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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 297 KB, 668x760, gallery02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6639210 No.6639210 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone here has some? Share your story/ideas/projects.

>> No.6639222

What changes in the third set? Only thing I can see is the nose job; it just looks like he loses weight in the third set.

>> No.6639234

He finished puberty, I guess. It's just some years after the surgeries, so his face just went more mature.

>> No.6639246

fuckin rich cunt

>> No.6639270

Yup, he did this
It's expensive as fuck, but he went from 2/10 to 9/10. Also, his condition counts as a medical problem, so public heathcare pays that surgery in some countries. That jaw structure obstructs the respiratory pathway.

>> No.6639293
File: 153 KB, 708x664, 1365254165727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his face when he passes those shitty genes onto his kids
his face might not show it, but every cell in his body is carrying the same shitty features as before

>> No.6639309

>Implying he's not too busy getting pussy to care about that.

>> No.6639603

id like 2 get a small noe job make it stronger n flatter

>> No.6639624

if i ever get plastic surgery i will be happy to see my kids disappointed as they don't turn out like their beautiful father.

>> No.6639628

i cant barely see the differences m8s

>> No.6639627


>> No.6639653
File: 499 KB, 500x281, 1349671722020.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at him
I want him to violate my ass and cum all over my face THAT'S HOW FUCKING GORGEOUS HE LOOKS IN THE END; GODDAMN I NEED SURGERY RIGHT NOW!

>> No.6639673

He looks fucking hot in the end

>> No.6639675

>Implying he's still not a beta pussy
>Implying he's even straight
Straight guys don't bother with looks, at least not to that degree.

>> No.6639681

>implying someone cares
with a face like this, nothing else matters

>> No.6639682
File: 53 KB, 747x592, d_jaime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anybody have any experience with gum removal surgery?

>tfw perfect teeth but gummy smile.

>> No.6639689

Funny. Just got jaw surgery last week on Monday. Had an underbite. Surgery was 4 hours and I still can't eat because my mouth is shut by wires for 3 more weeks. First few days were hell and my face is still swollen af

>> No.6639705

is underbite where ur lower jaw goes too forward right

overbite is when lower teeth are occluded by upper teeth ye?

>> No.6639712


>> No.6639714

doesnt that make ur jaw look HELLA DEFINED?

>> No.6639727


I will never date anyone with a terrible gum to teeth ratio.

Shit is ugly.

>> No.6639745 [DELETED] 

No it makes you look like a caveman mongoloid, theres a difference between a defined jaw and an overbite.

>> No.6639749
File: 102 KB, 900x1200, xwuDN6S.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. This is a pic of me two years ago.
After years of failed orthodontic work, both jaws were broken and wired shut for about 6 weeks. Its really sucked. Ate through a straw. But It was worth it.

Im not sexy now but it is quite and improvement. My hair isn't greasy and I got rid of those glasses. And I have two scars on my neck were they cut in. I was and still am a mouth breather , so I am still trying to stop doing that.

Might be getting a nose job some time soon.

>> No.6639753

No it makes you look like a caveman Neanderthal, theres a difference between a defined jaw and an overbite.

>> No.6639754

and I also hit puberty so that improved a lot also.

>> No.6639756

Holy fuck, its the bird guy.

>> No.6639768

im back!!!

>> No.6639772

How do people even get that ugly?

>> No.6639774

Can you post a photo of you currently?

>> No.6639770

you again...

>> No.6639785

ive got to go to work. I try later.

>> No.6639794

anyone tried one of those acid face peel things?

does it remove light scarring?

>> No.6640108

whats your nose like atm?

>> No.6640122
File: 15 KB, 269x254, 1373310238195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You look like a guy I remember seeing a few times at school. Are you from Northern Ireland?

>> No.6640125
File: 1.31 MB, 587x824, df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buttony thats why ppl call me piggy on /fa/ i think

>> No.6640140

Had it done once for medical reasons. THey didn't put me under, just froze me up. Felt funny when they snipped the peice of gum off. They showed it to me after. Turns white when all the blood drains out of it.

