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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 9 KB, 194x260, WAYWT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6728634 No.6728634 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6728683
File: 418 KB, 1462x1068, fitz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just messing around with new coat. What do you guys think?

>> No.6728701

the fit on the left is cool af, but your jeans are to skinny

>> No.6728705


that's a bunch of stuff I wouldn't normally like but you pulled it together pretty well dude

>> No.6728714
File: 183 KB, 720x1080, Photo on 13-08-19 at 4.09 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


w2c rose shirt?

>> No.6728715
File: 337 KB, 369x695, Skärmavbild 2013-08-19 .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a new pair of AF-1s

>> No.6728719

wow nice face
you look surprised
so original

>> No.6728718
File: 1.64 MB, 1635x2566, side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same coat. 1/3

>> No.6728721

how much?

>> No.6728723

lets see the back bby gurl

>> No.6728725
File: 26 KB, 320x240, foaming-elmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728728

6/10. Don't like the shoes & don't like the silhouette and the neck on the first n second doesn't work with that coat neck n don't like the color on third with the red shirt. Can't really tell the coat color so i'm going to assume it's black but a lighter black because of the material than the jeans.

>> No.6728729
File: 1.66 MB, 1751x2668, Jumper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728739

like these, although i prefer the rose tee to the red shirt, maybe because it gives more contrast.

>> No.6728740

please dont take this like the pervs here on /fa/, But you look really beautiful.

>> No.6728731 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 2448x3264, 008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pants look like shit in this pic. I can take a better pic of them if you guys think it's necessary.
The white thing on the cardigan is dirt in the mirror.

>> No.6728733

pretty good. i have the same parka i think

>> No.6728738

this is really unflattering

>> No.6728746

I dont have time for your criticisms anon

tree fiddy

what is a bby?



y-you too

>> No.6728743

way better from the side 8/10.. still don't like the shoes

>> No.6728756

imo the first and the third are best, i'm not crazy about the second pair of shoes

the coat looks good albeit a tad large

>> No.6728752
File: 1.23 MB, 2736x3648, Jumper deets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6728753
File: 1018 KB, 2176x3264, brbgoing2space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6728758

i c ur bra

>> No.6728761

i'm a different person

>> No.6728765

best spacecore ever w7c long armed body warmer?

>> No.6728768


10/10 sick fits m8


fucking lel'd hard

>> No.6728770

I think you can't really pull off a cardigan, very few males can, just saying. also different shoes with jeans

>> No.6728771

did you think it i was huge as-well? it comes downs to me knees

>> No.6728773

post back plz grl im thirsty and u want the attention anywayz

>> No.6728776

would prolly wear
parka looks kinda huge from the side but i assume it's the pic and you don't have a huge misshapen body
prefer the tims to docs but that's b/c i don't rly like red shoes

>> No.6728786
File: 78 KB, 230x533, tmrw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that rose shirts is dope man.
New old AF1's or icy sole? v-nice regardless.
Shoes pls.

>> No.6728787

cool photo especially of the shoes but I bet it looks not so great irl

>> No.6728789


U mean the jacket? Christopher Raeburn SS13. Sold out I think but there's one in green, small, here: http://www.oki-ni.com/outerwear/christopher-raeburn-lightweight-hooded-zip-front-jacket-crb1604olv.html

>> No.6728793

holy shit your head is enormous
i think its even bigger than mine Lol

>> No.6728799

i thot we were friends pal ;_;

>> No.6728801

Nice fit & his shirt is from Black scale bro

>> No.6728802


dont shit talk my waifu like that again unless you want a knuckle sandwich

>> No.6728805

>tree fiddy
>no to an obviously rhetorical question
>y-you too
>i dont have to for criticism because i only posted this picture for attention
god you're fucking insufferable

