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/fa/ - Fashion

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6738506 No.6738506 [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ think of sufu?

>> No.6738521
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>> No.6738544

They have some cool fits but I feel like they're really snobby, and that comes from someone who browses fa and mu

also rep system is retarded

>> No.6738589

I made an account on sufu but for some reason it won't activate? was like a week ago but I never got a confirmation email (even tried making another account and got the same thing) and when I try yo use the website it just says "sorry you don't have permission to do this"

did I miss a step? or is there some sort of wait time?

>> No.6738590

There is no way to get constructive criticism

>> No.6738593


not the point.

>> No.6738607


sz is better for fashion discussion and /fa/ is funnier.

>> No.6738617


basically its not for poor people. and whenever poor kids from /fa/ and reddit go on it they get offended and feel left out because no one cares about their asos plimsolls.

>> No.6738662


>> No.6738668

style blitzkreig

>> No.6738687

anything is better than /fa/

>> No.6739876


>> No.6739885

how is it not?

>> No.6739935
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>> No.6740165

>Hermes (belt no vis)
every time

>> No.6740642

they brandwhore, but atleast they don't have the cult like fanbases here and imports from other boards on this site

>> No.6740665

i like selling clothes there, makes it so i can always get rid of the stuff that i dont wear often to buy something different.

there have been quite a few good outfits posted there as well, its fun to participate because the bar is set higher in terms of what is good and what is bad.


i love that guys thread, he is a trip

>> No.6740681

is that really just 30 pages of everyone including the mods sucking his dick

>> No.6740688


no one really takes him that seriously, hes been a member of sufu for years under various names. has been banned in the past.

>> No.6740684

funnier but too slow + intimidating to get into
I mainly lurk and post occasionally

>> No.6740686

yes i got that as well, and im believing the same thing about there being some "waitlist." maybe this community likes being close-knit by having a certain amount of users

i might as well go to styleforum

>> No.6740694
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personally only disadvantage is slowness

>> No.6740695

o ok i dont know anything about any of the sufu posters besides bai

>> No.6740703

I have a sufu account from 2008 and I never fucking post

>> No.6740704

why was he banned tho?

>> No.6740739

you guys are missing the point here. someone on sufu said it best. "[sufu] is not a fashion forum; it's a shopping forum"

>> No.6740742


starting bullshit threads and huge flamewars

i dont read sufu drama that often but there was all kinds of internet feuds that he started in like 2007-2008

>> No.6740743

this is true of /fa/ too

>> No.6740749


there has been good discussions on sufu.

but that is correct that the majority of the posts are about buying clothes. i would say its about dressing well AND buying clothes....as there is definitely an emphasis on looking good in the clothes you buy

>> No.6740753
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he ethered tinfoil thats all I know

>> No.6740757

the sufu waywt is better on average mostly
mostly cuz this is 4chan but eh

>> No.6740761

>1 post about how he disagrees with him about something

>> No.6740764

why does it matter lol
he's just a guy

>> No.6740765
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hi tinfoil ;)

>> No.6740766

4real what does el ronn do for a living tho?

every fit he posts is like $1000+

>> No.6740773


why would u go there ur fits are still first post on mfa tier

>> No.6740780

not him

what's your sufu account?

>> No.6740783
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i don't post my fits there, it would be dumb
i go there to look at fits so seeing mediocre ones would be annoying

why would i subject them to that

>> No.6740788

el ronn

>> No.6740792

delete cookies to get back to normal after then refresh

>> No.6740803

I only use it for the raw denim threads.

>> No.6740838

sufu posters are fucking hilarious
majority dress well and seem p cool

a breath of fresh air from hormonal teenagers yelling in disagreement for being at different levels of the effay ladder

>> No.6740849

>waywt anywhere
>constructive criticism
top lel gb2mfa you contrived basic piece of shit

>> No.6740860

for example, >>6740849

>> No.6740863
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>> No.6740874

Jesus Christ.

