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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 489 KB, 1234x1600, Keanu-Reeve-Matrix-Neo-The-One-Reloaded-Wallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6614210 No.6614210 [Reply] [Original]

See a guy wearing this exact outfit walking on the street, would you admire considering he was moderately handsome and had a similar body structure as Reeves, or would you consider blurting out some witty remark about him being in the matrix and make fun of him?

>> No.6614216

No matter what you're thinking, you don't look like Keanu Reeves

>> No.6614224


I´m perfectly aware of that and i would never wear that in public, but i wonder if some people could pull it off respectively.

>> No.6614227


>> No.6614228

If rick dressed like this once you'd be all over it lel

>> No.6614241


Who´s Rick?

>> No.6614247
File: 274 KB, 500x596, 1372879939772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6614264



>> No.6614276

when DVD's first came out and matrix first came out, the producer said in an interview on the DVD extra that they chose Keanu reeves as the main character because he looks so "plain. unattractive and like joe everyman"

then again it was 1998 and you guys weren't born yet

>> No.6614286


He may be plain, but he is not unattractive. Also i was born in 92.

>> No.6614378


You saw a Jesuit priest?

>> No.6614417
File: 152 KB, 572x190, dtrfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6614442

>people born in the 90's
is this a kindergarden?

>> No.6614446
File: 105 KB, 1600x1600, 11251[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He would look like this

>> No.6614452

>people over their twenties
Are you jealous becose you're getting old?

>> No.6614461

>jealous of kiddies living with their parents


>> No.6614482


A lot of people on /fit/ are jelly/bitter as fuck towards younger people, a lot of /fit/ are over 30 and started lifting only recently, so they get jealous when 18 year olds are lifting/have better bodies than them, because they get to enjoy their prime as an alpha

I don't think it's the same for /fa/ since /fa/ness doesn't really dissapate with age, in fact you need to be 25+ to pull off a lot of styles/outfits and not look like some tryhard high school kid

>> No.6614495

that sounds absurd. everyone thought he was attractive in speed and the devils advocate.

>> No.6614499

Even if Keanu Reeves himself wore this in public it'd look retarded. It's a costume from a movie.

>> No.6614521

>devils advocate.
i think you mean double's advocate

>> No.6614531


You'll understand when you are older, kid.

>> No.6614565

This look is one shitty pair of sneakers away from Rick Owens.

>> No.6614580
File: 457 KB, 1218x1600, Nexus_approaching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is that this is a cultural trope that has been overused. It was caricature by the time you saw it in the Matrix. That's why he was wearing it - The entire Matrix vibe was all Hong-Kong derivatives that half of America didn't even know it liked yet, and so when presented with these tropes that took decades to evolve, a lot of people who were unfamiliar with stuff like John Woo and Wong Kar kind of assumed that the look just popped out of nowhere, fully formed and raring to go.
The truth of the matter is that probably a third of the board dresses like this, but it's years later and the cultural tropes we use to do so are far more subtle and complex because they have evolved far beyond whatever stage the OP pic was.

>> No.6614583

Unattractive doesn't really fit, He look heaps better than your average joe.

>> No.6614590

It's no more ridiculous than some of the Rick outfits people here praise. But this is fashion, what matters is if the looks is past its expiration date or not and in this case it's past it.

>> No.6614594
File: 96 KB, 428x510, aaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>His posture

>> No.6614600

add this to the yes style pasta lel

>> No.6614624

Well only if the average joe is a fat degenerate, most normal men who take care of themselfs can pull off looking like that.

>> No.6614634


You´re delusional, do you go out, or do you base all of your opinions from what you see on the internet? Think about it.

>> No.6614640

are you from usa?

>> No.6614646



>> No.6614781

idiot. its obviously a fancy dress costume

>> No.6614936
File: 135 KB, 354x500, icelandic POC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls b in reykjavik

>> No.6615054

You most likely saw a priest walking on the street