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6596041 No.6596041 [Reply] [Original]

I don't have much luck with one night stands. Usually they happen and I never speak to the girl again. But this morning last nights girl texted me "sorry i didn't walk you back to your car this morning. hope you made it ok!"

She's probably just trying to maintain friendship, or whatever, since we're in the same social group.

natural instinct is to make a joke and hope it ends there.


>> No.6596046

> Usually they happen and I never speak to the girl again
are u bad at sex anon

>> No.6596049


No one cares.

>> No.6596056
File: 96 KB, 500x500, ill crush you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No my friend you have great luck with 1 night stands.

>> No.6596059

It seems like you'll do it anyway so why would you want the opinion of /fa/?

go to r/advice/ nigga

>> No.6596070

>Expecting follow up dates after 1 night stands
>Being a guy and expecting ^
>You're easily the most feminine man ever.

>> No.6596072
File: 543 KB, 1280x853, Buchla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember in high school nigga was in tech class and opened up the damn cd tray on a computer and put a peanut butter sandwich in the bit. he closed it and teacher comes over and he says "what are ya doing michael" and brah said

"uploading it"

>> No.6596075

wat that's how one night stands work. the clue is in the name.

>> No.6596077
File: 137 KB, 500x500, kronic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard af b.

>> No.6596078

i don't expect it, but i don't see a reason to not try going for a 2 night stand and then a 3 night stand etc.

i'm not looking to turn a one night stand into a relationship, but why not try getting more sex from it?

i do want advice. i haven't texted back yet, and i'm trying to figure out the best course of action.
she has a BF so i'm not even looking to fuck her again, i just want to make sure she's cool for future encounters.

>> No.6596081

i don't think im bad. probably not amazing but i eat out like a pro and i get compliments after.
im not sure if its normal for girls to give compliments after sex and lie about it.

>> No.6596085
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>> No.6596088

>You will never be a hard enough goon to upload a peanut butter sandwich
Might aswell fucking die already.

>> No.6596095

i loved fucking around with the teacher in computer classes. we had to design a web page so i put 30 pics of different spider webs in an MS Word document.
fucking classic.

>> No.6596097

What do you think?
am i supposed to say i had a good time, or something?

>> No.6596098


>> No.6596104
File: 150 KB, 1581x1020, Nike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont talk about it, just fucking do it

>> No.6596108

"it's ok i wouldn't want to trouble you :D I made it back safe and sound, we should do it again sometime. I had an amazing time!"

>> No.6596109

You sound like a huge faggot. Better to not say anything.

>> No.6596128

dont say anything

>> No.6596153

just ask if she wants to be FWB if that's what you want

>> No.6596159

forgot ;)

>> No.6596178

ha that's not how it works. even i know that.
and i don't want to be FWB with her (even though im sure we'll fuck again down the line).

we're gonna see each other again. same social circle so i can't really ignore her. i guess playing it safe with some basic message would be the best bet.

>> No.6596242


>> No.6596346

>ha no problem made it fine

>> No.6596374

Don't respond

>> No.6597943

She just texted me "anon. Last night was fun. Do you think we could that again?"

what the hell??
this girl has a BF...
but im down to fuck again, as long as that's all it is.
thoughts? what would you say?

>> No.6598035

anyone got any thoughts?

>> No.6598070

It's a recipe for drama.
You should fuck her again and then tell the boyfriend by digging his number out of her phone.
Then change your number and let their lives implode.

>> No.6598085

even if i did that, what should i text her back?
because part of me is worried she's gonna break up with him if i show enough interest.

i know girls tend to find their next BF when they are still dating their current.

>> No.6598108

Yes, some girls do engage in that behavior, as do some men. It's deplorable, underhanded, weak and must be punished.
Personally, I would take her to an expensive dinner and spend the time eloquently explaining why she's an underhanded shit, in between bites of Veal Piccata or Foie Gras. Pay in advance and leave her sitting at the table like an ass when you're done. Record her longings before you drop the bomb, via cellphone, and send it to the BF.

>> No.6598124

something along the lines of
>"yeah, im always in the mood for some fun on the side"

so she knows its casual sex

>> No.6598125
File: 18 KB, 400x320, hairstyle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude are you for real? Did michael get in deep shit?

>> No.6598136

My brother, where have you been hiding?
I learned on that beast, it was incredible.

>> No.6598135

>im not sure if its normal for girls to give compliments after sex and lie about it.
pretty common

>> No.6598162

damn man you seem pretty bitter.
i get where youre coming from though.

but realistically you have to just expect this type of behavior from girls. they have no sense of accountability.

especially "party girls" who want to YOLO it up. it's a mistake to ever get serious with a girl like that.
i've learned that the hard way.

trying to think of a good, safe response to the text.

>> No.6598171

>friend comes to computer class high out of his mind one day
>pulls lint out of his pocket
>rolls it up in a tiny square of ripped-off kleenex
>puts it in the CD tray and closes it to 'light' it
all I could do was laugh

>> No.6598184

gtfo out of this thread eeyore what the fuck do you know about fucking women??

>> No.6598245

Having a bad day but I hate this sort of behavior. It reeks of cowardice and self centeredness and everything else I hate about the recent crop of millennials.

>> No.6598249

this is a good thing. dont be a dick she could be an awesome girlfriend

>> No.6598292

see this post

no way i'd consider her for a GF because she cheated on her BF.
i don't really do relationships anyway.

>> No.6600552

cool this threads still up.

>> No.6600587

Hey, poet, not sure what's going on, but I'm sure I'm not the only one on the board who hopes it gets better for you.

Also, small reminder that directing bitterness out at foolish kids isn't a good way to deal with anything.

Thanks for all your posting.

>> No.6600667

>young 10/10 young thug
>foolish kid

pick the top two options only

>> No.6601397

Thanks for your concern, anon.
I'm just having family problems lately.