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/fa/ - Fashion

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6628644 No.6628644 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /fa/ so rich?
It makes me more depressed, knowing I can't afford 97% of the stuff I see here (yes, I totally calculated).
Where the poor high school fuccbois at?

>> No.6628647

No one owns the clothes they talk about.

>> No.6628652

Clothes aren't expensive. You could have an entire wardrobe for $15k you can't even buy the shittiest car for that.

>> No.6628658

>high school

if you're in high school you don't need to worry about buying expensive shit in the first place, so don't feel bad that you can't afford it.

also, most of /fa/ buys stuff during flash sales or secondhand, not at the starting price.

>> No.6628662

I'm here. I got a job fast food but I dunno if it's going to work out. I think if anything I'll start dealing weed.

>> No.6628670
File: 140 KB, 206x280, excuseme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can't even buy the shittiest car for that
>you can't
>even buy
>the shittiest
>for that
>$ 1 5 , 0 0 0

>> No.6628679

Wh-What about college?

>> No.6628685

both of these
just buy second hand and save up, also in highschool it should be evn easier to buy stuff cuz ur parents pay for ur food, housing, etc

>> No.6628700

rob a Rick manufacturer in portugal then torch the place

>> No.6628694

most of /fa/ is poor
cop cheap basics and save up for nice shoes

>> No.6628697

Yeah.. a brand new car. Good luck. I have a ford fiesta 1.6l non turbo it cost me $15.7 and that's a good deal. My project car has at least $7k in it and it's no where near where I want it to be. Clothes in perspective are cheap if they are your hobby.

>> No.6628712

I hope for your sake you live somewhere that has both a large fashion community and also very (by very I mean VERY) affluent areas.

Living in London (which ticks both of these boxes very nicely) means I can go to a charity shop in somewhere like Kensington or Chelsea or Mayfair and buy expensive high fashion items for the same price as a River Island equivalent - I've gotten a mint condition (seriously, I wouldn't be able to tell it had ever been worn before) Versace leather jacket for £40, gotten raf boots for £20 etc etc, it's great.

>> No.6628727


buying a new car is an unbelievably stupid economic decision unless you're wealthy enough for it not to make a difference (which, seeing as though you bought a fiesta, you aren't). It'll lose about 20% of its value the second you drive it off the lot and it'll depreciate in value steadily over the years after that.

Get a 2 year old second-hand car instead.

>> No.6628729

>very affluent area
top lel

>> No.6628739


one of the highest concentrations of billionaires on the planet

you'd be an idiot to think that some parts of london aren't ridiculously rich; there are areas where every house is £30m+ and every cary is a rolls or a bugatti or lambo

>> No.6628749

>buying a new clothes is an unbelievably stupid economic decision unless you're wealthy enough for it not to make a difference (which, seeing as though you bought sneakers, you aren't). It'll lose about 20% of its value the second you wear them out of the store and it'll depreciate in value steadily over the years after that.

cool story.

>> No.6628748

you got raf boots at a chairty shop?

>> No.6628773


was lucky, must be some /fa/ saudi kid somewhere in st. johns wood

very rare/unheard of to see brands like raf, rick or ccp in charity shops though, even in those kinds of areas

>> No.6628784

tfw dirt poor 17 year old student just discovering good clothes
300 pounds to spend :( I sometimes bid on things on ebay when they have 6 days left just to feel involved

>> No.6628789

I thought charity shops were just for the orphans and homeless...

>> No.6628794

what kinda charity shop is this? Hahha my charity shops have george x tesco next level shit and like last of the summer wine vhs boxsets

>> No.6628805


told you, in those areas like Mayfair, Kensington, St. Johns Wood there are "boutique" charity shops that will sell high fashion and designer clothes and furniture

>> No.6628864

Aside from getting a job, you could also cut your spending on cheaper clothes from the mall, H&M, UO, etc. Like, even though that shit may be on sale, it could be going toward something way better.

>> No.6628867

Not really, in wealthier areas they seem to have some pretty nice shit.

Then again, if you're like me and live in the middle of nowhere, you're not going to find much minus some Levi's and boots and such. It's really reflective on what the majority of people in your area wear, I guess.

