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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 27 KB, 500x420, fitgoestofa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6696817 No.6696817 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /fa/: /fit/izen here.

How did Brad Pitt get his hair to stay like that in Troy?
>inb4 hollywood money/effects
>inb4 the thread on the first page I just lurked in about grills not liking long hair.

I'm 5'11", so I'm a manlet, but I'm in between Brad Pitt in Fight Club and him in Troy (leaning towards his size in Troy). My hair isn't that long yet (5"), but already I've got compliments about how it looks, but admittedly, it's at that shitty length where it's long enough to be pushed back with forming cream (the American Crew shit), but short enough so that it falls down a ways during my workouts/after a long day.

This is my first time posting on /fa/, so an obligatory "n-no homo" and also apologies for not reading the sticky/if I'm breaking any of your protocols here.
>implying I give a shit

>inb4 none of you guys reply with helpful comments
>inb4 OP can't inb4

Oh, and if you guys want any /fit/ advice, I'll be glad to offer it. I've been lifting/eating optimally for 8 months now and started as skinny fat. Thanks

>> No.6696823

>implying I give a shit

Thread hidden.

>> No.6696836

you have to fuck beautiful little greek boy cousins

>> No.6696844

/fit/ piggu go home

>> No.6696848

a wig :)

>> No.6696878
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>Seems like I never left

Apologies, even though you hid the thread. I mean to say that every board has cancer, but I'd just like some actual advice and I don't give a shit about said cancer.

>here's a pic of the diet I used in the past couple of months.
>Got me from 11-12%bf down to 7-8%

>> No.6696896
File: 97 KB, 860x1002, 1353737911935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hair spray. A lot of fucking hair spray. That's pretty much your only option.

>> No.6696905

you know we could just pop over to your shit board and learn this shit.

fuck off, the only cancer here are /fit/ crossposters.

>> No.6696899


are you the same guy that came looking foe boots or something that would add a little height?

>> No.6696931

If you have to use product to put it back then you don't have the type of hair for it. Wash less?

Did you have wide hips when you were skinny fat/didn't have developed lats? I do and I want it to go away

>> No.6696939

Also brad Pitt is 5'11''

>> No.6696942
File: 1.13 MB, 1125x1500, shoulders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, but that sounds familiar, I think some guy posted on /fit/ about wearing "tan uggs so [he] can be a ninja"

I'm unfamiliar about guys using this, but how obvious is that?

good point, and excuse me for intruding. Hopefully though, there are some people on this board, right now, that may appreciate this, but you're right, I'm not crossing my fingers.

>> No.6696967

I was just thinking about that earlier. I normally shower/shampoo everyday (stopped with the conditioner), but today I just rinsed it and it seemed, I dunno, firmer? Thanks for the advice.

And as for dem hips, I've never heard that I have wide hips, even by /fit/ standards, but yes, bigger lats will contribute to your V-taper and will draw away from your hips if they are wide. Pic would help because it seems like everyone with hips wider than Zyzz's thinks they could give birth.

>For you
Definitely the best workout for lats IMO

>> No.6696971
File: 35 KB, 450x486, thanksfaanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6696973

>how obvious is that?
If you use the right products, it shouldn't be obvious at all. Buy a can of Bed Head and try it for yourself. If you're pushing your hair back like a Slavic drug lord, you might want to side-part it.

>> No.6696996

Serious answer

Brad's hair was tied back in locks. Usually with leather strips. This gave the hair enough weight to stay laying backwards. Even without the leather strips, his hair was trained to stay in the same shape.

As for products, he either did not wash his hair often, or he used a bit of pomade.

Google pictures of him in Troy, you will see.

>> No.6697004
File: 223 KB, 1484x1600, Fitsmotherfuckinggrid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do side part it because of that very reason. And thanks for pointing out a specific product.

And I forgot to mention in the OP:
In some scenes it looks like he has a hair tie or something for the middle part of his hair/bangs that he uses to pull back his hair.
>inb4 fanatic - I just want to look good, or what I think will look good.

>> No.6697017


>Wide-grip pull-up

Absolutely not, those are retarded.

Shoulder-width is definitely best, either palms toward you (Chin-up) or away (Pull-up).

>> No.6697039
File: 1.05 MB, 1125x1500, fitabs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit nigger, what?

Have you ever done a pull up in your life? Wide-gripped pull-ups are much more focused on lats. Stand up, arms over your head, and simulate pull ups (pronated) with both close and wide grips. If you want that lat flare, wide grips are king.

