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File: 123 KB, 500x667, korea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6617077 No.6617077 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone please dump some plastic surgery and human facial aesthetics info/books?

A few days ago some plastic surgery bro mentioned a book but I couldn't find it anywhere

>> No.6617143

Found the name of the book posted

it's "Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery" by Thieme

can't find it for download tho

>> No.6617161

koreans are horrible ppl

>> No.6617180

They have good plastic surgery tho

>> No.6617305


>> No.6617508
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>> No.6618147

No I mean real resources

>> No.6618152

What's wrong with the face on the left?

>> No.6618168

It's not as pretty as the face on the right obvs

On the real though I definitely wouldn't get surgery if that was my face. I don't really care that he did though. His face. Just feel bad for his parents. They were probably weirded out / a little offended.

>> No.6618183

Was the photo on the right taken in different lighting? One face is more colored than the other. Did that guy just bleach his skin? If so, that's fucked up.

>> No.6618186
File: 132 KB, 700x559, plastic surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6618190

>Just feel bad for his parents. They were probably weirded out / a little offended.
Maybe his parents had plastic surgery too, wouldn't be surprised.

>> No.6618193

His jawline/cheekbones look a little asymmetrical.

>> No.6618199

That picture is racist and ignorant as fuck, the kids have Downs Syndrome

"ahahahaha they're korean koreans get surgery that's why the kids are ugly ahahaha fucking chinks"

>> No.6618201

Yeah that's true. I didn't consider that. I know my mom would be upset if I wanted to get plastic surgery.

>> No.6618208

calm your tits bro only you brought up that shit

>> No.6618220

How was it just me, it's on the pic itself

>> No.6618250

cry my a fucking river bro

>> No.6618259


>> No.6618837

haha why do you give a fuck

>> No.6618849

haha is that what downy asians look like

always wondered

>> No.6618884

Are you saying the parents don't have a lot of surgery done?

>> No.6618889

Three kids, and all of them have Downs? Is the pollution that bad?

>> No.6618896

>the kids have Downs Syndrome
all of them?
sure if you say so

>> No.6618899

asians just look like that without makeup and surgery

>> No.6618900
File: 74 KB, 1047x405, chingchong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

koreans rob my will to live

>> No.6618912

why are asians so ugly by default?

>> No.6618917

Only bigotry is ugly by default.

>> No.6618926

and asians, pakistanis, and abos

and all midgets

>> No.6618941

those people are all ugly by default

>> No.6618955

I swear the only people that make posts like these are white and short

>> No.6618966

I'm white and tall

dont tell me to not have an opinion

I'm not going to go out stabbing azns and dwarves I just think theyre all ugly

fucking cunt fascist

>> No.6618989

i'm white and 6'0

>> No.6618997

>calls anyone short
you're just tall because of the few white genes you have

>> No.6618998
File: 155 KB, 1920x1080, 1343626311061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6619006

not the guy your responding too, but im white and tall/average height and i second this post, but ill add niggers to it. thank you very much.

>> No.6619015
File: 248 KB, 1280x960, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white and tall

>> No.6619032

we all agree that most azns, pinoys, pakistanis, the indians with the low hairline and the unibrow, abos and midgets are all fucked up looking

this is life accept it

people are different
grace jones was a beautiful woman

>> No.6619033
File: 55 KB, 600x464, 134715644598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why you are posting her nipslip but she's both fairly tall for an asian and has not been under the knife. She's also very beautiful.

>> No.6619037

yeah shes grand looking but most azns look like spastics

especially chubby ones

>> No.6619036
File: 108 KB, 467x700, 3ab26_soyeon-t-ara-tiara-17418488-467-700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All my idol images are of Soyeon

>> No.6619052
File: 542 KB, 647x378, t-ara-soyeon-qbs-nate2[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's how she looks now. Disgusting.

>> No.6619070

She still looks fine.

>> No.6619110

>being white and liking asian girls
it's like you want to kill off the white race

>> No.6619115

What if I'm asian?

>> No.6619122

Evolution is doing that for him, and neither you nor I nor Hitler himself will ever be able to change that.

>> No.6619160

they arent the parents, theyre fucking actors. itd be like angelina and brad posing with a bunch of retards

>> No.6619225


>> No.6619243
File: 257 KB, 1024x681, WI9S1966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what age do Koreans start having plastic surgery?

>> No.6619255

It's a popular high school graduation gift from the parents.

>> No.6619272

Looked better before.

Kek Koreans

>> No.6619330

>we /pol/ now

But in all seriousness plastic surgery disgusts me for some reason. No matter how much you can argue that it's just another form of fashion or that it's just making yourself look pretty, it comes off as insecure and deceiving.

>> No.6619359
File: 319 KB, 1500x1000, IMG_7272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no natty kgf

>> No.6619371

I can see where you're coming from.
Clothes can be changed on a whim, but to actually dislike their body or face so much that they want it permanently changed is quite telling of their self-esteem. They don't need surgery, they need therapy.

>> No.6619396

fuckin asians get that eye lid shit in their teens

>> No.6619426


I'd have to agree. I don't care how ugly you are; I'd rather have you embrace your unattractiveness than permanently alter your body.

>> No.6619459

I think there are some people who are actually so ugly that they could use surgery but its ridiculous when girls like in the pic of >>6619036 go and have it done.

>> No.6619464

What about people who get into accidents that fuck their face up? Should they be allowed to get ps?

>> No.6619476

I will never have kids with a korean, don't want my kid to turn out ugly as fuck by accident.