>> No.6728806

might be improved if your skirt sat a bit lower, proportions look strange... i think it's the skirt's volume, something sleeker would work better

i also don't like the thigh high socks, or visible bright pink bra

>> No.6728812

jacket looks a lil short, but probs for posting a lunarcore fit i guess

>> No.6728819

having a vig head isnt inherantly a bad thing

>> No.6728816

sorry ;_;

thx m8

w-wow anon so alpha, i need to change my panties

Thanks for the feedback m8, i'll try to find a better skirt

>> No.6728820

i fux w/ this

>> No.6728822

agree, sits too high on the waist for your bodytype

>> No.6728825

big heads on small bodies are attractive on women

>> No.6728829

what shoes

>> No.6728830

w2c shirt?
also nice fits
espacially left one

>> No.6728832

it's just a shit-tier skirt like anything else in her wardrobe

i don't think it would look good on any body type

>> No.6728836

If you have the legs you may as well show them off

>> No.6728841

damn nigga how tall is you

good fit but i think the parka is a tad too long (sleeve length)

>> No.6728843
File: 418 KB, 930x620, Nike Field General Free Quickstrike 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nike Field General Free QS

>> No.6728845

true man, i got it for like, 7 bucks at h&m so its bound to be shit

oh thanks then matt-kun

>> No.6728849

wot trouserz

>> No.6728855



>> No.6728862

Not that guy but that's the price you pay for a parka that fits your body
It's like manufacturers don't know what a human body is

>> No.6728864

can you stop with the filters to bring out the saturation/contrast and stop with the angles

>> No.6728880


I use the angles to highlight details and textures. I'll stop with the filters tho I guess.

>> No.6728881

what nikes?

>> No.6728899

its more just that small bodies are attractive and a small body will make a normal sized head look big

>> No.6728901

janoski perforated black leather black. sold out m8.
only 5'10 but i have long limbs. i like how the sleeve is a bit too long tbh.
lastbut won, thanks.

>> No.6728912 [DELETED] 
File: 331 KB, 790x2248, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shit picture

>> No.6728919
File: 304 KB, 1024x2372, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for shit picture

>> No.6728927

>sorry for shit outfit

you cant win b B)

>> No.6728925
File: 940 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20130819_133935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not very happy with today's outfit
Suggestions on how to improve it?

>> No.6728934

Mor elike sorry for shit everything

No but there is potential here. Since you are a skeleton i would recommend tighter jeans. The shoes are good. docs? right?

The tee is horrid, go for something more plain.

>> No.6728935


different pants. not pre-faded denim.

>> No.6728938


>> No.6728943

Horrible jeans m8.

>> No.6728952

Thanks, couldn't put my finger on what was wrong

>> No.6728956

darker jeans less pleb shoes

>> No.6728957

tee is kinda horrible and illfitting
jeans are alright
can't really tell what's going on with the shoes, are they those canvas docs?

>> No.6728959

swap out the jeans for something black, sweats/chinos/jeans, whatever, the faded denim clashes w/ the vaguely tech jacket and shoes

>> No.6728961
File: 38 KB, 640x480, IMG019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6728962

insane mate
you're like 1cm taller than me and u seem 6'3
wtf shiet

>> No.6728958

Ditch the shirt, are those Doc Marten Alfies?

>> No.6728977


Is... is this real life?

>> No.6728984


>> No.6728992
File: 370 KB, 1200x1600, IMG_20130819_140423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure I can pull off all black

>> No.6728995

Леха, ты че на форчане забыл?

>> No.6728999

school shooter core

>> No.6729000


>> No.6729001

the way you are standing is gonna make it look worse :)
it's good form to not hold your feet apart like that.

>> No.6729004

much better bro.

No offence but your face looks kind of fat. It would help not looking like a loser in black if you shaved and lost weight.

But the outfit is alright now, way better.

>> No.6729006
File: 528 KB, 929x2847, plev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks sick,
post more.
this is just a mess around fit btw, dont take it too seriously, i know it looks dum

>> No.6729010

>Not sure I can pull off all black
Dude, everyone can go all black. Much better.

>> No.6729019

If the trousers fit better this would be great.

btw w2c shoes?

>> No.6729034

you need some new shoes brotato.

