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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 419 KB, 374x310, 782785_0048q3f4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6582097 No.6582097 [Reply] [Original]

Now that I got a promotion, i'll be in public pretty often, and in my kind of business I need to get noticed. I need something to build a "character" that people will remember. Something crazy but not too much, some kind of accessory, clothing or something that will become my signature, something that people will wear to make my imitation at parties.

Any suggestions?
Exclude hairstyles, I'm shaved. Also raybans, everyone has them already.

>> No.6582111

How about you just make yourself known for your fits and charming personality? You don't really need to peacock if you adhere to a consistent aesthetic.

If you want, always incorporate a bit of a particular colour in your outfit, whether it's a pocket square or socks or an entire shirt. It's so easy to find interesting socks these days. Choose a colour that compliments your skin and is a distinctive shade, like chartreuse or carmine. If it's a colour, you can change it with seasons and won't get sick of a particular piece.

>> No.6582123

Well, you definitely need to peacock in my industry. Also, it may sound weird, but elegant people are not seen very well. And let's not forget that I may need to travel a lot, being elegant isn't always practical.

>> No.6582131

If you tell us what this business is, it won't compromise your privacy and may at the same time alleviate the impression that you're bullshitting us.

>> No.6582141

Video Games

>> No.6582146

tell everyone to suck your dick, choke on it

>> No.6582148
File: 458 KB, 994x664, 1358601761513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6582191

Does it have to be crazy or can it just be a thing that most people in your industry don't wear? A scarf or pocket square or something?

>> No.6582319

I'd say it would be enough something no one else wears, but it has to be noticeable

>> No.6582338

a fedora

>> No.6582349

A bowtie.
White bucks

>> No.6582343

How about a giant foam cowboy hat?

>> No.6582380
File: 534 KB, 640x360, 1335909300027.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something cool, not something retarded

>> No.6582407
File: 86 KB, 834x870, 1360416498913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sorry for the caps but I just want to make sure you get the fucking point. Your audience likes fedoras, memes and shit. If you are fashionable to any degree, you are seen as something they are not and you lose interest. Because of this, you're going to have a hard time. My suggestion is wearing a light scarf though they might think it turns you gay. You're probably just better off with a very solid constant wardrobe, just wear anything else than vidya tshirt and ill fitting jeans and you are different then the most, then just stick to it and they'll learn to distinguish you by it.

Also fucking suicide who the fucks works in vidya industry why the hell did you get me to write this.

pic related that's your fucking audience

>> No.6582419

>tfw i made a pic with sunglasses like this once in highschool
some guy started lagúghing at me and calling me a faggot
DELETE IT hopefully nobody saw
what was i thinking?

>> No.6582587

I hate to say it, OP, but this guy has a point.You could also get a non-shitty fedora. They aren't created equal. The ones that get mocked around here are the felted wool kind, but you could wear a lightweight straw/ribbon one that would be barely acceptable.

>> No.6582603

A scarf will make me look gay, I agree.

What about something in the middle? Like skinny jeans, nice shoes and everything, but anime/vidya t shirts?

I'm very thin, if that matters

>> No.6582610

I think I'm too thin to wear a fedora without looking like a retard. I also have red hair and beard, definitively not suitable for fedoras.

Also, I can't shave my beard since my chin sucks, it's really unbalanced compared to my gigantic nose.

And let's not forget that the creator of Minecraft is already famous for his fedora

>> No.6582612
File: 48 KB, 808x454, youtube-miami-medical-time-of-death17-59-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking hopeless.
I'm calling this thread. Someone please note the time of death.

>> No.6582624


>> No.6582861
File: 257 KB, 1600x1067, Smathers and Branson Needlepoint Belts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being skinny is a problem. If your clothes fit too well, you'll look effeminate. Wear standard-cut and full-cut shirts and untapered jackets to look professional.

Then throw on a needlepoint belt. This is your signature.

Get at least a dozen, wear a different one every time you appear publicly.

>> No.6582992

I have a full beard how can I look effeminate?

Mmmh needlepoint belt... that's an idea...

Aren't those too "nerdy"? Id like to be the "cool" type of nerd, not the one that doesn't get laid