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/fa/ - Fashion

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6646004 No.6646004 [Reply] [Original]

I go to Harvard but have almost no school clothing at all. I want to increase my school pride.

Is this track jacket okay?

>> No.6646009

I like it

>> No.6646011
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>increase my school pride

Lel Faggot

>> No.6646036
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I shouldn't be proud of my school?

>> No.6646095

Pompous manlet

>> No.6646115

I go to Columbia and only have school t-shirts and a zipper-down sweater

>purchased before discovering /fa/

>> No.6646142

The only people who wear clothes with "Harvard" written on it are people who never went to Harvard.

>> No.6646161
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Would it be less pompous if I went to another school? Stay jealous fuccboi. Also I'm 5'11" master race

>> No.6646163

I go there tho

>> No.6646167

One of my roommates did that. He wore t-shirts of about 4 different schools that he never attended, yet never wore our school's shirt.

>> No.6646180

This is completely untrue and only someone who has never been around an ivy campus would say this.

>> No.6646221


>> No.6646383

I go to harvard too scrub

If I see you wearing that next month I'm going to nutpunch you

>> No.6646414

I too go to Harvard. Gimme a holler if you see this faggot and I'll come kick his ass with you

>> No.6646453


>> No.6646491

I go to Harvard too.

>> No.6646512

Prove it: What's your ID number?

>> No.6646518


this is completely true and only someone who has had to trudge through a suburban existence can truly empathize with you

>> No.6646521

I was accepted to Harvard, but I turned them down in favor of MIT

>> No.6646526


>> No.6646561

obviously false, but not only that you didn't even know to put a "@" at the beginning
>ya burned
>source: I actually attend Harvard University

And there are thousands of kids on campus wearing Harvard shit every day.

>> No.6646746

if you faggots think that kids who attend ivy leagues dont wear clothing of their respective schools than you're fucking retarded. It literally happens at every college

>> No.6646764
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OP here. Not that stupid but it's got 8 digits. Not sure if it's possible for someone to source my real identity through my HUID but I'm not gonna give the opportunity :3

>> No.6646788

Easy question then what is the credit called that you can put on your ID card?

>> No.6646792

a black one with white stripes would look better

>> No.6646886

Fun fact: 90% of incoming Harvard freshmen are virgins. 30% of bachelors graduates are still virgins.

>> No.6647013

How do I get into Harvard pls

>> No.6647114

Source: The National Bureau of Your Ass

>> No.6647167

Crimson Cash. Next question please

>> No.6647168

Sound mad

>> No.6647178

I'll be sure to think of that statistic while fucking my girlfriend lol

>> No.6647185

Nah b I have no reason to be mad

>> No.6647805

You pay.

That is all.

If you don't need financial aid, your chances to get in jump from 5% to at least above 15%.

>> No.6648045
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>drastic oversimplification of the admissions process

There's some truth in this. But in reality to get into Harvard unless you are a super-legacy you need to have an SAT score above 2200 (or ACT >33) be in the top 5% of your class GPA and have really good essays and extracurriculars

>> No.6648091

>good SAT
>top of the class
>good ECs
>good essays
Yeah, like any other mid to top tier college or uni. You're not being specific.

>> No.6648103

I also go to Harvard I study brainiatrics and shitposting

>> No.6648278

there's no secret formula

I got into Stanford but rejected from all Ivies including Cornell
I also got into Northwestern but rejected from both UCLA and UC Berkeley

No logic in that

>> No.6648295

nice m8

>> No.6648299

are there any hot bitches at harvard?

how are the frats and sororities?

>> No.6648315

Harvard girls seem to be generally average looking/ugly (like 6/10) with a few real genius beauties thrown in. My GF doesn't go to Harvard.

>> No.6648329
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College admissions is ultimately a crapshoot once you meet those high standards. I guess I (and a thousand other really smart people) got lucky. I read somewhere that Harvard admissions could take an entire class that was equivalent academically to the one that they accept every year out of the rejected applicants.

>> No.6648337


I meant to say this: >>6648278

>> No.6648357

zamn i need me some harvard pussy

any advice on getting any? my friend goes to Regis and his GF goes to school somewhere in Boston.

I want dat harvard punanni. Am i out of luck since I dont attend the shcool let alone go to school in that state

>> No.6648368

also meant to add that I will be visiting said friend this semester SOOOOOO yeah

>> No.6648392

>once you meet those high standards
Isn't 2200 SAT shit easy if you practice a lot?

What about international students

>> No.6648461

Pretty much yeah, if you're actually smart you'll get >220. I got 2300/35 ACT but I think 2200 is a good marker of intelligence

>> No.6648469

Yeah ok

Any suggestions for the essays?

As for class rank (top 5%) they don't have those at my school, what do? Ask the councillor to mention that I'm a top student in the rec letter or something

>> No.6648471
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Dress well and be intelligent? Same advice that would work for any girl I guess? I feel like a lot of girls here are really reserved but have a secret desire to go hard and be really slutty, so maybe acting really alpha could work

>> No.6648477

That won't hurt. If you don't have class tank I'd say any GPA above 95 is viable. I had 97.5 or something, I don't remember

I think the essay is most important. Write about something unique to you and not some dumb "special thing" that a thousand other kids are gonna write about like community service or someshit

I'm going to go swim but if you have more questions I'll be back in an hour or so

>> No.6648490

>I want to increase my school pride.

that's something you have not something you wear

>> No.6648520
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I actually go to Harvard as well, what year?

pic related proof

>> No.6648537

u white or u a minority?

>> No.6648544

As I said, I'm not American, so there's no GPA here. I don't know how to translate my grades so I'll probably inflate them (as in write down top GPAs since I'm at the top of my class)
I don't know what I should do with the transcripts though, if you have any idea? Should I send them without translating? Just "convert" my grades to GPA, but not translate teacher comments and leave it as it is? Would that be ok?

Something unique to me? Going to have to brainstorm for this one, but do you mean a random experience which I can really describe with passion?

>> No.6648586

I seriously hope your parents went and this is a family thing

>> No.6648715

I'm actually going to be a freshman next year. I worked there last summer too so I know the campus pretty well. You?

>> No.6648720

Yeah, a random experience. For example, a unique person or mentor in your life who really influenced you. Or a life-threatening disease you had

>> No.6648729
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I think you just send grades and Harvard interprets them, you don't write em down

>> No.6648744

Same. Do you happen to post on /fit/ as well?

>> No.6648761

What, send my transcripts?
But it's a different system and there's a section on the Common App in which I should write down grades.

So I should just send my transcripts without translation and write down random top GPAs

>> No.6648773

Yeah, do that, sounds about right. Ask your counselor, I'm not an expert in overseas applications.

>> No.6648778
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Nah, I lurk /fa/ and occasionally post out of boredom. Email me?

>> No.6648803

Good luck over there, OP. I'm starting school at Stanford this fall.

