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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 1.40 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6674243 No.6674243 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6674532


>> No.6674983

Sleeping naked is way better

>> No.6674989

i havent been outside in days so hanes

>> No.6675005


>> No.6675137
File: 740 KB, 933x2048, 4_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

crit. pls

>> No.6675154
File: 22 KB, 300x300, leaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proportions look a bit odd.

>> No.6675155

throw everything away and start over

>> No.6675176

please don't tell me that those are 8881s

please I don't want to have the exact same boots

also what is going on with the laces

don't love them with those pants

>> No.6675218
File: 728 KB, 1017x2048, 4_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate u carrot

You mean the boot-pant bit right
i see how it curves up now

They are lol, I found it pretty funny when I first found out you owned them
I lace them messy most of the time I need to fix them
Also thanks, They do look better with blue jeans but I wanted to see what it would be like if I used the pants and the boots as one colour block

>> No.6675236

part of the problem with those pants isn't just the color but because the pants fit so skinny they make the red wings look like clown shoes. I'm not sure what the solution to that would be.

problem is the 8881 is so fucking rigid no matter how many times I wear them. I wish they would just soften up and sag in the toe box a bit like regular moccasin stitch shoes do. maybe after a hundred more wears they will. that's what I'm hoping. judging by the pic you and I both need to beat the shit out of our red wings. they really suck out of the box

I switched to using the taslan laces so at least we're doing something differently

>> No.6675237 [DELETED] 
File: 141 KB, 1284x656, mfw I will never be male model because of pleb gen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6675242 [DELETED] 

have you posted a fit? i'm asking with curiosity and not malice

>> No.6675254

>I wish they would just soften up and sag in the toe box a bit like regular moccasin stitch shoes do.

holy fuck this is my exact feel
its so irritating

>taslan laces
I never liked them so ur safe

tip lil

>> No.6675267


I feel stupid trying to point a camera at myself and nobody else takes pictures of me (my friends have no great aspirations to be photographers I guess)

if I want my posts to carry weight I just try to make them better posts. usually if what you're saying makes sense and isn't just "lel u look like a fuccboi" people will take it seriously

you know, I started with the leather laces but after a while I noticed that

1. they got worn-out extremely fast and I started worrying about their lifespan
2. all my other shoes had leather laces
3. the suede of the boot looked soft enough and I didn't feel like I needed a leather lace to soften it further

And the more I saw other red wing boots the more I started to think of the taslan as quintessentially red wing. So I fished them out of a drawer and tried them out and I liked it. the other thing is that taslan laces lose their color with wear and blend into the boot over time, they don't forever look bright and high-contrast.

>> No.6675279

>moc toe
boots are hella ugly

>> No.6675275



>> No.6675299

ignore this moron. he isn't euphoric from being enlightened about the classic red wing shape

>people who buy any red wing that isn't a variation or the iron ranger, 875 or 877

>> No.6675303

variation on*


>> No.6675332

it grew on me lol
I figure if I mess around with my stax enough I can make it look good silhouette-wise

Actually a word of warning they DO wear out rly fast, one of mine is snapped in two places and I had to tie a knot in it

I can understand what you mean tbh about the taslan though, I had no idea that they got duller as time went on and I didn't want them to look like caterpillar boots (this was just me being dumb tho)

Thanks a bunch though :^)))

>> No.6675357

w2c tee

>> No.6675379

yeah I feel like the laces might be wearing out faster because they're rubbing on suede. my leather laces on my other boots aren't wearing out nearly as fast.

as for "silhouette", my take is that if you're wearing red wings you're not going for an aesthetic beauty fit. Red wings are, to me, more about cultural associations. They speak to personality and aesthetic sensibilities (in a broader sense). I don't wear them because they give me a perfect shape, I wear them because I like what their appearance represents.

that's commonly one of the fundamental differences between people who like moc toes and people who hate them.

>> No.6675440

>rubbing on suede
This is most likely it, they would get thinner on one bit and then snap while tying
I guess you ould just like coat it in something clear but it would be shiny as a result

tbh I didn't really think about it that way when I purchased them but I can totes understand what you mean by cultural associations
dats deep dude, touched my banana heart

>> No.6675448
File: 144 KB, 533x800, j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm probably even doing basic bitch wrong lol

>> No.6675462

You look good. Shoes look strange, different pic?

>> No.6675477


The angle is kinda hard I guess. They're just standard nike roshes.