>> No.6628912

random charity shops occasionally have designer items for dirt cheap because someone gave them in and no one knows/cares how much it could go for
can't remember what brand it was, but a friend of mine was buzzing about some designer shirt he got for £1 in a charity shop in a small town in the middle of nowhere. it looked pretty good too, though it was like 3 sizes too big for him.

>> No.6628922

you can get decent basics for cheap if you look hard enough even in podunk nowhere

>> No.6628942

It's about priorities. Yes, Geobaskets are pretty expensive for shoes. But if that's what you want more than anything in the world then it's not very difficult to save up that amount of money. It's just not the kind of thing most people are comfortable splashing out on so it seems like a "rich person's" thing.

>> No.6628976

I only make 50k as a librarian but I have more than enough to buy nice clothes

Clothes are cheap in retrospect like the other anons said

I don't have anyone to spend money on but myself and plan to keep it that way. I really only need to have to pay rent for my apartment and have some money to eat then the rest goes to whatever I want. Also I live in the city so I don't spend money on owning a car or gas money.

>> No.6629006

Oh, I know, it's one of the main reasons I'm trying to learn how to do minor alterations and dying clothing. So much potential.
Anyways, why it's pretty easy to cop some decent basics in rural areas, you're not going to find any high-end stuff, unless it's old Timberland and other old workwear stuff(which is pretty rare).

>> No.6629024

have you ever lived in podunk nowhere?

the best store in my hometown was probably eddie bauer, everything else was just stuff like jc penny, dillards, hollister etc

basically the thrift stores were stuff from kohls, after their previous owners had worn them down

I tried and tried and tried, old eddie bauer was the best I ever found, and then I had to sew it down like crazy because it was always really baggy

>> No.6629044

There are a few posters on /fa/ who are a lot younger and still in high school. Alex is one of them, along with helders I think.

>> No.6629074

you've got a nice life bro, feel good

>> No.6629150

ima virgin loser who lives with my parents and work fulltime in a isolated place. i walk my dog at nighttime in full rick gear and geos while listening to music i get off knoch's tumblr

>there will be people reading this that might think im making this up

>> No.6629160


you have no idea how much I envy you. completed a master's in maths from cambridge and literally all I want to do is have a job I enjoy with a modest income (I really, really fucking want to be a carpenter) and just spend my money on doing whatever the fuck I want with little responsibility and just buy my clothes, cook nice food, read books and go out with my mates

can't stand the rat race but I just don't have the balls to jump ship

>> No.6629176

>live at home
> go to catering college
>work at festivals sometimes
>parents have just started a catering buisness and are going to employ me
And that's how I afford my stuff. My parents don't buy me anything at all although I get my dad to take stuff to the tailors and don't pay him back lel
#hardcore rebel fuck da poliece 420 swag

>> No.6629195

>tfw my dad just took me to saint laurent in berlin and bought any shoes i wanted

>> No.6629189

General question, I thought /fa/ frowns upon underage users? Wouldn't they get banned for being so?

>> No.6629190

what do you guys consider rich? what would be really really rich?

>> No.6629222

To be able to start your own fashion line or buy that $1k leather jacket you want.

>> No.6629220

parents income around 300k gross. they wear garbage that wasnt expensive 10 years ago when bought

>> No.6629214

Most of my actual good shit is cheaper than the stuff I regret buying due to flash sales
Seriously, %70 off deals come buy a lot, just learn about brands, styles, types of clothes, and all that, then keep an eye out in online stores and maybe amazon or ebay, and you're bound to find something.
Also remember a lot of /fa/gs have 3 pants, 6 shirts, 2 shoes, 1 jacket, and a big dick up their butt. They don't buy quantity, they buy quality.
Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in
Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in
Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in
Raf Simons, Rick Owens usually what I'm dressed in

>> No.6629217

depends on the circumstances

you could be making £150k to £200k a year but if you're the sole earner in a family of 4 and you live in an expensive area you're still going to be budgeting

meanwhile if you live alone in a cheap area you'll find you'll have spare money to spend on nice things even if you're earning somewhere around £50k a year

I'd consider rich as somewhere around an income of £300k+ a year/around £5m in total assets

really really rich is £15m+ in total assets

>> No.6629238


are you implying that being able to afford a 1k jacket and opening a fucking fashion line would require the same amount of wealth?