Stiches hurt for quite a while.

>> No.6640142


Kind of sad in a way how much differently we would react to the different 'versions' of this guy if we met them in the real world.

Also are those lighting conditions different in each set?

>> No.6640155

even if nothing else, changing like he did would be incredibly interesting just to see how differently people treat you

must be very interesting but it probably left him jaded at his core

>> No.6640274

how much does it cost

>> No.6640317

dunno really

>> No.6640333

Wow, you look really stupid in the unintelligent sense, like a hollywood bully.

>> No.6640355

opposed to in the intelligent sense right

>> No.6640373

I'm about to get about 20 moles removed.

I have a skin condition called FAMMM. I am covered in these things.

>> No.6640376

Your children will still hold these genes.

I would be so furious if the person I procreated with had plastic surgery and didn't tell me. It would be instant grounds for the end of a reproductive relationship.

I am not alone in this sentiment, a man from Korea sued his wife for this.

>> No.6640381

>implying that face was from genetics and not mouthbreathing

have you learned NOTHING from /fa/

>> No.6640418

I've never really thought of having any sort of cosmetic surgery. As clichéd as it may be, I'm pretty happy the way I am.

The only cosmetic surgery that I am slightly inclined to have would be a nose job and/or braces if that counts. The reason I say braces is because my teeth are actually pretty good, I just want them to be a little bit straighter and my dentists have always said that it's not necessary by any means.
Also, the transformation in OP's pic is incredible. The guy looks very handsome in the end.

>> No.6640473

I want to get orthognatic surgey, a FUE hair transplant and maybe a nose job. I'll start off with the FUE, I think. I think it all would cost 20000 bucks max. You know, some people get a BMW, some go to expensive resorts. My whim is to change my face a little.

>> No.6640494

You're an idiot.

>> No.6640528


Were you the guy bitching on r9k yesterday

>> No.6640554

I have a few keloid scars on my chest that I kind of want removing but they're not too bad so I just deal with them

>> No.6640563


>> No.6640575

Speaking of scars, I also have stretch marks on my back that I got from puberty.

Unfortunately, there's not much you can do about them.

>> No.6640590


>> No.6640714
File: 563 KB, 582x480, thebigbookofbritishsmiles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6640905

Hey bird guy, hope things are going good for you man :)

>> No.6640909
File: 125 KB, 335x333, 1325633791760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw those are 9/10s in birtbong land

>> No.6640995

hes actually right.

As someone who had to get a similar surgery I can confirm that improper breathing technique is the cause of under or over developed jaws.

None of my family have had jaw issues like me so you faggots going on about genes are full of shit.

>> No.6642365
File: 175 KB, 480x480, Picture of me 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6642387

>Tricking people into making kids with your shit genes

Don't you feel obligated to tell the future mother of your children that you were once ugly?

>> No.6642391

you really look like someone but i cant put my finger on who

>> No.6642396

yea nah your breathing doesn't stop your jaw from growing faggot

>> No.6642406

"Doesn't matter. Had sex."

>> No.6642407

just cause it's 1am over here doesn't mean we're asleep bro

my feelings are hurt

>> No.6642436

It's the twins from Teen Wolf

>> No.6642513

True that.

>> No.6642588
File: 940 KB, 1824x2120, nosejob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rhinoplasty and Septoplasty
I know... really stupid pictures of the before, but they really show how much my nose used to point to my left.

Before, I had quite a jew nose, and to add to that it was REALLY deviated.

Right is after.

>> No.6642708

On average, how expensive are these operations?

>> No.6642745


>> No.6642765


This gives me the creeps, looks too different here

>> No.6642762

the kid from the alfalfa movie?

>> No.6642766

Oh that's not too bad, I was thinking around 1-2k

>> No.6642768

Jesus christ look at how hot he looks with dat tan/nose/jaw etc, fuck that's awesome.

