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File: 33 KB, 400x534, thm_phpccCo5I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6727235 No.6727235 [Reply] [Original]

How do I convince my gf to try and audition for a modeling career. In Newcastle there's alot of modeling conventions but she thinks she doesnt have what it takes.

Pic related, thats her on a bad day. Do you honestly think she could or should I stop convincing her.

>> No.6727238


>> No.6727243

I hear a modeling career isn't that great. And post a pic without that puckering.

>> No.6727245
File: 63 KB, 1024x768, 1374942686046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How tall is she?

>> No.6727251

does she want to do modelling? I talked to an old friend the other day who had gotten into it, and it's definetely not all good.
But yeah your girlfriend looks good. :)

>> No.6727255

she's gonna leave you if she start modeling.

>> No.6727262
File: 26 KB, 400x534, swetl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dont want to post too much of her so this will be the last

>> No.6727263

holy shit she's model worthy

they might tell her to lose weight just to make her cheekbones that much more apparent
are those her real eyebrow colour/shape?
her lips are the most prominent feature.

>> No.6727266

thanks m8

>> No.6727270

she's defo tall enough but idk i think she looks too plain
worth a shot tho go 4 it


>> No.6727271

Yeah thats what iv been telling her m8. I tell her she can get a gig easily but her confidence is so low. Those eyebrows are 100% real.

>> No.6727289


>> No.6727287

fuuuuuuark she is such a qt. Post of a pic of urself op I need to see what Im up against if I wanna have a qt fg leik that

>> No.6727297

don't even bother, just keep her, she's a gem
I'd commit homicide for a girl with some unique beauty like hers lucky cunt.

>tfw no modeltier insecure loyal gf

>> No.6727303

How do I convince her though. She likes the idea of it but she thinks she isnt model material. How do I show her that half the recruited models arnt model material?

>> No.6727321
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>> No.6727325

>half the recruited models aren't model material
no this is incorrect. If you want to convince her pay the 300$-500$ it takes to make her book then help her to attend a talent scouting event or just apply to the agency if you're insane. She's like 5'9 so she could never be with elite or many other runway agencies, she may be able to do print and other forms. Her face is boring though, her brows are a bad color and have no arch and her face shape is okay at best.

>> No.6727334

Yea, she's okay I guess. If she were to model she'd definitely be one of those "unique" models. I'd personally give her a solid 6/10.

>> No.6727338

bro your girl is going to have to suck dick to get in and she will eventually leave you to be with prettier boys

>> No.6727339

its the lenses that are making some of them look alienish

your girl is cute but might be too short

>> No.6727340

her eyebrows are to pigmented and blocky to be real m8. you cant even see a hair. ask her again.

>> No.6727341

solution: don't
read most of the thread you'll know why

>> No.6727345

Oh wow, what height would require you to consider yourself as an elite? over 6'?

I dunno I really think she could

>> No.6727348

"6/10" lel, anon. your standards must be out of this world.

>> No.6727357

OP's gf isn't that good looking m8, stop with the b8. She has model potential because she's unique-looking.

>> No.6727359
File: 109 KB, 1197x1099, 1375276474195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a punchable face

>> No.6727367

Maybe its because im a little biased, But I would honestly give her a 8 if I saw her for the first time.


>> No.6727371

she looks cute there but not very much in the to pic

>> No.6727374

It starts at 5'10 and up for women. 6' for males. I mean she's a pretty girl don't get me wrong, but the industry is so competetive, most models can only do it for a short amount of time and it's tough on a persons psyche to constantly be told " you don't have the look we want for this campaign" or " you don't have the look" the latter which would be my guess

>> No.6727384

what the dicks? unique-looking isn't beautiful? she's beautiful because she's unique. models are beautiful. if agencies wanted average-ass hoes, then they'd get average-ass hoes. the fuk.

>> No.6727392

no unique-looking isn't beautiful you fuck. otherwise everyone with kleinfelters and downs syndrome would be walking the runway

not even samefag

>> No.6727393

its not even the fact that I want her to become a permanent successful model. I just want her to at-least know she can if she wanted to, even if she doesn't.

M8 she's one of those girls that if you tell her she's pretty she'd say stop lying. I just want her to get the confidence/ego boost she needs.

>> No.6727397

If she wasn't so fat I'd say she could do it.
Try putting adderall in her coffee/breakfast.

>> No.6727399
File: 33 KB, 600x449, 190249688276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unique-looking isn't equal to beautiful you damn moron.