>> No.6675502

some day you'll meet someone that will peel your rugged outer layer and touch your banana heart

I don't know why black and white is how everyone here does basic

I know I'm going to sound like reddit here, but,

you don't need to be afraid of colour. I know it's scary because you can fuck it up, but if you're careful, you can use colour without looking like a tryhard

also, there are more grayscale options than just black and white

that said, it's not bad. in general it helps to take the photo from a lower angle because taking it from high up has the effect of making you look shorter and top-heavy. I find roshes a little bit boring, I feel like if you're going to do really basic, you might want to be a little bit more bold with shoe choice.

>> No.6675528

I meant to add to the first bit, "but that is not today. You'll know when it happens."

>> No.6675539

Oh then you nailed it!

>> No.6675560

really good fit mane.

>> No.6675566

w2c pants?

>> No.6675570
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>> No.6675575
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I thought this was pajama edition

>> No.6675582
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>> No.6675595
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I see what you're saying man, I'm not really new to fashion in general just new to this "goth/tech/whatever-ninja" direction and more streamlined fits i general. I guess I'll use the roshe/skinny/tee as a base to add more layers, shades, etc. I wanna get some dark green in there at some point.

Pic related is 10 months ago. Got tired of the menswear direction I was going in.

Also added like 15kg to my frame since then.


Thanks bros


They're just black skinny jeans, you can get them wherever. These are sized up in the waist to fit my legs.

>> No.6675599

shitty fit on shirt

>> No.6675612

wtf is wrong with your shirt and pants

>> No.6675642 [DELETED] 

idk i didn't they they were 2 bad

i'm getting the pants tailored this week tho

>> No.6675650

idk i didn't think they were 2 bad

i'm getting the pants tailored this week tho

>> No.6675665
File: 509 KB, 1516x3264, 81113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill post a PJ fit before I go to bed lol

>> No.6675670


saint laurent jeans?

>> No.6675693


Nah cheap levis after a coupple washes.

They were deep blue when I bought them, I guess that pic is their peak. Now they are so washed out I only use them for working.

Looked great for a while tho.

>> No.6675710
File: 15 KB, 604x656, 1376018459024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le all black edgy fit.jpeg

>> No.6675744

thats a fucking insult to hedi

>> No.6675748

Jeans ought to be darker blue imo.

>> No.6675754

nvm that wasnt a fit

>> No.6675759
File: 2.23 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's this for tomorrow?

>> No.6675783

shoes are really ugly imo

>> No.6676062

Its ok if you're in highschool.

don't mean this as an insult

>> No.6676227
File: 1.29 MB, 861x2561, shameless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot day, bought navy blue converses. Don't know if good, but defo better than before.

>> No.6676234

basic as fuck

>> No.6676241

is that a bean with legs farting out a heart on your polo?
bad fit btw

>> No.6676326
File: 107 KB, 339x1005, Self1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for bad lighting.

>> No.6676350

Jeans look good. Shoes are ugly. Top half is hobo-core but not quite offensive. 5/10

>> No.6676360


>> No.6676366

bad colour coordination

>> No.6676387

i kind of hate black pants and shirt with a grey jacket but that might just be me

>> No.6676406

I'm digging it. What are the jeans you are wearing?

>> No.6676416

Naked and Famous skinny guys in black power stretch

>> No.6676432

not that bad

would prefer a tighter fit near the ankle of the jean

shirt is a too short so your waist looks huge

haircut is fuccboi

good fit poor execution

>> No.6676510
File: 119 KB, 590x1640, 001923-PJs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajuhmas? Okay
Yes, bad lighting.

>> No.6676545

swag bruh, you aite

dat fucking polo lmao

lmao #lmao

>> No.6676554
File: 39 KB, 498x614, 1369185726516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worst WAYWT in months

>> No.6676571


>> No.6676576

it's been way worse than this bro

>> No.6676616

I really can't comment..

>> No.6676632

I was wearing a black backpack and riding a yellow-wheeled longboard. But that doesn't really help it does it?

>> No.6676639

Not bad overall, the hoodie makes the outfit but the skullcap kinda dulls it. Should've gone with something other than solid black if you don't like your hair. Don't keep color flow with black/whites orderly.

>> No.6676652

Nope, but if you were to have red accents along everything you carried(including backpack and wheels) you would've been passable.

