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/fa/ - Fashion

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6639413 No.6639413 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw balding has begun

I didn't even realize it until it was too late. Please hold me.

>> No.6639425

You need to see a dermatologist and he'll give you something to keep your hairs from falling but be aware of the side effects

>> No.6639437

Finasteride and Minoxidil. I hope you like them, because you are going to use them for the rest of your life.
Right now I'm trying to gather enough money to see a dermatologist, so hopefully in less than 2 month I can start the treatment.

>> No.6639449

no $$$ for that shit

Yeah I looked into that shit, I'm not taking those weird ass drugs for the rest of my life. Just going to have 2 kiss my hair goodbye.

>> No.6639445

>tfw it's free to see the dermatologist
I don't know how much it is for you but good luck man

>> No.6639454

is it really that expensive?

>> No.6639455

What if your Dad is 50 and isn't bald yet but has a slightly receeding hairline. Does that always mean the next generation won't go bald as well?

>> No.6639457

how 2 see derma?

>> No.6639460

I called yesterday and I'll see him in less than a month

>> No.6639466

for me it would be probably

It's just an expense I can't afford right now and the idea of having to take this shit every single day for the rest of my life or SUDDENLY go bald instead of gradually sounds like an even worse nightmare.

>> No.6639496

no it doesn't always mean that

because that's not how the genes for balding work

>> No.6639555
File: 51 KB, 620x620, jason-statham_1694186i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are fucking pathetic. Why you use so much money that shit? Just stop struggle and relax. Unlock Statham mode. Grow a beard faggot. Go to gym. Be a man. At least once in your life.

>> No.6639579

Dude, from that pic, there are no sure signs of balding. Relax. Yes, you've lost hair at the temples, but that's normal. Many guys lose hair at their temples and obtain a mature hairline and then the progression stops. In fact, it's very unlikely a man will have the same hairline he did as a kid when he's 25 or 30, but it can also start in your late teens and early twenties. That's fine. If you have no family history of baldness, then you shouldn't get too worried.

>> No.6639617
File: 213 KB, 710x1000, Our_Own.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna have to agree with /fit/ here. Once you stop fretting about it and get over the initial shock, all you have to do is start hitting the gym. Literally. A shaved head goes great with confidence, and working out will build your confidence. Go hone your body and watch everything else about your look fall into place. I've only been training maybe 3 months, but my paltry noob gains have done wonders for my body image and I can see the trajectory things will take if I continue working hard and eating right. It's gonna be really, really good!
Honestly, you can be just as fashionable as anyone, you simply need a bit of confidence and a better body. Millions of men have paved the way for you. It's not even a new archetype. It's more like being given an ultimatum by the universe - Want to look good? Well, there's no middle ground for you anymore. Elevate or quit.

Honestly? I'm so glad I discovered fashion before I started losing my hair. It seems like a cruel joke at first glance, right? It's not. If it wasn't for this hobby, I would probably have lost my way when the bomb first hit, given up. It's because of fashion and to some degree /fa/ that I know there's a way around this, that it's only an opportunity disguised as a hindrance. Now I can't just settle for being "good enough", you feel me? I gotta be really good, just to past muster.

>> No.6639641

>baldness doesn't run in either side of the family
>guaranteed never to go bald unless I shave it myself

Mad, baldies?

>> No.6639646


>> No.6639647



>> No.6639650

Release a book, I'll buy it.
Your story is my story, to a T. Going to the gym and eating right has given me more confidence than my hair ever did, and they have the added benefit of being great life choices.

>> No.6639665
File: 359 KB, 960x910, oh wel....jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is, I have always had a large forehead and "M" shaped hairline.

But it's clearly progressed in the past few years. The thing that really clenches it is that little sparse tuft I was focusing on.

I actually buzzed my head a few months ago and this is just my hair grown out naturally without a cut, so I could see just how shitty it looks there. Receding I can deal with, but if I go full Jude Law it's ogre.

For the record, my dad's hair thinned a lot but he didn't go "bald" as in MPB really. He had recession but it's hard to tell since his hair is a lot different than mine.

>> No.6639680
File: 315 KB, 400x616, Agreed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639695

Im 21 and my father and both grandfathers went close to bald. What preventative stuff can i do?

>> No.6639706


early suicide

>> No.6639711

beat me to it

>> No.6639734

dude it's barely noticable

relax and enjoy life

>> No.6639755
File: 774 KB, 1174x1920, 1366155039877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op I feel you pain man.

but pls, I implore you to only look at it as a challenge and not as a death sentence

>> No.6639762

>mfw had the same hairline for years now but, because my hair is fine as hell, people always remark on how it looks like its receding.

>> No.6639812

i'd worry more about what seems to be a pretty awful beard on your chin there

>> No.6639820

I don't really keep up with it anymore but it fits my demeanor

I think I'm slowly becoming one of those people that looks normal and then has a gigantic bushy old wise man beard

>> No.6640000

I have a high hairline at the temples and I've been losing some hair in the shower.

Luckily I'm jacked and have a masculine face and solid head shape.
>I'm prepared for it, whenever it shall come.

>> No.6640341

>tfw losing more and more hair all the time

I have a beard but my face is not masculine at all and my head shape is shit tier aswell. I have to throw away all my hopes of being /fa/ if this continues.

>> No.6640388

>I have to throw away all my hopes of being /fa/ if this continues.
No you don't.
Stop that.

>> No.6640407

i just wnet on their site, gayest moter fuckers i ever saw


>> No.6640411

It is your mindset that is shit tier

Do you think Rick Owens told himself" Well I'll never be a fashion icon or a designer because tfw asymmetrical face"

Get rid of that defeatist attitude and stop posting this self pity bullshit.

>> No.6640515

I'n my country your family doctor must approve you first if you want to see a healthcare dermatologist. I'm 18, and according to my doctor losing hair is not enough of a problem. Fucking asshole, I only wanted a guy with a diploma to tell me to buy Minoxidil. Now I'll have to pay 60 buck a visit for a private dermatologist.

>> No.6640531

Delude yourself all you want, a bald guy will never be as attractive as a guy with thick hair. If Cole Mohr was bald he would be a 5/10.

>> No.6640538

Don't listen to that guy. You are going bald, better do something about it.

>> No.6640559
File: 542 KB, 1000x667, pass it 015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a phase in going bald, eventually you stop caring about it when you realize you're more than just you hair, pic related.

I'm 20 years old and this shit crept up on me like a mother fucker. I just started finding patches of bald on top of my left and right temples. Found out early this year.

I consider myself as someone who values vanity, so people would think the loss of hair would probably be devastating for me, but it isn't anymore. At the same time I also value common sense. Meaning that, no matter how much vanity there is in the world, people will always judge you based on your personality and actions rather than appearance(when they actually get to know you that is).

I'm letting my hair grow out long and i can style it in a way that covers up the patches quite well. But as soon as I'm unable to do that, which I'm guessing will be in a couple years, I'm mentally prepared to shave it all off.

Matter of fact, I would shave it all off right now if it weren't for the fact that I look really damn good with long hair. So I'm giving it a final run.

cheers OP