>> No.6740889

Idk what criticism can you get other than someone else suggesting a different color shoes or slimmer anything? new pieces? thats basically the internet dressing you

>> No.6740892


its worded kind of harshly but has a point. waywt doesnt have to be about constructive criticism or criticism of any kind. it can be about sharing interesting outfits and seeing what others are wearing.

>> No.6740900

yeah ur kinda right tbh
i do see some nice crit. on /fa/ now tho but imo you should learn to get a feel for if your fit is "good" or "bad" on ur own

he was referring to how ur post was hormonal

>> No.6740903


no there's a lot more you can criticize

-aesthetic consistency/is the overall "look" working

but yeah posting fits is more about egotism of posters than getting feedback most of the time, and it's the internet after all

>> No.6740916


great, but not that many people posting there are asking for that kind of critique

i can understand that if youre looking for advice and tips, it might be disappointing, but that often isnt really necessary for people who are secure with their style.

>> No.6740917
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>> No.6740922


i was just saying there's a lot more to talk about. but yeah I agree on sufu it's more about showing off and getting that rep

>> No.6740942

>first 3
practically similar, dont be blind
common sense

basically $waywt trying to be $$$$, explaining these flaws to a fit feels like spoonfeeding and isnt really needed if people can spend the money and upload a picture - i mean theres a shit load of guides out there. i feel like a lot of people just need a self check instead of just throwing money before trying things on

i know people want that green rep anywhere but if you cant find it yourself and the internet has to then man,

>> No.6740943


>it's more about showing off

id also hesitate to say that...ive seen many posts in waywt where some guy posts a picture of a 5 figure+ outfit and gets negged because its badly put together.

many of outfits that get lots of reputation points are a blend of high end/low end brands or fusing outfits together in unexpected ways.

not necessarily about money, more how creative you/cool looking you can be with your clothes.

high end clothes help, but it definitely isnt everything

>> No.6740948

That "Jesus Christ" was more in regards to the
>top lel!
>go to reddit!
Nature of the comment

>> No.6740962

>formalities on /fa/
wow go take a walk in your roshes fuccboi

>> No.6740967

Haha top kek/lel

>> No.6740985



low end brands never get love unless they're trendy. e.g. timbs

and yeah I wasn't necessarily talking about showing off money. showing off how "cool" you are via a faceless pic of your body on the interwebs is never cool so it's pretty ridiculous


you can brush those things off as common sense but how many people dress like shitty or post shitty fits on the internet? a lot. but yeah sufu just isnt really the place for discussion

>> No.6740988


like shit*

>> No.6740997

>low end brands never get love unless they're trendy. e.g. timbs

there's a guy who frequently posts w/ vans slipons and dresses well with them and thus gets reps

ppl aren't as hyperjudgemental about lowend brands there i think

what did azurewrath say after one of ur fits that got him negged in2 oblivion
if u don't want 2 tell me its perf. fine just curious

>> No.6741006

basic vans are clean and they do a lot of collabs. - how are they not trendy other than a billion teenages wearing them, that shouldnt stop them from looking nice. around 1/6 of sufu fits include vans

lower brands do get love if they have some place at the higher end

>> No.6741007


>low end brands never get love unless they're trendy. e.g. timbs

wouldnt say that, the highest rep page has outfits that include a variety of lower end brands as some of the garments, for example one guy is wearing uniqlo pants, another is cheap monday, random nikes, etc.


>showing off how "cool" you are via a faceless pic of your body on the interwebs is never cool so it's pretty ridiculous

i agree its just a form of entertainment, whether you feel its cool or not is a matter of opinion. i think some of the outfits people post are cool... its just a way to see how other people dress and share how you dress.

if people like how you dress, great. if not, oh well...

>> No.6741020

its fine just realized something

>> No.6741016


i dont know who that is

>> No.6741025

i mean the guy who uses the slipons

>> No.6741031
File: 1.19 MB, 2794x1871, 05112011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post fit
>positive rep
>feel odd sense of accomplishment and acceptance

>post fit
>get a couple negs to start off
>stop the bleeding and delete post immediately

those feels

pic related. posted it like two years ago and it did okay. WHEW.