>> No.6727400

>M8 she's one of those girls that if you tell her she's pretty she'd say stop lying.
that isn't uncommon for girls to do

>I just want her to get the confidence/ego boost she needs
she probably won't get it when she's surrounded by 100's of other girls just as cute/cuter than her while the guy doing the interview says "nope you're not what we're looking for srry"

>> No.6727403

I'm just saying that modeling probably isn't the way to do that. It's an industry, everyone involved is there to make money, not cradle her delicate ego. In my opinion if she doesn't see she's beautiful no amount of positive attention is going to bridge that security. Like you said, if you tell her she's beautiful she's the type to say you're lying. Just be there for her and be supportive to her whatever her goals actually are.

>> No.6727408

what the fuck is with this flawed-ass logic. unique-looking is beautiful because you know why, you know what. it's 'cause people that FUCK YOU.

>> No.6727412

>M8 she's one of those girls that if you tell her she's pretty she'd say stop lying

thats the vast majority if teenage girls
its really annoying

>> No.6727415

you little butterfly snowflake you.

>> No.6727420

sorry if I came across as angry I've been listening to Death Grips all morning

>> No.6727433

Your post doesn't make any sense.

>Death Grips
Boy, do I know realize what kind of fucking idiot you are.

>> No.6727431

hustle bones coming out my what?

>> No.6727439

this is true

and yes she could def model

>> No.6727455

>Buy yourself a nice camera
>Buy herself some nice clothes
>Make her model for you
>Share picture so that we can fap

Minus the sharing, I do it with my gf.

>> No.6727464

>your girlfriend doesn't give your starstruck eyes when you call her pretty

>not insulting your qt3.14 girlfriend telling her she's too short to model, too fat to be in relationship with you, not pretty enough for you, and telling her you wanne fuck other girls and her best friend.
>not cheating on her with uglier girls

real beta in here

mebbie then ur girlfriends will appreciate ur complments eh?

>> No.6727482

post a pic of ur qt gf?

>> No.6727484

>know realize
le xD

>> No.6727506

>not blasting death grips
>I know realize what kind of fucking idiot you are
>I know realize
>calling someone else a fucking idiot
derp you sure told him Cleetus XD

>> No.6727516

Are you me? I'm constantly berating my q.t. 3,14 chinese gf. She's actually a solid 9/10 114lbs 5'7'' 17%BF. And now that she lifts her ass is worthy of Busta Rhymes and Sean Paul's song.

>Stop talking you're boring
>You need to lift more your ass is sagging
>Go to your friend's party? No let's go home, I'll fuck you.
>You're so short.
>Can you please stop talking, your voice is annoying.
She practically only has chinese friends and they hate my gut.

>> No.6727535

>being baited this easy
You are truly disappointing, I expected actual human beans not fucking fuccbois.

>> No.6727533
File: 436 KB, 612x612, njoy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>You need to lift more your ass is sagging
>mfw no face etc

>> No.6727536

she's on the same level of attractiveness as cara (low relative to other successful models), so she's not gonna get in without major connections

sorry, OP

>> No.6727547

Cara is way more attractive than OP's gf.

>> No.6727543

Bullying feels so good man.

>I really love her

>> No.6727549

tfw no cute chinese gf o abuse

feels bad man

>> No.6727550

>men think they are capable of love

>> No.6727562

that's cute.. not

>> No.6727565

but only men are actually capable of love

>> No.6727572

Are you fucking retarded? 5'9" IS PERFECT for female modeling. Bare minimum for female runway is 5'8".

Also OP, the female model life isnt that amazing. Some designers (like Marc Jacobs) abuse and even stalk models. A shy girl is more likely to be abused. Its certainly 100x better than the male model life but still.

>> No.6727576

i was specking with a girl who i s amodel the other day and she said she would get loads more work if she was 5'10 instead of 5'9

it makes a big difference

>> No.6727582


>> No.6727590
File: 141 KB, 480x800, Screenshot_2013-08-19-13-16-04616968033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6727598


>> No.6727607

>It starts at 5'10 and up for women.

Try 5'9".

>> No.6727614

Whats up with white guys doing this to Asian girls? An old friend of mine does this to his Asian gf (she was adoptef by Americans though). He treats her like crap and talks TONS of shit about her behind her back, he says he absolutely hates her (maybe he loves her, and thats the way he shows it, idk)

>> No.6727629

they're cute and sweet and loyal so its possible and more satisfying

cant really do that to western womyn

>> No.6727626

>I didn't read and I dont know what im talking about so I just visited the first website that came up in google

yea... i've been to that site too...

>> No.6727627

What– why the fuck would you want your gf to be a model? Are you fucking crazy? Let her do something proper or even better what she really wants.

>> No.6727635

the guidelines are on their site

>> No.6727632

>Gigantic nostrils.

You must life in another dimension, son. I never understood the hype around her, just another rich kid forced onto the industry.