>> No.6729049

Hard to shave when you're on holiday and haven't got around to getting shaving cream. I'm usually clean though
Yeah, not sure why my face looks fat there but it's actually extremely long and quite angular

>> No.6729044

w2c jacket

>> No.6729046

so are you wearing like a blue and gold jacket with blue pants and blue shoes and a blue and white button down?

>> No.6729054

there's no way in hell that face is angular

>> No.6729051

Nikes no good anymore?Thought they were a safe brand

>> No.6729062

I have no idea what i'm doing

>no shoes because I'm studying at home

>> No.6729065

much better, but yeah shave
and put your sleeves back down
and unzip at least partway

>> No.6729072
File: 136 KB, 465x1200, 2013-08-19 17.08.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



captcha: sorynew hear

>> No.6729073

Just because /fa/ circlejerk roshes doesn't mean every shoe nike has ever made is safe.

>> No.6729074

sorry to break it to you but nikes never were good with jeans. I mean, niether are 99% of tennis shoes imo

>> No.6729078

oic, same shape as the alfies (which get posted a ton, but i'm not a fan of canvas boots)

>> No.6729082

I like it.

>> No.6729084


>> No.6729083

i disagree with this

>> No.6729087

w2c similar parka?

>> No.6729088

Wasn't really thinking about my stance but noted
done, done & done

>> No.6729093

I've seen so many people pull it off really well, thought i'd give it a shot

>> No.6729089

don't like the cardigan really. the colors are pretty good though, may even go with a lighter brown on the belt and 'shoes' when you actually wear

>> No.6729090

Flyknits, roshe and Af1 are awesome. eat shit.

>> No.6729095

had to change the size of the pic

u wot m8

>> No.6729099

nearly really good, but jeans too tight for baggy cardigan imo, if they were a lil bit looser this'd be great
and do another shirt button up pls

>> No.6729111

nah nikes are good w/ jeans (not always)

it was a compliment

>> No.6729101

come now, can you really say he wouldn't look better in different shoes?

>> No.6729104


Beware its a huge.

>> No.6729113

>i'm mad and a newfag. I love shitty sneakers with jeans

please by all means post pictures of people who pull it off well. Show me the money and i'll change my stance.

>> No.6729117

Was irl

>> No.6729119

What sneakers do you wear?

>inb4 raff simons/rick owens

>> No.6729120

sorry I think it makes you look like uncultured swine with cheap shitty sweatshop shoes on. You gonna go running in your jeans or something? lmao.

>> No.6729131

I don't wear sneakers unless i'm working out or doing athletics really, thats kind of the point. Not to say sneakers look bad with all pants but with jeans it kind of ruins the look imo

>> No.6729151
File: 124 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mq5bvmQ1ZQ1rvgoafo1_500[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah but i might walk a lot

i get where you're coming from and yeah i'm not a fan of flyknits and jeans but i think jeans can work w/ a lot of nikes

>> No.6729156
File: 2.02 MB, 1199x2783, P8191221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6729164

top is bulky

>> No.6729166

like it dan

>> No.6729168


How long have you been here and you still look awful.

>> No.6729170

just because you have to walk alot doesnt make the shoe look any better. I understand the practicality though. I just don't think jeans with nikes work. That picture related looks trashy. Would look 100x better with a dress boot or even loafer

>> No.6729176

u wrng mate imo
would b intrsd to see a fit from u no ofence

>> No.6729179


I'm feeling your terrorist beard Dan

>> No.6729183

dan confirmed for the only rugged and manly poster on /fa/

>> No.6729195
File: 713 KB, 1220x3110, 2013-08-19 17.29.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my mirror is at a weird angle (haven't put it on the wall yet) and it makes my legs look super skinny. I do wish these jeans were baggier, but I spent my money on my dark blue United Dry Goods and black Nudies...

How's this?

>> No.6729197

Im respectfully gonna disagree with you

>> No.6729201

>rugged and manly
more like fat and hairy

>> No.6729202

bretty gud

>> No.6729203

You went too skinny with the jeans.

