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/fa/ - Fashion

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6741421 No.6741421 [Reply] [Original]

Is self-loathing /fa/..?

>> No.6741446

/fa/ is loathing self

>> No.6741460


>> No.6741467
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Thank goodness.

>> No.6741482

Narcissism with hidden self loathing is far more /fa/ than being a straight up sadsack

>> No.6741489

Pretty much this.

>be /fa/
>always concerned with how people perceive me
>push people away
>be sarcastic
>people think I'm funny and love me
>be charming in public
>go home and mope while listening to Garbage because I'm incapable of making healthy relationships

It's almost as if middle school wasn't 12 years ago.

>> No.6741491

If paired with the right eating disorder and wardrobe, yes.

>> No.6741534
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>SLP usually what I'm dressed in
>extremely concerned with my external appearances, both physically and mentally
>be funny
>always get qts to laugh and guys to chuckle whole heartedly
>come off as smooth and quick witted
>be well put together
>have absolutely no friends
>be 19 year old kissless virgin
>watch vfiles
>post on /fa/
>live vicariously through celebrities, models, and socialites via Instagram, twitter, etc.
>contemplate suicide but ultimately won't because love mom too much

>> No.6741553

well this is a feel i didn't want

>> No.6741557


if you can get people to laugh why can't you make friends

pull yourself together shitlord

>> No.6741559
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That's how life works.

>> No.6741560

Damn... this hit pretty close. I'm pretty much the same.

>> No.6741580

At least you can afford SLP

>> No.6741583
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That's as far as the relationship goes usually. I do have one friend I suppose, and whenever he invites me over to his place (when he's having a party/get together and knows I need more social interaction) the other people think I showed up because I'm "always busy" with other things all the time when in reality I'm at home sitting at my desk..

>> No.6741594


so do you WANT more or are you just saying you feel lonely because people have expected you to feel lonely for so long you actually are feeling lonely even though you aren't?

>> No.6741608

Sort of, I'm a bit of a façade, very mysterious and don't let too much get known about me. I mean people know my name, have a general idea of my age, and I often have conversations about what I'm majoring in, what I'm interested in, etc. but other than that not much, I don't want to become vulnerable and let them know me too well. I would like to have close friends and relationships, but people don't seem to want to take it to the nxt lvl.

>> No.6741636


that's because you have to lead sometimes dummy, being a friend is a mutual thing.

I'll tell you this though, the enjoyability of being a "mysterious" person with no actual substance falls off a goddamn cliff when your looks start to fade. not even when they're gone, just when they start to.

You don't have a lot of time to become a real person, i suggest you start.

>> No.6741688
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>> No.6741719
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>tfw everything except the virgin & instagram part was spot on

>> No.6741738

exactly the same thing for me but dressed in rick

>> No.6741749

the same but 20 and wearing mostly japanese brands

>> No.6741759
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>Sort of, I'm a bit of a façade, very mysterious

>> No.6741779
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>I'm a bit of a facade, very mysterious

>> No.6741873

and then you woke up

>> No.6741901


i have the exact same fucking problem as you dude, people like me but they don't consider me a friend... like the kind of stage where they'd feel awkward liking my facebook picture or something

im gonna try and be more outgoing and shit this year but anxiety is a complete FUCK

>> No.6741905

girls often look at how souless my eyes are, like steel I don't really have friends just admirers

>> No.6741918

>tfw only began self-loathing and into depression after coming to /fa/

>> No.6743733
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Congratulations. You're a "secret schizoid". Google it.

Learn to embrace it. Lots of people are just like you. Pic related.

>> No.6743928
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Does this mean I'm like Bateman? But obviously less violent..

>> No.6743942

Holy fugg
>If you interact with people, but at an inward emotional distance....as a means to end, to accomplish objectives, rather than to express yourself and to enjoy people's company... where your visible social emotions are engineered to optimize for an outcome, and you can't even tell if it's fake or not, only that you're doing it on purpose to navigate society effectively, and have no ongoing effect on you outside the context of the interaction...

>> No.6744326
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Right down to the mom thing.

God now I'm even more depressed

>> No.6744343

only if you're Mat Cothran

...and even then, it gets pretty fucking annoying.