>> No.6648807

check your shit

>> No.6648812


>> No.6648815

Ok. Thanks.

If you don't mind telling, could you give me a quick overview of your ECs/essay/etc to see if I'm competitive?

If you don't feel like it it's alright

>> No.6648816

Thanks brah. Great school, I have a friend who loves it there

>> No.6648820

No problem. I was captain of cross-country team and science Olympiad, varsity track and field, leader of an a Capella group, national honor society, and a bunch of other less important awards. 97.5 GPA. 2300 SAT/35 ACT. Wrote my essays about how much I love Boston and my brother, who inspired me.

>> No.6648842

Thanks again.
Leadership positions seem to be really important, going to have to work on those.

I'll see how I'll work this out, it doesn't seem impossible like Collegeconfidential and other shitholes say it is.

Have a good time at Harvard, bruh

>> No.6648859

Good luck! It's definitely possible. Save my email and shoot me a message if you get in or if you have any more questions.

>> No.6648895

I'm on a mobile right now, I might have a few more questions - I'll send you an email tomorrow (when I have access to a computer) if that's okay. I'll be leaving now.

>> No.6648901

sure sounds good

>> No.6648951

Is MIT easier than Harvard for admissions
What about Stanford, or Berkeley

>> No.6648965

>Is MIT easier than Harvard for admissions
No, much harder.

Stanford, Berkeley - Depends where you're from. Are you in Cali? Easier. Are you not? Harder.

but Stanford I'd say is generally harder

>> No.6649004

srsly question OP.

How hard is it to get into an Ivy League college?

>> No.6649041

some jew i know from high school who was pretty mediocre when it came to academics got into harvard because his dad, uncle, grandfather, great grandfather (etc...) went to harvard.

>> No.6649056

get a yale one i thikn it would be edgier

>> No.6649064

hey toptier schoolbros

My gpa isn't very good and I want to go to grad school at MIT or Stanford for mechanical engineering. (like 2.8 not very good) BUT I'm going to take the GRE, and I can ace any standardized test you can give me. Also, I have two aunts, a cousin, and a brother that went to standford, plus my dad, my aunt, and another cousin that went to MIT. How are my chances if I can write a good essay?

>> No.6649065

"Ivy League" is a meaningless grouping

Cornell? Not too hard depending on the college. Agriculture, Human Ecology, and ILR might as well not be Cornell, pretty easy to get into. Engineering and the Hotel school are hardest.

Princeton isn't terribly hard either.

Dartmouth would be next

Then Harvard/Yale

>> No.6649068

Very. I had a 2250, 4.0 unweighted, played varsity soccer for 4 years and captained the team, played for Sounders u-18, was a part of ASB, a part of youth city council, and I didn't get into ONE Ivy League... Now I go to USC.

>> No.6649069

Pretty fuckin hard lol just work hard and do your best

>> No.6649073

come on

what did you apply as? If you're applying to the engineering schools it's going to be harder

>> No.6649078

having family alumni helps so much

>> No.6649088

Yeah, I applied to be an engineer... My fucking dad wouldn't let me apply under anything else, he's such an idiot. Now I'm Business Economics, what I originally wanted to do.

>> No.6649091

You seriously got to go all out in your high school year. I settled for a UC school because I didn't really care to try to get into an ivy league, but my ex got into JewPenn because she scored a 2400 on her SAT, maintained a 4.0 throughout all of highschool and was in numerous service clubs. Some like Cornell are somewhat easier to get into because of their large undergrads, but it requires a lot of discipline mostly.

>> No.6649108

If you weren't too wasted throughout high school to actually excel you were doing it wrong.

>> No.6649110
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THIS. Fuck I wish I could go back...
>tfw UCI

>> No.6649135

oooh i just checked Cornell's website...
saw they had a fashion class/ runway thing


>> No.6649153

at least your not at ucr

>> No.6649173



No wonder you're at UCR

>> No.6649195

you really must be an aspie to get huffy over someones grammar on an image board.

plus im strung out, give me a break.

>> No.6649209


I was only helping you come to terms with why you're at UCR

>> No.6649234

Pretty fuckin hard lol just work hard and do your best

>> No.6649328

College admissions are fucking disgusting. These admissions fucks sit around and pick these "unique" special stars that are: legacies or extremely ethnic and reject those with actual potential.

Half of the people they pick sound like they could never thrive in a university setting.

Read this article about Amherst College, which is as selective or more so than some Ivies:


>> No.6649342

Be edgy and wear another schools clothing

>> No.6649425

I'm at UCR because my mother's house was foreclosed on after she was displaced from her job, and she had had to go live with her relatives on the other side of the country, while I was sent to my estranged and verbally abusive father for the duration of my sophomore year. Depression kicked in, and my grades dropped from A's and the occasional B to D's and C's.

Eventhough I was reunited with my mother after she got a job and a new place to live, and I worked hard to fix my fuck up by getting straight As from then on, I only managed to work my GPA up to a 3.5 unweighted, which couldn't get me into any good schools even with my record of community service and 35 ACT score.

So thats why I'm at UCR.

Hope that Ivy league degree helps you become less of a cunt.

>> No.6649575


> international students

give up. unless you won international awards and are legit super genius

>> No.6649591

being white is easy mode tho. you could not go to college or sometimes not even finish high school and youll be able to get into places and make possible more money than ppl with degrees. trust me. just have to work hard for it m8

>> No.6649624

>reject those with actual potential.
You are dumb if you think you actually have potential if you've been rejected from college. There's probably something wrong with you. especially if you think "potential" is a good arguement for putting your faith in anyone outside of an anime or some shit. it matters what people have actually done.

>> No.6649665

>tfw white, a boy, and have a doctor dad
>tfw no scholarships
I might try and pull the off the fact that I'm from the rural midwest. I've heard schools are required to take a certain number of students from different regions. Is that true?

>> No.6649896

Absolutely. If you're from Alaska or Wyoming you have a huge advantage

>> No.6649923


ur gonna be paying out-of-state tuition for good publics.

if you can pay, you have a distinct advantage

>> No.6650136

Bruh, as a recent stanford graduate, let me tell you nobody worth talking to actually gives a shit. I know plenty of people who fucked up in school and won't be any better off having gone to stanford than if they'd gone to a fucking community college. Unless your school is complete shit tier, how well you do after college depends entirely on your effort. Anyone who tries to argue this is either a high school gunner or insecure beyond belief.
4rel yo

>> No.6650190

I got a 34 on the ACT, have a 3.99 (unweighted) GPA, and am in the top 2% of my class. I've held student government positions for four years, am a mentor and tutor, and I'm a section leader in my band.

What are my chances of getting into any Ivies or Standford?

>> No.6650230

I'm the guy above your comment. Your chances are good.

>> No.6650306

As good as anyone, but keep in mind many of the other applicants are just like you. It's still a crapshoot.

