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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 83 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mh1sdsT2ib1qmm89qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6665895 No.6665895 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to get a street goth look completely through thrifting?

I have no money so i gotta resort to thrift shops, but I NEVER see some important things in thrift shops. Have you ever seen a pair of skinny jeans there? Let alone black? Obviously I can't go full goof from thrift shops, they won't have like avant-garde fashion kind of shit. but pic related would be more like what I want, it's pretty basic shit other than the MMM's

Not sure what to do though ;_;

>> No.6665906

Go to a more popular thrift shop chances are they have better items donated because of their frequency.

What you're trying will take an incredible amount of time but it can be done. Just last week I found a pair of waxed denim from a thrift shop, they're H&M but whatever.

>> No.6665917

Yes. But it will take time and patience. Practice customizing your clothes (cut-and-sew, dyeing, bleaching, softening, shredding, hemming, Stretching, etc). Don't just limit yourself to the men's department. Women's tees (or even children's sizing) might be up your alley.

>> No.6665968

How can I alter clothes? Like I mean what will that accomplish

If I'm planning on being able to alter shit what should I look for that I wouldn't normally?

>> No.6665978

See potential in everything. If you like a cut, but the colour is wrong, consider dyeing. If you think a basic tee is too symmetrical, reconstruct it

Learn fabrics, read books and how-to guides, get creative

>> No.6665982

No, you won't be able to achieve such fits with cheap clothing unless you alter them yourself.
Get your financial situation straight before you think about clothing

>> No.6665999

I don't think u understand being poor

And I'm in school anyway it's gonna be a long time before I can drop a lot of money on jawnz and sneakers

>> No.6666016


>> No.6666035

you will look like a proper tosser lad

>> No.6666046
File: 64 KB, 594x405, Grimes+Reading+Festival+2012+Day+2+VM3cm-ZaAWAl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of /fa/ is going to look askance at me for this, but look at Grimes's outfits. Most of what she wears is thrifted, and even now that designers are personally gifting her stuff she's wearing it like it was.

Are you going to be able to put together something that looks like it walked out of SuFu? Probably not. But you can hit the same aesthetic marks with some added authenticity to your situation. The average SuFu'er is something like a lawyer in something like his mid-to-late '30s. Be creative, expressive, and resourceful. Your wardrobe is a project. Treat it like one.

This fit is even more amazing when you see it full-length, but I can't find the seemingly only picture on the Internet of it right now. Drab plaid skirt peeking out the bottom of all the other layers, tights, and some awesome high combat boots finished it off.

>> No.6666056

And I don't mean "look at her outfits" like copy them. Their common motifs don't fit in to Internet genres. Look at them for *inspiration* as far as working in the whole DIY aesthetic and recontextualizing found pieces.

Also, look at lookbooks and shows from Undercover (which has huge punk and DIY influence) and Visvim (which you'll be able to find similar workwear-y pieces in any thrift shop). Also, look for fits online that include Margiela reproduction pieces and, of course, actual vintage clothing.

>> No.6666069

Woah dude thanks! Pretty inspiring c:

>> No.6666159


I'm pretty much trying to do close to the same thing, with the added difficulty of also wanting/needing technical clothing, and with spending somewhat more per piece on eBay when it makes sense.

Which, make all your cops make sense. Don't buy anything you don't have an idea for how to use it unless you absolutely love it and want to build stuff around it for its own sake. Don't buy anything new unless, again, you're absolutely in love with it and that's the only way to get it. Buy fewer, better, more fitting pieces instead of globbing up a closet with stuff you don't really care about.

>> No.6667029

I'm gonna hijack this thread and ask for advice on thrifting

I always get so frustrated and I can seemingly never find any pieces or brands I like

>> No.6667054

live in a rich city

>> No.6667057

>buy whatever jeans you like based on color and texture
>make sure the waist fits well, besides that everything else can be too big
>put on inside out
>carefully pin the outline of your legs, on the side of the pants, starting below the waist part
>remove jeans
>sew along the line of pins with any sewing machine set on medium straight stitch
>turn right side out

>> No.6667102

if you thrift you better be crafty, as already stated in the thread

dye, tailor, alter, repeat

>> No.6667126

is a sewing machine necessary?
if so w2c good sewing machine?

>> No.6667153

>tfw in NYC and still never find shit

>> No.6667170

Some tips for thrifting. Some shops have more #nxtlevel shit depending on where they're located. E.g., if it's in a more upmarket area then there will be better donations brought in by the public than in some nowhere shithole (where I live). Also some shop owners know their brands and some don't, but most of them don't. You can get very good deals if you are patient and also know how to negotiate.

Main thing is patience and persistence. Hit up the same shops maybe once a week, more if your that desperate for a #grail piece, shops will rotate the old clothes on their hangers and replace them with newer donations.

