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/fa/ - Fashion

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6671219 No.6671219 [Reply] [Original]

I am a short guy(5'5) and I feel that all my attempts to be /fa/ are in vain because short people are hard to take seriously. I try and I try but I can't help but feel like a silly person. Why was I born so silly?

>> No.6671228

>tfw you will not reincarnate into a decent sized person making suicide just as much of a waste of time as being alive and being short

>> No.6671229

stop with the self-deprecation m8

stay a basic bitch but do it well if you're that concerned

>> No.6671231
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God hates you.
>believing in God
I know, but I just like making short people feel even shittier.

>> No.6671232

Well its true. I was born to not amount to shit because I'm a fucking hobbit. And hobbits only triumph in fantasies so fuck it.

>> No.6671241
File: 202 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mr9ucjSJNq1r0qk6eo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least you've already given yourself an excuse for when your shitty attitude turns this prophecy self-fulfilling.

>> No.6671244

email pls reply

>> No.6671246

Can you name one person under 5 foot 5 who has ever mattered or been fashionable? Politically speaking nothing I say could ever matter if somebody looked at me with my small stature.

>> No.6671252

>Politically speaking nothing I say could ever matter if somebody looked at me with my small stature.
Who was Napoleon?

>> No.6671256


>> No.6671258


Napoleon was avg. height

>> No.6671262

i really didn't choose to be born like this. i don't want to make people like you not like me for it. if i could change for you i would, in a heartbeat

>> No.6671271
File: 23 KB, 200x231, qt burroughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know m8

person? ann demeulemeester, rei kawakubo. male? yohji yamamoto and alber elbaz. non-fashion designers? daniel radcliff, woody allen, michael j fox, prince. powerful people? james madison, joseph stalin, nicolas sarkozy... should i keep going?

>> No.6671273

Become a girl, and you will be perceived as at the normal height.

>> No.6671287

alright i get it. thanks for trying to help. its just such a shitty thing.

>> No.6671292

I think he just likes the notion of being doomed to failure because it spares him the pain of struggling to succeed. This way, he gets to sit on his ass, do nothing, and not worry about missing out on the endless buffet of awesome that awaits those who have the balls to get out of bed in the morning.

>> No.6671300

This thread pops up like 3x a day damn.
Im 5'6 bro.
Get over it and start looking good

>> No.6671307

I'm going to school for chemical engineering. That doesn't mean being short doesn't function as its own deformity. Its hard to have any confidence when everybody has to look down when they are talking to you. You feel like a fucking joke despite everything you do to be anything but that.

>> No.6671313

>Im 5'6
oh my god

>> No.6671312
File: 50 KB, 620x930, tumblr_mqqbup4fLa1qidrbuo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course
i like being short because i like taller men and fitting into rick's superior womenswear ~(◕‿◕✿)

>> No.6671317


i bet uuuuhhhh and mango style on u

>> No.6671319 [DELETED] 

But I'm a guy.

>> No.6671323

>because I like taller men


>> No.6671325
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me 2
sometimes i wonder if it wouldn't be nice 2 b shorter, since i'm already short, no reason to half ass it, better to be 5'1" and 100 lbs even
course then id prob b 2 short 2 fit into rick
no, my body is beautiful the way it is (◡‿◡✿)

>> No.6671332

I'm straight though. It doesn't seem to be as big a problem with bi/gay relationships as it does with straight ones because females want to feel security/like the guy isn't a short sack of ass.

>> No.6671334
File: 82 KB, 600x390, king-stabbing-lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

women arent a singular monolith and the reason u cant get none is bcuz of thinkin like that
women have lots of different tastes and they prioritize their ideal traits in different ways m9

>> No.6671344

You could spend $80k to get your legs broken and propped up to make you taller if it's that much of a problem to you.

>> No.6671348

What is the procedure called?

>> No.6671359


It's called leg lengthening surgery if I'm not mistaken. It's also probably going to be even more painful than it sounds.

