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/fa/ - Fashion

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6625935 No.6625935 [Reply] [Original]

are filipinos /fa/?

>> No.6625945

Worst ethnicity one can get

>> No.6625958
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Pinoy pride worldwide.

>> No.6625976

we're not that bad

>> No.6625996

only the halfies

>> No.6626004

what? you mean those who arent 100% filipinos? well i think i am 100% but idk

>> No.6626019

Full blooded Filipino here. I gotta say, I'm not too fond of other Filipinos. Of course I don't hate the Filipinos in my family, but some are still shit.

The only few Filipinos that are /fa/ are the ones who don't constantly think about basketball, how cool they think of themselves, and the ones who think about other's opinion of themselves

>> No.6626020

>not indian

>> No.6626030

and those who constantly gossip and talk about local celebrities god this is making me cringe just thinking about it.

>> No.6626033

Chouzuki Maryou is the /fa/est filipina

>> No.6626039

>tfw halfie
>tfw 7.5/10 face
>tfw dad is 6'3
>tfw 5'8

th-thanks mum

>> No.6626168

Oh God, I know that feel.

>> No.6626171

i feel u
also koreaboo filipinos. they are the worst

marry me pls

>> No.6626182

this makes me feel a lot less worse for hating flips around my area

all they do is just ride their shitty little pennyboards, loiter around in flip-only crowds in downtown-esque places(lots of glass and asphalt) they have to get to by subway because they live in shit buildings themselves, drink beer, try to dance to k-pop and pretend to be black.
A lot of them are also fat.

I don't know why it irritates me, I probably feel bad for them, trying so hard to belong to something while looking like utter wankers while doing so

>> No.6626186

you know there are still filipinos out there that arent 100% bad but they're really hard to find

>> No.6626200

people with the worse facial aesthetic

>> No.6626202

that's true. i'm 100% filipino, light skinned, nice nose, not fat, and my cheeks aren't chubby as fuck

i live in a place with a lot of filips and i can usually find one attractive one in a group

>> No.6626206

filipinas make my dick fucking hard

the dudes are lol

>> No.6626215

most filipinas are mehh

how bout them ladyboys tho

>> No.6626224
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some of them are aight

>> No.6626233

i wasnt talking about what they look like but how they are.. most of the people i meet are dumb stupid and obnoxious retards and i cant relate to most of them.
but since you brought it up, i dont have a problem with what they look like some girls i meet are ok-looking.

>> No.6626287

Pls b in Brisbane

>> No.6626308

fuk im in vancouver

>> No.6626341

Here's my tumblr doe

>> No.6626361

no self pics d-damn

>> No.6626362

Yea, I'm Filipino myself and the other ones I know are mostly trying to act black.

Though I do have a group I know that are really considerate people.

>> No.6626386

I may message you some ;) . Follow/ message me

>> No.6626396
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whats acting black mean?

half black half flip here.

>> No.6626523

I'm half filipino but most other filipinos I meet in the states are god awful swagapinos that act black/mexican

>> No.6626534

Hey at least you're pretty much average height for an asian

>> No.6626573

No,because of them People think I'm a faggot for owning pairs of Jordan's
(Why can't a nigga collect jays in peace)

>> No.6626638
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hi i am half philz rate my attempt brothers

a-a-am i pogi kuya?

>> No.6626644

I'm about to ask this same question, here I it is

Are hypebeast /fa/?

>> No.6626650

What the fuck are Filipinos anyway?
Are they Mexicans? Are they Asians?

>> No.6626661

Asians but a very small percentage of the population have Spanish blood due to being ruled by them for awhile

>> No.6626670

A full on black person here
It means they act like a stereotypical hip-hop culture struck idiot.
The usual annoying "yo", wannabe hip-hop attitude, and sometimes throwing "nigga" in there and coming up with ways to justify it. Usually with trying to come up with ways to explain their black in someway, or trying to pull that "us PoCs, right?" type shit.

Also used by any other faggots with a hint of color in their skin who aren't white.

>> No.6626671

They're the Mexicans of Asia.

>> No.6626689

i thought filipinos could only grow whiskers???/

>> No.6626706

>tfw halfie
>tfw 5/10 face
>tfw 6'1

th-thanks [spoiler]dad

>> No.6626720

where did your parents meet?

if you say your pops was in the military...lol

>> No.6626729

I hate being Filipino man

>tfw short, tiny dick, shit genetics all around, ugly nose, chubbyfat, metabolism is shit, I feel superiorized by whites with their sexy gf's and blacks with their huge dicks

I have no idea how I managed to get a few gfs but damn I hate myself

>> No.6626735

My gramps was in the airforce and met his wife in thailand and then my dad went into the airforce and met my mom in the Philippines. Yellow fever seems to run in my family.