>> No.6729208

you're entitled to your opinion man, i don't think we're gonna change each other's opinions, i'm the same way about certain things

have a nice day

>> No.6729205


That camel sweater is really close to your skin tone. Maybe charcoal, green, blue or purple would be better. This whole fit would work better with raw denim.

>> No.6729207

w2c jacket in canada

>> No.6729215


they're 511's

I love bleached jeans, though, so what brand should I get? I live in Ottawa, aka hard to find anything good.

>> No.6729212


Are you wearing a linen shirt? If so, it doesn't really make sense to wear a sweater over it imo

>> No.6729213

>big rounded shoulders
>full beard
>got so much testosterone he can't keep his hair

He's pretty manly, tbh.

>> No.6729217


cool opinion dan

>> No.6729228

>They're 511's

They're also 2 skinny m8, atleast while you wear that sweater

I have the same sweater tho so its nice to see it in a fit

>> No.6729230


I still like it. I've got a green v-neck and a dark blue crew, but they're not very late summer/early fall.

no it's oxford cloth.
This isn't something I'll keep on today, mind you. That's why I had my shirt almost completely undone and was wearing a cardigan, lol

I just started lurking here a week ago

>> No.6729236


>> No.6729237


>jeans not working with Nikes

learn2streetwear. post after lurking some more

>> No.6729240

I'm not posting a fit. I just made the point so you and others would consider it.

Me posting a fit doesn't have anything to do with nike shoes and jeans. I'm not talking shit, just saying I rarely ever see Nike's or Tennis shoes working with jeans and not looking retarded. It's a less common combination in fashion magazines / runway / pr settings etc for a reason

>> No.6729243
File: 81 KB, 862x718, 1376676806127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop spamming the same fit every thread

>> No.6729248


change your bra, the pink contrast looks bad, lose the long socks too

>> No.6729249

so how long have you been lurking? One year? two?

>> No.6729250

nah mate i'm not trying to be confrontational or make you prove yr taste. i just find ur opinion p unusual so i'd be rly interested to see yr tastes, that's all :)

>> No.6729259

Fuck off then dadcore cunt.

you cant just come in shitting on everything, offering no alternatives and then pretending you're totally right without even showing your own style. eats shit.

>> No.6729262

Holy shit, i though he looked like matt

>> No.6729263

much better (really nice sweater), point still stands about the jeans but ya know
(guy you're replying to fwiw)

acne if you can get it nearby, or i got some nice light acne jeans from ebay for like £30

>> No.6729266

to be fair he did offer some alternatives, there's no need to be a knob m8

>> No.6729273

No he didnt, he said all sneakers are bad with jeans.

>> No.6729268

he does

>> No.6729269

>while you wear that sweater

how about a t-shirt?

I'd rather not have spent money on jeans that don't fit right :\

>> No.6729270

how would a parka like these look on short people?
>tfw 5'6

>> No.6729281
File: 1.48 MB, 2314x2951, arguingonfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

approaching 1:10 images to posts ratio

get it together /fa/

>> No.6729276

probs not that good off the shelf atleast

>> No.6729277 [DELETED] 

Dibt bother m8.

>> No.6729278

What I see garner the most praise from people and looks the best is what I think is right, you buttranged autist. Just because /fa/ was all dickriding flyshits and roshes doesn't mean it looks good.

>> No.6729282


its all about proportions, look at uuuuhhhh hes like 5'5 and yet in his fitpics he looks tall and slender, just get one that fits well

>> No.6729283

Don't bother m8.

>> No.6729286

its possible
its just that ur sweater makes the jeans look goofy cuz of contrast (not colour, i mean texture, size)

i have 2 leave now tho

>> No.6729287

but it is good.

>> No.6729298


kewl opinion daniel

>> No.6729297
File: 1.75 MB, 2448x3264, 2013-08-19 17.40.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoops I forgot to put the pic

Anyway thanks for the help!

>> No.6729307

That look rly bad. Sleeves too high shitty print. jeans are a bit too tight.

>> No.6729308

its the bane of modern society. How many people do you see each day wearing shitty jeans and flyknits and roshes?

