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/fa/ - Fashion

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6675175 No.6675175 [Reply] [Original]

What do you consider /fa/ music? What do you listen to and why isn't it shit?

>> No.6675187

find a more /fa/ song/video

protip: you cant


>> No.6675195

>/fa/ music

theres no such thing as fashionable music are you a dimwit or something.

>> No.6675269

well i like shoegaze & cvltrap

im p fash~

>> No.6675344

then ur not /fa/

>> No.6675351
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Mr. Grips

>> No.6675372


Explosions in the Sky, Wu Tang, Clipse

>> No.6675374


>> No.6675395

techno is the only /fa/ genre of music

>> No.6675406

there are some things that make you cooler just for listening too, for example andy stott

>> No.6675475

>tfw pleb for listening to DG seriously
luxury problems was quite nice, is any of his other stuff good too?

>> No.6675493
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>there are some things that make you cooler just for listening too, for example andy stott

Lol Andy Stott fans, the untermensch plebs of electronic music. Remember to thank P4k for telling you to listen to him

>I love techno, Andy Stott, the list could go on

>> No.6675719

>Hating on Andy Stott
>pretentious about Techno

Are you from Berlin? I hate people like that too. I feel like we could be friends.

>> No.6675727

Minimal techno a la Berlin style (Kompakt, Basic Channel, etc) always seemed like it was always pretentious enough to be fashionable.

>> No.6675731

please be le troleing?

>> No.6675736

we stay together is fucking godlike but i still think luxury problems is better

ive never heard anything like that, i like a few different genres of electronic music andy stott is really the onnly one ive found like him, ive seen stuff like bvdub lumped it with him and minimal dub but i dont really care about tags as long as the music is good. however you seem like an expert in 'techno' so id love u to rec me somethng then

>> No.6675749


Classic Rock
Classical Music

Pink Floyd put down ~$50,000 as insurance during a record mastering. They wanted a higher audio range which at the time was not possible without exceeding the range of the vinyl cutting equipment.

They knew that if their album was cut any other way it would severely degrade the sound.

If that's not next level confidence in your music I don't know what is.

>> No.6675753
File: 286 KB, 632x632, villalobos-alcachofa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This album. Get it now and begin your beautiful descent into the the world of minimal.

>> No.6675762

im already really into minimal but thanks! im downloading it now

>> No.6675764
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Nah, I hate on morons like this one >>6675406 who think listening music makes them "automatically cool", and using that with Andy Stott, babby's first P4k approved techno its just cringe.

It's the equivalent of the fedora neckbeards who listen "jazz" because its le classy

>> No.6675763

>luxury problems was quite nice, is any of his other stuff good too?

nigga is u srs? his whole discography is flawless.

>> No.6675768

I love you, Villalobos is great
no one knows him
also get James Holden's album The Idiots are Winning if you don't already have it

>> No.6675771
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>I love you, Villalobos is great
>no one knows him

Wait, are you actually implying that Villalobos isn't that well known??

just....stop. Please

>> No.6675776

why do people automatically hate on music that was p4k approved, its just as bad as the people who only listen to shit for the same reason

>> No.6675782

French House definitely. Perhaps it's just because it's French as well, but nothing says fashion to me as some overdone chords, beautiful samples, and a thick snare. Here are a few examples if anyone's curious


By most high brow definitions, this type of music doesn't particularly espouse thought or any deeper meaning, but it definitely goes hard and always makes me think of the runway.

>> No.6675786


>> No.6675791

>Already really into minimal
>Doesn't know Villalobos

Yeah, no you're not.

>> No.6675794

I only listen to 80's pop music
#np Phil Collins - Sussudio

>> No.6675800
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Sharing mo' techno goodness.

>> No.6675805

Kanye West- Mercy
Most effay music vid, no doubt

>> No.6675814
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that's not the point though, and thanks to P4K good ol Andrea isn't painting cars anymore (so I like it because of that), but this entire fucking thread is just pathetic. Tell me, why is this any different from le classy gentlemen who listen to der club of gore. Listening to X and Y does not make you "/fa/"


You're on a thread where somebody's claiming Villalobos is "liek so underground and obscure", go figure

>> No.6675822
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>dat Port Gentil

99.9% of the stuff released on CR is worth its weight in gold

>> No.6675840

underground and obscure?
you mean like Nicolas Jaar???