>> No.6650872


Harvard > Stanford > MIT for admissions
Nobody gives a shit if you're in Cali apart from Berkeley which is public

>> No.6650874


>5'11" master race


>> No.6650875

Idk dude Harvard and Stanford do seem to accept more people from Mass and Cali respectively

>> No.6650892
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Right I forgot this is 4chan where perceptions of height are ridiculously warped

>> No.6650909


Nigga, i don't give a shit about anything posted in this thread, but the only master race is being 6'1" to 6'3".

>> No.6650920
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"Master race" comment aside (which was sarcastic) 5'10" is average adult male height in the States so I think 5'11" is totally fine. I'm taller than most people in the street and that's all I care about

>> No.6650931

You're a faggot if you actually think that

Don't tell him that, internationals sometimes have more chances due to quotas

If he's from China or Korea or India he's fucked. But if he's from western Europe he doesn't have that much less chances than Americans

>> No.6650941

I got accepted into Rice, but I go to SMU.

I don't like Houston, and I'd rather stay around my hometown.

>> No.6651139

You guys make it seem harder than it is

I had a meh GPA, 2200 SAT, inflated my ECs a lot, and got into Yale, UPenn, UCLA, Caltech and Princeton (attending).
Big deal.

Nobody gives a shit about your undergrad though, only MSc/PhD/MBA matters.

>> No.6651184


Then you're a minority or have an alum in the family.

>> No.6651268

>only MSc/PhD/MBA matter
med school, law school, dental school, pharm school, etc moran

>> No.6651409

I'm white.
>alum in the family
No. My aunt went to Berkeley, everyone else went to random schools.

As I told you, it's not as hard as you guys make it out to be.

>> No.6651436

I like this top tier schoolbro thread

>> No.6651448

>tfw dream is UCLA or Cornell
>tfw will never be able to study there undergrad because international student

It feels pretty fucking bad

>> No.6651463

cooper union m8

>> No.6651474

How nice is Harvard? I live by Yale and Im tired of seeing faggors from that school at the local venue thats a couple feet away.

>> No.6651477

USC is pretty cool too, they have a ginormous international student body

>> No.6651481


both of my parents are Harvard grads and I didn't know it until I was 13 when I found some Harvard hoodies in the garage and a yearbook.

>"mom did you go to Harvard"
>"why didn't you ever tell me"
>it never came up
>"k den"

>> No.6651486
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>where everyone goes to Harvard, is 6'2", 120 lbs, and owns several closets-worth of Rick Owens

>> No.6651497
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>> No.6651498

Live in NH too.
>Pick up girl
>"where do you work?"
>"I go to Harvard"

Never call her back.

>> No.6651502

>believing people's personal lives on /fa/, let alone 4chan

>> No.6651509

the fuck am I saying. Yale*

>> No.6651531

A lot of my friends got into ivy leagues pretty easy with generic 2000+ SAT scores, 4.0+ GPA, and a decent amount of AP classes and clubs. Basically everyone with a 4.0 and a above and took at least 2 AP classes got into one. But then again most of my friends were minority asians, 1st generation Americans, 1st generations to get into college and from the west coast. A lot of them got rejected from stanford though or at least not offered full rides. I suspect it's because they lived too close.

>> No.6651606

Being Asian is a huge disadvantage for getting into Ivies. They don't want more Asians there

>> No.6651701

They love Hispanics though. My Portuguese and Italian friends pretended to be Hispanic when applying.

>> No.6651731

It's called affirmative action and it still prevails in education, unfortunately.

>> No.6651739

Affirmative action actually harms asian families the most, even more than whites. That is probably more for jobs than for education though.

>> No.6651746

Affirmative action has seen white British makes the group least likely to go to University. Hail to my glorious feminist apologist leaders.

>> No.6651747


>> No.6652228

Can I pretend I'm hispanic if I'm not from the USA?
Will they take it into account or will they label me as "international"?

>> No.6652379


>> No.6652404

I turned down Harvard and MIT for Dartmouth. I thought I wanted a rural school in the middle of nowhere but I now definitely regret my decision; especially because I'm now majoring in Comp Sci.

>> No.6652413

Well, I had a 2340 and 36 when applying and still thought I had no chance. By some miracle I was accepted while the other kids in my grade with similar stats were waitlisted or rejected. Really seems like a crapshoot.

None of us requested financial aid for the record.

>> No.6652427

How did you manage that?

>> No.6652444

>Princeton isn't terribly hard either.
>Dartmouth would be next
>Then Harvard/Yale

Are you talking out of your ass? First off, you forgot Columbia and Penn. I go to Dartmouth and it's the 4th hardest to get into. Sure, a bunch of my friends got into HYP+S and chose Dartmouth over all of them, but that's irrelevant.

Our acceptance rate was just over 10% this year (up from last year which was our first single-digit year). It goes:
- Harvard>Princeton>Yale - all really tough to get into as a white person.
- Columbia=Stanford - all really easy as a minority but nearly as tough as HYP for a white person
- Dartmouth=Wharton - marginally easier to get into
- Penn=Brown=Duke
..[every other top 15 school]..
- Cornell

>> No.6652452

Forgot ***Columbia, Penn, and Brown

and Dartmouth is **5th hardest Ivy to get into

>> No.6652480

Studied a bit and I'm a good test taker. I'm pretty confident I could've brought it up to a 2400 if I retook it, but it's just diminishing returns after that.

I made a post about the SAT a few weeks ago, I'll try to dig it up.

>> No.6652499

I was accepted into Cornell for one of their biggest program, they didn't even require SAT scores.

I laffed.

>international application
>no financial aid needed
>call up IPO office
>ME: do I need to take the SAT ?
>THEM: with your application, you should be fine.

two weeks later I got my acceptance, I laughed.

ended up deciding on a different school in my country.

>> No.6652719

What happens if I pretend to be Hispanic (I'm white) and get into HYPS?
Are they going to do some background check or something? What if they find out that my close family isn't Hispanic?
Some of my ancestors were Spanish but still.

I'm international (I posted above, asked about the same thing but got no answers). Will I still get considered as Hispanic or just international?

>> No.6652730

how the fuck do you pretend to be hispanic, fuccboi?do you put on a sombrero and hold a taco on each hand saying andele andele? ffs

>> No.6652735

yeah honestly sat is easy the math is at a fucking 8th grade level and if you can read you can do the reading section. the writing section you just have to not sound like an idiot idk why literally everyone and their mom gets buttmad over standardized testing and bs

but either way, i'm going to a top5 engineering school so my dreams of being /fa/ are p much over

>> No.6652885
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My friend is white as fuck but put down that he was Hispanic because his mother (also white as fuck) moved to the States from Argentina. He got into Columbia. You'll probably be fine but pretending to be something you're not is stupid anyway

>> No.6653257

Well should be alright then
I just don't want to get expelled if they find out nobody from my close family is hispanic

>> No.6653302
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is college flannel /fa/ ?