Not him btw

>> No.6626749



Filipinos are truly the niggers of southeast asia.

>> No.6626763

well... can you dance/sing? seems like its the common talent

>> No.6626765

>dance/sing/play instrument
Never met a filipino that couldn't do at least one of these.

>> No.6626772


Yep I could sing really fucking good, I'm cocky about it lol

>> No.6626768

choose one
i would rather be a yellow skinned chinese fuck than a filipino

>> No.6626773

I've met a few swagapinos that were into breakdancing bull shit

>> No.6626828

>flip father, euro mother
>not king of the pinoys

>> No.6626973

>southern california
>be japanese
>walk past a group of swagpinos
>they give the stinkeye
>but the bitches be mirin

>> No.6627009

No. No they are not.

>> No.6627021

NO, and here's why.

Filipinos are an emasculated race with CFNM culture/

>women are the head of the house hold and lead the political world
>filipinos are forced to become circumcised sometimes in public in front of many people, including girls of all ages
>filipinos in college entering fraternities are required to run naked through there town displaying themselves to their class mates and girls of all ages
>filipinos used to sew beads into their dicks in order to please their female overlords better
>all filipino men have an inferiority complex

Your emasculated race is not /fa/, now stop posting.

>> No.6627041
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>filipinos are forced to become circumcised sometimes in public in front of many people, including girls of all ages
wtf is this nigga serious?

>> No.6627042
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>> No.6627048



>> No.6627070


>> No.6627067

thats fucked up

>> No.6627074

I dont use botnet

>> No.6627088

>flip dad
>flip mom
>both have recessive chinese genes
>acquire recessive genes
>don't look like a total waste

could have been worse.. my only complaint is i can't grow facial hair to save my life

>> No.6627094

seriously though

>> No.6627108

weren't half of these copypasta "facts" debunked in earlier threads? Like the circumcision was a medical thing where they couldn't keep people out, and the naked run was one university only?

>> No.6627115

i also use bing
it works
do you have any alternatives to recommend?

>> No.6627120

>being this autistic

Nothing was debunked. I'm the same guy who posted in that thread, I was called out on.

>filipinos are forced to become circumcised sometimes in public in front of many people, including girls of all ages

only because I said it was a 'festival-like' ritual, and a guy disagreed but then I showed him the pics and explained that festival like is merely a description not exactly a festival.

AS for the fraternity, yeah it's a college but the entire ritual takes place in the entire city.

Also the same guy agreed with me that the entire culture is emasculated.

>> No.6627125

adn the reason why I called it 'festival like' is not because of exageration but because that's what it's considered, girls of all ages are allowed to walk around when the public circumcisions are taking place and they often take pictures and post them on facebook bragging about how many cocks they seen chopped up.

>> No.6627131
File: 17 KB, 300x100, 198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet I can drop that chink lookin' mahfacka in one blow.

>> No.6627132

entire city? maybe you mean "a portion of the campus". unless i'm wrong. i never really cared for that run. circumcision though is regarded as a cultural/religious thing, even though its really just driven by a fear of being belittled and having no real understanding of cut vs uncut, which is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6627135

yahoo. the local favorite

>> No.6627138

Not trying to turn this into a cut vs uncut thread but anyone who mutliates their kids dick is a fucking moron and should be put to death

>> No.6627149

It's the entire city or town, wouldnt call it a village.


>> No.6627150

> tfw you had oneitis for a phillipina tumblr girl

I could never look at her the same again once I started coming to /fa/.

>> No.6627179

right. i didn't take into consideration that it's a fraternity's tradition, not a school tradition. my bad

>> No.6627596

Sort of in the same boat. Full blooded as well.

On your last remarks though, I'm ENFP so I'd probably be too self-centered and people-minded for you.

But I know exactly what kind of Filipinos you're talking about, and what separates me from them is that they're kind of fucking annoying. And swagfags.

>> No.6627637

I think we are (video):
I'm not one of those guys, but a lot of my friends are. I don't care about basketball, but why should I dislike a person for liking a sport? That's like disliking someone for having passion for fashion.
Full blooded Filipino btw, 5'10.
The problem is that that the annoying Filipinos aren't religious, if you find a religious Filipino that's a good person.
Whenever I see a self-hating Filipino I lol and then feel bad for them because that means they had a crappy community.