>> No.6667267

this. I have some children's tank tops that drape p. well and fit my bod perfectly

>> No.6667849

See here



blue lettering within the description are links

>> No.6668095

Yes, unless you have years of hand-sewing experience.

Any Singer will do the job, no need to buy intricate digital ones, unless they're cheap or on sale. Got my digital Singer for $200 and it has automatic decorative stitches, self threading needle, etc.

Avoid other brands like the plague, they're usually too fast and feel cheap.

>> No.6668163


>> No.6668221

there;s a dude on sufu who has some of the best fits and he wears like timbs a bleached hoody and a black jacket with custom patches on it. you don't need money to have style it just takes a little bit more imagination

>> No.6668268

Get 2 big black pillow cases and tuck them in your shorts as a skirt
Wear a long women's black dress and a hoddie over it
scrunch up trash bags for shoes

>> No.6668369

>british thrift stores.
Or Charity Shops, if you prefer, are absolutely terrible. Its very disappointing, as i would love to get gems from them.

>> No.6668591


>> No.6668631
File: 223 KB, 500x667, Afrika+Bambaataa+wpb4YsvWL3uyk5xkaMzTdStN_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

modern singers are pretty awful, besides, the technique described in >>6667057 doesn't produce good results.

>> No.6671011

you mean mamma dod?

>> No.6671279


>> No.6671471

>but pic related would be more like what I want, it's pretty basic shit other than the MMM's

Those are H&MxMMM, that is basic bitch shit.

>> No.6671991
File: 199 KB, 700x1050, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Ftumblr_m5p06pmckq1qapsoao1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some black jeans and some DIY, right?

>> No.6672010

you mean mamma död?

>> No.6672040

If I understand correctly, the entirely collaboration was (obviously lower quality) reproductions of past mainline pieces.

Not that it should matter.

>> No.6672087

They are not even remotely close to the mainline MMM sneakers. It's kind of exactly what you'd expect from a H&M or Zara rip-off.

>> No.6672108

Remember the fake sewing molded into the plastic? Remember what they referred to that as when the shoe came out?

"Trompe L'oeil Stitching"

Like, wow, man.

>> No.6672147

Is that really what they called it? That is one scenario I'd prefer ioffer.

>> No.6672160

Yeah, looking at the picture large now, they've got a nice silhouette of course, but they look so different. Is that embossing for all the details?

That's horrible, but I kind of admire the sheer hustling-meets-deconstruction audacity of that.

>> No.6672172

ha, spot on

>> No.6672181
File: 60 KB, 800x787, rWNpcyS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is mamma dod?

>> No.6672188

It's like "That's right, it's trompe l'oeil stitching. Go ahead, call us on it, if you even speak French or know art."

>> No.6672196


>> No.6672201

OP's pic is about as cheap as i'd go in goooby terms

>> No.6672214

Just be dadcore until you have money. It's way easier to put together outfits from that style from thrift shops. Just need to tailor.

>> No.6673695

dis nigga
I just realized it'd be pronounced mamma dude

>> No.6673700

yeah that's him
cool dude, follow him on tumblr if you have one

>> No.6673709

No it wouldn't.

>source; being norwegian

>> No.6673715

oomlauts make long o sounds do they not?
dude is pronounced dood

>> No.6673729


>> No.6673739


Play the sound clip to hear something close, sounds like a dane to me, but it's a fine approximation.

>> No.6674310
File: 31 KB, 292x611, 1358905673238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6674321


>> No.6674353


That's because most donations are from old women.

>> No.6675343

that looks like shit

>> No.6675359

Did she thrift her skin from /v/

>> No.6675708

#rekt #ethered #sickburn

>> No.6675716

Her skin's not even bad but I lol'd

>> No.6675725
File: 4 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you thrift your attitude from /r9k/?

Also, check captcha.

>> No.6675729


>> No.6676729
File: 66 KB, 665x1024, 1376034327717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6676791
File: 1.38 MB, 1383x3859, 1368294688393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rick x4

lol ya but youre gonna end up lookin like this

>> No.6678240
File: 87 KB, 432x648, elle-06-best-looks-grimes-xln-large_new[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found it.


>linking to Elle on /fa/

>> No.6678362


OPs image isn't amazing but it's passable.

Full on ninja, with big drapes and weird silhouettes will look weird with cheap stuff, but if you keep it to a more conservative shape I think it can work.

Something like Nike Frees/Air Force 1 + Skinny Jeans (that fit properly and don't look shit) and one or two shirts/tanks (possibly modified) and a big hoody can work for a casual monochrome look IMO.

It kind of depends on your definition. If your definition of 'goof is 4x rick minimum then yeah, most people can't do that. If your definition is a mix of thin & thin shapes and angles it's a bit difference.