>> No.6729311
File: 1.25 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How'd I do?

>> No.6729312

>its the bane of modern society.
Oh i see now.

Stick to your fedora .

>> No.6729315

>implying you have to wear a fedora to see how shitty the nike with jeans combo looks
You can still dress normal without sneakers and jeans anon.

>> No.6729326

trill af #realniggashit

yeah and suggested dress boots or loafers, which is at least an alternative

rolled sleeves look dodgy, i'd go for a slightly looser tee or at least a longer one

>> No.6729327


>> No.6729334
File: 747 KB, 1446x2950, 2013-08-19 17.52.23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


noted about sleeves

I like the vintage NASA print and fuck it it was $4

did I at least get the right nudies?

>> No.6729340
File: 61 KB, 720x960, post a fit fuccboi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learned to pinroll today, not sure if it worked out well

>> No.6729344

it didn't

>> No.6729348


>> No.6729354
File: 252 KB, 259x578, Picture 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6729361

the shirt looks kind of short and the sleeves are way big and would be better with either a jacket or long sleeves. the jeans seem to fit pretty fine.

>> No.6729355

yeah that looks better, and if you like it then keep it man, take /fa/ with a pinch of salt
i think the sweater fit was the best though

>> No.6729360


Much better. Put some boots and an MA-1 on and you're halfway to #casuallunarcore

>> No.6729365

all your fits look the same to me, they all mesh
idk how to critique you

>> No.6729367


dope fit

>> No.6729369
File: 115 KB, 500x641, 167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at first I wasn't sure, but now I think I'm definitely down with it.

>> No.6729370

show from the front. One of the best you've posted. The grey with the black looks a little washed out but thats a tiny thing. Adore those shoes.

>> No.6729378


hmm idk, i guess you can critique my personal taste if you want. i mean you dont really have to critique me if you dont want to, im just sharing my outfit.

ive kind of figured out what i like to wear over time, and what i think looks good so i kind of stick to that

>> No.6729379

dont listen to the other kunt, sleeves rolled lookedd far better.

>> No.6729386


That outfit looks daft as fuck. Are u gay?

>> No.6729383

is that the yohji biker jacket?
looks good tho as usual

>> No.6729384


I got upset last week that I didn't like a lot of my fits so I started to rebuild my wardrobe.

I need new tshirts but I don't know how to fit them to my body (6'2" 165lbs) or where to look

>> No.6729385

mmmmm sexy

>> No.6729388

I feel like 86% of your posts its you trying to show off a certain item, like when you wore those cargo pants it was the only thing in shot, when you wear a rick tee you aim the camera up higher so the label is visible, when you wear geos that's where the camera is aimed

>> No.6729391


p good 'cept for the painted on jeans. the style works just get a pair that fits

>> No.6729396

i always trot this out but the uniqlo premium cotton innerwear tees are long, slim and cheap, although the white ones MAY be too thin for you if you're worried about showing your nipples or whatever (i just roll with it) - check measurements chart for, uh, measurements

>> No.6729394

>99% of all statistics are made up

>> No.6729398


thx brade runna

>> No.6729409


any suggestions for a good brand?

I've got some OK jackets (vintage military, pointer duck canvas chore coat, cheap Zara pleather jacket and bomber, AmAp denim)
I want to save up and get one really nice one, though.

huh well maybe I'll stick with it then; I like them rolled more, too.

>> No.6729418
File: 1.25 MB, 1280x1893, tumblr_mlxjd2cD3D1rsjtoco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's pretty much an extension of the functional militaria style, which you seem to appreciate. Also going to space is pretty manly.

>> No.6729421



They don't ship to Canada, unfortunately. I'm willing to drop some cash on a shirt if it's perfect.

>> No.6729436
File: 273 KB, 269x577, Picture 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure, here you go. and thanks!

>> No.6729445

cos don't either i presume?
these fit me for a cheap price so i stick with them, can't really suggest anything else, sorry mayn

>> No.6729444


well if i do, its not intentional, im sorry you feel that way

what is your interpretation of what im showing off in this outfit?