>But as I'm typing this I can't help but feel as though I fell for your troll.

>> No.6697045


>Wide-gripped pull-ups are much more focused on lats

This is total broscience which has been debunked numerous times.

>> No.6697056
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>> No.6697053
File: 1.18 MB, 300x188, Upset George Jefferson.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>citation needed

>> No.6697065


Wide-gripped pull-ups put you at a mechanical disadvantage which is the only reason why they're a little harder than regular pull/chin-ups.

Shoulder-width is king.

>You didn't post a citation saying wide-gripped targets lats more, so smd.

>> No.6697078

>skinny fat to Pitt in Troy in 8 months

Yeah, no

>> No.6697090


Really not that difficult, though I'm guessing OP isn't as lean.

Definitely possible in 1-1.5 years.

>> No.6697100
File: 16 KB, 300x273, mfwshowedthefuckup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dude this basically backs up your claim, good call. I was definitely wrong about the range of motion.
>not peer reviewed, but whatever, proof is proof

I had always thought/noticed that wide grip pull ups required you to pull up with your lats more than your arms/shoulders. When I do pull ups, I start the motion with the lats rather than the biceps.

>> No.6697110

That's not how burden of proof works.

>> No.6697125

never say never, 8 month cyclin yadidimean?

>> No.6697128
File: 274 KB, 780x2588, fiteducationalwebsites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but I'm in between Brad Pitt in Fight Club and him in Troy (leaning towards his size in Troy).
>Implying he's lean in Troy. 9-10%bf no less

>> No.6697130


hey fuck you

>> No.6697145

>How did Brad Pitt get his hair to stay like that in Troy?

because between every take a team of hair styles will make it looking as good as possible

>> No.6697141
File: 403 KB, 2480x3508, fixlordosis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're right
see >>6697100

nah, I'm only 20, I'll wait a couplamore years
>haven't reached my natty potential

>> No.6697184


No worries mate, I used to believe the same thing.

I usually referenced that popular picture of columbu doing a wide-gripped p-u to back me up, lel.

But yeah, plus doing it with shoulder width allows you to use some serious weight when doing them, so you make crazy gainz. I'm at 3 sets of 6-8 reps with 55lbs added.

>> No.6697215
File: 1.56 MB, 450x245, ThanksScoobs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheers, anon.

Thanks, /fa/, for the great advice

good night

>> No.6697383

Another different anon here, wide grip pull-ups are really good to train in my opinion.
I am a rock climber and I feel that they hit a very specific range of motion in the lats and shoulders.

>> No.6697409

How come the guy doing the exercises became such a pussy when he was doing the planks, and when he went to doing the side-planks he became a badass again?

>> No.6697417


2 nights without air conditioning.
Dont even think about washing it.

>> No.6697419
File: 451 KB, 1979x1476, 485_137128352_991135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


such a weak troll. why type all that out?

>> No.6697420

Wait are people in this thread seriously implying a wider grip = more lat work?
LOL. Have fun destroying your rotator cuffs, retards.

>> No.6697426

Since when is 5'11 a manlet? Thats bare minimum for runway.

Don't let /fa/ warp your perception, dumbass. You're above the average. If you feel like you're average or less when you're around others, then you're probably not 5'11.

>> No.6697459
File: 20 KB, 250x323, 250px-Fisherman_and_his_catch_Seychelles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>caught by the troll

>> No.6698941

I'm (literally) d4 on this chart. It was meant to be a before progress pic but I've only got more out of shape since then

>> No.6698957

ugh I hate these "manlet threads"
>"well guys I'm not 6ft-6ft2 so everything will look like shit right?"

let me tell you something OP when you are as tall as I am (6ft2) and as cute as I am, you can no longer blame your height/face/build for not getting compliments/##s/bitches/whatever

>> No.6699637

You're the same height as Brad Pitt himself then.

>> No.6700464
File: 1.09 MB, 339x190, lol me n ur girl 3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says 5'11
>says not a manlet

>> No.6700513

> reading comprehension
> none fur u m9

>> No.6700518


>is stupid
>can't read

>> No.6700543


hey faggle, post your /fit/ 8 months of lifts body or gtfo

>> No.6700576

>I'm 5'11", so I'm a manlet

No you're not you fucking idiot

>> No.6701255


yes he is you fucking faggot. fuck off

>> No.6701299

It looks awful though.

God I hate /fit/, they're such cunts.

>> No.6701344
File: 67 KB, 441x411, 1368380349325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 months