>> No.6642769

nah its usually bout tree fiddy

>> No.6642784
File: 41 KB, 600x456, amanda-lepore[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plastic surgery
Not even once.

>> No.6642802
File: 32 KB, 650x410, korean-plastic-surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man, it's not our fault American surgeons are so shitty.

>> No.6642813

How do they remove that much of a woman's jaw without rendering her unable to chew/speak?

>> No.6642834


Maaan how much does this thing cost ? And for which medical reason did you had to do the surgery ?

>> No.6642856

Don't do it, man. Gums recede naturally with time. If you cut a chunk of your gums off, you're liable to get a lot of dental issues later in life when the root of the tooth becomes exposed.

>> No.6642888

the corners of a square jaw are just bone that can be chiseled down.

also she probably got botox in her jaws muscles, which causes them to go into atrophy and become much less pronounced, considerably narrowing someones face.

>> No.6642902


Ow ok/ I was glad to think that there was finally a solution to my excess of gum but fuck it.

>> No.6642927

I'm overall pretty happy with my body, except for one thing. The corners of my mouth point slighty down, which makes It kinda difficult to make a good looking smile. Anybody here that have done some kinda surgery to that here? Was It worth It?

>> No.6642978
File: 94 KB, 625x469, 1375737730906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6644984

Don't bother paying for surgery, just don't brush for a few months and let gum disease run it's course. Free gum recession.

Dat feel when root become exposed>>>sex

>> No.6645032
File: 13 KB, 224x216, 2267_1277782222498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's photoshopped you fucking idiots

>the corners of the square jaw are just bone that can be chiseled down
>being this fucking retarded

>> No.6645088

Braces were pretty handy

>> No.6645084

I have a chin like the first guy in OP's pic

should i get this fixed?

i dont have the much of an under or overbite though

>> No.6645407

enjoy your receded jaws m8

and if you have children make sure they breathe through their mouths too so they don't develop defined jaws.

>> No.6645948

The surgeries that OP's kid had are 12000 euros at least. And that is not including the nose job and the braces that he had to wear. For god's sake, they had to break his jaw in half.

>> No.6645954

Liftings and botox are always that shitty.

>> No.6645962

If you are rich enough, sure. Look at him now, man.

>> No.6645987

from my 1 minute of googling it does apparently

but only if you breath through your mouth the majority of the time

>> No.6645993 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 300x300, gummosoundtrack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mouth breather here. Didn't even know mouth breathing could affect jaw growth.

Profile is kind of like of like that kid in gummo but chin is not as far back.

If I completely rest my face my mouth hangs open. If I close my teeth together (lower teeth resting behind upper teeth) there is a bit of 'pressure' - it feels unnatural.

I'm guessing this isn't 'normal'?

>> No.6646005

It isn't normal. If you are interested in surgery, you should get the one that OP's got. It enhances your jaw a damn lot.

>> No.6646012


My mouth is closed when I relax my face but I'm not sure if my teeth usually touch. If I actively try to relax my muscles then they don't but I actually put them together subconsciously while typing this, so I don't know which is 'natural'

>> No.6646016


That's pretty interesting to know. Always thought my jaw sat weirdly by how it felt. Would be nice to have it close naturally regardless of appearance.

>> No.6646044


looks good brah, my nose is shaped okay but pretty deviated, your pic gives me hope that one day i wont look like 2 different people depending on which side of my face you look at

>> No.6646506

what surgery is this?

>> No.6646551
File: 500 KB, 704x420, 1359746604819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

orthognathic surgery

>> No.6646568

is it just overbit and underbite surgery?

>> No.6646595

They do grind down jaw bones sometimes, tardling.

