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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 15 KB, 768x724, disgustingbodyshape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6750149 No.6750149 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else here have a really wide waist? What should I do to fix this or at least mask it or can I never be effay. I attempted to draw a pic but the drawing isn't really to scale, I would also like to add that it isn't fat its the actual bone structure.

>> No.6750157

28 BMI

I can wear size 32 lel

>> No.6750161

I do (and I think you mean hips, not waist). Nothing is really gonna fix it, but it can be masked. Shirts that don't fit too close in the waist keep it from being obvious. And if you tuck a shirt in don't tuck it too tight on the sides, let it blouse a bit

>> No.6750167

You have to work out. Or get so obese no one will notice. If you decide to work out, focus on your lats, deltoids, and back. also see /fit/

>> No.6750176

>how do bone structures work?
Everybody is built differently. Big-boned is a real thing, not just an excuse fat people use.

>> No.6750190

lel. Am I really on /fa/ or just in a pie shop?

>> No.6750188
File: 274 KB, 528x720, Picasso_Portrait_of_Daniel-Henry_Kahnweiler_1910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol the waist doesn't have bones innit

op eat rite xercise & good health & fortune will come 2 u

>> No.6750227

I was skinny fat for a while but once I started exercising and got lean I realized how enormous my tibias are. I basically have two knees on each leg because the heads of my tibias protrude so severely. Like when I rest on my knees, my weight isn't even on my kneecaps, it's on these bony growths right below them.

>> No.6750251

OP said waist, but he most likely meant hips. Aka look at the damn picture

>pie shop
18.5 BMI. So no

>> No.6750329

nobody wears pants at the waist lol

>> No.6752885
File: 64 KB, 509x309, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy in this move is skinny while having big hips, Ryan Gosling has some muscle while having big hips

It's not the end of the world
Awesome advice faggot
>talking about the fit sticky while bringing up spot improvent

>> No.6752924
File: 71 KB, 305x869, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spot improvent


wide hips + lordosis reporting in. depending on how the shirt drapes it's usually not this bad.

>> No.6752934

APT is fixable, friend.

>> No.6752946

OP, get some muscle mass, it will suit your frame.

>> No.6752965
File: 23 KB, 124x519, pics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've been stretching hip flexors and doing glute isolation half assedly for a few months, and now it's a lot better than it was

I still look like a bowling pin from the side sometimes though. This is pretty good for me.

>> No.6752973

Those muscles are not around his hips. I think he was advising OP to get a sweet V torso by building his back and shoulders.

>> No.6752978

Good to see.

>> No.6753741

You're not supposed to have bone at your waist...