>> No.6676659

too lazy to correct

>> No.6676674

>plaid shirt and sunglasses to sleep

>> No.6676679

Thanks for the tip man.

It's the only beanie I own unfortunately, really want to pick up a flecked Norse projects one when I have some cash.

>> No.6676686

>Removes sunglasses along with regular glasses
I'm a plaidfag though, I can't help it, anon. ;_;

>> No.6676936

i sleep in undies

>> No.6677092


>> No.6677128

the white one would look really bad with that outfit.

>> No.6677232

what the fuck

nice spacers nerd

>> No.6677258

ur shoes and shirts match and it looks weird as fuck


I thought you were some native fat dude



colours/textures are shit

not boring but nothing special


>> No.6677269

are those dreamboxes i spy in the background

>> No.6677279


>> No.6677291

fuck you

>> No.6677294

That comment made the thread so much better... Fuckwit

>> No.6677313

which 1 r u fagboi

>> No.6677328

You're not pulling off the boots man. Way too bulky for what you're working with.
Jacket's too big in the midsection.
Pants fit well. Kind of an ugly color but you can work around that.

>> No.6677330
File: 40 KB, 650x650, 8045_91db9e5c64-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scratch the flecked, it doesnt look like they stock it anymore.

Probably grab this instead.

>> No.6677336

>I feel stupid trying to point a camera at myself
Jesus Christ dude work on that. Sounds like you've got brain problems son. Just censor your face post-shoot so you don't have to worry about smiling out of context or something.

>> No.6677353

It would ruin the monochrome thing you got going on

>> No.6677364

I hear you.

I'm trying to add bits of color to my fits because almost all of them tend to be monochromatic unless I put on a navy coat or green jacket but that's not often.

I branched out a bit and got myself a really nice cream/offwhite shirt and now I'm basically just looking for other subtle colors to add to my wardrobe. I feel like a deep wine/red would be the next easiest thing to add to a black centric fit.

>> No.6677379
File: 759 KB, 1609x3159, 81113PJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As promised

>> No.6677384

i'm a banana

Its a raincoat lol, they don't sell it in a slim fit
I feel the baggy raincoat kinda draws ur eyes away from the clownshoe-iness

still thinking of a sol'n but I figure its fine for now

thank a bunch :^))

>> No.6677392

are those burberry jammies

>> No.6677412

prolly fake or a copy

>> No.6677422
File: 574 KB, 548x612, Screen Shot 2013-08-11 at 10.52.56 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for shits n giggles
present from the parents last holidays

>> No.6677424


>> No.6677444


>> No.6677466

w2c tee you bitch

>> No.6677474
File: 10 KB, 225x225, mE-BSHCZg2ZnpW3MN1rq-iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rock that red plaid pajama bottoms, and shirtless.

>tfw /fit/
Feels great, man.

>> No.6677493
File: 232 KB, 796x1287, IMG_20130811_224448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6677508

it looks like a cardigan

>> No.6677519


>> No.6677524

>levis and iron rangers


>> No.6677538

there's nothing wrong with iron rangers dude

>> No.6677583

i meant them 2gether bb

>> No.6677602

post fit

>> No.6677619
File: 107 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-08-13 at 4.35 PM #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6677623

plz be in my basement

>> No.6677639

lets see the london

>> No.6677642

have you ever done anal

>> No.6677656


>> No.6677661
File: 419 KB, 2491x4146, effay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have the London look?
>pls don't have a london gap tooth.

Anyway here's mine, for the rest of you.

>> No.6677746

I wouldn't wear that shirt unless I was at a formal event or being a waiter. Aside from that you need some colour in your outfit.

The shirt really lets this down, sorry. Otherwise it's decent.

Barista-core. I always liked the all black outfit, though. Shame I'm too pale to wear it..

The shoes are too white. Once they dirty up you'll have a solid outfit.

I've never been big on red shorts. Also you need to roll them up an inch or two.

I like this. Also are you an Australian uni student?

Your proportions look really strange. I think it's because the jeans are so high and/or the jacket waist is so high. Also I's add some colour and unzip the jacket. Like the other guy said, you're dangerously close to being mfa.

Basic but ok. Post hair and shoes (and face if you're willing).

>> No.6677835
File: 126 KB, 640x480, waywtpj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does /fa/ think of my pj's

>> No.6677917

where u cop that rick?

>> No.6677947


how tall are you, and what brand of shirt are you wearing?