>> No.6627644

>6" dick
>qt feminine face
>skinny, great metabolism
>white girls like me

i'm so sorry, man
hey at least i'm short too

>> No.6627653

I'm sure that picture was taken as a joke.
>am i pogi kuya?
Join CFC-Y! You'll meet awesome people.

>> No.6627739

>women are the head of the house hold and lead the political world
Wrong, we are a Catholic country and so we place men as the head of our household.
>filipinos are forced to become circumcised sometimes in public in front of many people, including girls of all ages
This is in one weird city. America has a lot of cities with weird, albenit not as, traditions.
>filipinos in college entering fraternities are required to run naked through there town displaying themselves to their class mates and girls of all ages
What frats don't make their initiates do stupid stuff?
>filipinos used to sew beads into their dicks in order to please their female overlords better
Yeah haven't heard of this. This is like saying all swedes are vikings.
>all filipino men have an inferiority complex

>> No.6627848

>on 4chan

>> No.6627857

koreaboo and weeaboo filipinos are literally even worse than the swagfags
it's like they think all asians are the same

>> No.6627894

i'm filipino and i'm proud of what i am

i just hate every other because they're swagfag shits

>> No.6627917

Yeah they're pretty annoying.

>> No.6627953


You are that faggot from 2 weeks ago.

I thought I already addressed this with you?

>> No.6627988
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Being a Filipino is a hit and miss lol

I literally have NONE of those qualities

>tfw grew out facial hair for a bit
>tfw people are talking to me in Spanish

Dont worry bro, there is hope for ya

>> No.6628440

is that guy rich or smth lol

>> No.6628702
File: 78 KB, 640x427, IMG_1555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Probably, this guy is a Filipino Senator

>> No.6630637

>brown skin

Lol are you even serious OP?

>> No.6630665

Filipino here... I may not be /fa/ as /fa/ standards but I more /fa/ than most Filipinos... OBEY snapbacks, baggy jeans, no fitting colors, LV, Lacoste (HUGE ALLIGATORS), RL (HUGE HORSES), aeropostele, hollister all of them..

>> No.6630686

nah he's pretty fly for a filipino

>> No.6630706

some filipinos are alright, i have a friend who's half filipino/half chinese and he turned out amazing (light skin/tall/good looking). I'm full filipino but I'm horrible, so it's really hit and miss.

>> No.6630779

My roommates are Filipino. I wouldn't say they're /fa/, but they don't dress like typical hypebeasts. They dress better than most people I see on campus.

I don't think any of them own a single snapback either.

>> No.6630787

I thought we were the blacks of Asia...?

>> No.6630893

They just the rejects of asia.
The religious type of filipinos are the worst. They're all so catholic its annoying. Not even mexicans are that catholic.

>> No.6631823



>> No.6631925

From what i have seen, filipinos seem to be the only asian that white chicks would date.

If you see an asian guy with a white girl, the guy is filipino like 9/10 times

>> No.6632020


filipino here. Every white girl i have dated has said i was the first asian they have ever dated

My brothers wife was white and I asked her about this and she said she never thought in a million years that she would end up with an asian. My brother was also the first asian she has dated.

So I dunno lol

>> No.6632917

I don't know my race (looks Jap though) but my adoptive parents here in Philippines are full blooded.

Crab mentality and typical social climbing are the most pathetic traits a Filipino could have. Their arrogance is just a byproduct of both.

>> No.6632960

TFW half german , half flip. Everyone says I look half Korean. All my siblings look Spanish. Not too bad I'm 6ft and can grow a beard and yes I'm usually a girls first "Asian"

>> No.6633026


Lucky dub flips, my hottest GF was a 8/10 with a fat ass and she was mexican. Haven't lost hope yet, everyone in my family seems to be attracting people so i'm not tripping.

>tfw i lost the perfect red haired qt, i dun goof'd

>> No.6633772

What the fuck.

Why don't they give the poor kids some gotdang dignity? Smiling and posing for pictures while they're getting their dick skin chopped off for no good reason with everyone watching.

Poor little guys.

>> No.6633781

Actually the most annoying thing about Filipino's are that they tend to be obsessed with their filipinoness and Filipino pride (and god, on the side).

It reeks insecurity and sheep mentality. It doesn't make sense to act so prideful of something you had no say or influence in being.

>> No.6633861
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>not owning a single snapback

>> No.6634116

what a great comment

>> No.6634131