>> No.6741039

>post fit on /fa/ a week ago
>positive response
>post fit today, same one from last week
>"wow the definition of fuccboi"
Waywt is a total crapshoot

>> No.6741037

what was the one that got negged

>> No.6741068

its clean but pretty boring, you got types of people on waywt


all about timing, i know when it's AM times the only active threads are w2c whereas activity in the afternoon/weekends is really high

>> No.6741074
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lol this one got negged and I deleted it. and I completely understand why. it fucking sucks.

>> No.6741077

looks like a nice aryan neighbourhood to me

>> No.6741085

just get rid of the plaid shirt and its fine, maybe a less colorful tee

>> No.6741089

lol gotcha

>> No.6741108

Gotta learn the timezones man.

>> No.6741112
File: 527 KB, 1024x1544, 34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol it's a college neighborhood. pretty shit but I loved that apt./house

>> No.6741119


one time I was chillin on the deck like this smoking at 4AM and these two drunk girls pissed right by me because they didn't notice I was there.

>> No.6741133

my understanding of american colleges goes about as far as B movies but im guessing its basically a housing estate for student

dam thatd would be fun af

>> No.6741138

>el ronn


>> No.6741182


Fuck I hate pinoys.

>HEY /fa/ are PINOYS /fa/ OR WAT
>followed by a wall of text of some dude explaining how pinoys get their dicks hacked off and are emasculated

toppest of lels

>> No.6741191

i know that feel, du, i love the house i'm staying at. chillin on the porch til 3am, knocking down beers, talking to my housemates, watching the freshmen walk around looking for parties. the college life.

>> No.6741213


lmao fuck pinoys for real tho

>> No.6741282

subtle copy pasta

>> No.6741326
File: 223 KB, 448x240, ashbreaking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw filipino
>hate my ethnicity and filipino media
>hate every person with "pinoy pride!!11!" because they're so fucking annoying as shit
>born in the u.s. and for the most part "white-washed"
>from family parties and family friend parties, can sense white-washed or actually filipino kids
>sometimes they have no manners and don't give a shit

hear once in a while online and irl:
>"fuck seaniggers"
>"filipinos are the mexicans of asia"
>filipinos aren't even asian they're pacific islanders
>"their language is annoying as shit"
>tfw i thought of all of that before i actually heard of other people thinking the same thing

>tfw no blue eyes
>no white skin except for untanned areas
>hear white girl say in my class, "lol this summer i want to wear shorts but the whiteness of my legs would probably blind people hahaha"
>laugh along
>secretly wish in my head that i had her skin complexion

>tfw my family has "tall" filipinos
>i'm 5'9''
>one time in dentist appt.
>filipino dentist, "wow you're pretty tall"
>procedure done
>stand up and im like a foot taller than him
>he cries
>i cry for not being taller enough
>tears everywhere

>once in a while in public i see a badass beard
>reflect to myself
>tfw shit genes so no decent facial hair

>cry every night for being filipino

>my filipino story

a-at least my nose isn't flat as shit and that people think im asian rather than being a spic.

>spanish last name
>people assume mexican or just gay

brb crying

pic related- i have ash's tan except for untanned areas.

fun fact: in the philippines, tanned skinned people are known as ilocanos, but only my dad was an ilocano but my mom is white as hell but still full filipino
>doesn't matter anyway
>still shitskin

>> No.6741359

>white as hell
>this is what filipinos believe
my dude i am korean and i dont think i am white as hell, hardly even light and im not tan

>> No.6741398

>this is what filipinos believe
>one perspective

and maybe i just exaggerated but still she definitely has a lighter complexion than most of my dad's family- all i wanted to point out

my mom's side has more of a spanish ancestry than my dad so that may be it

>> No.6741961

I loved sufu but the community has gone to shitter shits recently.yes they suffer from brandwhorism and thirsty e-celeb fandom however the latter is way toned down compared to most forums,their newer rep system is crap and the influx of "unknowns" for lack of a better term does suck (it's not a fashion advice forum especially the waywt)
Their snobby close knitted ness means to act as a deterrent from newbies is now working against them since tbh they're becoming stale.
/fa/ for funnies sufu for community sf for helpfulness sz =best

>> No.6741966

A vocal majority hated tinfoils but there were a few who actually advised him

>> No.6741971

Anahahahaha wow!