>> No.6646617

I want this so bad fuck I look like an orc. tfw no dosh

>> No.6646643

another mouthbreather cured by surgery

>> No.6646654

I don't mind fat people, fuccbois, minorities, transgenders, gays, or anyone really

the only people I really hate are mouthbreatheres tbh

>> No.6646680


It takes like 3-4 months of recovery IIRC

>> No.6646719


What are fuccbois?

>> No.6646721

i know that feeling man. one time my friends brought it up when we were all looking in a mirror together and i really did look like 2 different people from either side. if you do end up getting it, good luck, and hopefully your recovery went better than mine.

ended up hospitalised because I kept fainting and my cast fell off and shit...

just take it easy on the vicodin if i can give you any advice, and get shit tons of water in you.

>> No.6646737

you can just do facial exercise to tone the muscle?

>> No.6646741

>the only people I really hate are mouthbreatheres tbh


>> No.6646767
File: 210 KB, 843x1222, rumer-willis1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6646771

people who dress in shit like asos/topman/h&m/zara and think they're stylish/fashionable and act like retards on 4chan/irl

>> No.6646775

>Not dressing like an orc and wearing a battle axe.

>> No.6646777

nope. North Dakota, USA

>> No.6646780

Did he get chin implants? I hear those are really good. Best price/outcome ratio.

>> No.6646782

who is that she fine as fuck mah nigga

>> No.6646786

With that kind of jaw it'd look better if she went full amazon to fit her face.

>> No.6646965

what are fuccbois?

>> No.6647001

Would you please read the goddamn thread before asking stupid questions? He got orthognathic surgery and a nose job. Chin implants look like shit compared to orthognathic.

>> No.6647031


chin implants are useless

source: me, i have one

>> No.6647039

talk shit post face

>> No.6647046

I'm actually curious, could you say why? Like, how much did it cost, how are the results... and of course, pics, please.

>> No.6647068

I don't get why people say that their children will turn out ugly and not look like you if you have the surgery.

Not one person in my family has a fucked up jaw like mine, they all have perfectly aligned teeth and jaws but because I breathed through my mouth I didn't develop properly.

It's true some people will inherit a jaw discrepancy from their parents but this can be avoided through proper breathing and good orthodontic treatment from a young age.

Othognathic surgery is considered a correctional and medical procedure. Its putting your jaws into the position that they should be in had you developed properly.

>> No.6647078


i obviously won't. it's embarrassing


it made no difference really, i still look like 1st line of ops pic, probably worse; jaw is usually the problem, not chin, and the doctors were so fucking stupid they couldn't suggest that before proceeding

>> No.6647088


>I breathed through my mouth I didn't develop properly

so you actually believe this?? hahah

>> No.6647090

it's true

>> No.6647279
File: 63 KB, 223x176, tumblr_inline_mqmev8whFX1rjrbcm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mouth breathing in children can be a cause of abnormal facial growth primarily in the upper and lower jaw shape, leading to Long Face Syndrome or other malocclusions.[1]


>> No.6647288
File: 80 KB, 554x554, n51c9e8b154c59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how do I get my jaw checked to see if it is aligned properly?

Just go to an orthodontist and get an x-ray or something?

>> No.6647325

you retarded?
go to doctor and say you can't breath for shit when sleeping
maybe they will see check your airway

>> No.6647352

>tfw naturally attractive
>tfw gradually becoming haggard and gross

>> No.6647358

>tfw asian
>will not start aging till i hit 45
sucks to be white

>> No.6647369
File: 96 KB, 960x720, is such a thing even possible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm mixed asian/middle-eastern/white

>> No.6647381

>tfw asian
>tfw carded for alcohol til 45

>> No.6647505

tfw I need so many surgeries I don't even know what to get

>> No.6647580

Ima be pretty till my late 40's.

>> No.6647595


i vaguely remember seeing this like years ago, did i?? what is this from?

>> No.6647607
File: 38 KB, 500x375, pidgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No where in particular apart from me observing members of my family age.

