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6743565 No.6743565 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6743575

I'm glad i'm 5'10

>> No.6743584

you are in the safe zone, although there are many girls that height.

>> No.6743590

I think the same about girls under 5'8'', pig disgusting mongs.

>> No.6743591

Wow she's aggressive in her hatred of short guys.

It's good to be 6'1, but I feel for my manlet brothers, you guys take a lot of shit sometimes

>> No.6743602

>below 5 8

seriously who the fuck is under 5 8 anyway
if she said under 6 then it would be #controversial
and for that reason
i dont give a shit

(and plus i'm 6 2 lel)

>> No.6743610

shallow bitches like that aren't good for you anyway

>> No.6743612

Most girls ive met have been shorter than me, some my height. I only know one girl who is 6'1 and she goes out with a 6'9 guy.

>> No.6743615

These threads are dumb you fuccbois need to stop worrying about your height and worry about shit you can actually control.

Ps-being 6ft2 with model face won't change anything for you if you're still autistic

>> No.6743617

5'10 is still verging on small though. You may pass that fatty's standards but it is still below average (If EU). I'm 5'11 but still feel small compared to most guys around here.

>> No.6743626

i'm 5'6" dating someone 6'

>> No.6743630

She's a shallow bitch who hates people for something they can't change, how does her opinion matter?
I'm somewhere between 5' 9" and 5' 11", I don't bother memorizing my height.

>> No.6743631

Sounds like a shallow cunt.
Facebook breeds stupidity.

>> No.6743643

>I'm somewhere between 5' 9" and 5' 11", I don't bother memorizing my height
confirmed 5'9"

>> No.6743650

me too feels good not to be a manlet

>> No.6743654

the worst type of shitposting on this board.

>> No.6743652

am i supposed to be attracted to this woman

>> No.6743656

I think she got raped by someone under 5'8

top lel

>> No.6743658

I might be.
I don't really care 'cause people always call me tall and skinny, it's probably because I'm sort of tall and sort of skinny and both sort of empathize each other.
I only really care about peoples heights if I find out they browse /fa/ or /fit/ so that I can tease them.

>> No.6743659
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no way post pics

>> No.6743661

sieg how can i get a qt 3-or-more-inches-taller-than-me gf?


>> No.6743666
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>tfw 5'8

>> No.6743674

>sieg how can i get a qt 3-or-more-inches-taller-than-me gf?
He can't help you there dude, sorry.

>> No.6743682

>Anybody under 5'8
>tfw 5'10

>> No.6743685

are you implying that i cant get qts


>> No.6743686

yea no
lower your standards as low as possible and then u can get on siegs lvl

>> No.6743695

>always thought i was 178cm


>> No.6743712

i know, let's just all our egos crushed by what some random whore on facebook wrote. like anyone would want to get with some bitch like that anyway.
still looking great. apparently 5'8'' is the perfect height for looking huge on film. look at tom hardy.

>> No.6743713
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>Tfw 6'2 but still feel like a midget because three out of my four closest friends are 6'4 or taller

>> No.6743714

fuggin mangleb 5'10'' mastur racceXDDDDDD

>> No.6743718

No I'm implying that sieg's gargantuan partner is not a qt.
Are you new here? Do you know who sieg is?

>> No.6743724

it's okay tho i measured b4 bed so im prob the full 178 most of the day

>> No.6743730

No, I know who sieg is. But I figured that just because siegs gf isn't particularly qt doesn't mean he wouldn't know how to get one. Maybe he really likes her despite her not being qt

Maybe she's qt to him

>> No.6743731

>mfw 5'5"
>mfw live in Mexico
>mfw every chick is below 5'2"
>mfw I'm one inch above average

Come to Mexico if you feel bad, my dear manlet brothers.

>> No.6743735

And get my head cut off by a sicario? no thanks i live near Juarez and know about that lief

>> No.6743740

how do they feel about white people (especially europeans) ? i'd feel like a fucking giant there.

>> No.6743746

>one inch above average
Last I knew, Mexico's average was 5' 7.5"

Nice try though

>> No.6743753

as long as a dude isn't shorter than I am (5'5") he's good

>> No.6743756

Chicks will die to suck your dick. And more if you're a blonde. Bitches die to have a blond tall yuropean dude.


>> No.6743766

This is pretty much what every girl I have ever met have said about height, except that some don't even care.

