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/fa/ - Fashion

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6725399 No.6725399 [Reply] [Original]

Most of the fashion pictures I have saved are monochrome or goof fits. Problem is that I am graduating college and going to work in a corporate office. I know that I can buy these type of clothes but honestly I think I would be happier with a small versatile wardrobe including more earth tones.

I enjoy looking at my inspiration folder and in someways I do want to dress like that. However, I feel I would be happier dressing to fit my lifestyle instead. Maybe I should just focus on high quality designer pieces that fit into my biz casual wardrobe?

Has anyone else encounter similar issues? Did you like a particular style but realize it doesn't work for you in some way? wat do?

>> No.6725431

You can wear "goof" to an office environment, as long as you have a broad definition. Rick, Ann D, Damir Doma - pretty much any designer that is lumped into that aesthetic makes fairly conservative formal wear (as in suits, blazers, trousers, dress shoes, etc.)

>> No.6725444
File: 84 KB, 640x428, ccp2ha9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ccp and rick has great suits. a friend of mine wears these with a grey suit

>> No.6725458
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I will continue to look into this, I haven't looked at much of these type of clothing because I was in college and didn't have to dress up at all. The only problem I see is that some rick things tend to have a very particular look, and it could end up looking bad If I don't have anything to match with them.

I want to have a versatile wardrobe and be able to build it over time. It seems hard to mix some of these pieces in with more normal clothes. Am I over thinking this?

>> No.6725468

>It seems hard to mix some of these pieces in with more normal clothes. Am I over thinking this?
you spend too much time looking at pictures on the internet

>> No.6725508
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lol, I laughed at myself because I know it's true. What I mean is sometimes the texture or cut of the clothing is a little more rugged or distressed? I have a limited fashion vocabulary but looking at these shoes >>6725444 they seems distressed so I feel you would need something likewise to match it.

>> No.6725527
File: 763 KB, 1280x1855, tumblr_mort63vrZl1qhlw4do2_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beat them up yourself if you don't like abrupt changes in texture

>> No.6725584

Make sure the style works for you before you start investing in it. I personally love the androgynous rockstar look, mostly whites, blacks, and grays, lots of silver and metal accessories, I would kill to be able to pull off that look. But a softer bohemian style with earth-tones and leather/wood accessories is what works best for my physique, so I was left with a bunch of beautiful pieces suited for the more rockstar style that I can never incorporate into any outfits, it was a total waste of money. Build on a style that works well for you, it'll be a good investment and you won't feel like total crap wearing a style that you love but just doesn't look quite right on you.

>> No.6725601

I am having trouble discovering what style looks good on me. Is it just trial an error. Like trying things on and being careful with purchases? I really like certain styles but don't want to waste money so I am thinking of just sticking to more classics.

>> No.6725701

Classics are a good starting point, but the main things to consider are:

1) The color palette that goes with your skin tone and hair color.

2) Body shape you want to enhance (I'm a girl, and although I'm slim I'm definitely more hourglass than straight lines, so working with a style meant for skinnier, more angular people is never gonna give me good results.)

3. Textures you like (I prefer soft, flowy frabrics, drapes and folds, and earthy textures like wood and leather.)

4. The kind of aesthetic you're trying to convey (I'm dressing for work, which means there's a difference between dressing like a stoned hippie that just rolled out of bed, and going for a more elegant and put-together style with a bohemian twist).

So, putting together your preferences, the colors that go well with skin/hair color, and the style that works for your body shape, you'll start to see a trend of the sort of pieces that fit all the criteria. And there you have your style ;P

But it definitely takes some trial and error, trying on lots of different things to see how different styles and colors work on your body, and being very careful with purchases (resist impulse buying just because you think something "fits" the aesthetic you're going for if it really doesn't work for you personally).

I wouldn't draw too much inspiration from fashion photos because those usually portray an aesthetic that only looks good on the page and wouldn't really be attractive/practical in the real world.

And don't underestimate classic, more understated pieces, those are usually the ones that take just a couple of really good accessories to make them stunning outfits. Just take it slow and add to what you already have, and your style will evolve from there.

>> No.6725707

*tips fedora*

>> No.6725857


I really like this style, where can I find out more

>> No.6725863

Post fit pls bb

>> No.6727006
File: 271 KB, 640x564, 6171005567_bdf8e9152d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, part of my issue is that I have no idea what colors look good with my skin/hair color (pale whitey, light brown hair, blue eyes) and I can't judge that well for myself. Maybe that's part of the trial and error or I should look at some color charts?

I found that on stylezeitgeist

>> No.6727273

look at color palettes and maybe even ask /cgl/. despite all their retardation they do focus on color palettes alot. Also maybe ask a stylist or someone working on comission. I think you're pretty crazy to want to dress in earthy tones at corporate though. Corporate is all about that sleek modest aesthetic, an aspect which is sometimes captured in gn clothing. Just look at Christian's fits and then look at classic menswear models and combine the best of both worlds.

>> No.6727480

Thanks for the advice, gives me a better understanding of how to look at it. I guess I didn't exactly mean dress in earth tones, more like add some color into an otherwise monochrome outfit (brown and blue/navy specifically).

>> No.6727483

>despite all their retardation they do focus on color palettes alot.
uhm they are dressing up as anime characters what do you mean "they focus on the palette a lot" they just wear the the anime characters wear

plust they are a circlejerk going on that is on a whole different level than /fa/

>> No.6727488

The only way to be happy is never to compromise. Wear what you believe looks best, don't try to "fit in".

>> No.6727495

Those white shoes are horrendous looking.

>> No.6727504
File: 268 KB, 500x370, 1372320569801.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those white shoes

>> No.6727597

brown shoes and belt can be good imo, but like a brown suit would be far too much. Get a darker brown and it can go fairly well with khaki / the blues you want to wear / greys in certain materials

you may want to look into simple patterned button down shirts and sweater with color.

Personally I would just wear a nice black pinstrip suit and a white button down / regular black suit / maybe a nice blue jacket with khaki and brown shoes once in a while, some polos and some sweaters with button downs. I don't like color so much though.

corporate makes judgment, corporate mind is oftentimes a small mind only focused on business and what it knows.

>> No.6727661

If I saw the dude on the left I'd probably commence fag lynching