>> No.6647682

most of what makes him more attractive in the third set of pictures is the lightning conditions, the hair/beard growth and the angles. Look at the accentuated jaw line, the darkened hair and eyebrows, how the beard stubble makes his face seem more defined, how the hair covers his unfortunate ears, also the changed facial expressions, the color on both his eyes and lips looks richer, etc.

>> No.6647694

How severe was your underbite? Were your lower teeth completely over the upper teeth?

>> No.6647699

i think he looks better in the second set

>> No.6647698

I've seen that pic a lot before. Is that really you? You look like a bird there, how do you look now?

>> No.6647744

you have a nice body, right?

>> No.6647767

Mouthbreathing makes your jaw short like woodpecker not develop a neanderthal jaw. The caveman jaw you get from too much testostorone.

>> No.6647780


Shit. I'm so glad operations like these are possible, I just got an injection of steroids into my jaw this morning. Just found out I've had arthritis in it.. since I was 13- now I'm twenty, and my jaw is partly fucked, giving me a slightly asymmetrical face.

I'm also a mouth-breather. Makes me wonder if I got a proper jaw or not.

>> No.6647832

I also used braces when I was a kid. Used to have an underbite- now my teeth are not aligned a 100% properly because of the arthritis.

Is this operation risky? I think I might need one ):

>> No.6647838


>> No.6647858


depending on if it is good on not, what is your routine?

>> No.6647883

>Is this operation risky?
idk, but the procedure is gore as fuck.

>> No.6647955

): my jaw is not as bad as your used to be though
but I don't have a STRONG jaw, which is what I want

>> No.6647965

Ill post when my ipod finishes syncing.
2 lazy to post routines regardless of if my body is up to your standards or not.

>> No.6648006

got it done 5 months ago. similar thing to >>6646551

The biggest risk is permanent numbness in your lower lip and chin. Mine is still quite numb but its showing signs of coming back. I really hope it comes back. I haven't been with a girl since before the surgery and I imagine kissing is gunna be weird.

The recovery isn't easy. You can't chew any thing for about a month or maybe more. Your face will be swollen for 6 months or more but 90% is gone after 3 months.

The swelling was the worst part of it for me because it made me very self conscious and still kinda does because I still have some in my cheeks.

>> No.6648028

>(210 KB, 843x1222, rumer-willis1.jpg)

>> No.6648032

post pic please

did your lower jaw teeth went over upper jaw teeth?

>> No.6648054

You look like a chubby ethan hawke... lose some weight bro, you'll be a 10/10

>> No.6648058

not posting a pic

yes they did

>> No.6648063

Post before-after pics please. I want that surgery so fucking bad. Also, how much did it cost?

>> No.6648072
File: 1.60 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_0853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648093


>> No.6648106
File: 873 KB, 1200x984, ohfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arms looking pretty small, mate.
Decent torso though, abs are good.
That chest is pathetic.

>> No.6648113

Arms/chest shrank ALOT after breaking my hand.

>> No.6648121

no pics

there is loads of before and after pictures on the internet and loads of videos on youtube

it was free on the glorious NHS

You need to be sure you want it. I wasn't quite prepared for how much it changed my face and im still getting used it.

>> No.6648124

>chest is pathetic

post a birthday suit fit

>> No.6648128

how did u convince a doctor/surgeon to do it free on the NHS?

>> No.6648201
File: 32 KB, 130x143, tumblr_m9rj5gjJ9C1qlj4bt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry to hear that.
at least it isn't gyno core.

waaaait, are you trying to get me naked?

>> No.6648207


Do you prefer your new appearance or old appearance?

>> No.6648216

It was considered medically necessary.

If you don't fix it you could have problems later in life

>> No.6648231

definitely my new appearance but I have to wait until all the swelling to go away and get my braces off so I can see the final results.
Its a been such a long process but it was worth it

>> No.6648282
File: 157 KB, 822x760, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way I can get rid of these stretch marks?