>> No.6741975

why do you always do this? bump dead threads with a whole bunch of separate posts that could easily be combined into one or *SHOCKER* not posted at all

>> No.6742008


sorry but what the fuck does 'brandwhore' even mean lmao?

because they can afford good shit they are 'brandwhores' fucking saddening these posts

/fa/ is a piece of shit and do not deserve to have an opinion on any other fashion website

>> No.6742009


hello HPM

>> No.6742013

Different time zones m8 and I'm on iPad posting is a pain

>> No.6742024
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there's a lot of stuff i like, i think the content of fits is better than /fa/ (i only browse here and sufu so i can't judge sz or anywhere else)

this was the first i could find but this du asecretmaker's fits are pretty cool

>> No.6742040

I mean even if I'm just slumming it with clothes I don't give a fuck about my fit is gonna be like 4-500 so a grand for when I care I don't see a stack to be abnormal tbh

>> No.6742045


>i think the content of fits is better than /fa/

jesus christ how is this even fucking debatable seriously?

>> No.6742046


he said he works as a jeweler

>> No.6742053

is he cooltop

>> No.6742056

this. /fa/ is worse than mfa

>> No.6742089

Still dont get what they like and not, saw one of the rating threads and I couldent make sense of it. Some cool stuff got good marks, other cool stuff dinnt and some ugly stuff got good marks and some were absolutely slaughtered.

>> No.6742118



stick to reddit and /fa/ (aka autist boards that don't really have any interest in actual fashion)

>> No.6742401

sufu is worse than /fa/ these days

>> No.6742466


what the fuck areu talking about man

it actually perplexes my mind that u make posts like these, WHO ARE U? what the fuck are u even saying, u could of said why, also, "thjese days" u haven't even got a sufu account u fucking fag man god sakes ffucking annoying as fuck

>> No.6742480
File: 13 KB, 275x183, trex1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have an account
>Post Count:0

>> No.6742486


exactky so shut ur moyuth

now i want u 2 explain how u came to that conclusion, because it seems to me that u just posted it for the sake of it, i mean, what authorty do u hold? what kind of post is that? u cudda explained y but now u are making me hate you even more, u never fuckign post anything interesting just the same bullshit or ur selfies

fuckkk man i think ur annoying

>> No.6742490

>this butthurt sufufag
go back to posting GIFs of asses and rappers

>> No.6742504


I think you know what "brandwhore" means, and I think you know sufuers brandwhore. look at how geos were regarded a few years ago vs. now. did the shoe change? no.

and the worst part about it is there has to be an "anti-hype train" after something isn't cool anymore. like it can't be very popular then an okay item... it has to be ushered out by the snide interwebz comments from those who once adored it.

>> No.6742518

>look at how geos were regarded a few years ago vs. now. did the shoe change? no.


>> No.6742527

Stop treating Vbulletin as sacred ground and stop taking post counts as indicators of wisdom dude,or idk maybe u are a supermod if u are then do smth cuz sufu is becoming shittier than /fa/ by the day or are u schaedenfrude? Lol

>> No.6742539



another useless post of absolute trash rubbish lol, still hasnt said why sufu is turning bad (i havent noticed it turning bad) u fuckkin idiot kid, u have the CHEEK to say that kind of shit when ur posting here, i dont even know u fucking fagg