>> No.6653310
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bumping question with more pics

>> No.6653320


lmao i had this when i was 13

>> No.6653368

To what extent does being Hispanic give you an edge? In which colleges does it really give you much more chances?

>> No.6653450

I came here from Northern Spain as a pre-teen (now a citizen), and Ive never spoken Spanish in my life. I saw it on TV once when I lived back in Spain.

The classification of Hispanic usually refers to people that are from a place deriving its culture from Castile. I still plan on passing off as Hispanic. My last name doesnt even seem close tk Spanish, it looks French or Portuguese lel. But I count on the fact that most Americans are too oblivious to tell the difference.

>> No.6653472

It's a huge advantage. Also being black is a really big advantage. But greatest of all is being Native American

>> No.6653477

You qualify as Hispanic

>> No.6653488

All colleges. Its called Affirmative Action.

IMO Hispanics would be better off asking the King of Spain for reperations.

>> No.6653497


>> No.6653506

When I came here they said Im White, and put me down as White in the paperwork. Most likely because my family didnt speak Spanish and our language sounds like French.

>> No.6653578

You self-report your ethnicity to colleges though. It's up to you

>> No.6653584
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2300 SAT
35 ACT
97.5 GPA

>> No.6653623

do you go to Michigan? Going there in the Fall

>tfw not good enough for ivy schools

>> No.6653644

nahhh but i got in, i would go if it was in-state but ga tech gave me dat $$$

>> No.6655196

My great aunt was Hispanic.
Do I qualify?

>implying I won't self identify as such anyway, just wanted to know

>> No.6655216

>tfw going to Eastern in the Fall

Does this mean it's time for /fa/'s Ann Arbor meetup?

>> No.6655336

every college on the face of the earth fucking beaner moron

also niggers and redskins

>> No.6655349 [DELETED] 

wait, people actually study for the sat? lol

>> No.6655385

So I have 4 percent chance for harvard if I'm white

what if hispanic?

>> No.6655419

I had a 2380 SAT/ 36 ACT/ valedictorian and some other shit

I got into Columbia (attending), Dartmouth, and Cornell. Waitlisted at Wharton, Brown, and Princeton. Rejected from Harvard and Yale.

Honestly, numbers don't mean nearly as much as you think they do. My extracurriculars were decent but not spectacular- being the aspie I was, I held virtually no leadership positions in high school, and very little volunteering.

It seems like ~60% of people here at Columbia are those that got a boost in admissions by having enough minority in their blood to declare themselves as URM, or wealthy legacy prep school kids (Andover, Exeter, etc.) All the internationals I know band together- they all appear ultra rich, at least the Europeans, and are certainly the most /fa/.

When I got here, I was expecting to struggle, to be mediocre for the first time in my life. Maybe I'm smart, I don't know, but the fact is, a lot of non-geniuses get into Ivies, and that's putting it kindly.

For admissions, do a good job stuffing your résumé with volunteering and leadership positions. Essays are absolutely important. My essays were shit, and I feel like it cost me.

The Ivies and similar institutions have a ton of prestige attached to their respective names. Is it warranted? That's debatable. What's not debatable is that in employment and for many other ventures in life, having a top-tier alma mater immediately puts you ahead of your peers.

>> No.6655530

just because the admission rate is 4% doesn't mean anyone who applies has a 4% chance of getting in. if someone with a 2.3 gpa and a 1500 sat applies, they aren't going to get in. that said, if you're somewhat competitive for harvard as a white person then being hispanic would at least double or triple your chances. i know this dumb mexican kid who went to a shitty high school and was top of his class (but relative to who he was competing with would've been near the bottom at my school) and he got in

>> No.6655551

if one takes both sat and act he doesn't have to take sat subjects? for any college (top ones)?

How many of these positions would be ideal? I have none
Will they do checks on what's true and what's not? especially if it's stuff like salvation army volunteering or library volunteering or class captain

>> No.6655564

>What's not debatable is that in employment and for many other ventures in life, having a top-tier alma mater immediately puts you ahead of your peers.

i'm gonna have to debate that. i go to berkeley (in state + poor + aid = free for me) and would have loved to gone to a different uni because of how shitty grade deflation is here. what you said is true if you're only going to do undergrad (which means you're probably stupid as fuck), but unless your school is ultra shit tier, having a higher GPA will always be more impressive than what school you went to for your bachelors. fucking competitive people over here going out of their way to make it harder for others, it's total bullshit. not to take anything away from the ivies, but my friends that go to brown and cornell have never dealt with grade deflation. some even have major grade inflation.

>> No.6655572

>I don't know, but the fact is, a lot of non-geniuses get into Ivies
no shit. we're talking about a standardized exam that tests over simple mathematical concepts combined with a insidiously biased writing section that obviously favors english-speaking cultures....exams and gpa don't measure ingenuity.

>> No.6655640

That's kind of included in my "Ivy advantage" spiel. Ivies have pretty large grade inflation- one plus is that they hand out A+ grades, which are 4.333 on the GPA scale, so it is feasible to have a GPA above 4.0 after graduating. The grading curves around here are essentially, 50% get B's and 30% get A's, but I know of some professors who don't even hand out C's.

To put it simply, a 3.6 at an Ivy will leave pretty much every door open for you; a 4.0 from a run-of-the-mill school might not do the same.

>> No.6655677

I'd still recommend you take two subject tests. Pretty much everyone wants to see at least two, one of them being a math subject test. Take Math II- the curve is ridiculously generous compared to Math I, and the math isn't that much more difficult. Take another in a science if you are good at science, or a humanity otherwise. I personally took Math II, chemistry, Math I (twice), and US History, and got 800/800/790 (780 first time, fuck)/740 respectively. The good thing is that you only report what you want to report.

Leaderships- they would rather you be a leader in something important to you rather than spread yourself out over 50 clubs. Depth is as important as breadth.

They probably don't fact check that meticulously, but will be in contact with your counselor, so you better get your story straight with him/her before writing that you're a horseback-riding national champion. Maintain a good relationship with your counselor for now until you graduate- it could only help.

>> No.6655700

uhm nope, in any realistic circumstances employers aren't going to give a shit about your GPA or your alta-mater (unless you go to some highly esteemed college) not so much as what you've actually accomplished in college i.e projects, research. Ironically the salary differentials themselves are marginal. tbh i feel that graduate school will always matter more

>> No.6655705

I totally agree with you; the tests are super easy. But while your reasoning might lead you to believe that a lot of average minds score very highly on standardized tests, thus allowing them admission, my reasoning questioned how so many kids who did relatively poorly on these easy tests got in. There a few non-athletes who got below a 30 on the ACT or around a 1800 on the SAT. These are definitely above average scores, but when you consider that 2300+ scoring kids got rejected, you question the legitimacy of the admissions process as a whole.

>> No.6655713

Columbia is very much a rich kid's school. If you are not full-pay, it is going to be very very hard

although the same goes for most high-tier schools, I think it's especially bad at Columbia

>> No.6655721


Hate when that word is misused. I believe you're reaching for "coincidentally".

