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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 22 KB, 350x350, Dr-Martens-Unisex-1460-Cherry-Red-Lace-Up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6632623 No.6632623 [Reply] [Original]

Afternoon gents,

is it possible for one to rock out some doc martens without looking either tumblr core or like you wish you were born in a generation where it was okay to hate imigrants

i'm thinking of copping this colour used, so the leather is worn in and start to add a shade of brown every polish

>> No.6632912

Thinking of copping the same pair. Recently shaved my head for no apparent reason and need to change my wardrobe to compensate.

>> No.6633074

Wait a second. You don't happen to be s***a on eBay do you?

>> No.6633172
File: 49 KB, 500x490, 1375640766597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, so you don't hate immigrants? Weirdo

>> No.6633184


Fuck immigrants, fuck liberals, fuck softies, fuck niceguys. I hate this generation. Back in the day, leaders of countries were strong individuals who would have been willing to grab a gun and defend their country. Winston Churchill wanted to be the first on the beaches on D-Day. David Cameron would have run in the opposite direction or cried.

How the fuck is that leadership material? He's not even fit to lead a daycare centre. Fucking nancy boys these days.

>> No.6633188
File: 60 KB, 500x375, 1375557363280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join us on /pol/, brother

>> No.6633198

Are you this guy?


>> No.6633199

docs are effay
also gas this thread

>> No.6633202

nah fella i haven't bid on em yet


are you the guy selling them?

>> No.6633210

who dat grill i wanna fok 'er

>> No.6633214

No but since the first post of this thread I've had my eye on the this auction. When I said "The same pair" I didn't expect it to be quite as literal. Then I saw the bit about the leather being worn.

What's the etiquette when two people from effay want to cop the same thing?

>> No.6633230

Completely different guy, I also have these on my watch list....

Why is /fa/ suddenly so interested in DMs?

Anyway, we haven't actually addressed the topic OP asked about. What to wear with these?

>> No.6633238
File: 258 KB, 1500x1500, AIRWEAR-DR-MARTENS-1461-BLACK-PATENT01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on how much you wanna pay fella, i'm going up to about 45 w/postage maybe a bit more, considering they are 60 new. i just want some worn in tbh, i hadsome doc martens shoes in my size and they fucking killed my feet in about ten minutes

>> No.6633247
File: 10 KB, 320x213, clown shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6633246

it's autumn in a couple of months and we all want to get a head start on boots

>> No.6633253

Nah I wasn't looking to play that high. Just wanted a decent pair of docs for half price, these happened to be my size.. What docs did you have? Are you willing to sell 'em?

If I don't win this one I'll probably have to buy them new.

I was thinking of wearing these over my black skinnies.

and yeah I am that guy.

>> No.6633260

thats why i'm turning them brown

the ones in the picture, i sent them back straight away to avoid the world of pain i was in for- they are still being sold online by "jakes shoes" for 100

>> No.6633289

How come they hurt so much? Chafing? Strain? How do you know this pair would be more comfortable? Aren't they worn into someone elses feet now?

>> No.6633313

stiff leather sucks balls for blisters m8, needs to be worn down. i mainly need the leather worn so i can start polishing to a different colour too.

>> No.6633317

Guys, if three of you want to buy the same pair of shoes on ebay, wouldn't it be the best etiquette for none of you to bid?

>> No.6633346

What's the point in that? There's a bargain on the line, and we're going to let some uncultured pleb get it uncontested? Not one of three fashion loving top notch blokes who will actually take care of them and put them to good use/fits?

May the best man win. Or the man stupid enough to spend the most money.

>> No.6633385

Damn, my master plan to eliminate the competition didn't work!

>> No.6633404


Second option, gents.

>> No.6633412

>not a fatass faggot who lets other fight for him
yeah sure

>> No.6633418

I'm assuming you're posting this from the front line right?

If not then fuck off you retarded hypocrite.

>> No.6633477

Is anon a leader sending men to fight his battles for him?
If not, hypocrite is not the word you're looking for.