>> No.6743768

>tfw i felt so bad about being 5'10' that i bought lifts
i got no extra attention despite the fake height i stopped using them and stopped listening to you height fags

>> No.6743773
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>mfw live in mexico and 5'11

>> No.6743781

not worth the footache

>> No.6743775

What about semi tall(5'10'' and a half) pure bread Jap like myself?

>> No.6743782
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n-nice trips chris

>> No.6743788

they hang you gooks overhere pinchi amarillo

>> No.6743791

>tfw 6'1
>tfw only friends with guys who are 6'1 or taller
>tfw we go places and dominate the room cause we're all extroverts and relatively attractive
>tfw all 6 of us have attractive girlfriends
>tfw i'm the only one who's not successful in life
>tfw i have the ugliest girlfriend
>tfw i'm the smartest but no one cares cause everyone else is better looking and funnier

life sucks

>> No.6743784


a lot care. I've heard the mean shit girls have said about my manlet friend behind his back.

short guy is like being a fat girl. that's really the best cross-gender analogy

>> No.6743797

>tfw 5'6

>> No.6743800

Is it strange to grow when you are 20?

I turned 20 couple months ago and since then I have grown from 5'10.5" to something else. I don't really know for sure because I'm too scared to measure. Might just be kidding myself but is it possible?

>> No.6743802


definitely possible

>> No.6743805

i grew an inch after i finished my sophmore year at college so yeah but it depends on your genes

>> No.6743808

They're pretty indifferent. At first they'll see you as "ooh a yellow wtf" and then they'll want to have you as their kawaii desu doll.

>> No.6743815
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>> No.6743816

that feel when i don't know how tall i am and different people tell me that i'm anywhere from 5'7'' to 5'9''

>> No.6743817

here's an idea: stop looking at what others have and focus on getting your own. also stop being a shallow faggot.
>tfw i have the ugliest girlfriend
what kind of bullshit statement is that ?

>> No.6743814

Thanks, guys. Want pictures of my red cock?

>> No.6743826


>> No.6743821

Maybe you should try and use some of that extrovert magic to get to know some people who aren't complete assholes.
I have tons of short (like really short) male friends, and none of the girls I know talk shit about them behind their backs.

>> No.6743830
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>mfw a little over 5'9"

A moment of silence for the manlets of the world.

>> No.6743837

>not successful

fucking lel, you're the most delusional and insecure one too

>> No.6743844


>> No.6743846

I'm really hairy right now. Thighs covered as well as osama's beard on my pubic region. Still want?

>> No.6743850


>> No.6743848
File: 61 KB, 429x459, 1372641021790.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 5'10
>girls never look at me
>guys never treat me with respect
>everybody even girls try to alpha up on me and one up me
>buy shoe lifts to increase height to 6'
>everybody treats me normally
>girls start flirting with me/looking at me
>too insecure to go after any of them or make friends because I might have to take off my shoes
Fuck this gay earth

>> No.6743851

Just post that shit already

>> No.6743852

maybe not to your face but it does happen also they might not be shallow

>> No.6743858

i'm not the most insecure by a long shot

some of these guys are sad sacks

i'm not successful for a myriad of reasons, and it's not the typical i didn't try bullshit. i tried, i'm just bad at test taking and didn't think college sounded like a good fit for me so i didn't go.

now i'm a NEET living with my mom and posting on /fa/

some of the other guys are idiots, plain and simple, but they at least know how to go to school.

>> No.6743855

it's possible
not that guy
I personally don't even value intelligence in people anyway

really a useless attribute without willpower, but willpower can make most attributes worth having so it's back to square one for intelligence's worth

>> No.6743856


wow if there was only a super easy way to get a definitive answer

>> No.6743863
File: 50 KB, 625x562, 540057_101926303298664_798163428_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm 5'7 but dont care
>lol poor manlets 6'2 here
>Umad i pull more pussy that you guys over 6'
>glenn beck told me to eat carrots for height

You guys are some stupid assholes

>> No.6743860

>be same height
>be effeminate male (dont fucking ask me, its what other people think)
>get teased by other guys
>never taken seriously
>treated as gay by girls
1 perk:
>get told I look like liu wen

>> No.6743868

>it's not the typical i didn't try bullshit. i tried, i'm just bad at test taking
Oh. Confirmed for not intelligent.

>inb4 tree climbing fish quote

>> No.6743870

post your 4 inch cock fag

>> No.6743871

such is life being an underachiever.

