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/fa/ - Fashion

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6582771 No.6582771 [Reply] [Original]

>fashion is filling the void less and less

>> No.6582775

>he doesn't fill the void with drugs

>> No.6582777
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>fashion is filling the void more and more

>> No.6582785
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>fashion and the void have no relation

>> No.6582790

>90% of 4chan have some sort of depression or anxiety disorder

come one, /fa/. you should be the least beta board.

>> No.6582798

>too poor to properly fill my void.

>> No.6582802

I'll properly fill your void, bby

>> No.6582805
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I feel you op.
I'm doing pretty well at the moment because Uni is keeping me busy but after my exam tomorrow I will have 12 weeks off. I dread the existential crisis I will find myself after 6 weeks of no obligations or duties.

>> No.6582806
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>body is staying thin
>face is getting flabbier

>> No.6582816

try 6months /neet/, knocked back from multiple jobs which I need to start my new life abroad.. knowing what you want but not being able to get it tears away at you.

>> No.6582821

Just buy more clothes

>> No.6582819

ur willing to give me entire yohji outfits?

>> No.6582826

Oh yeah, I'll give you yohji pieces all night long

>> No.6582829

thats all 4chan is, we just fill the void with clothes instead of anime or video games like the more autistic boards

>> No.6582834

>rick jacket arrives
>no emotions
>still haven't worn it and it's been over a month
why do i even buy stuff?

>> No.6582836

shit, that's THE WORST. i have no problems with working hard to get what i want but there is a difference between fully investing yourslf in your job and trying to find a new job, which feels like a never ending task. i hope i'll find something soon.

>> No.6582840

>tfw less than 2 months before you move overseas, having to restart your life
I am excited yet scared
The closer it gets I feel my anxiety build

>> No.6582847
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>tfw new yohji on lncc

when will it be my turn for fashion

>> No.6582856

mad jelly. i wish i could get away from where i'm, at and just restart everything.

>> No.6582866

>tfw keeping up the lies and wearing nice clothes to cover up your autism
>tfw it takes all your time and drains you
>tfw you cant stop or your life will crumble into chrischan

>> No.6582864

>tfw yohji is always dry clean only
it makes no sense for us poor people to buy it

>> No.6582878

are we talking legit autism ? or do you simply not have composure about yourself ?

>> No.6582875

>underneath all these engineered garments is a bisexual furry who watches my little pony -- on the hub

>> No.6582881
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>tfw trapped in cultural wasteland Germany
At least everything else is pretty nice here, except for the recent surge in patriotism.

Wish you more than luck.

>> No.6582882

>90% of 4chan have some sort of depression or anxiety disorder
it's how you know 4chan is the only honest place on the internet

>> No.6582887

>tfw trapped in cultural wasteland Germany
ich fühle es. can't wait for the day i finally have the money and job abroad and i can say FUCK YOU to everyone i know.

>> No.6582892

>except for the recent surge in patriotism.

>> No.6582897

I mean keeping my young cool professional public image up
It's all a sham

>> No.6582895

Commie scum detected
kill urself turk

>> No.6582903

>putting any sort of faith into your heritage
>any year

you need someone to think for you, right ?

>> No.6582900

>not living in gothninja central Berlin

Thank god you faggots want to leave.

>> No.6582906

you don't choose where you're born, m8. and i happened to be born in sandnigger central Köln.

>> No.6582908

Yeah, I want to move too but I don't know where anymore. My candidates were England, America and Canada but they are getting worse too.

>Being proud of being born somewhere
>Germany of all places

>> No.6582909

It's funny how you write shit like that and probably still suck money out of our country.

>> No.6582911

>our country
>suck money
Stammtisch detected

>> No.6582915

>HartzIV detected

Nice try

>> No.6582913

i don't.

>> No.6582918

Then get out.

>> No.6582925

I will, bauer. Go vote CDU, lel.

>> No.6582928
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I havent been here in like 2 weeks, plus I just got a bunch of cash and Im not even buying any clothes.

>> No.6582929

i'm trying. don't have the money together yet but there is nothing that keeps me where i'm at. no culture, grey nothingness, angry people that don't speak my language. shit's lost, man.

>> No.6582954
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>> No.6582959

read a book

>> No.6583032

Oh gid, could whoever's bidding on that damir tee just fuckin stop already. I need it to offset my anxiety.