And as far as networking is concerned, you cannot dispute that alma mater does not matter. Networking is BIG.

>> No.6655731

Okay, thanks. So SAT, Math II and Chemistry? If I do that, do I HAVE to take the ACT?

Dream schools would be all Ivies, Stanford, MIT, Duke, UCLA, UCB... I don't know if they have different requirements.

>leader in something important
Does having founded an organization or buisness count?

>contact with your counselor
Good luck to them, he doesn't speak English...

>> No.6655738

Sure, there are a lot of rich kids and legacies here, but at the same time a ton of kids receive generous financial aid and are not at all ashamed to talk about it. Columbia prides itself on being a very diverse school. Hell, the school President was involved in a Supreme Court case a few years back arguing in favor of affirmative action.

Columbia is definitely one of the more expensive Ivies though.

>> No.6655761

Or ACT+ subject tests. I preferred the ACT personally- it doesn't measure your knowledge of vocabulary, which could be particularly useful for you. The reading section is a whole lot more simple as far as questions are concerned. The ACT is more of a speed test IMO, while the SAT is more of a thinking test.

Founding organizations is excellent, that definitely counts for a lot.

On your counselor, I'm not really too sure. Do you know anyone from your school/city/country that has gone through the admissions process and gotten into a good school a few years older than you? They'd definitely be qualified to offer advice.

>> No.6655793

so you just said it's easier to get a higher GPA at ivies because of grade inflation (that 4.333 for an A+ thing is total bullshit, nobody else does that...), but a lower ivy GPA is better than a higher gpa at a non-ivy?

3.6 w/ grade inflation > 4.0 without grade inflation?

makes no sense

>> No.6655804

Exactly mate, that's exactly what I'm saying. Totally unfair in my opinion.

>> No.6655805

>cannot dispute that alma mater does not matter
>corrects someone else, fucks up himself
>ivy education

>> No.6655814

oopsi xD im le stoopid

>> No.6655812

Well, I already prepared for registering for the SAT. I want to do the minimum required and not spend a whole bunch of time on exams - I'll take a look at the ACT, but are you sure that it's required *along with* SAT and SAT Subjects? After checking Harvard and other Ivies' requirements, it seems that it's not...

Oh, good. I founded an organization and did a bit of volunteering but did not have any leadership positions/varsity sports stuff. Will the former compensate for the latter?

Unfortunately, I don't know anyone in my area who went to an American uni/college. But since my counselor doesn't speak English and doesn't know about the USA system, that can be an advantage for recommendations and translating GPAs, right?

>> No.6655816

you went full CC

>> No.6655838

The ACT is not required if you take the SAT, but I just thought it might suit you better. I definitely recommend taking practice exams for whichever exam you take- knowing the format is essential for your success.

There isn't a checklist for stuff you need to get accepted, past the exams you have to take. You don't have to be an athlete or award-winning musician to get in, but anything you can take credit for can only help.

I really don't know on the counselor thing. It could really go either way.

>> No.6655843


everyone in this thread needs to understand that, by and large, nobody really gives a fuck as long as you do well wherever you are (within reason...of course a mediocre gpa at MIT would be worth more than a high gpa at ITT tech or w/e)

once you're in college and beyond high school, you'll realize that the composition of people at your particular uni isn't much different. there are insanely smart people at every uni, there are total "wtf how did you get in here" retards at every uni. in the end, where you go for post-undergrad is infinitely more important

>> No.6655849


>> No.6655878

>post undergrad
But muh networking factor
Muh alum pride

>> No.6655889

I'll take a look at both, as I said. If the ACT suits me better (because I'm not American, is that it?) I'll take it.

Yeah alright, it just sounded like those leadership/volunteering things were super important and that not having them would automatically get me rejected
I don't have all those opportunities in my country so I can't have a big portfolio like you guys

>> No.6655901

>(unless you go to some highly esteemed college)
>The fuck do you think ivy league is?


>> No.6655958

yeah i think that guy's retarded.

but his point is still basically right. accomplishing a lot (internships and shit) at a decent school > doing absolutely nothing besides schoolwork at an ivy

>> No.6656001

lmao stay mad ivyfags my degree from Berkeley is actually covered by tax dollars

>> No.6656183

>Ivy-tier, ever
With Cornell/Brown, maybe. No way you're in the same league as HYP

>> No.6656219
File: 5 KB, 225x224, montae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you graduated 2 years ago and miss college

Fuck all you college bros better enjoy the shit out of it while it lasts. I don't know if I'll ever have as much fun as I did when I was in college

>> No.6656248

I didn't. SAT is a gauge of intelligence IMO, can't fake good scores

>> No.6656261


you're still in your twenties son

post college was the best time of my life

go fuck bitches and nut on their faces

>> No.6656286
File: 40 KB, 356x359, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 18 and about to enter the best years of my life

>> No.6656325


>> No.6656336

>tfw 18.5 and highschool didnt tell me about how or where to take the collage entrance tests so now im graduated and dont know where to take those tests and cant enter collage right away (or ever if i cant find where to take the tests...)

>> No.6656389
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>worried about tiers when my family is rich as fuck
u wot m8?

>> No.6656400

You'd better enjoy it bro. Don't spend a single weekend sitting around doing nothing. Trust me, every weekend you don't go out is a wasted weekend. Unless you have to study. But even then I made time to party and study on the same weekend

Thanks Adderall

>> No.6656411

that feel when going to a commuter school in the next county and nobody parties or does anything cool

>> No.6656428

Read the rules.
Pics must match post.
Ponies have their own board.

Go take your childish asspie shit somewhere else

>> No.6656630

Google is your friend bro

>> No.6656638

For sure, it's a big opportunity and I plan to do as much shit as I can. Prolly gonna skip the Adderall though

>> No.6656653

i'm doing my phd at harvard and i teach so frequently that i've probably taught some of you fuccbois

shoppin' at the tannery
shoppin' at jpress
what are you doing

shoppin' at cncpts actually cncpts is ok

>> No.6656666

in 5 years i don't think i've met one undergrad who knows about drinkwater's because you can't into fashion! your parents just buy you rose and lime pastel shorts! it is very silly

>> No.6656672

>satan's quads confirm prep is goofy

>> No.6658032

my post was this:>>6655958
why did you quote me ya fuckin moron? i go to berkeley too lmao nothing in my post suggested ivy > everything else.

>> No.6658280

Actually attend Harvard, but I'm a lady. This is all untrue. Harvard students only wear school apparel in a 3 mile radius within Cambridge. Otherwise you risk coming across as an asshole. My roommate's parents are worth 800 mil and she only wears black leggings and north face jackets day in and day out. Flashiness is frowned upon.

>> No.6658285

>800 million
Yeah no.

>> No.6658287

Woah... how many of us lurk here? River or quad house?

