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6675628 No.6675628 [Reply] [Original]

just realized i have a really shitty unpronounced jawline... is there any way to work it out to have it feel more refined & model-tier?

>please don't say sucking dicks

>> No.6675638

Sorry, unless there's weight to lose, your face is permanent.

>> No.6675635

lose weight
chew gum
thats what i do

>> No.6675645

jaw implants. they look great every time

>> No.6675648

yeah i was thinking chewing gum...
and i'm already a skinny guy. i feel like i've gained a bit of fat around my jawline ever since i've had my 4 wisdom teeth taken out.

anything else i could do to target this area?

>> No.6675661


Mastoid Holds

This may or may not be tough on your neck so be careful with this one, listen to your body. If you have chronic neck problems you might want to skip this. Keeping your torso faced forward, turn your head face as far right as you can. Now, without moving your shoulder, tuck your chin downward and attempt to make contact with your shoulder (you shouldn’t be able to), once you get as close as you can. Hold there for 5 seconds then repeat with your left side. That is 1 rep each.

Oblique Cycles (recommended, but optional)

Finally something we are used to. It may not seem like it but while we are focused on your abs oblique cycles are actually doing some great work with your neck and chin muscles. Grab a mat and lie on your back. With your legs up and your hands behind your head, reach to make contact with your right elbow and your left knee while extending your right leg. Then repeat in reverse, left elbow to right knee with an extended left leg. That is 1 rep. Your legs move in a cyclical movement and your elbows rock back and forth from side to side.

Incline Bench/Pushups (optional)

This step is generally targeted towards men, so if you are a female and aren’t trying to bulk up, skip this step. The upper pectoral muscles also play a part in tightening the skin around our neck. Developing them adds further tension and can also enhance your jawline. If you do not have an incline bench to use, put your feet up on a chair and do pushups. One push/lift is 1 rep.

>> No.6675658

Chin Raises

Tilt your head all the way back and protrude your chin and lower lip towards the ceiling as far as it can go. Now push your tongue to the top of your palate (top of your mouth). Do you feel that stretch under your jaw? Good. Now begin the movement: while keeping your head back, lower your jaw all the way down (i.e. open your mouth), your tongue will naturally recede off your palate. Then in an exaggerated move raise your chin to the initial position as your push out your lower lip as far from your face as possible. Be sure to raise your tongue with your chin so that it once again rests at the top of your palate. That is 1 rep.

Lower Lip Dips

Just like with the chin raises. Look upwards and push out your lower lip as high as you can and hold it flexed like that – your mouth should be open slightly due to how far your chin is protruded. In a strong move, be very careful to not lose the flex, lower your chin as far down as you can so that it is tucked against your neck. You should feel a tightness in the suprahyoid muscles (the ones under your chin). Hold there for 5 seconds. That is 1 rep. No need to manipulate your tongue in this one.

Lower Lip Side Dips

This is virtually the same as Lower Lip Dips except that from the top position you push your chin out to the sides. From the top position, as you push your lower lip upwards and extend your chin, lower your entire face in a diagonal motion so that you are now facing you right. Hold there for 5 seconds and then repeat with your left side. That is 1 rep each.

>> No.6675672

this broscience cannot be healthy for you..

>> No.6675701
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1376201228993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u not model-tier bro?

>> No.6675766

Facial exercises are for actors who want to improve facial expression. I have never seen anything but wishful thinking support that it could actually change the way you look drastically.

>> No.6675775

1. Cut Calories to loose body fat
2. Start a workout routing with shoulders and chest (Overhead "Military" press, Bench Press, Some Chest and Lat Flies), The shoulder and chest exercises will strengthen those muscles and tighten the tendons connecting your pecs and delts to your neck (Picrelated).
3. Strength train your jaw by sucking 3 dicks a day...or chew lots of increasingly tough gum and food.

>> No.6675780
File: 16 KB, 633x758, Fatcry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>targeted fat loss

>> No.6675788
File: 12 KB, 225x224, BiYtcELpa03pvX.iLh76Cw_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.6675857


>> No.6675902

you can't lose weight in a specific spot.

>> No.6675960
File: 154 KB, 1024x1024, IMG956750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get this guys jaw structure

>> No.6676067
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, 1361030182488.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this op:
i kept it up for like two weeks or so, and i swear to god i noticed a slight difference.
i stopped because i'm too lazy (lel i can't even keep up with facial exercises :( ) so, i couldn't work these exercises to their full potential, but, seriously tho, i legit saw a difference. seriously tho.
it's either this, or there's always plastic surgery ;) good luck, OP

>> No.6676110

hnnng looks like she's about to take it in the face.

>> No.6676115

surgery or grow a beard.

>> No.6676134

become a crack addict

>> No.6676153

it's not even that great of a jaw line