>> No.6648286

Nightmare fuel

>> No.6648294
File: 1.44 MB, 320x240, 1373823892530.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648313

I hadn't seen that image for months you fucking cunt.

>> No.6648317

your nose is fine piggy

>> No.6648352

He looks like he blazes it everyday

>> No.6648366

imagine your qt gf getting these after she gives birth to your children

>> No.6648374

What kind of problems?. I mean, if having a weak jaw can give you problems according to NHS, I'm moving to the UK tomorrow. I have a weak chin and jaw, and sleeping at night takes me like 3 hours, and I also wake up sometimes. If I'm lucky, maybe it could be considered apnea and I would get some free jaw.

>> No.6648406

Arthritis, TMJ, teeth wearing down, jaw joints wearing away.

I had an underbite you have an overbite which in my opinion is worse. Sounds like you have sleep apnea for sure. Do you have trouble eating as well?

I do feel bad for people like you who would really benefit from jaw surgery but can't afford it.

>> No.6648426
File: 13 KB, 459x234, 1374578397862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6648451

oh shit I'm getting this surgery in two years, except it's for an underbite, instead of an overbite.

>> No.6648463


>> No.6648598 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 817x551, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested in your opinion in regards to orthowhatever

1. Face completely relaxed. Mouth slightly open, Teeth not touching. Bit of a double chin. I'm a mouth breather.

2. Closing mouth. Feels slightly unnatural and strained if I leave it like that for too long. Teeth seem to be touching fine though.

And I shave that shit when I go out :^)

>> No.6648611
File: 83 KB, 580x526, 2012-05-07_115944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese Man Sues Wife For Being Ugly, Wins


you cant corner the genes

>> No.6648615

Yup, it really sucks. But idk, I knew of that procedure for the cosmetic results. My skull shape is pretty good and I feel like I'm wasting my potential with this shitty jaw.
If it fixed my sleeping problems it would be the best thing ever anyway. You know, now I think I'm going to ask my doctor about apnea, I may be lucky.
Wow, I can't believe I'm so hyped for a dude breaking my jaw apart.

>> No.6648616 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 817x551, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interested in your opinion in regards to orthowhatever

1. Face completely relaxed. Mouth slightly open, Teeth not touching. Bit of a double chin. I'm a mouth breather.

2. Closing mouth. Feels slightly unnatural and strained if I leave it like that for too long. Teeth seem to be touching fine though.

And I shave that shit when I go out :)

Oh yeah I should I have had any orthodontic stuff done before

>> No.6648614

yeh but how so

did you say you had problems breathing at night or something?

>> No.6648628 [DELETED] 


darn it, I mean I haven't had any orthodontic stuff done before

>> No.6648656

i would fuckin club that little shit to death like a baby seal

>> No.6648769
File: 34 KB, 396x468, 1375789792887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you recommend I get a snout job?

>> No.6648776
File: 41 KB, 300x300, 1375852121612.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you the way you are

op look up medical tourism or whatever :))))

>> No.6648809

No, you wouldn't.

>> No.6649114 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 447x393, lkj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6649145

that looks like carving

>> No.6649374


or a river delta

>> No.6649427

that feel, i know it. what's the name of the procedure to straighten the nose? septoplasty?

>> No.6650992

Jokes on you, I'm sterile

>> No.6651087
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>> No.6651098

holy shit

>> No.6651162

hot fucking diggity damn

>> No.6651211

what the fuck i was looking at this photo for like 5 minutes thinking all three people were different

can't believe that's the same guy

>> No.6651410

is there some kind of legal document i can have a lawyer write up so that if my face is ever to be reconstructed, my nose will be made smaller?

semi-serious here

matt your nose is perfect

>> No.6651438

The nose, knows.

>> No.6651443 [DELETED] 
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Should i bother doing it? Will it actually make me that mopuch more attractive?

>> No.6651447 [DELETED] 
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Or should i just get a tan and some acne creame

>> No.6651452

You look normal.