>> No.6658326

Everyone at Harvard lives on campus... there's a major "house community" aspect that is meant to be nurturing. Everyone also has a mandatory meal plan, which we all complain about incessantly. She's got a water-front property on Long Island that is the size of a large chunk of Manhattan.

>> No.6658355
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Here's a picture from inside the freshman dining hall, one of the many mandatory "community centers" around Harvard.

>> No.6658381

Tbh that's a little retarded.. Niggas probably think they're at Hogwarts or some shit..
>tfw UW

>> No.6658394
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Here's the best of the river houses

>> No.6658402
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Cool, I checked out campuses too..

>> No.6658420

Did they give you a student account for all of your trouble?

>> No.6658436
File: 221 KB, 1427x560, my.harvard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6658446

Lmfao just by this justification I can tell you go to Harvard... Have fun getting laughed at by Lloyd when you show up to interview in an Hermès tie... pfffffft

>> No.6658462

I already said I was a girl. I'd show up in a basic Theory suit. I've lurked periodically since I was about 13 but I had to chime in because there, for once, appeared to be actual Harvard students in the midst. Normally I try to hide where I go, as do many other students around here: the typical phrase is "Oh, I go to school around Boston"

>> No.6658471

>goes to harvard
lmao the average height also factors in old people and manlet immigrants niqqa watchu doin in harvard anyway u dumb as shit

>> No.6658493
File: 84 KB, 620x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being too inconspicuous is just as obnoxious. Also, you would get laughed at in a Theory suit as well. You really need to reevaluate your life and reflect on what you can improve.

>> No.6658498

What should I be wearing? I can't goth ninja my interviews, /fa/...

>> No.6658524

i talk to my lecturers in gn

contemplating shaving though since i have a few serious appointments over the next few weeks

>> No.6658527

Obviously not, that would be the epitome of autism. A pencil skirt with some 3" heels and a blazer would suffice. Make sure your hair is tied in a ponytail or up in a bun of some sort, use a minimalistic bag and walk in with a tall drip.

>> No.6658537

But that's a Theory suit... I'd do that anyways. I'm very tall so the heels would need to be slightly lower to avoid intimidating manlets (jk...)

>> No.6658540



>> No.6658547

Don't worry, I'm 6'3" so wear your highest of heels ;)

>> No.6658553

5'10"... of the ethnicity whose men like to squat in track suits. Thankfully I don't have any 5+ heels

>> No.6658561
File: 322 KB, 936x936, 1375923844033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw UCSD this fall

at least i can party in SDSU doe

at least i'm not the top 25 IB kids whose best school was UCSD topkek

>> No.6658565



Eat it, Harvard fuccbois :3

>> No.6658568

It's also very easy to transfer into Berkeley, which is basically ivy-level (coming from an Ivy league student). You have great access to the ocean from the UCSD campus

>> No.6658567

My grandparents live in La Jolla. Say hi to them for me.

>> No.6658583

I went to UCSD for chemical engineering. It's a great school. One of the best public unis in the country bruv.

>> No.6658579

What're you majoring in anyways? If business related you'll have to work/network alot more than the petite sluts who get hired because the manlets feel superior to them..

>> No.6658592

Is UC to UC easy..? I'm at UCI and I've heard transferring to UCLA for Bus Econ will be practically impossible...

>> No.6658585


k m8

i did see some DRKSHDW jawnz for sale on ebay from a dude in La Jolla, he's probably an old goof

oh and Mitt Romney probably hangs out at the Mormon temple


i mite

i got into USC and was waitlisted at LA too, shame

>> No.6658594

I won't say, but I have a very competitive GPA. It can be difficult, though. Having been so tall my entire life, I much prefer to be demure and introspective. While I can do networking, it does disconcert me and I prefer to let credentials do the talking.

>> No.6658598

My ex transferred from UCSD to Cal easily... but it's important to do it early and to have a very high GPA. He transferred after his first year.

>> No.6658595
File: 73 KB, 1200x1800, ol-pants-suade-brown008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what college were you in?

you working for enron making $$$$?

>> No.6658618

I need to get my shit together then.. Just became a. sophomore with a 2.9, but im going to retake classes I messed up in my first two quarters. Would you say a 3.5 would suffice from Irvine to USC/LA/Cal..? If I retake hose classes and get B's or higher ill be at a 3.5.

>> No.6658635

A look at Harvard student/Harvard square fashion by former Harvard students


>> No.6658666

Looks like I'm an Islamic Native American I guess

>> No.6658690

Muir, nah I work for an oil company in Dallas.

>> No.6658709
File: 9 KB, 267x181, beatlesfrog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people here go to harvard
>parents of people here went to harvard
>posters aren't amazed by both of these facts
this is it
i'm done with /fa/
i can't stop imagining everyone here as a rich spoiled white bitch from america or europe
third world south american scums like me don't belong here.

>> No.6658718


how was Muir?

i'm in sixth and jelly of dem muir GEs

did you like the food, did you party anywhere

>> No.6658723




though yes /fa/ is not always a healthy place to be

>> No.6658727

I'm the girl who goes to Harvard. I was born in particularly third worldy part of Eastern Europe. There is a lot of socioeconomic diversity at Harvard, relative to what it could be like. I'd wager that less than 1% of /fa/ posters are actually wealthy

>> No.6658730

If it makes you feel any better, I grew up in a 40K combined income family and still wear H&M tier stuff for fashion because poor collegefag. I just worked hard in highschool because I was tired of being poor around all my friends and now I'm at a top tier school.

>> No.6658737

40k with the opportunity to advance to a top tier school probably still looks very privileged to someone who only sees the West and espectially top-tier schools as an unrealistic dream and not a feasible future.

>> No.6658761

Granted, but I'm a first gen American from a family that was previously oppressed under communism and survived genocide. Plus I didnt really get a lot of help school-wise. The point is that not everyone here is a spoiled bitch who leeches off daddy for some geobaskets; some had to work hard to get where they are regardless of how much privilege you assign them.

>> No.6658762

I'm applying in October, Harvard peeps email me.

>> No.6658766

I lived off campus, I live in Del Mar. I didn't go straight out of highschool I transferred from Miracosta at 22. So I just did my work and left. Partied with regular friends. I was only in the undergrad college for one semester to catch up pre major reqs. So many Asian qts though, architecture, weather, beach, close to gaslamp. Was good times.

>> No.6658772

Yeah, I know. I'm the former-Soviet Union Harvard kid. I just also know that even a story like mine or yours might seem privileged to others. I'm lucky to have had a well-educated and self-less parent and to have been in the state of mind that would allow me to even consider applying to a place like Harvard (...even if it was just for kicks at the time). Are you referring soviet communism or other communism?

>> No.6658782


im glad you enjoyed it

>> No.6658780

Yeah I see what you mean. Soviet communism, comrade. My family is from Armenia.

>> No.6658787

I'm an incoming freshman. OP is too, we're meeting up.
What year are you?