>> No.6729453
File: 204 KB, 600x800, photo(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6729454


>> No.6729458
File: 486 KB, 396x680, screen-capture-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time poster. Bad angle but I haven't hung my mirror yet.

>> No.6729459



I'll hunt around

>> No.6729466

quite nice, don't really like the shorts though (my gf has the same ones i think), i think something a bit less flimsy would look better w/ the sweater
feelin the sandals tho

>> No.6729472

are those yeezys real? why are you wearing them with that horrible jumper?

>> No.6729473

show the face

>> No.6729474

is the jacket black or dark grey? It may just be the lighting in the first one that's making it look so light in comparation with the shoes, i'm going to assume its black though. I never save any waywts.. I think i've saved maybe one, but this one goes with it.

>> No.6729484
File: 1.01 MB, 831x548, tfw no mirror.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6729495

terrible picture taking my dude but i think i like it, depending entirely on how the shorts/cropped trousers look from a real view

>> No.6729489

They are. Because it's cold out and I have to buy new winter clothes.

>> No.6729493
File: 370 KB, 1050x1600, $T2eC16h,!zQE9s3suFk3BRm,MnZq1g~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


the jackets black, here is a picture of it.

the reason the shoes look so much darker is that the light coming through the window hits my upper body more than my legs and feet, also the leather on the shoes is matte so they reflect very little light.


yeah it is, i wear it very often its one of my versatile things i own



>> No.6729503

That looks.... really cheap.

>> No.6729504


why are you wearing that sweatshirt with yeezy's
why are you wearing that sweatshirt at all

>> No.6729508

>i'm a pleb

>> No.6729511


baggy w/ a forced taper past the knee due to drawstring

>> No.6729515

I get it. Ha, I'll burn the sweatshirt. I just need to buy new cold weather shit. Thinking about a few mastermind pieces but I don't know.

>> No.6729516
File: 538 KB, 1600x1254, $T2eC16J,!zcE9s4g0u3tBRm,MW4jyw~~60_57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it takes awhile to be able to judge the quality of garments on sight, but if you give it time and look at lots of different clothes youll improve, especially if you have a strong interest in it

>> No.6729519


>> No.6729527

But it does look cheap. Not even that guy. I agree.

>> No.6729532

You're right about these particular shorts being a bit flimsy, altho they've lasted me 2 years so far. I have some flat front black shorts that I can wear with this next time, so will take the advice. :) Ty.

>> No.6729533

that's what i was hoping, sounds cool

>> No.6729542

that one looks better, but if I was only given the first pic I would say the same thing.

Really I think it's better if people speak their mind. We shouldn't be afraid of calling out a designer expensive designer piece.

>> No.6729546

yeah i didn't particularly mean low quality, but kind of structureless and lightweight compared to the relatively chunky/heavy sweater

>> No.6729558


I think it's because it's a cotton material when a piece like that would normally be made of leather or suede. biker jackets are normally thick, tough items, but this one just isn't... but that doesn't mean it's not good quality.

also you really have to feel something, not just look at photos, to get a real sense of quality.

>> No.6729571


>Really I think it's better if people speak their mind.

i totally agree with you

>We shouldn't be afraid of calling out a designer expensive designer piece.

definitely not, but if you dont know how to differentiate between cheaper and high quality garments, it doesnt get you very far. for example, its very clear by the stitching, construction, detailing, and riri zippers on the front that its a very high quality garment. all im saying it that it takes practice to be able to look at how a garment is made and the details of it to be able to accurately tell whether something is low or high quality.

>> No.6729581

what are the pants?

>> No.6729583
File: 48 KB, 400x600, 1376755801143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey buddy, heres where you went wrong with trying to bait me

>but with jeans it kind of ruins the look imo

gr8 b8 i rate it an 88/8

>> No.6729586

idk, i guess whenever i critique here im just trying to help people but yeah you look like you know what you're doing

>> No.6729590

I should clarify. Looks cheap is not the same thing as *is* cheap.

The jacket could be very well made.

