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6598243 No.6598243 [Reply] [Original]

Why do so many of you guys act like you're black? I mean, you do fake thug-speak and everything.

Is this an American thing? Is it fashionable to be black? I honestly don't understand.

>> No.6598265

Where do you live that assigns race to posts on the internet. Sounds like a shitty country.

>> No.6598259

It's a joke and fun


>> No.6598354

Mad wigger detected

>> No.6598381

tongue in cheek making fun of black culture
see: yung lean

>> No.6598388

I'm not white, but glad that you couldn't tell.

>> No.6598432
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But tongue in cheek doesn't work on the internet.

When I drop negro slang in real life, I do it with the inflection of a guy who had never even seen a black man until he was 19.

And that's ture. But it's also the joke.

It's a kind of self-effacing humour where I poke fun of my own sheltered suburban white petit-bourgeois background. It sounds funny because when I say it, it's so inauthentic and incompetent.

But there's no tone on the internet, there's no inflection. There's no way to show the irony.

And you just end up looking like a wigger.

>> No.6598440


I've never seen a black person and i'm 25.

>> No.6598447

Its just what hipsters hypebeast think is cool.

>> No.6598454

I've never seen a black man and I'm 30. The only black people I know anything about are 50 cent, supafly, and Barack Obama.

>> No.6598458

You really never saw a black man until you were 19? Must've been quite a shock.

>> No.6598462

But hypebeast kids aren't hipsters. They're just stupid dressed-by-the-internet white kids with daddys money.

>> No.6598472

Well actually I'm not sure he counted. He was Jamaican. Does that count? He was taking his kid to Mcdonalds. He wore dad-glasses and khakis.

Come to think of it, all the black people I've ever met have been Kenyan or Zambian or Jamacian, or Hatian.

So I guess I've never actually met an american-style black man.

>> No.6598507

I grew up surrounded by them in 1980's Brooklyn. My dad was always renovating old brownstones and took me with him. I was always immersed in the culture.

>> No.6598565
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>> No.6598573

I still to this day don;t know if that's a girl or a guy

>> No.6598586

Quality question m8.

>> No.6598591

I hate black people, they are so ugly. I wish they could all die. I am 68 years old and I have never seen a black person. Niggers tongue my anus.

>> No.6598708
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>> No.6598731

you are truly blessed

>> No.6598753

i've lived in a neighborhood that is 95% black (i'm white) and i picked up the local vernacular. i would move to a nicer neighborhood, but then i would have to pay a lot more in rent and wouldnt be able to cop as many pieces

>> No.6598781

Female. She once built a fort that said "No Boys Allowed." She was inside it and she wouldn't be able to do that if she was a boy. Myth busted.

>> No.6598779
File: 383 KB, 596x483, perfectiom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tfw twitter game starts poppin
>start averaging 20 followers a day
but soundcloud game slows the fk down.
>no new followers in 15 days.

das it mane.

>> No.6598774

also, funny story

>friend from london is staying at my place
>we go hang out with my downstairs neighbors to drink beer and play cards, they are ghetto as fuck
>my london friend confesses to me later that he couldnt understand what they were saying at all

>> No.6598770

>white kids
>not pinoys

>> No.6598791

Anybody who doesn't believe that the black man is the most idolized and imitated archetype in western society is delusional and probably racist

>> No.6598805

>tfw tons of people online say you sound black
Fun to fuck with people.

>> No.6598813

I have more black friends than not atm

>> No.6598902

>Why do so many of you guys act like you're black?
Because I am the niggest.

>> No.6599943


holy fuck you sound insufferable
like some kind of species of hipsterfag
i don't know if I should check my privilege or not

>> No.6599983
File: 28 KB, 429x410, poker-face-computer-reaction-gBultI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe to youth culture.

I'm going to need you to explain that one further

>> No.6600059

True. Kids these day ( at least the ones in my community) don't want to be doctors or lawyers anymore. They want to be rappers and sports players because lots of money with minimal effort

>> No.6600077

They dont really want to be black though. They just want the perks that come with being black and the perks that come with being white.

>> No.6600083

cause im not a frail chink or cracker.

>> No.6600223

Maybe in America, land of the black.

When I was a kid I knew that I either wanted to be a composer or a doctor/

>> No.6600247
File: 854 KB, 1529x1328, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hn hah

>> No.6600273

god will you just die already you useless piece of shit

>> No.6600288


>black people know people with drugs and how to get drugs
>black people have a million different names and phrases for things that chance every fucking day
>drugs are cool
>if you want to look like you're a cool drug user who knows what he's talking about you ask your black friend (cool people have black friends) what the words and phrases mean and use them sometimes and people assume you're "in the know", and therefore, cool

and that's the long and short of it

>> No.6600296

But where I live, there are no black people. And we still do drugs.

>> No.6600299

>Never met an American black guy
You are so damn lucky, holy fuck.

>> No.6600316


and how do you find the white guy who does drugs in a community of white people?

You find the guy who knows the language.

>> No.6600468

No sorry, that's not how it works. You dial a dope and fat white woman in her 30's driving a blue honda civic meets you in a KFC parking lot.

>> No.6600471

god dammit dan

>> No.6600655

It's funny