>> No.6583052
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>tfw you get a great new piece and it cures your anxiety and autism for a short while
must be great to live like that all the time like a normal person

>> No.6583050

>tfw the only books I'm reading are things like camus, hemingway and dostoevsky
>tfw reading the articulations of my own emotions somehow amplifies them within

>> No.6583054


>> No.6583053
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>Raff mah ass off
Sneaky filthy chink confirmed.

>> No.6583097

top lel, god you're fucking retarded as shit.

>> No.6583124


>he washes his knits


>> No.6583130

ah, yes, I know this feeling

>> No.6583142

>on one hand I want to dress couture and /fa/ as fuck, having errbody mirin
>on the other, just want to dress really fucking lazy like the Dude from Big Lebowski and wear jellies sandals

damn nigga I wish lazy bum-core was in vogue right now

>> No.6583150

Just wear rick drawstrings are comfy af

>> No.6583152

so much this

>> No.6583162


really? i always get hella excited for stuff to arrive.

maybe youre not buying things you like?

>> No.6583175

wear slim sweats and a tee m8

>> No.6583210

>come to 4chan
>visit /o/, /fa/, /g/
>want to buy cool things
>work hard for money
>save up tons of money at shit job
>never buy the things
>i'll just save up instead
>tfw not happy

>> No.6583224

>buy raws
>1 inch too long in leg
>perfect in waist

how does i not ruin

>> No.6583405

I saw so many gothninjas when I visited Berlin. Why is it so popular there?

>> No.6583408


>> No.6583410

>buy expensive piece of clothing

>never wear it outside

>> No.6583411


>1 inch too long


>> No.6583436

shut the fuk up phaggot, you dont know chit about lifting, fukking negged brah

>> No.6583451

All of my jeans are too long and I always keep debating in my head whether to get them hemmed or not since it would ruin the leg opening and re tapering jeans might ruin it.
I've already ruined 2 pairs of jeans.

>> No.6583460

i wish i had never started buying two of everything :(

>> No.6583536
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every time

>i cant actually wear this ill just look like a tryhard because im not good looking

>sits in closet for 6 months to a year before trying to re-sell/donating

>> No.6583548
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I'll hold onto it for u.

>> No.6583567
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fuck off

>> No.6583606
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>> No.6583639


>> No.6583769
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It's not about 'putting faith' into heritage, it's about having some sense of pride and decency. Christ, you are proud when your family accomplishes something, right? Same can go for a country.

There's a balance between being some idiotic Anti-fa and a member of the NPD.

>> No.6583788

>unironic "fatherland"

>> No.6583815

>Restarting your life
Worst experience ever, OP, Unless you're rich that is. If not, good luck buddy.

>> No.6583836

More like
>Buy piece of clothing
>Spend all day working on outfits and combinations with that piece
>Never wear it outside, just wear jeans and shirts with crappy comfy shoes

>> No.6583854

>Face is super thin
>Body is flabby with a beer gut and gyno
Kill fucking me, I hate changing clothes for this reason

>> No.6583870

What are you even on about? Call it whatever you want, but at least take some stock in where you live. I am tired of people treating the natural landscape and people like shit because they think taking some pride makes them lolsonazi.

Fuck off.

>> No.6583918
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>except for the recent surge in patriotism.

>> No.6583957

>break up with gf
>decide to be friends afterwards
>meet up the first time
>hey, this works, it's pretty chill
>meet up the second time
>I want her back so much
>tfw there's just pity on her face when I tell her about my feelings

When I came back I heard a noise in my room and I thought she was there, but then I saw the key she gave back to me lying on the table. That felt so bad.

>> No.6583958

just do it man.

sell everything and move to where you want to be.

>> No.6583967

I was in berlin two days ago.

everything is depressing and the clubs are overhhyped shit.

md was cheap doe.

>> No.6583978

I'm sorry, man. What happened, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.6583995

I'm a pretty introverted guy. You could say I'm boring. At some point my gf was fed up with it. I just wanted to be alone for a while and do whatever boring stuff I want to do. So we decided to break up.

>> No.6584038

holy fuck my gf and i just broke up too.... i still love her man... i dont know what to do..