>> No.6677952

mane ur shoes look cheap as shit, jeans fit good tho

>> No.6678013
File: 935 KB, 1722x2584, IMG_20130812_112459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678075

It's funny how you fags use gothninja and "minimalistic" as an excuse for a horrible sense of color coordination.

>> No.6678198

about 6 foot, maybe a hair more. It's an industrie shirt. Why do you ask?

That photo doesn't quite do the shoes justice, though there is some stitching coming undone a bit- which is annoying considering I've only had them a week and a half and they cost me $140.

>> No.6678248
File: 351 KB, 950x655, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random tall tee

>> No.6678269
File: 2.03 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the front of this shirt btw m8's

>> No.6678334
File: 128 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You know you like what you see.

>> No.6678342
File: 376 KB, 1023x1200, m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6678345

Do you have a 4chan tattoo? Boy, I'd regret that.

>> No.6678349

>spent everyday for past 6 years on 4chan, even in Afghanistan.
>met GF on 4chan


>> No.6678396

Everything's fine but the shoes are a bit bright for my tastes.

>> No.6678406

try pulling the shirt at the back under the hoodie to make the scoop go a little closer to the neck, looks strange here

>> No.6678412

i know that feel

>> No.6678418

>>spent everyday for past 6 years on 4chan,
Man when you put it that way, maybe I should too.

>> No.6678432


>> No.6678436

Yeah, i fixed that. I just threw on the hoodie which made it slide down.

>> No.6678441

I've only been on for three years and I feel like I've wasted half my life. How does it feel to be on for sex years
>inb4 it feels like wasting your whole life

Congrats on being an oldfag though.

>> No.6678450

>type 'six'
>notice I accidentally typed 'sex'
>correct it and double check
>submit reply
>it appears as 'sex' in the post

>> No.6678452
File: 136 KB, 500x333, lemondrop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It feels like a second home. Even when getting mortared in trashcanistan, I had a connection with people who weren't trying to kill me. Unless we went into blackout. Then I was all alone and only had myself to play with.

>> No.6678464

You on a phone?
I read it as 'six' to add to the weirdness. I'm pretty sure just about everyone else did too.

>> No.6678468



>> No.6678467

>implying we're not trying to kill you

>> No.6678513

looks good

>> No.6678582
File: 70 KB, 500x633, rctm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waywt pajama edition
>no pjs

>> No.6678704

It's an old one from asos animal print camo idk if they have it anymore.

>> No.6678706

i kno rite

>> No.6679071

cool fit could be used as pajamas too

>> No.6679102


>> No.6679172
File: 97 KB, 325x766, today.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6679185

Holy I thought you were underage from yr thumbnail, I'm so sorry dude.

>> No.6679192


yea, thumbnail is weird and i am pretty short so its okay dude

>> No.6679195

i went into the chuckle hut, but came out of the laugh factory

>> No.6679204

is that head photoshopped on?
its like 1/2 your torso
you've got the body of a 10 yr old

>> No.6679213

Lurk for a bit and work on getting some nice basics. Also it's okay man, I'm a manlet too.

>> No.6679219


haha no, its not shopped
and i know, but i cant get more weight somehow.

>> No.6679266

It says sex.. what is this

>> No.6679368
File: 437 KB, 1698x2884, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which should I go with?

Yes I already know I'm a manlet

>> No.6679380

what is the tee in the right? cut looks cool

>> No.6679384

scoop neck I suppose

>> No.6679389

A tee void made. It's very slutty.

>> No.6679391

Go with the left. I'm a fan of all/mostly black, but if you try doing it drapey then it looks like wanky goofninja crap. The left one gives you a good solid form.

Try steer clear of graphic tees next time. Your shoes are a bit too bright/white, but otherwise the colour combo you have going on is good stuff.

>> No.6679412
File: 1.00 MB, 1944x2592, CAM00313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your the only one in to show up to a pj party in pjs

>> No.6679443

Are you looking for weed?

>> No.6679447

Oh look another WAYWT that gave birth to a few newfag trips, what a surprise.

>> No.6679457


i luv u mane

>> No.6679493

lel ye

>> No.6679724

i really hope you aren't calling hipster and banana newfags

>> No.6679734


>been here for the past 4 months
>not newfags


>> No.6679750

dude, hipster wrote pretty much ALL the boot articles on the sticky

>> No.6679822


>> No.6679885

post pjs