>> No.6651455

i threw up

>> No.6651465 [DELETED] 

I have a jew jaw

>> No.6651480

call me retarded but i think this looks p nice

>> No.6651482

Well, there was some oral surgery involved with my braces, they had to cut the roof of my mouth open to reach a few things.

I might like jaw shaving surgery someday, like they do in Korea. Nose job wouldn't be a terrible idea, either. But, I will never have that kind of tossing around money.

>> No.6651494


stop being underaged

>> No.6651496


srsly i just want to lightly touch it so much

>> No.6651937

Anybody here has experience with hair transplants? FUE look pretty reliable.

>> No.6651962

This is kind of silly..

Its obvious his jaw changes but he went from 15 to 21 of course he's gonna lose his fat cheeks

>> No.6651968

Does non essential braces/invisalign count? I mean non essential as in my teeth are perfectly fine and aren't growing at an angle of 90 degrees, just a few are crooked.

Got an appointment next week

>> No.6651977


>> No.6652263

How much do they cost? I want to get Invisaligns for my lower teeth.

>> No.6652383

Mandatory bump.

>> No.6652443

Is this all the same guy or 3 different sets of people?

Please tell me it's not the former.

>> No.6652448

It's the same guy, per op, post op and a few years later.

>> No.6652453

It's the same guy, pre op, post op and a few years later.

>> No.6652458

fuck me

plastic surgery some crazy shit

>> No.6652779

Iv had 4 surges done.
Im happy i had them done

>> No.6652826

pls respond

>> No.6652843

What surgeries? Please elaborate.

>> No.6652863
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>> No.6653218
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This guy had a nose job.

Idk what he looked like before

>> No.6653224

he looked better. He has a small bump on his nose which made him look manly and handsome. In my opinion he looks a lot more inoffensive and average now but still handsome of course.

>> No.6653228

Damn, it looks amazing, I'd imagine rhino plasties are the easiest since they're done so often. My nose points upwards and the nostrils are a tad too big for my taste, i'd get a nose job if I had the money.

>> No.6653247

i think it was like a massive jew nose dude

i do think that the bottom of his new one goes out a little too much

>> No.6653255

Fuck he looks amazing, this thread is really turning me into saving up.

>> No.6653260

he looks amazing becasue of his face, not his nose dude

he is handsome enough he could pull off most noses

>> No.6653367

Best nose I've ever seen

>> No.6653394
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>> No.6653452


10/10 profile

>> No.6653508

>itt: ugly untermensches trying to rig the deck instead of taking the hand that their shitty family genetics handed to them

enjoy your hideous spawn, you jews

>> No.6653536

he looks well feminine in this photo wtf

>> No.6653546

what is makeup

also post a fit i havent been on in 2 weeks and your new

>> No.6653550

>tfw no surgery for height

forever unter

>> No.6653558

There was no implying there, he directly stated what he meant.

>> No.6653606

>not speaking fluent german


>> No.6653968

There is though. They break your legs, strut them up a bit and let the bone heal all to do it all over again until you're the desired height.

>> No.6654026
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if only, anon....if only

>> No.6654102

No, he's right, it's a thing.

It's horrifically painful, but it's a thing.

>> No.6654112


plz post a picture of your perfect face you stupid faggot

>> No.6654122

it's also like $80k and you cant do shit for basically an entire year at least

>> No.6654259

But I'm not joking anon: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2105995/The-agonising-expensive-leg-lengthening-proceedure-surgery-patient-SIX-INCHES-taller.html

>> No.6654298

he's hot

>> No.6654330


log in to see the "vip" section, its user logs of their surgery with images. this is THE place to go for limb lengthening info.

>> No.6654376

That kind of surgery is only possible if your legs are rather short in proportion, though. I have pretty long legs, and I would look like a goof after a procedure like that (don't need it either, fortunately).
Also, I wonder what the consequences are. I mean, your upper legs are suddenly much longer relative to your lower legs. I bet running is not possible after that without knee problems and whatnot.