>> No.6671364

"The bones grow back, accommodated to new lengths by the created space, as do blood vessels, tissues and muscles. Over about a year of bone strengthening and muscle training physical therapy, the patient can walk and move with their newly lengthened legs. In between the surgery and walking once more is a lot of recovery (the NIH says each centimeter of lengthening requires about 36 days of rest) and lots and lots of pain. Since you’re breaking bones and stretching them apart so you have just that plain horrific pain for starters. Plus, anti-inflammatory painkillers would retard the growth of the bone and tissue, the options for managing the pain from the surgery are limited."
some more downsides, from this link: http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/blog/leg-lengthening-surgery-breaking-bones-grow-taller/

>> No.6671389

Oh god. I wonder if becoming an amputee would be a better alternative. I don't care if it is artificial so long as it gives me the illusion of value.

>> No.6671393

They probably just feed you norco, oxy and valium if you bitch hard enough.

>> No.6671394

>average fit tard
the reason girls ignore you is because you are a fucking asspie, not because of your height. Grow a fucking dick and stop being a little bitch (pun intended)

>> No.6671416

>tfw 171 cm
>tfw only being able to love a taller and skinny girl

>> No.6671432
File: 30 KB, 300x146, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nick allbrook
Like 5"5 and 25 looks 16
Dat face structure

>> No.6671501

Don't worry man, there's plenty of successful short people, and it's about how you feel about yourself, don't worry about other people. You can look great / wear great clothes and have good fashion sense no matter what your height.

>> No.6671511
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>> No.6671518

javier bardem taller than what that says no doubt

>> No.6671517

holy fuck i had no idea all these clowns were so fucking short. i knew I should have tried modeling or went into sports. tfw when I've wasted my superior height.

>> No.6671523

Look up nick wooster and stop complaining

>> No.6671532

>tfw too short to pull off an olive green parka

>> No.6671539


>> No.6671545

uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh he's so cute I can't deal with not being him or fucking him. I'd let him finger my (b)ass any day.

>> No.6671574
File: 59 KB, 400x600, javier-bardem-toronto-international-film-festival-sept-2012-jpg_213233[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah he looks like a fucking giant in his films. I don´t know, but it seems weird that I´d be 3 inches taller than him if that where true. And I´m average height for my country.

>> No.6671576

Imdb says he´s 5"11 and a quarter, which seems more likely.

>> No.6671616
File: 59 KB, 700x465, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know him through mutual friends so that is weird...

He looks and sounds like he is tripping 24/7

Short as

>> No.6671782

I love how he looks and sounds like he's tripping though, I'm a huge psychadelic fiend myself. That pic is uber qt.

>> No.6671801

Heckas happy he's not in tame and can focus on POND now, only person who can have an orange bob cut and not look stupid

>> No.6671807

For every short actor, there's like 2 tall actors.

>> No.6671827

Move to China. I'm being serious too. Booming industries and a new economy to take advantage of that's full of short people.

Despite what everyone says, stature will influence how well you do in life.

>> No.6671832

You aus?

>> No.6671838

We keep coming back to this you shit

the short, confident guy will always destroy the autistic 6'5" male model

be more /fa/ and confident and you are doing better than most people here

>> No.6671839

Pond didn't even get best new music so it's just best not to speak about them from this point on.

>> No.6671890

I take it you're aus then?

>> No.6671892

China is super-racist about skin colour.

>> No.6671988
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LMS (looks money status) is all that matters

>> No.6672005

Keep telling yourself that.
Women aren't as two dimensional as /r9k/ would have you believe.

>> No.6672042


the average height of my uh *relative*'s office in Beijing is 5'9, females included
*relative* also has a word in hiring btw

They don't like to hire foreign people unless they have the qualifications because hiring chinese people is always cheaper and they are less likely to leave

Height's a non-factor but if you don't mind living in bum fuck nowhere or working a job that pays less in your own country, you better show up with a truckload of recommendations from your university, a glossy 20 page portfolio, a curriculum vitae loaded with posh extracurriculars and their institutes and won a bunch of contests

Anything below that will be filled by a chink, don't even try

I lol hard every time some manlets want to break into china with their community college degrees thinking their are patrician with their above average chinese height

>> No.6672045

They are if you are not settling for 3DPD.