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6741665 No.6741665 [Reply] [Original]

>looking through citys popular 'hip' club photos
>snickering to myself about how hard theyre posing and judging their outfits
>realise how much fun theyre having
>realise some might have even gotten with girls
>realise some might have made friends that night
>realise some might have had the best night of their lives

how do i have fun and meet people and junk

>> No.6741673

ok but that being said like majority of the guys were wearing ralph lauren i dont want to be them

>> No.6741675

yeah b-but w-we're better t-than those f-fuccbois

>tfw just dropped my whole months wage on a t-shirt

f-fuckin plebs

>> No.6741681

m-m-muh rick lovins

>> No.6741684


>> No.6741687

how can you possibly make $100 in a month

>> No.6741692

I feel you bro. It's good you've realized you're not alone because everyone is dumb or a pleb. You're the problem.

Stop being a cynic and start being positive. You ca still wear your sick fits but stop judging people so harshly and start hanging with people you might not have. Build confidence.

We all gonna make bud.

>> No.6741727

i never understood the appeal of the going to clubs
i only enjoy it if its to go with people i already know beforehand and i would prefer to just be at a house with them instead or something

>> No.6741743

>realise some might have made friends that night

no one makes new friends at a club. don't worry

>> No.6741831

thank u kind stranger

i do need to work on confidence

my friends dont have parties anymore

>> No.6741851
File: 212 KB, 1256x1611, Vincent_Willem_van_Gogh_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping for interest. ex-popular anon; clinical depression some months ago, lost majority of ''friends'' lel

>> No.6741887

I have done my fair share on hating people. I have lighting up a bit lately and tried to be more open. But fuck, I seem to have either social anxiety or retardness or a tad of antisocialness and I still have trouble finding people I would like to get along with. I rarely find someone worth knowing.

>> No.6741928

yall wanna be depressed friends

we can chill at mine on saturday nights and enjoy eachothers company and not go out and get some food at like 1 am and maybe get breakfast with milkshakes the next day

>> No.6741930

>implying I haven't made friends in clubs

>> No.6741972
File: 12 KB, 261x177, 1098435_4657326251770_1026753707_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some good friends you must have anon

>> No.6743425
File: 130 KB, 396x381, feelsaverage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where I live everyone dresses in boring dadcore polo/sweaters and shit
>tfw look left see Ralph Lauren
>tfw look right see Lacoste
>tfw look up see Henri Lloyd

>> No.6743442


I think I love you

>> No.6743447

pls b in london

>> No.6744171

man if only it were this easy. i have plenty of good friends but they're so uneasy with late nights, im the only person i know who stays up past 3

>> No.6744198


you have to stop giving a shit about their aesthetic, and how terrible you perceive them to be, and just show up.

Blend in. be a tourist. That dangerous wacko that their parents warned them about.

It's a good time, i promise.

>> No.6744201

i wish you were my friend

>> No.6744240

I wish I knew somebody like you.

>> No.6744279

relax, smoke weed with people that seem cool. WIsh i could help more