>> No.6619538
File: 79 KB, 480x640, AqxPGn6CIAMUx90.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having half breeds

>> No.6619661

>tfw you'll never have an adorable half breed daughter

>> No.6619701

>tfw asian
>tfw oval face, double eyelids, straight nose, all the shit that asians want surgery for I got it naturally
>tfw only 5'8
>tfw bitches won't give a shit if I went to SK anyways because they'd assume I just got plastic surgery


>> No.6619704

So the thing that lends your beauty the greater portion of its value is your ability to feel easily superior to those around you?

>> No.6619710

No, it's the fact that those features are objectively aesthetically superior.

>> No.6619722

If they're objectively superior, how does it matter how they got there? If you want to talk merit, I'd say that recovering from extensive plastic surgery after years of being sub-par is a far more painful, expensive and life-changing journey than simply being born with beauty.

I think you're just afraid that having medical science leveling the playing field makes the game harder for you to play.

>> No.6619731

They're objectively superior, but I'm lowered to the same playing field as other males when they go out and get plastic surgery to obtain the same features. At that point, I'm at a disadvantage if they're taller to boot (which SK's tend to be).

>I think you're just afraid that having medical science leveling the playing field makes the game harder for you to play.

Pretty much. I want ugly people to stay ugly.

>> No.6619745


It's from a plastic surgery ad you dumb fuck.

>> No.6620950
File: 1001 KB, 500x200, tumblr_mmih03TvNq1r0xrqho1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never wear Givenchy with Sera

>> No.6621343


I'd say that's okay. If your face is messed up in an accident I can imagine you would get a lot of weird looks from passerby, and your self esteem would probably suffer.

>> No.6621385
File: 29 KB, 500x624, Jaw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does surgery exist that could take you from mouth breather, no jawline-mode to pic related? Could it give you dem cheekbones and dat jaw? If so, how much would it cost?

>> No.6621388
File: 44 KB, 582x866, Jaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another great jaw.

>> No.6621399

Well, if your face is long enough they can just peel back your skin and literally chisel the bone or else you're looking at implants

eating is going to be a living hell for a year or two either way though

>> No.6621504

you could get the buccal fat pad removed, or you could get implants

>> No.6621533

It's fucking hilarious when they save their jaws but not their chin
what the fuck korea

>> No.6621544

Yes, you can add implants to your jaw and cheeks. It's not even that uncommon.
Usually it looks like shit, though. Except you want to go for the "Hollywood look".

>> No.6622956
File: 500 KB, 704x420, 1359746604819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you actually have a small jaw and cant breath properly, you can get orthognathic surgery

>> No.6623186

I call bullshit on those pics.

>> No.6624128

off topic, but are there any products that can lighten my skin tone?

>> No.6624142

Try Sammy Sosa's triple action foaming cleanser. Available now at Lowe's & Home Depot.

>> No.6624165

yeah,i googled it, u havin a giggle m8? but seriously, i could use a recommendation. im sick of faggots calling me black with "permed hair' when im actually mexican

>> No.6624186
File: 652 KB, 131x131, c8edb7ee4b7ed94c02b61948a0bd263f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624180

lmao confirmed for Filipino untermensch

>> No.6624192

lmao nvm another Filipino bigger confirmed

>> No.6624204

confirmed for ignorant faggit. please, kill yourself

>> No.6624219

im so depressed about my apperance, im actually taking the Filipino part as a compliment

>> No.6624237
File: 552 KB, 1808x1181, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont be retarded, some people are ugly and their only options if they want to be happy is plastic surgery or suicide

>> No.6624248

yeah. here in korea it's impossible to get a decent job if you are ugly. you gotta look somewhat decent to land an average paying job. if you are ugly, your only options are being a NEET or working as a waitress. hell, even restaurants might not hire you

>> No.6624288
File: 44 KB, 500x339, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the rest of the world you also will never find love. Get the best job in the universe, it doesnt matter because noone will ever love you

>> No.6624675

i follow your tumblr

8/10 blog

every other similar blog i try to follow posts 100% ganguro shit

>> No.6624687

>haven't been single for more than 2 months at a time
>every gf has been asian
>tfw guarunteed halfbreeds
>possibly multiple from different women

>> No.6624704
File: 458 KB, 400x224, tumblr_mmiin8O0xi1s28t2ko3_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6624698


>> No.6624700

There are very few people who are naturally so regularly ugly that surgery is the only option.
The vast vast majority are normal looking people focusing all their insecurities onto one insignificant detail because it's easiest to wish for a magic bullet

>> No.6625573

Yeah I don't think he's even unatractive on the left

>> No.6625724

thanks man

>> No.6625736
File: 30 KB, 285x309, 1371933905470.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want 10/10 caucasian wife
>have 15 halfling children
>have my daughters become daddys girls
>mfw i hate white ppl tho

>> No.6625741

>tfw caucasian girls hate small dicks
>tfw koreans have the smallest dicks in the world

>> No.6625748
File: 38 KB, 450x347, 1374224526195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dick is actually average (6"), fat and red
If that's still too small, I'll just discreetly use eggplants.

>> No.6625753

stop lying
your dick is not even 5

>> No.6625761

Become a K-Pop star, I'll support whichever band you debut in lel.

>> No.6625759

it's 6 inches dude. I wish it could be bigger. Why do you think I'm lying? Are you projecting ur small-dicked korean-ness?

>> No.6625886

OP just google harder. Not only is there a download copy available for the second edition, but a partial version is available on that google books thing.