>> No.6727645
File: 70 KB, 380x247, 1260674111564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


r u focking srs m80?

am i being rused?


>> No.6727647

I worked giving models their clothes in the fashion district. Tons of 5'8"s and 5'9s some 5'10s and the occasional (really fucking hot) 6'+

>> No.6727652

she's fit, OP, very fit, but I dunno

>> No.6727660

That means you didn't work for elite or one of those other agencies, that I was talking about then. Did you?

>> No.6727658

Every agency has their own guidelines. So quit being an idiot, its showing the range that many agencies would accept.

>> No.6727673


>> No.6727678

OP go to an ACTUAL forum where models talk about modeling. Its much easier that way, /fa/ doesnt know shit about modeling. And many seriously believe its all parties 24/7 for most models. The models who are on this board are male, they also dont know shit.

>> No.6727676

I wasn't talking about many agencies was I?

>> No.6727687


>> No.6727740

but oh my gosh, doesn't she just know it?

>> No.6727766


>> No.6727768

Not him, but I know exactly what you mean about western Women. Here in Spain if I did that, I get YELLED at and his multiple times by a girl. Talk a stranger wrongly and you'll like get a big attitude from her here.

Must be something in the sheep

>> No.6727772

i would only marry a girl who was loyal and submissive. i dont mind being the 'man' and earning the money and whatnot if she does the housework n shit and is subordinate

are asian women actually like that

>> No.6727780


>> No.6727842

>i would only marry a girl who was loyal and submissive.
>i would only marry a girl who took my bullshit

>> No.6727837

if by love, you mean "inducing stockholm syndrome" and being a douchebag, then yes

>> No.6727847
File: 53 KB, 571x494, vFdyv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck OP your gf literally looks like my dream girl
b-be nice to her

>> No.6727873

No, no, no! I'm >>6727516 and my chinese gf wasn't like that in the beginning of our relationship. She was a very strong-minded and assertive new generation westernized woman. I had to break her little by little. She now can't operate without me. On the upside, her physical beauty is hngggggg.

>Good lord, just turn around and bend over.

>> No.6727876

Could you blame him?
What normal, interesting girl would put up with someone like him? If he did go after and Asian girl, he'd probably end up with some homely country girl, because the actually beautiful ones wouldn't look twice at him.

>> No.6727900

Are you implying that there is other kind of ''love''?

>Come on we man are the only sex that can glorify every nook and cranny of the women's body.
>There are timeless poems written by males describing said glorifications

>> No.6727912

Woah, bro. Take that back. That shit is racist and is unwelcomed in the year of 2013.

>> No.6727942 [DELETED] 

There's nothing wrong with ending up with a homely girl because he wouldn't even notice.
I used to live in South Korea and foreigners mostly got 5/10 girls by Korean standards and thought they were dating 8s or 9s.
is great as fuck.
The chick will also think he's an 8.
Everyone comes out happy. Only winners.
Can't get much better for everyone involved.

>> No.6727949

There's nothing wrong with ending up with a homely girl because he wouldn't even notice.
I used to live in South Korea and foreigners mostly got 5/10 girls by Korean standards and thought they were dating 8s or 9s.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-race_effect is great as fuck.
The chick will also think he's an 8.
Everyone comes out happy. Only winners.
Can't get much better for everyone involved.

>> No.6727995

how was it racist

unless you're trying 2 b funny ;)

>> No.6727997

pick 1

I agree otherwise though. The only woman who will put up with him is his mom.

>> No.6728005

>poetry = love
>this is what men actually believe

>> No.6728008


>> No.6728019

Oh please, you're the one getting wet to poetry.

>> No.6728028
File: 32 KB, 594x607, sdfasdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That reminds me of one of my friends.

>> No.6728044

I've never given 2 fucks about poetry

getting wet doesn't indicate being loved either

>> No.6728051

Hey can someone point me out to the nearest waywt thread

>> No.6728062

Don't you get wet when you make love

>Westernized women
>Not even once

>> No.6728102



>> No.6728112

>Don't you get wet when you make love
Didn't they teach you how to read in high school

>getting wet doesn't indicate being loved either
this sentence means that getting wet does not mean you are loved

you CAN get wet while being loved, but it doesn't indicate that you are loved

>> No.6728117
File: 39 KB, 480x640, asdfasdfsfa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really think that just because she's a girl she'll have nude images of her somewhere?


>> No.6728133


so naive

>> No.6728312

fuck of SJW this is still 4chan

>> No.6728337

Why would you want an insane, anorexic model gf?

>> No.6728353

lol virgin

>> No.6728537
File: 277 KB, 400x534, o.o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's beautiful

>> No.6728587
File: 2.90 MB, 350x260, kypaf.jpg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