But it still looks cheap.

>> No.6729597
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>> No.6729603

you think because you're a grill that changes anything?

>> No.6729600
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x1920, IMG_20130818_202036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try at dressing better. Im from /o/ so usually kick about with coveralls on lol

I knkw its not really effay, but sure looks better than last time I went to a bar

>> No.6729602




it's just more expensive brah

>> No.6729613


Not bad, take off the watch tho. Creates a weird line between your hairy arm and your hairless hand. Almost like you're wearing a long sleeve hair shirt.

>> No.6729612

cheap monday bayani right? yeah, i'm 179cm, got a medium and it's really long and puffy and warm as dicks.
what's the point of the laces at the bottom? they look good but they annoy me when i'm walking

>> No.6729619
File: 319 KB, 1000x1000, why did you do it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complains about people being new
>doesnt recognize lelders sister, posted here thousands of times
again gr8 b8

>> No.6729620

that article is gash

>> No.6729634

how did people even find her? or was it just a publicity stunt?

>> No.6729627

dude thats my sister

>> No.6729631



>it's just more expensive brah

riri zippers actually are very high quality.

>> No.6729632

damn id have a 3some with you and her

>> No.6729638

I asked how long you posted for. I'm starting to think you're trying to b8 me.
>implying I know you're lelders sis or not

>> No.6729639

>complex is gash


>> No.6729645


lost hard

>> No.6729650

so are YYK. So are lots of zippers that aren't even branded. How about looking at things on a shot for shot basis instead of being a brandwhore?

And complex is stupid, but that article makes awesome points.

>> No.6729666
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thanks so would i

>> No.6729658



lol but I agree w u tho

>> No.6729659
File: 14 KB, 252x252, 1376875827650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're lelders sis

>48 KB, 400x600, 1376755801143.jpg

so are you new to the whole site too or

>> No.6729661

>I wish I had comme des garcons homie plus I may go ask for it for my next xmas present from dad after he fucks my butt

>> No.6729675


>complex is stupid


>but that article makes awesome points.

no it makes obvious points that arent even worth writing an article on. of course if you put riri zippers on a shit garment, the garment will still suck

although the reason many high end garments use riri zippers is because theyre high quality. i didnt say ykk are bad or lampo are bad youll note, just that riri makes high quality zippers.

>> No.6729676

yea because i'm autistic enough to read the filename and consider while my post was a question in the first place. You still didn't answer my question, I guess it is possible for you to be an oldfag with shit taste too though.

>> No.6729679

come to toronto matt-kun and we can work that out

>> No.6729683

that is the cutest picture ever.

u stil gettn them gets

>> No.6729694

ure a girl ye

lol :3

>> No.6729697
File: 195 KB, 977x658, 1375479852298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been here since mid 2012

what are you talking about shit taste, you said sneakers look bad with fucking jeans

still think youre kidding

>> No.6729700


lol do you realize you said "of course if you put riri zippers on a shit garment, the garment will still suck" but used your riri as evidence of your jacket being high quality?? maybe it's just a nice zip on a shit garment

>> No.6729701

dan you kinda look like of the dudes from loma prieta now

>> No.6729709

are those saturs?

>> No.6729711

Ann D

>> No.6729713

im the bigheaded grill bby

>> No.6729716

>mid 2012
okay well then you're semi-newfag, not that it has much bearing. The epiphany will come eventually though. I'm just going to assume that picture is your life story so far.

>> No.6729720

fuck they look good. great fit

>> No.6729725


>tripfags contradicting themselves and generally talking nonsense


>> No.6729731


the riri zips are a contributing factor that can allow you to figure out whether a garment is high quality or not. its not necessarily the only thing, but generally if a company is willing to spend the money for high end zippers, theyre also willing to spend money constructing the rest of the garment well. In the case of yohji's clothing, this is true, the rest of the garments are very high quality in terms of construction and fabric as well.

all i was doing is giving a little bit of advice in terms of finding clues of how to differentiate low from high quality garments. among other things are stitches per inch, the fabric covering the zippers giving a clean finish, the type of hardware used, the contrast silk facing on the interior, the detailing on the hem, etc.