>> No.6742544

>look at how geos were regarded a few years ago vs. now.
geos were regarded as good on sufu a few years ago, but they are indeed brandwhores and circlejerkers

see: NB, visvim, and this fag

>> No.6742573


still no one has explained what brand whore even means

maybe my reading comprehension is bad maybe i dunno???????????!

but if i think u meant hat sufu just rep fits with brands that are liked

that is not true, maybe u fuckkin visited there instead of posting ion ur kings chair pedestal ignorant son of a bitch faggot ass chair u would see that people get negged hard if they wear rick owens basic or sufckkkin shit, just liek they should for fuck sake

'brandwhore' is such a bitch boy buzzword it truly is and its pissing me off, u fucking losers!

>> No.6742590

can u stop posting please

>> No.6742605

>still no one has explained what brand whore even means
brandwhoring is lending credit to a piece or outfit because of the stigma of the brand itself and not the way it looks

>> No.6742607

>this writing style

>> No.6742625


but this ISNT FUKKIn true though bro, and BY BRO ur not my bro, UR NOT RELATED to ME faggot,

FUCKKIN go on sufu right fucking now and u willl see that fucking faggots that are deckeed head to toe in rick owens fucking if the fit is fucking shit the fit fucking gets negged you stupid fucking bitch


IF U make ur fit borgina dns UNDINTERSTINg it will get fucking negged god damn i am typing so fucking ahrd

listen kid u know nothing just fucking spouting bullshit outta ur arse why are u even aruging with me surely ur not protecting .fa./ because everyone knows /fa/ is a fucking shit hole dudeee

u have just been crushed ur flwad 'brandwhore' logic has fucking been terminated

Why dO U tnik users fits get fucking repped kid??? because he wears rick but he makes his fits unique loko good, HE actually IS ITNERSTED in FUCKING FASHION ADN IT FUCKING SHOWS DUMB KID


fucking OWNED KIDDDDDDDDDDD, im sorry tha tu must of posted soem boring shit and got ur butt butt blasted like in worms 2 by the rocket launcher and sheep bombs fucking KIDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

lol owned come back at a later date..

OBVIOUSLY after thisa nihlating post u will need some time to fucking recuperate kid

>> No.6742635


god this is unbearable. literally couldn't read past the first line. we should probably just stop responding to him

>> No.6742650

>but this ISNT FUKKIn true though bro
it's true, sorry if that upsets you

>FUCKKIN go on sufu right fucking now and u willl see that fucking faggots that are deckeed head to toe in rick owens fucking if the fit is fucking shit the fit fucking gets negged you stupid fucking bitch
it doesn't really matter if they are in full rick or w/e, in fact, being in full rick would probably make you even more likely to get negged on sufu because that kind of shit is edgy now

i'm talking mainly about shitty fits by seniors being praised

review >>6742544

more ridiculous or unremarkable looking fits that get praised because of circlejerking and/or brandingwhoring


learn to condense your posts and stop substituting sperg rage for concise points

>> No.6742675

Lmao that worms 2 part

Yeah sufu doesn't brandwhore like /fa/

This is why matthelders never gets good rep (kid playing dress up with mom's card hopping on trends), also why basedhick's rafsimonsrickowens fit got negged as well

>> No.6742676


lol bitch boy

>> No.6742691

Shitty fits by seniors get praised here too
Dr komme
Mifune sometimes

>> No.6742764

you are sschaedenfreuede!!
lmao oh god

>> No.6742777


no im really not kid

>> No.6742821

i agree, but komme's fits usually looks less ridiculous than the fits linked

>> No.6743250

Him and Djrajio are killing sufu

>> No.6743304


djrajio really does not kill anything

>> No.6743348

i haven't been since like 2009.

but too many koreans, and filipinos
too much bape, supreme, and PBJ.

you know for a race of asians that really hate america, and japan

they tend to wear alot of japanese and american brands......

>> No.6743405

sschaedenfreude maybe a huge shitposter,he still posts good critique and /fa/ tier funnies.djajiro doe is heavily irrelevant outside waywt