>> No.6584053

If I weren't familiar with that, I'd suggest you get a boring girlfriend. That doesn't solve anything, though. I've talked with a lot of couples in a similar situation. Usually there's one boring person in a bf/gf relationship, but those that learn to split their time between boring and exciting are a lot happier.

You can't appreciate boring without moments of enthusiasm, and vice versa.

How were things before the breakup?

>> No.6584062

/fa/ might be the most autistic board on 4chan

>> No.6584095

things were stressful because she needed to get a job because of her parents and her mom is literally crazy so her dad made her stay home almost everyday so i guess she was so stressed out by all of that..

>> No.6584145

That makes sense. Don't push the subject. You should be her friend right now and try to get her to do all the things you did before the breakup. It sounds like she wants to be with you, but the stress in her life is just too much at the moment. She won't try to hook up with anyone else if that's the reason, so stay with her and listen to her talk about her family. Be her security blanket, and then fuck afterwards. Never say the words "date, girlfriend, boyfriend" or anything relating to dating. When things in her life cool down, you guys'll be able to get back together officially.

>> No.6584292

lol powerwheel so useful B)

>> No.6584314

oh yeah cool the country i live in is better than everywhere else because hometown and football and government
>fucc u

>> No.6584330

>tfw fashion was filling the void fine and then feels gf surprised me and I miss my girlfriend a lot and I won't see her for ages and sad B(((
hold me please
p.p.s still poor and pleb and firstlevel oh dear

>> No.6584345
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What does any of that have to do with anything?

>> No.6584425

I got fed up of no one reaching out to me yet I reach out and help everyone who'd consider me a friend and vice versa.I've also been shutting myself off the past 4 months (social networks included) and the only person who tries reaching to me is some funny old female classmate,who tbh I didnt care much for.I'm starting not to give a fuck now tho im not sure im doing the right thing

>> No.6584427

nah she doesnt want to talk at all. she said her dad is on the verge of calling the cops if i try to but i havent even been doing anything wrong. i havent insulted her or anything... her birthday is the 30th too and i got her a Givenchy necklace right before we broke up...

>> No.6584471
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she kept a givenchy necklace you gave her? Idk but I feel like I would be decent enough to give something like that back upon breakup, maybe it's not the norm to give presents back but that couldn't have been cheap

>> No.6584505
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>I dress well but she's the only thing that could fill the void

>> No.6584514

do you ever fall in love in a dream /fa/? why must the wake-ups be so painful ;_;

>> No.6584523

i was horrible for a while then i started skating then i started dressing like a REAL 90S KID now the only thing holding me back is her. she's liked my best friend for a year and a half and i only said i liked her two weeks ago, prior to knowing that :/

>> No.6584526

i always sit in bed for half an hour or two thinking over potential situations and imagining someone next to me in bed :(

>> No.6584554

Shh, shh, no tears. You need to find a hobby that you enjoy, maybe something from your youth, and build friends around that. All of us on /fa/ are here for you with an ear to lend.
Is she worth it? Do you think you could spend the rest of your life with this girl? Because she doesn't come without her baggage. That crazy family would be yours to handle if she is.
Talk to her. No matter what, talking is the first step.

>> No.6584571

>people stop returing your texts

I'm going full recluse, is this /fa/. I have a job and go to school tho but I'm going to ignore everyone.

>> No.6584586


worst decision i ever made

it didn't fix anything

>> No.6584603

ive been there, no one's gonna feel sorry for you and you're not gonna appreciate your own company, you'll hate yourself

>> No.6584606

really, why?

I recently started going to the gym and hiking/camping, I think if I fill the void with nature I can do it

>> No.6584619

I wasn't expecting anyone to feel sorry for me, I'm just done with people man I'm tired of their shit

>> No.6584628

What validates your existence? Pursue that if you are not afraid of realizing that it actually doesn't validate it.

>> No.6584625

no i'm tellign you man

i kinda started going crazy near the end slept on the beach for a week because i felt like my room would consume me

>> No.6584651
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>> No.6584669
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>be in hs
>get into /fa/ shit
>dress well on a non-uniform day
>qt azn senior says "ha ha, you rook rike you in GQ"

>get to uni
>dress mildly better than everyone else
>never get attention like fuccbois and fags


>> No.6584670

>tfw feeling your "/fa/ progress" stagnating and can't find/ afford new pieces or things to try.