>> No.6743880 [DELETED] 
File: 446 KB, 1920x1080, 20130821_125634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its bigger when its hard. dont judge too quick

>> No.6743881

>tree climbing fish quote
god that is such bullshit. i hate that quote.
>confirmed for not intelligent
i mean, you can think whatever you want.

i just started reading The Unbearable Lightness of Being and it's fucking incredible. you should read it anon

>> No.6743882

>facebook filename
watch out this guy has a life

>> No.6743885

short guy = fat girl

but manlet can't do a thing about it lelkek

>> No.6743888

you said it was red
that was the only interest I had in your dick
what a let down

>> No.6743900


wtf why did you guys request this

>> No.6743894

asian ?

>> No.6743896

Nice trips. Blame the camera

>> No.6743904


>> No.6743909

fat girls can't either. 99% have no willpower and resort to ''muh fat acceptance'' instead.

>> No.6743910

Where'd ya learn that? 4chan school?

>> No.6743917

hmmm... my pubic hair recognition skills are still working.

>> No.6743918

>bad at test taking
test anxiety isnt real

>> No.6743931
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I mean they absolutely can. it's a lot easier than a fully grown male growing three inches.

>> No.6743933
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>treated as gay by girls
this fucking thing
it certainly does not help that i was raised by my mom and only have sisters i was molded to be a little feminine

>> No.6743934

>I'm just bad at test taking


>people like this actually exist

>> No.6743946

do you live with fucking idiots???

Why does it matter if you are feminine and like if you know that you are why not just change?

>> No.6743947


>tfw 5'10
>tfw all my friends are taller than me
>tfw I don't give a fuck because I'm better looking and they're all virgins who dress like shit

Laughing at my loser friends when they pass bitter, jealous comments is hilarious.

>> No.6743948

more like a girl with no tities

girls under 5'3 is where its at

>> No.6743959
File: 10 KB, 274x206, Webcampic21 - Copy (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a couple of generations ago most men the same age as us were fighting overseas
fuck it im joining the navy

>> No.6743960

In the reflection of trees on water, fishes are in trees.

>mind blown

>> No.6743951

>money can't buy height
b-but it can

>> No.6743955

>an emotion isn't real
m8, people can be scared of just about anything. and when you're scared you can't think straight resulting in fucking up. i've never had test anxiety but that's at least how i imagine it.

>> No.6743956
File: 120 KB, 300x300, 1376453187957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this post
you are one sad fuck m8

>> No.6743967

what? It gets annoying after of being asked "are you gay"a while and no im not going to change how i am

>> No.6743968

you're such a pedophile

>> No.6743977
File: 23 KB, 225x255, FUCCBOI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls under 5'3 is where its at

do you even like legs?

>> No.6743983

yeah but idk. i saw a girl who was about 4'11? the other day and felt a lurch in my loin >:]]

>> No.6743987

>this whole post
10/10 would laugh again

>tfw dated a girl who was 5'11 and a model and she had perfect legs
>tfw she was a strong christian and would only kiss and never beyond, would even let me feel her legs
>tfw blue balls for 6 months

>> No.6743997

whats so funny about it?

>> No.6743999

tall girls generally have no ass. DO YOU HATE ASS ?

>> No.6744003


>> No.6744007

i just think it's funny because joining the navy pussy as fuck compared to the marines or the army

as well as doing something just cause people our age did it

>> No.6744008
File: 158 KB, 304x382, Top_TOP_LEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls under 5'3 is where its at

>> No.6744010

then don't worry about it act how you like its 2013 if a man or woman get at you for being feminine just stop speaking to them

>> No.6744016

>be in line waiting for coffee
>australian sporty girl walks in carrying duffel bag
>my god shes fucking ginormous
>6'4" easy
>cant take my eyes off her
>she shoots me a funny look
w2c tall girl 2 molest

>> No.6744023

Shut uuuup like you'd EVER understand my feelings, bitch. SWERVE.

>> No.6744032

>tfw one of my ex-gfs was 4'11''

>> No.6744040

5'11 king of manlets reporting in

>> No.6744054


>> No.6744070


would be nice and easy to throw around >:)

tfw no midget gf

>> No.6744071

Yess small girls have more curves on the ass but they don't wash that area correctly.

If you are okay with it (like me) then everything is good.

Last week I fucked a 5'2 girl wich had a really noce body but when it came to taking off her panties it was really dirty. There were shit all over her cheeks and I cleaned it with my thongue because there was no other ways! I didnt want to alarm her so I just licked it but she thought there were nothing!