>> No.6629241

so you have to be in literally the top 0.1% of earners in the uk to be considered rich? sheesh

>> No.6629249

I think the official definition of upper class is actually pretty similar to that

>> No.6629283


I would say so, but people do have different definitions of rich. You can certainly be well-off and live in a nice house in a suburban area and drive a merc or an audi on an £80k/year salary if you live alone and have no one else to provide for.

>> No.6629343

That's a fucking lot for a librarian, what's your major?

>> No.6629360

I hope you're doing some philosophical research as an author or some shit as a librarian making $50k.
GG man, this is coming from a math major whom looks down on liberal arts/english majors. (I'm not against making it your occupation, but the whole spending $100k on an education etc etc.)

>> No.6629423


i think helders is of legal age now

>> No.6629586

yeah /fa/, /g/, /k/,/p/, /ck/ and /cgl/ maybe /trv/ are probably the richest boards on 4chn. fucking expensive hobbies.
if i had to put in order it would be
maybe. fuck i dont know.

>> No.6629613

you're forgetting /o/ and /out/ m8

>> No.6629658

if you are actually fashionable you would be spending more than any of those boards without a doubt.

>> No.6629678

Fashion is actually make expensive than technology. You could get a very nice computer for the price of a single rick owens outfit. Seriously

>> No.6629690


>> No.6629699

My sides

>> No.6629884

theyre not rich, justin bieber is rich, dude makes 400 thousand dollars per concert look it up

>> No.6629901


>> No.6629906

I agree, but /p/ can get pretty expensive, too. I'd say /o/ and /fa/ are the most expensive hobbies overall. /o/ is probably the highest simply because quality /o/ "pieces" are more expensive than textiles.

>> No.6629932

nobody here is rich.

the average makeup of the /fa/ user is:

-in college obtaining their first bachelor's
-mostly single, if taken with a temp. college girlfriend/fuck buddy
-low-middle class
-rather than buying copious amounts of standard clothes from bargin bin box stores (target, tjmaxx etc) /fa/ seeks out clearance websites and designer sample sales
(Gilt before they made the change over, myhabbit etc)

>> No.6629955

you are forgetting that /fa/'s entire userbase is aged 15-23

>> No.6629970

[citation needed]

>> No.6629980

/k/ isn't rich
shooting steel cased myosin's is not a very expensive hobby. even during the panic times.

prior to panic buying (ar-15's were worth almost $5500 used ak's almost brought 4 figures which is ALOT for an ak usually low to mid hundreds range)

photo is pretty cheap shit, it';s a dslr and a pirate version of light studio. actually /k/ might have more moiney than them, they're not buying leica's

tech is pretty cheap nobody on there build's PC's anymore. it turned into lets talk about macbooks central, with hey lets mention Linux but when it actually comes down to it lets not respond to shit because we've never actually touched Linux

/fa/ is pretty cheap/poor

and cooking is hella cheap $2500 for some fucking all-clad shit and all the sudden you're a "cook"

with all that said I do enjoy most of the hobbies you listed there.

and yeah $15,000 is tight on buying a car,

a little Nissan versa runs $18.5 pretax pre fee's

and if you wanted to build a race car with $15k its going to be REAL tight, you may have to resort to used parts. and used parts are for sale for a reason, mostly because they're no longer reliable, and breaking down mid season for new parts constantly is going to add up

>> No.6629988

sure, early survey threads. trip skank actually sat there and entered everyone's info into a chart and formulated a pie chart/graph

not only once but over a 3 year period

>> No.6630034

yup, even a half decent autocross car is gonna be a lot of money. not to mention tires/fuel and repairs.

>put $4k into valve train
>blown by end of season

>> No.6630260

>Majored in Informatics/Computer Science
>Have to constantly learn new shit
>Have to help everyone with basic things
>Have to constantly worry about being outsourced
>Make decent money, but have little place for advancement
>Tell people I work with computers

I know what you mean. I'd really like to be a craftsman of some kind; something where I actually see noticeable results of what I do.

>> No.6630278

I got a versace shirt for $8

none of the crazy printed ones just a nice white shirt

>> No.6630286

i know but global rule is 18+, isn't it?

>> No.6630338
File: 96 KB, 585x812, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

medical physics will hopefully make me a fashionable 30 y/o

>> No.6630336

Most shit is a decent deal if you get 60-75% off. Don't be afraid to buy second hand as alot of really popular designs and brands dont ever hit those big sales.