>> No.6658805

Everyone here talks about Ivies, but what about Ivy-tier, non-Ivy colleges?
I got accepted into Duke and UChicago, how are those?

>> No.6658806


>talking about your acceptances in august


>> No.6658812

go away fag, they're having a higher education moment.

>> No.6658819

Duke is a great school, don't know much about UChicago though.

>> No.6658840
File: 59 KB, 500x664, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ooooooooh... well, still, not everyone lies (why the fuck would you lie on an anonymous website anyway?).
>there is a lot of socioeconomic diversity at Harvard
wow, really? That kinda surprises me.
Also, how did you end up going to Harvard?
That's cool and I'm glad that you made it, m8, but basically what >>6658737 said. No one here can go to Harvard. Period. It doesn't matter how hard you study or how much effort you put into it, you won't make it. Best case scenario you'll end up going to to the top uni of the country (that's my case by the way)... on a country with one of the worst educations in the world (that is also very expensive. by the way).
Places like Harvard aren't even a dream, they are something you only see in movies.

>> No.6658842


>> No.6658849

UChicago is also at least reputed as a great school.

I lived in Durham for a few years for reasons unrelated to Duke. It's an amazing place to live, and I mean that, if you're white. At least as of a few years ago, there was a visible stop and frisk type program Ray Kelly would've been proud of.

>> No.6658882

>Places like Harvard aren't even a dream, they are something you only see in movies

What a fucking frustrated dumbass you are.
Harvard is just an university. It's a dream for some people, it's an attainable objective for others.

>> No.6658930



>> No.6659004

Do you have to do a lot of sports to get into Harvard or Stanford

>> No.6659009

>tfw Cornell is always considered the shit Ivy

I-I'm Ivy t-too, right?

>> No.6659013

For STEM (Engineering specifically), Cornell is third, behind Princeton and Columbia.

Also Cornell is the hardest Ivy. "Easy to get into, much harder to get out of."

It deserves to be on the list, imo
(I'm not from Cornell, btw)

>> No.6659029

I'm currently in CAS, but I'm thinking of transferring into Engineering. I won't lie, I did a sneaky bitchass move by picking an unpopular major to avoid major caps.

Also, Cornell has grade deflation. People be bitching about Ivy inflation but we don't have that shit here.

>mfw people diss Cornell when it's honest as fuck

>> No.6659032

>picking an unpopular major to avoid major caps
I'm in that same boat nigga

>> No.6659033

Wait... I'm looking into Yale personally (not the guy you answered to), and I'd like to get more chances. By picking an unpopular major, I should have more chances of getting in than if I picked STEM? Can I easily transfer?

>> No.6659050

Well some schools have a certain quota to fill as far as majors go. That's why I chose to major in art for my school, something I'm good at but not too interested in, and I got in because of my portfolio. (it's very competitive). Had I chosen something like engineering, I almost certainly would have been rejected. Transferring varies from school to school though.

>> No.6659058

Engineering seems to be very popular at every school. Do you think CS is as popular? What about physical sciences (chem, physics, astronomy...)?

>> No.6659107

It's highly dependent on your situation. If you're a white male, you're better off doing what I did. If you are an URM, definitely go straight for engineering. I probably could have gotten away with just going into Engineering because I'm a female (inb4 gurl on da internet). I was playing it safe by picking linguistics, which isn't a complete lie because I love linguistics and was able to write killer essays about it, but I understand that I can't get by in life with it. You can't just pick gender studies because it's unpopular because you'll probably need to extrapolate in essays.

>> No.6659111

CS is super popular; same level as engineering.

And you'll be fighting premeds for chemistry and biology, but physics is pretty up for grabs. I've really active in my Class of ____ facebook group, so I have met a bunch of people and have met only one physics major so far.

>> No.6659123

Do I really have no chance as a white male if I want to do CS or something?
Well, chemistry interests me more than physics, I don't really know. As I said above, do white males truly stand no chance whatsoever if they're not legacies?

>> No.6659193

Oh damn. So much misinformation in this thread. Let's make this clear to everyone asking questions about muh chances and muh admissions.

It is not impossible to get into any of those colleges (Harvard, Stanford, etc) if you're not an URM/legacy.
In fact, it's not as hard as CC fags make it sound. You don't need to transfer from another major (that's stupid), nor do you need to blatantly lie or have invented the cure for cancer.

Apart from the good SAT/ACT and GPA, a few things are needed for one to get into an Ivy League, public ivy, MIT or Stanford.

DO NOT HAVE A BUNCH OF ECs. Like seriously. Don't have a laundry list of volunteering stuff, sports, and shitty leadership positions you had in highschool. Everyone has that, nobody cares.
Instead, put an emphasis on a passion you have. Two or three activities, that is more than enough. You should pursue these activities to the best of your ability, and really work on perfecting yourself in them. Got a passion for programming? Build a portfolio, found a small web design buisness, something like that. Love physics? Try to get an internship at a lab or something. Admission officers like to see people who LOVE what they do, not people that do a whole lot of stuff they don't care about just to get into HYPS.
A good recommendation letter from someone established in their field can't hurt either.

Your essay should be a way for the admissions guys to see who you are and what you love, not who you should be and what you should love.
Everyone has an interesting story to tell. Instead of writing about that volunteering experience in Uganda that changed your life (yeah, sure), write about something that you really care about. Even if it sounds boring at first, if you really care about it, you'll know how to make it sound extraordinary.

Passionate people is what they like, that's all.


>> No.6659195

You don't need to fuck around, lying that you did X for the salvation army, or that your grandma was half hispanic, or whatever bullshit you guys are trying to pull off. That's not fucking necessary, at all.

If you're Harvard/Stanford/whatever material, admissions guys will see it. That is, if you're honest enough to really "be yourself" (cliche, I know) in your application.

I attend Princeton (and I'm international) and judging by you guys' criteria, I should never have gotten in. I did, though. Why? Because I didn't try to make myself marketable. I just stated who I was and who I wanted to be, and that was okay.

>> No.6659199


>> No.6659219
File: 19 KB, 509x463, conan o' branana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thumbz up
getting misc ec's just shows that you either don't know what you want to do or don't have the initiative to pursue it before graduating HS

>> No.6659225


Prior to getting into Princeton, I only did a few things. I had four major ECs, and maybe one or two misc ones that I barely mentioned in the application.
I was extremely passionate and comitted to the former four, though, which I think made me stand out amongst the thousands of guys with fifty leadership positions.

Also, protip: leadership positions are not important. Nobody cares if you were the captain of your debate team. However, if you founded a small buisness which generated revenue, for example, that makes you stand out more.

>> No.6659235



>> No.6659241
File: 11 KB, 300x250, is over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fite me irl

>> No.6659298

princeton is much easier than harvard or stanford though

>> No.6659368


Nice advice man, I guess I have a decent change of getting in. FYI I thought international students don't count as URMs? I'm black british so would AA have an effect of my application?