>> No.6584667

yeah man I know I gotta do me but I'm tired of shitty people man how do you make good friends that actually give a shit

>> No.6584685

>breaking up with gf as I leave for college
>things are really good between us but we both know we can't do long distance across country
>hope I can move on

I don't want to feel like you when I see her in a year man

>> No.6584693

Last night I dreamt that I had an awesome night at a music festival with an ugly girl that I saw on the internet, closest thing I've had to a meaningful relationship in over a year

brb filling my void with hot cops

>> No.6584724

>buy some KVA hightops
>can't wear them with a lot since i need to expand my wardrobe
>wear them to a party with black jeans and long black shirt
>the first thing a friend tells me is that she doesn't like my shoes
she's overweight and I never pay any mind to her opinions since her taste is complete shit but who goes out of his way to tell someone he doesn't like your shoes.

>> No.6584730
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>fashion is the only thing that fills the void
>have depression and sleep all day and hate everyone and spend all my money on clothes that i never wear because i don't go anywhere

>> No.6584742

you'll get back into it, anon, at the very least by next summer, i promise ;_;

>> No.6584767

Some girls tend to be bitches about that sort of thing, they think it's okay to randomly insult someone's appearance to their face

happened to me like twice

>> No.6584770

Go to a therapist if you haven't already. Depression is not something you just fix. Most people won't understand what you are going through, they think you are just a faggot who is sad because you listen to sad music. A therapist will understand it, and he will try to help you. Even if you think you don't even have a reason to be depressed.

>> No.6584784

yeah, i know she has some "power" issues but still can't you like say hi first or something?

>> No.6584812

i'm on meds to balance the chemicals in my brain. i just learned the other day that depression actually has a physical effect on people because a certain part of the brain becomes inflamed and swollen when people are in deep depression.
i've also been to therapy and i don't think anything will ever change the fact that i hate so m any people because every single day they are still douchebags.

>> No.6584836

I function normally: I go out with friends, don't whine about my life, and am decently productive

but when I'm alone and at home I usually feel like absolute shit, void and all, and I don't know why

is it still worth seeing a doc about

>> No.6584857

I have autism, depression disorder and communication disorder

>> No.6584895

I feel you bro, most of /fa/ probably does.
I've heard some depression are solved by just riding them out. but i'm just a random anon and you shouldn't take advice from me.

>> No.6584897

>I don't know why
im sure you can think of something if you really confront it. Buddhism says the first step to overcoming suffering is to identify the problem

>> No.6584892

Talk to a friend, it can help. If not, a psychologist can probably help you find why you feel like shit when you are home alone.

>> No.6584906

Thanks Dan

>> No.6584913

head over to /fit/

>> No.6584917

Be wary of therapy. My therapist was shit. She would ask me the same things over and over and just talk about herself. She just wanted my money

>> No.6584934

That must suck. I had this stereotypical hippie pseudo-buddhist dude who helped me a lot. We also shared some experimental music. It was pretty cool.

>> No.6584935

I've tried and talked to a few close friends about it but still dunno

I guess I'll see a psychologist sometime but I'll be careful to find a good one >>6584917

in regards to OP:

if you're using fashion to fill the void it's pretty unhealthy
I know a dude who buys hyped supreme shit every time he feels bad.
but he's so insecure that if anyone ever insults a piece, he'll never wear it again
and he just keeps buying and buying

fashion as a hobby shouldn't be so tied into your self worth

>> No.6584930

No I never even got to give it to her

>> No.6585419

Fashion and self-worth are inherently related

>> No.6585938

/lit/ is the least beta

>> No.6585942

take up lifting

>> No.6585967


Lel mate my sis lives in Troisdorf, went to visit her a couple of months ago (i'm Croatian), atleast you Germans have it way better then us when it comes to fashion, uggs, thights and shit is a uniform for each girl that pretends to be a fashionista here.

>> No.6585968

lol, /lit/ is filled with pseudo-intellectuals that think typing in proper grammar makes them smart

its as beta as any other

>> No.6585982


>implying /lit/ isn't full of retards

>> No.6586054
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>Bluh bluh I'm better than you

Thats it. Goodbye forever 4chan.

>> No.6586070


>> No.6586084


>wah wah. time to go back to tumblr!

>> No.6586098

butthurt much

>> No.6586118


She looks AnnefrankCore

>Captcha: Pease book