>> No.6630367

It is

There is no point to buy new unless your very wealthy

>> No.6630362

I'm not. I usually save up, buy second hand, or just buy some shittier brands.
Just bought a pair of raf simmons recently

>> No.6630365

nice i'm working on a degree in owensian physics

>> No.6630384

Tech isn't expensive. If anything its about getting the most bang for your buck. Their shit is also incredibly practical.

/fa/ may not be rich, but to seriously be into fashion and buy the current season shit on retail carefree requires wealth of course.

/k/ probably has less HS/college students and is more populated with people who actually have a job.

>> No.6630378

>>Have to constantly worry about being outsourced
This won't happen. Programmers with good communication skills will always be valued. Your main job as a CS major isn't even programming, it's communication anyways. Unless you just want to be a code monkey, then you're really expendable.

>> No.6630406

That track seems a bit too fast....

How much education does this profession require? Grad school?

>> No.6630410

>as seeing you bought sneakers

>> No.6630421

what happens when you don't speak chinease like the rest of the programmers the company hired on?

>> No.6630464


>> No.6630544

3 year bachelor + 1.5 year masters

>> No.6630560

are you retarded

>> No.6630568

I have 3 cars, only one is new. I know the importance of buying used. I also know the benefits of buying new and $15k is well within my comfort level for a car I plan to get at least 4 years out of on warranty. The point, which he never cared to address, was that comparatively to other interests, clothes are not expensive. People think they are expensive because to them clothes are not a hobby so it's incredibly impractical for them to spend $300 on a sweater where someone who like clothes as a hobby sees the value. People might think a guy buying $3000 BBS wheels has wealth, but he's not it just happens to be his interest. It's also comical that he's talking about economical decisions on a fashion board at all. If you wanna be economical go to walmart and be clothed for a year on $100.

>> No.6632670

>Just finished college/6th form
>waiting to see if I got into uni
>Work at Tesco, £7.70 an hour
>£2,300 saved up
>further £8,600 in a trust fund type thing
>too tight to spend any of it
>want to look good

help me /fa/ - was thinking of copping some CPs soon

>> No.6632703

Just shop at topman cheap as fuck

>> No.6632706

>Why is /fa/ so rich?
It's only so apparent because clothes cause vanity and this board attracts a lot of spoiled white kids living in suburbia.

A better question would be why are rich kids raised so poorly?

>> No.6632722

>A better question would be why are rich kids raised so poorly?

everyone is raised poorly.
in your case it was not having a father figure to show you how to be a man.

>> No.6632729

clothes aren't that expensive really, it's all how you prioritize your budget.

i like to think of clothes as an entry-level interest in art/design. clothes are way cheaper than buying nice paintings or nice buildings.

so, expensive clothes is like art collecting for poor people

>> No.6632734


that really is depressing, knowing u will never get to splurge until ur like 30

im 18 and i just know for some reason im gonna make a mil before 22, i just know it, i have a feeling

>> No.6632739

It loses 20% of it's value because you could immediately wrap it around a tree and get it repaired by a shady body shop and then try to sell it as brand new. This is not a theoretical concern -- this is something that happens.

Buying a used car is buying risk. It may or may not be a good idea for you, but it's still risk. Buy-only-used advocates seem to think that they've discovered some glaring inefficiency in the car market that no one else has.

>> No.6632752

/out/ is full of people who refuse to drop the money on a backpack that won't destroy your back and complain that people who manage to save up a few hundred bucks for nicer shit are gearfags.

>> No.6632753

Please give me names,

>> No.6632777

Then you should move out of china.
No seriously, client - programmer relationship is essential so they'll always be a need for english speaking programmers. And also those who can communicate well with higher ups

>> No.6632825

Po ass incoming college freshman here. High school was rough because I was trying to imatate my local surf style on a budget.

I still can't afford shit.

If anyone is going to GMU hit me up.

>> No.6632856

knoch's music is awful anon
at least you're happy tho, right?

>> No.6632861

>Also remember a lot of /fa/gs have 3 pants, 6 shirts, 2 shoes, 1 jacket, and a big dick up their butt. They don't buy quantity, they buy quality.

that is me 100%

>> No.6632864

you could get a really nice pc for less than a single rick piece, you mean