>> No.6675846


exactly m8

>> No.6675850

i completely agree but when you find someone who likes a variety of niche-genres and has a really eclectic taste in music or someone who at least seems to have a really good concept of music its always respectable like someone whos well read
but theres also a difference between "i listen to jazz like coltrane and anyone who doesnt is uncultured swine" and "hey im into x any suggestions"

>> No.6675855

haha Andy Stott and Nicolas Jaar, somehow the only two electronic artists that people know!

it's a shame b/c they're both talented artists, but they've become these weird crossover musicians.
btw, does anyone know when Jaar's new label is starting up???

>> No.6675858

mmmm I know, its my favorite label.

>> No.6675876

Trust (the first release off the label) is dropping early september I believe. I think its just another compilation with the old clown and sunset crowd though

>> No.6675889


but look at the title of this thread

>What do you consider /fa/ music?

This thread is not about recommendations, its about why any of these wankers who listen to 'pretentious' music think they're /fa/ (read: above everybody else) because their music is something of a niche.


I'd throw a few more in there as well (John Roberts, John Talabot, et al). Not to say the music its bad, it just happens to be more accessible than a lot of other 3deep5me electronic music.

What I have an issue (and I am sure, every single one of those producers) are the twats who think they're more "cultured" than the average joe because they read p4k and are still figuring out how to use discogs

>> No.6675890

oh alright, thanks man.
I have to say, I'm sort of excited to hear that release, I feel like those C&S artists were always overshadowed by jaar.
it'll be nice for them to have the spotlight for once haha

I also read that Jaar signed some new artists for the label, hopefully they'll be some releases from them soon that breakaway from the typical Jaar vibe if they're not on the comp

>> No.6675908

I agree with you, but I just wanna say, and I think we can all agree:
That last John Talabot record was on fucking point.

>> No.6675918

Definitely, man.
Last Land was a top 3 track of that year IMO.

>> No.6675925
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That it was. And seeing him live with Pional was fucking ace. All live percussion everything.

>> No.6675932

It is ironic isn't? The p4k drone who thinks he's a cut above the average radio listener even though they're both just having their music spoon fed to them.

I think a lot of it has to do with exploring music yourself. Many of the p4k artists are quite good in truth, but if you are just letting someone tell you want to listen to instead of exploring your own interests, you have no cultural currency. Its as simple as that.

>> No.6675956


oops wrong pic uploaded but w/e, same venue, same night

I see a lot of bleeps fan in here, any of you goes to Mutek?

>> No.6675986

I wish man. Stranded in middle America here.
Funny how that works. I'm probably a 2 full day drive from any type of place that would play this type of music or any scene to get excited about, but the internet works wonders.

>> No.6676002

Please tell me you saw Herbert do that fucking pig thing.

>> No.6676003
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>Many of the p4k artists are quite good in truth

This 10x. The problem is that P4K is the lowest of the low when it comes to music reviews: 0 star reviews (honestly, I can agree with not liking an album but a 0 star reeks of cuntery), shoddy reviews with wrong facts (stay the fuck away from p4k if you want to read decent articles about electronic music) and personal vendettas against some bads (TMV comes to mind)

Read Wire if you must. And Resident Advisor, even if I don't like their hard-on for Berghain techno

>> No.6676026


nope sry I was only able to go during the weekend this year

Saw Talabot/Pional, Laurel Halo, Ame, Efdemin (fuck yeah) Henrik Schwarz/Pantha du Prince, Moritz von Oswald/Juan Atkins, John Roberts, and a few others

been going since '10 and I ain't gonna stop anytime soon


How far away from Detroit are you?

>> No.6676028

FACT is a pretty good publication too, but they definitely have a UK bias

>> No.6676053

Google maps says 7 hours
So i guess that's something.

>> No.6676074


damn son I was gon' say, Movement/DEMF is just a good, but I guess it depends how badly you want to go. I live 5 hours away from Montreal, its all worth it imho.

>> No.6676081
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fav song right now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwcNRXpozOg

>> No.6676114
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>Get Up with It

ur a cool dude

>> No.6676156

What the fuck did I just listen to.

Also, lovin' the trip.

>> No.6676158

any1 who enjoys reply to this post

>> No.6676159

what tzadik release is that

>> No.6676179

this thread is better than any /mu/ thread I've seen in months

thanks /fa/

>> No.6676180

What a tryhard list. Thankfully I'm a tryhard and love it.

>> No.6676218

An honest truth.

Between Sunbather, Yeezus, and constant mention of fedora, /mu/ has become next to unlurkable

>> No.6676237

>Classic Rock
>Minimalist Techno
>Industrial-inspired music (Death Grips, Yeezus, etc.)
>Anything that has effay singers/musicians

That's best I could do.