>> No.6659370

Thanks. I just feel like the whole admission process is extremely overestimated, normal people get in too. You don't have to invent a nuclear reactor to get into MIT, ffs.
Depends on your stats, but if you identify to what I said, then yeah, you can get into HYPSM, no problem.

The international student question is interesting, I wouldn't know. I checked "white" on the Common App.

>> No.6659430
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What year are you? It's always interesting to hear the perspective of other harvardbros/brosettes. If this thread goes over the bump limit email me

>> No.6659435

t h i r s t

>> No.6659442

>one female from the same uni posts in the thread

Damn bro, jack off or something

>> No.6659457
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You're projecting, fuccbois. For us normals, not all contact with a female implies thirstiness

Also I emailed the other Harvard people in this thread as well ggs

>> No.6659470


see >>6659457

>> No.6659474 [DELETED] 


what the fuck is this bullshit? people get c's, d's, and fail here all the time. grades top out at a 4.0.

but mebbe that's because I go to Penn (not inflated or deflated). well, actually, there's probably a little deflating if anything.

>> No.6659479


holy shit I think I know you. AM?

>> No.6659517

>I had a 2380 SAT/ 36 ACT/ valedictorian

I'm a Britfag and what the fuck do these numbers mean
Are these scores equivalent to A-levels in any way or are they completely different?

Also >>6646004 I enjoy track jackets but that one looks shit with those trousers

>> No.6659520
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Actual OP checking in

Is there a reason why a bunch of other people have started posting as OP

>> No.6659554


not the guy you're responding to, but they're different

the ACT and SAT are standardized tests used by colleges to compare applicant "aptitude". how much of a role they play in admission is a debate, but they're important nonetheless

>> No.6659578


ah k, thanks

>> No.6659602

I didn't say that. There are tons and tons and tons of white males in my class who are doing popular majors. You just have to use strategies where you can.

>> No.6659638

>tfw probably going to super shitty community college for 2 years b4 UC

at least in community i'll have more time to be effay amirite?


>> No.6659784


>> No.6659894

He's in community college, of course he's going to transfer
>b4 UC

>> No.6659920


>> No.6659999

So what are the "tiers" in admissions for Ivies/top schools?

Like, how would you rank unis based on how hard it is to get in?

>> No.6660422

I just looked at Uchicago's tuition costs, 63,860? Seriously? What the fuck? what justifies such a price?

tell me guys, are there any top PRIVATE schools whose costs aren't as staggeringly high? >60k is just insane.

>> No.6660447

Harvard is ~53,000 including room and board, which is about the same as Michigan out-of-state

>> No.6660449

That's okay. Thanks.
Apart from Harvard, any other schools?

>> No.6660467

When universities say the price for "residents" is different, does being a resident mean you're on campus? Or do you have to be a citizen?

>> No.6660483

Cornell is the cheapest Ivy if you live in NY. Some of the schools charge only ~30,000 tuition. Most of the Ivies float around Harvard level.

>> No.6660485
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Resident of the state the school is in.

>> No.6660492

Yeah, so if I live on campus that means I'm a resident?

Sorry for engrish

>> No.6660496

Really? They say tuition is $61,618. I should check again

UPenn is extremely expensive too, it seems

>> No.6660688


>> No.6660698

Cool, thanks
It's cheaper then. How can one even attend an uni without being a resident?

>> No.6660765

Scholarships, $$$

>> No.6660975

is USC worth it?

>> No.6661038

No. Incredibly overpriced, everyone there are faggots.

Cal is better. Or UCLA.

>> No.6661106


confirmed. go to Penn, its ~60 per year
but my parents are fucking loaded, like it matters lel

>> No.6661117

Aw crap.
My parents' income is around 120k, I don't know if they'll be able to afford it

But I don't want to ask for financial aid because then I'd get less chances

Do colleges accept it if several people pay for tuition? I don't know how it would go in practice, but my grand parents are full of dosh so they'd be able to pay

>> No.6661228

fuck you high school pimpledicks are annoying as shit. i dont remember ever being this fucking retarded about college admissions. it really isn't hard to figure out, they dont give a fuck as long as they get money somehow

>in practice
...you would use your grandparents bank account info for some payments if they decide to give you money. was that hard?

>> No.6661231

no it sucks

>> No.6661259

How does it suck?

>> No.6661485

>tfw I'm in UCSB and I hate it
I couldn't transfer to Stanford...

Do you think I can drop out and then apply to Stanford?

>> No.6661726


Upenn person you responded to here

Penn is actually amazing with financial aid, people who make up to ~200,000 USD per year can get SOMETHING

Penn is also need-blind, so they won't take your amount of need into account

I don't know too much about how the process works exactly, but read the website for better information. long story short, lack of dosh shouldn't keep you out of penn if you deserve it

I only know of 1 person who got fucked over by financial aid, but it's because her retarded parents own some valuable property (even tho they're poorfags) which they refused to sell, even knowing full well that its worth would count as part of their "income", thereby lowering their daughter's ability to sustain a Penn education.

>> No.6661729


Upenn person you responded to here

Penn is actually amazing with financial aid, people who make up to ~200,000 USD per year can get SOMETHING

Penn is also need-blind, so they won't take your amount of need into account (idk about international student. If you are, I'm sorry, this might matter).

I don't know too much about how the process works exactly, but read the website for better information. long story short, lack of dosh shouldn't keep you out of penn if you deserve it

I only know of 1 person who got fucked over by financial aid, but it's because her retarded parents own some valuable property (even tho they're poorfags) which they refused to sell, even knowing full well that its worth would count as part of their "income", thereby lowering their daughter's ability to sustain a Penn education.

>> No.6661918

it depends on the program but in general there are way better schools in CA for cheaper. i'd say anyone who would pick USC over Cal/UCLA/stanford has family pressuring them into it because they went there and #TROJANSFITEON bullshit. not to mention the fact that almost EVERY PARENT who has ever gone to usc brainwashes the fuck out of their children so that by the time they're old enough to start applying to colleges (and even before the during k-12), they think usc is the absolute best school in the universe and is unparalleled in every aspect imaginable.

>> No.6661926

not to mention USC is in the middle of the niggerville ghetto

>> No.6661998

So USC would be a good choice for someone who didn't get into Cal, UCLA nor Stanford?

>> No.6662084


Berkeley is definitely a top tier school comparable with HYP, get real. I'm even saying this as a Stanford graduate. The difference is between private and public. Berkeley's engineering is superior to any of the departments at HYP and their MPH is arguably superior to HSPH. As much as it pains me to support a rival, most educated people realize UCB is comparable to HYP.

By the way, before all the "you just hate Harvard because you aren't there," sibling is there for Law School and both parents attended. No vendetta here.

>> No.6662208

yeah it's not a bad school at all, i just don't like all the brainwashed little trojan nuthugging cunts that go there

>> No.6662274

I agree with you, but Berkeley's prestige and alumni connection opportunities are not the same as HYPSM's, afaik