>> No.6654919

Still waiting for you, faggot.

>> No.6654951

Honestly she doesn't look good in any of those, typical natural blockmode Korean face b4 and typical Korean surgery alien face.

>> No.6654982

Is the final line in OPs pic even the same person? Hair doesn't get this much better with age (gets worse) or any products. I'm 23 and my hair is like the 2nd row.

Anyway these people are ugly. but plastic surgery won't help. Live a healthier life please.. and wear makeup like >>6653394 if you have such bad self-esteem. I'm in rough shape atm but I haven't deluded myself into blaming everything on genetics. Everyone can be sexier and better than they are with the proper knowledge and lifestyle.
Look at that girl who is damn hot, hangs with the perfect girls.. yet has a bit of a werid nose/face. She works with it and works hard on her image and physique. Find your balance noobs

>> No.6655428

This is the future. This is it.

We will have these threads more and more with passing time.

>> No.6655628


it is a fucking wax sculpture.

>> No.6655886
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I feel that if I got surgery, whenver I got any compliments, or any girls or anything I would always think
"its not me, its the part of me that is fake. i dont deserves this"

thats why im not fixing my weakish chin or big nose

flaws give you character

>> No.6655921

This guy gets it.

>> No.6655938
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Do acne scars give you character?

>> No.6656024

sure, as long as there arent too many

also to add what i said before, if you have a ton of fucked up features or like your jaw is all fucked up and is unhealthy, you should get it fixed; im just talking about cosmetic things

>> No.6656027

how do i get hair like that?

how do i get it to stick straight out? (what products?)
and how do i get that texture?

>> No.6656041


if you paid for it, you deserve it

>> No.6656113

top lel

>> No.6656246
File: 49 KB, 600x400, tumblr_m4jv22jA4U1rwcfi5o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my girl is going for the plastic look and I couldn't be happier.

>> No.6656363
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holy shit i just realized this is just one guy. that's a helluva difference

>> No.6656386

goddamn! why would you even consider reproducing if you had features like that? it's just.... selfish..top lel

>> No.6656392

how much does this shit cost? I might do it

>> No.6657770
File: 443 KB, 1080x720, better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahaha that shit looks comical as fuck with the point at the end

looks like a cartoon character

>> No.6657815

Does jaw surgery to correct my underbite count? My teeth were grinding against each other and losing enamel and shit, so it was fully covered by medical insurance (unlike purely cosmetic procedures). I'd be lying if there wasn't a cosmetic improvement though

>> No.6658790

My hair went from pin straight and brown with lightbrown/brown accents when I was a kid to supercurly black hair In my teen years for finally settling to darkbrown wavy hair.

>> No.6658808

I really wasnt much to look at before them.
>big ears
>big nose
>no chin

Had my ears pinned back
2 rhinoplastys cause my first surgon was an idiot.
And chin implant

my nose now looks exactly like this guys

im much happier

>> No.6658818

justify not getting them if you like.

everythings perspective.

>> No.6658824

I lol when a girls like "omg shes so plastic fake"

>in my mind
>fake or not...hott is hott.

>> No.6658845

You remind me of Daron Malakian

>> No.6658848
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Why would you marry someone without meeting their extended family? Get an idea of what you're mixing with.

>> No.6658854

mouthbreathing causes an OVERBITE

>> No.6658856

considering a longer more narrow sort of roman/jew nose

>> No.6658868


Having AIDS and schizophrenia also gives you character

So does being the best looking person on earth

Do you want shit character, or do you want good character?

If you want to be special, grow a viking beard or wear something interesting or learn an amazing skill or become a renowned, pioneering artist

>> No.6659056

too many mouthbreeders in here

>> No.6659121

have this shit too
got 3 of them lasered off my face
3 visible scars and 1 is coming back
$450 into the shitter
fuckk my life