>> No.6633480

>posts while resting his fat ass in the basement of his parents' house, insults the greatest western leader in modern history

gonna take you seriously later

>> No.6633494

He's a "fatass faggot who lets other [people] fight for him"

>> No.6633525

these are so wavey

>> No.6633532

my red doc 1460s will be arriving tomorrow
I wore a size too large for about a week before realizing it
they were gorgeous
they don't look tryhard or tumblrcore mate, not if you just pair em with some indigo raws and a tee

>> No.6633556

How does wearing a size too large effect comfort?

>> No.6633746

Did you tuck your jeans into them?

And how did you lace them? Like, tight or loose, I mean.

>> No.6633751

I went to a shop that sells doc martens today and holy fuck they where ugly as fuck. I always liked them in pictures and on other people but those just felt really plastic like and cheap, and they looked strange on myself. I thought they would be more leather like. Does anyone else have experienced that? It was in Fast Forward, I dont think they sell fake ones

>> No.6633755

>Winston Churchill wanted to be the first on the beaches on D-Day.

Sure, sure he did m9.

>> No.6633838

Crunch time, gentlemen. Make yourself known if you win so we can congratulate you.

>> No.6633877

Good game, hope you won, clarkey

>> No.6633890
File: 244 KB, 817x255, donttrytest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whichever cunt bid 35 quid just because they knew id go over that is actually a crafty fucker

>> No.6633903

Put 'em to good use mate. You look like you'll suit them too you sexy fuck

Assuming that's you.

>> No.6633908

with docs there must be a quality dip in their prodcts fr them to be able to sell at that price, their design and crafting is okay but i think they just cheap out on materials and treat them differently instead- i.e. patent leather

>> No.6633917

does anyone want to buy mine they're like worn five times size 12 black $80 in the US

>> No.6633921

you babe x

>> No.6634224

€40,- a fair price for black 1460s?

>> No.6634235

used of course

>> No.6634291

Depends on the condition

>> No.6634322
File: 139 KB, 435x669, スクリーンショット 2013-08-05 13.37.45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey m8 come join The Integralist Party of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

>> No.6634333
File: 80 KB, 538x680, 74483_ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also if you actually wanna kick in a pair of commie noggins, I suggest looking for surplus 1960's French Army boots, they have thick ass leather, goodyear welt and hard toe to kick in face of multicultural or commie enemy.

They are roughouts but some have been polished black.

>> No.6634403

>french boot
>for kicking in the face of enemy
>not for surrendering to anyone with a bag of firecrackers and a cap gun
top lel

>> No.6634422
File: 73 KB, 800x800, bewt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found these on an online store reduced from £160 to £70 but they're sold out in my size.

w2c something similar in the same price bracket? UK obviously

>> No.6634448


>durrr le french rmy r fags

you know the French has won more wars than the United States right (both in percentage and total)?

The French weren't stupid, that's why they surrendered in WW2. They had the warfare to fight against the Germans but their combat-able population was raped during WW1, thus a war with the Germans would've been suicide.

But keep telling yourself MUREEN CORE while being beaten by starving people and illiterate farmers

>> No.6634476

I'm thinking of getting solovairs
do they run big like docs?

>> No.6637201

I would assume that they'd have the same sorta sizing.

If you have a pair a of docs (original, new, outsourced new or whatever) then it might be worth it to shoot the folks at solovair, or a dealer of theirs, an email.

>> No.6637498

You mean Hitler?

Churchill was an idiot. If Hitler won we wouldn't be in this mess.

>> No.6638549

They where a bit beat up but not that much for 1 year of wear, decided to not be a cheapass and just get a new pair though.

>> No.6638592

Docs are played the fuck out

Melbourne is full of faggot wannabes in cheap thai-made docs

I need a new pair of beater boots/shoes and I have no idea what

>> No.6639136

You could try Solovair.

>> No.6639139

Go WWII service shoes.

>> No.6639157
File: 1.30 MB, 3872x2592, DSC_0456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6639177

Put them on wedge sole and get rid of yellow stiching, that would be a perfect boot.