>> No.6729738


you might re-read the posts, youll note that i didnt contradict myself if you do.

>> No.6729740


>> No.6729746
File: 1.55 MB, 320x180, 1376276732961.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm just going to assume that picture is your life story so far
nice superiority complex there bud

that pic is old as fuck and gets reposted all the time

are you new and projecting or baiting me m8

>> No.6729759
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>> No.6729761

ok im deffo down ill start working on introducing the idea to my sis

how do i do that

>> No.6729762

I might be b8ing you a little now, but I wasn't originally. It's not really a superiority complex. I just have the highest hopes for you that you wont look like an autistic schoolchild after learning about fashion a little while longer.

>> No.6729767

hahahaaah how does it feel im gonna balls deep ur waifu!!!1

>> No.6729769

reported for blatant trolling

>> No.6729773
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>> No.6729775

you really are new here.

>> No.6729792

horrible shirt

>> No.6729801

you look better matty

also a tiny bit thinner

w2c bucket hats under $50-70?

>> No.6729796

DBs with pants cuffed above them is boots/shorts tier.

>> No.6729806

Astronauts are pretty damn close to superhumans.

>> No.6729813

Pretty solid man. Almost 7/10. Feel like your BF isn't low enough to pull off U necks.

>> No.6729816

Very nicely done. This is happening.

>> No.6729827

i love it when little kids are put in sweaters

>> No.6729857

bin bags*

>> No.6729866

how old?

>> No.6729879

is who

>> No.6729883


thx po selector

>> No.6729896

sick fit mayne

>> No.6729906

you in that pic

>> No.6729994
File: 817 KB, 354x200, phone happy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /fa/ liked my fit today

>> No.6730046


Feels good not to get ripped to shreds by fuccboi dilletantes

>> No.6730161

Wat shoes

>> No.6730191

Not gunna lie i like it

>> No.6730195

>tfw /fa/ always hates your fit

>> No.6730197


>> No.6730249


Yeah... just shows off chest hair tho.

>> No.6730290
File: 26 KB, 510x510, evarathang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6730447

I need you to stay late, we have to catch the red dot.

>> No.6730482

just casually discussed it at the breakfast table

>> No.6730514
File: 106 KB, 612x612, fineshrine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting in a dying thread

>> No.6730527

nice leggings

>> No.6730535



>> No.6730564

Nice pieces. But the pants don't work.

>> No.6730581


sneakers look like shit. it's like your raw jawnz bled all over your shoes.

>> No.6730618

good fit, the only thing i don't like are the sneakers but it's w/e

>> No.6730619

quality posting

what would work better

pls be troll

>> No.6730671
File: 1.76 MB, 408x225, 1376580956431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of those are cohesive

scoop neck on the sweater is too wide for shirt (not in a good way)

pants are not a good fit, exaggerates the curviness in your legs/knees too much and it makes your legs look stubby

the ann d's gradient doesnt work well with the color of pants being dark too, maybe if you had something to break up the color blocking so that it doesnt look like your pants rubbed off on your shoes

i do like most of it individually though but you need to coordinate better
nice cityapproval shirt

>> No.6731208
File: 247 KB, 806x1415, IMG_20130819_180821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basic today.

>> No.6731227

why'd you even bother posting

>> No.6731245

but it is what i am wearing today.

>> No.6731404

there's no point in just posting a fit for the sake of posting a fit
we could criticize the fit of your shit or how you need to trim your nails or w/e but that's pretty much it because you're not really showing anything interesting to anyone
this is as bad if not worse than people just posting their pajamas

>> No.6731420

can you pleeeeeeeease stop standing like that jesus christ

>> No.6731774

jesus christ you're sperging out hard man. Look, I understand what you are saying, but honestly, this is /fa/ for fuck sake. Most of these guys can't do interesting fits, let alone look good in them. I would rather see a solid, basic fit than a shitty 'interesting' fit. If you can't understand this, then clearly you are in the wrong board.