I recommend you this experience :)and I would love to hear other people's too!

>> No.6744072

w2c pedo gf?

>> No.6744083
File: 463 KB, 715x402, ...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey, i like shortstack booty. don't judge me.

>> No.6744094

is this a copypasta or

>> No.6744092

5`10 is king you are just a pleb.

>> No.6744107

Shallow bitches aren't worth shit

>> No.6744117

Nice story! Thank you to share it with us I am myself a big admirer of sexy messy ass.

My wife knows my special preference and so she loves to get dirty before we fuck! I lick it all or sometimes I spread it all over. Do you enjoy playing with yours?

>> No.6744121


Most tall girls are fucking disgusting. I have never seen a tall girl with a nice slender feminine body. They all look like hideous creatures with extremely long horse faces. They look masculine and disgusting.

Obviously you are going to post a model because you are a dumb fuck.

>> No.6744139

she weighted around 100lbs. you could basically use her as gym equipment.

>> No.6744149


>> No.6744162

once a girl who is about 4'11 (maybe even shortter shes fuckin tiny lol) asked me to go see anco with her but i said no cause she wasnt cute

i shoudl have said ye tbh i think shes into kinky hsit

>> No.6744157
File: 160 KB, 915x678, PKE6h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone should fix the numbers on that OP picture

>> No.6744158

cuz your not thinking creatively!

>> No.6744170

dunno. she left for 'murrica last year. as far as i know she's floating around somewhere in minnesota.
you fucked up.

>> No.6744168

Absolutely! This is my personnal secret! My wife don't know about it but I enjoy getting in the bath and taking a dump in there. Then I'll sometimes add a bit of warn water to soften my shit if the consistency is not to my taste :)

Really effective, it allows me to spread it all over my body while jerking off. Then I wash myself with water or sometimes with my own piss ( even though its not really effective)

One time my wife wanted to go in the bathroom but I had time to take it off my body! Unfortunately the bath was dirty but my wife entered!!! She asked me what happedned and I told her I had diarrhea while in bath! :D she then helped me wash all my mess...without having any doubt! Pfiou

>> No.6744184

oh boy...

>> No.6744193

yeah i guess i did

>> No.6744230

Glad to hear that what an interesting story! My wife is into these kind of play! She is 5'4 if it explains it ;) I don't know if you are into this stuff but since you mentionned urine play...

I like to put things in the urinal at my job. Let me explain, I put for example a piece of bread or a candy in a urinal and I let it there all day! I take out the soap too because otherwise it fucks the taste.

>> No.6744276

Nice! I'm not into urine taste though...but I enjoy its hot feeling it gives me on my body! It is a really comforting experience...I dont know if its because it has the same temperature as the body or if it has something reminding you of you birth...you see where I'm going...vagina, your mother's vagina :D and piss!

But watever

>> No.6744320

>all this mad
>for saying i met a tall girl
Short girl detected? Short and fat probably?

>> No.6744340

I'm 6'6 I look like a freak though

>> No.6744358
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>below 5'8

j-jokes on them I'm 5'9

>> No.6744367

>tfw 5' 6" asian
Time to wear heels

>> No.6744392
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>> No.6744414

but she's ugly.

>> No.6744418

Dude, mexican chicks are always tiny as fuck.

I saw one the other day with her kid. She was maybe 4'11 at best.

>> No.6744443

i agree man, i would have posted "the same for girls who at all overweight, right?"

>> No.6744448

But they are really cute though

>> No.6744466

Yes they are! And they all seems to have a little dirty side...

Last week I fucked a mexican girl wich had a really noce body but when it came to taking off her panties it was really dirty. There were shit all over her cheeks and I cleaned it with my thongue because there was no other ways! I didnt want to alarm her so I just licked it but she thought there were nothing!

I recommend you this experience :)and I would love to hear other people's too!

>> No.6744478

shes probably projecting her height insecurities tbh

also she probably thinks 5'8 is 5'6

>> No.6744522

I'm 5'7, from England.

Am i gonna make it brehs?

It's weird tho everyone says 5'10 is like average, but i dont feel particularly small around other people (apart from realllly tall people). maybe i only socialise w/ manlets

>> No.6744546
File: 12 KB, 424x394, 178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-w2c 2 inches

>> No.6744732

My gf os 5'1 and has got dem dere juicy legs hnngggg

>> No.6744837


I lol every time I see these threads.