve away as I remember their license plate number
>call the police
>they get arrested
>I get money
>I buy new guns and clothes
I hate humans as well, but once you apply yourself you can get $10,000 for a couple of broken windows.

>> No.6752847
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She wants it

Don't you fuck up and spaghetti on this one.

She's waifu material, she makes sandwiches.

>> No.6752884


just kidding man. that 590 tactical is fresh :)
I REALLY wish i didnt live in NJ. it's such a bitch here dealing with our fucktarded gun laws.

>> No.6752941

>I hate humans as well, but once you apply yourself you can get $10,000 for a couple of broken windows.
This story is legit inspiring :^)

>> No.6753026
File: 50 KB, 580x348, Hey listen we're sorry about what we said earlier we were just kidding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wear geos and a skirt everyday
>old men spit in my direction
>several restaurants say "I'm sorry sir we can't serve you"
>see people pointing at me all the time and whispering
>girls never attracted to me + always friendzoned instantly

>> No.6753110

>implying I'd let you into my friendzone if you wore a skirt every day.

>> No.6753149


>> No.6753158

What's the point in wearing skirts if you're a guy? nobody is going to understand it even most fashion people will think you're a retard, just because a few people on sz tell you that you look good? would you really trust christian with that? would you?

>> No.6753169

>as in allow
>as in he would never even get that close
>implying I don't know he's joking
>implying I'm not joking

>> No.6753166

If they serve women wearing skirts report them for sexism/discrimination

>> No.6753180


>> No.6753173

>Wearing Rick Owens, Damir Doma, Boris Bidjan etc.


>> No.6753189

i saw you post this in /fit/ you butthurt faggot
id be more worried about the fact that you cant brush that shit off without whining to at least 2 4chan imageboards
take me, the other day i was walking shirtless in my boardshorts near the beach rockin my aviators and some faggots drove by making mocking smooching sounds and pouting kissing faces at me. i just puffed my chest out more and kept walking like a fucking boss. shit doesnt get to me, i am euphoric

>> No.6753191

Didn't know you could buy guns if you're born outside the us

>> No.6753205

you just have to be a US citizen

>> No.6753212

Is that like a thing you sign for?

>> No.6753237

>fucking hate humans
>imply you already aren't human

OP is a faggot

>> No.6753242

...Why on earth would anyone waste perfectly good Taco Bell by throwing it at a faggot?

>> No.6753249

i actually drive around all day in the city for my job (inb4 pizza delivery boy). i just wear pretty basic shit at work like raws, a james perse t, and leather boots (i leave the goof outfits for the weekend).

but i legit saw a full blown gothninja on the street corner checking his phone. im p sure he was wearing a skirt. all in all i'd give him a 6/10

>tfw this is probably what i look like in public

>> No.6753533

Carry a gun and return fire.

>> No.6753564
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>> No.6753601

*OP is self-loathing

Fixed it for ya

>> No.6754104

how did you get 10k if they are broke and on welfare???

the nvigadys

>> No.6754584

sruli is a qt3.14

>> No.6754600
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>> No.6755277

fuck you for living my dream and not even liking it

>> No.6756750

seems like you deserved it

>> No.6756772


>> No.6757014

Layering, bro!
Skirting is fun to layer and play around with. Why do you think dudes love the shirt tied around the waist?