>> No.6676245
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It depends on who you want to impress
Listening to music because it's fashionable is like wearing clothes because they're trendy
if you want to impress plebs, listen to whatever's hyped on pitchfork
asking /fa/ about music is like asking /mu/ about clothes

>> No.6676250

I listen to Purity Ring, Born Gold and some Grimes when I'm in the city, unless I'm out clubbing.

>> No.6676256

well i think i found a new genre to explore
thanks, poster

>> No.6676262
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>tfw you like shit music

>> No.6676273
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>> No.6676275

Divine Music From a Jail is god-tier
If you haven't checked em out already you might like Huun-Huur-Tu
This song makes me so happy :3

>> No.6676278
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>doesn't even mention freedom now suite
u aint about this jazz life



i think u mite b confused

>tons of wu tang
>dead kennedys
>t rex
>a jerry garcia album

pleb as fuck

>> No.6676291



fuck off

>> No.6676303

the album on the far right of ur top four is a release on the record label tzadik (founded by john zorn) in the tzadik new japan series
what is it called
actually wait is it sphere

>> No.6676309

fuck off

>> No.6676310
File: 187 KB, 750x702, old_skool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been listening 2 huun huur tu longer than 4chan has been around fam i am old skool

>> No.6676322
File: 54 KB, 430x600, merzbow in a nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah its sphere
didnt even realize it was on zorn's label
for some reason i didn't add tauromachine to that list

>> No.6676324
File: 219 KB, 500x281, mcrideqt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here are the best i can think of:

Jai Paul
James Blake
Death Grips
The Knife

>> No.6676337

there's a ton of good stuff in that series
my favorite merzrelease is flare gun have you heard it

>> No.6676343

>Jai Paul

Mah nigger! I remember walking around Melbourne walking to one of his albums.

>> No.6676353

I love Death Grips but they are as far from /fa/ as you can get.

>> No.6676349

>Jai Paul

Mah nigger! I remember walking around Melbourne to one of his albums.

>> No.6676354
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>> No.6676368

Sage Francis.

He's a gritty MC with deep and dark lyrics that run fast.

"Color me confused when they paint issues black and white."

>> No.6676377
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>> No.6676396

I only listen to music that sounds like the shit they played in the cafe in Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I have no shame.


>> No.6676403

hahaha every time I see this image it gets worse. I love it.

>> No.6676410
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but he doesnt even have an album

hell, he doesnt even have an official "mixtape" either.

Are you talking about Everlasting?

>> No.6676411

Jesus you people have shit taste. It's a like a bad cross between current /mu/ and 5 year old /mu/.

>> No.6676412
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>> No.6676429


suburban white music is not effay srry log off


*tips fedora*

>> No.6676430

Ambient music is typically /fa/.

My steeze right now is Diiv, Real Estate, and Beach Fossils which I think, is pretty /fa/.

>> No.6676447

is that a mullet i see?

>> No.6676458

are u kidding me?

if ur going for the edgy gooby ninja aesthetic DG TOTALLY fit dude

>> No.6676487

>doesn't provide examples of music he/she likes/thinks is /fa/ to validate buzzwords

Sure is /mu/ up in here

>> No.6676491

Yeah whatever it is. Mix tape/album/compilation potato potahto

>> No.6676506


>Ambient music is typically /fa/.

not it isn't. 'Ambient' is what shitty producers do when they realize they suck at making bleeps. Ambient music has the lowest ratio of good albums versus shitty ones

>> No.6676556

depends on what "school" of ambient it is.
projects like Wolfgang Voigt's Gas are extremely nuanced and layered, but like you said, there's ambient that relies solely on being "SO CHILL"

>> No.6676580
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yes Gas omfg, I love it all, Pop is GOAT

Sorry if I came across as an asshole but this is what I meant to say

> there's ambient that relies solely on being "SO CHILL"

I find amazing the humongous amount of "ambient" music out there yet most of it its so fucking forgettable (pic not related)

>> No.6676602
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>> No.6676851

Only as much as Linkin Park do.
IDM and minimal electronic for edginess. Nobody takes DG seriously. Their edge parodies itself.

>> No.6676859
File: 790 KB, 970x950, top albums.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my taste /fa/

>> No.6676885


>> No.6676924

but u like tycho which is obv shit tier so ur opinion is shit gb2/mu/ lmao

>> No.6676943

Sorry m8 that's all 2013 teenybopper-core.

>> No.6677154

Any style or genre with a non-commercial tradition. Folk, jazz, punk, indie, hip-hop, blues, and countless other genres and musical traditions are /fa/ as fuck.

>> No.6677281


diiv and beach fossils r effay af

>> No.6677309



>> No.6677420

The Protomen are the best in the universe.

I touched The Gambler's ham roll.

>> No.6677451

black metal