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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 94 KB, 484x735, OCB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563724 No.6563724 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you lift, /fa/?
Every piece of clothing you own would look 10x better on a physique like pic related (/fit/ tripfag OCB) than on a skinny one (maybe with a hint of "abs"), which most of you seem to aim for - no matter what you tell yourselves

>> No.6563728

I do

>> No.6563734

no it wouldn't. There's no look that looks better on bulk than on lankymode. Stay in /fit/ brahh

>> No.6563740

why dont u go outside w/ ur friends instead of shitposting on /fa/?

oh ya cause u dont have any u fuckin loser LOL

>> No.6563742

you cant wear skinny jeans or straight pants with those legs
hf looking like a retard

>> No.6563745

I go on both /fit/ and /fa/ stay mad you overweight neckbeard.

>> No.6563752

>dat dere ad hominem

Someone's insecure. Got beat up by a bunch of muscular niggers in highschool, champ?

>> No.6563758

ahahaha why dont u go cry in2 ur squat rack u fat fuckin baby waaah waaah waaaaaah

>> No.6563760

Doesn't this whole circle ever get tiresome?

>> No.6563773

He has gyno.

>> No.6563775

if you like the look of that
ur gay

soz m8
lol #rekt

ha ha

>> No.6563769

>this is what skeletons actually believe

>> No.6563820

>implying you look anywhere near as good as OCB

takes more than just 'lol i lift xD' to look like that

>> No.6563827

it's easy when you roid and ocb roided

>> No.6563836
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, lil_b_grammys_blocked_gig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Every piece of clothing you own would look 10x better
>skinny jeans

>> No.6563837

because that looks hideous

>> No.6563841

Nah. I'm about his size and I look awful compared to him

>> No.6563854


>Implying skin-tight jeans on a muscular frame doesnt look better than skin-tight on a skinny frame

of course you need to size your clothing up, and skinny jeans won't fit anymore

but if it's about the amount of tightness, then the equivalent for muscular legs looks better than for skinny legs. deal with it

>> No.6563864

slim silhouettes always look better

deal with it

>> No.6563870

w2c cheap 6 week roid cycle

>> No.6563869



are you trolling?

you win

>> No.6563872


>> No.6563878

I do but now my quads are bigger than i want them to be so I've been trying to shrink them.

>> No.6563882


>> No.6563885


>> No.6563892

at least two people respond

>> No.6563897

Are you new?

>> No.6563905


>> No.6563912

Give me the link to where ADC sells roids. Go on.

>> No.6563919

Anyone else think proportional, low bf ottermode looks better?

the level of ottermode where you do have muscle on your body, you look fit in clothes but you don't look like a big guy For You

Imagine like 5'10 at 175-180 with 8-10% bf. That's what I mean

>> No.6563927

everybody thinks it looks better

only no gf autists with social disability think OP looks good

>> No.6563935

auschtwitz + a tiny bit of abs + chest + maybe arms is godmode

>> No.6563938

Fucking look for it yourself. There are different sellers on there and the site's well known for getting clomid, nolvadex, hcg, etc.

>> No.6563940

but bodyfat% is always more important than muscle mass

>> No.6563951

none of you even really believe this

if you could pick with no effort required you wouldnt pick "auschtwitz + a tiny bit of abs + chest + maybe arms"

>> No.6563953

>site's well known for getting clomid, nolvadex, hcg, etc.
Yeah, but not roids, dumbass.

>> No.6563962

ya i would lol

>> No.6563964


these pussies take projecting to a whole other level

>> No.6563976

dat denial
>"I-i totally would choose being a skinny piece of shit, just like I'm content with my 4 inch dick and 5'9'' height"

Fox and grapes.

>> No.6563989

solid projecting,

not everyone needs to get buff to compensate for their height. Gaining weight is easy, try cutting down to below 7% you moonfaced chubsterdumpster.

>> No.6563991
File: 80 KB, 768x1024, 1373870110876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what kind of workouts do i do for this body

>> No.6563994

he just thinks it will make /fa/ like him

that irony

>> No.6563997

I'm 6'2. 7" dick got a gf and a good paying job + trustfund.

I weigh 135lbs

come at me

>> No.6564004

i have a 7"x6" dick and im 6'3

different people like different things :)

>> No.6564005

i think crunches and sit-ups

>> No.6564020
File: 378 KB, 835x668, IMG_20130724_195645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6564012

pst dick plz

>> No.6564013


>> No.6564029
File: 149 KB, 516x632, Repairs_Upgrades_Connections.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've decided I'm going to give lifting an honest few years and see how it makes me feel. I'm putting most of my time towards core strength and endurance, so I don't expect to come away jacked. I've been lifting 3-5 times a week for several months now and I have to say it's been good. I feel good about myself, I look a little better. I hate having to eat so much more and so regularly but the structure is good for me.

I won't be visiting /fit/, however.

>> No.6564038

doesnt matter what your body looks like if your face is shit

>> No.6564055

>5'10/180lb at 8-10%bf

That would look pretty much like OPs pic.

>> No.6564082

i can pretty much guarantee i deadlift the most in this thread can do the most weighted pullups

>> No.6564091


>> No.6564096

i deadlifted my dick in2 ur mums mouth

>> No.6564099

What do you dl

>> No.6564105


>> No.6564118


230kg 1rm 18 yearsold

im not a typical /fit/ fag preaching his bullshit though, /fit/ is the worst place for lifting, ill rather go somewhere like misc where people actually have good physiques lol

>> No.6564121

I've got you by a little bit

and yeh /fit/s gotten weird

>> No.6564127


no you don't

post proof, i will too

>> No.6564137


no i want a video of deadlift

>> No.6564134

you want a video or what

I've posted my body a bunch if thats what you mean

>> No.6564138

Holy shit he's fucking amazing.

>> No.6564142

well I can't do that right now obviously lol

>> No.6564144

>Those thighs
Lol, nah.

>> No.6564149


u dont deadlift more than me

dont lie

>> No.6564155


Tiny...? Is that you?

>> No.6564157

I honestly do mate

You're 18, I'm 22 and use steroids, even at that I'm barely 10kg over yours

im not being mean like lol

>> No.6564170

>dls 230 kg
>brags about it on the board that's next to /fit/
there are many crossposters including me that beat you on that m8

>> No.6564173
File: 303 KB, 398x646, torso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys how do I achieve this
Like what bf% and kind of exercise would i need to get pic related
I'm not as tall as him, but this is basically what i want to look like

>> No.6564176


>> No.6564178


>> No.6564181

he has pectus excavatum

that p much just eating at a bit of a deficit, shouldnt be hard at all

why you want to, i dont know, but to each their own

>> No.6564184


>> No.6564187

anorexia? just stop eating

>> No.6564191

point out the ten-inch hollow in his chest

oh wait

>there isnt one

>> No.6564192


fuck off just fuck off

230kg is a fucking elite lift, i know you a fat faggot does not lift more than me

ok maybe imacunt does

but i know for a fat you dont

>> No.6564200

Lol no he doesn't

>> No.6564203

I'm really not seeing it m8

>> No.6564202

it's not severe but he does have it

>> No.6564204

I'm p sure he does a little bit

i dunno, could just be angles

>> No.6564206
File: 159 KB, 804x720, laughing_faggets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Getting ripped for the purpose of attention

Bad news for you, OP, is that, if you had stepped out of your internet bubble, you'd realize that (really, unfortunate considering the amount of work put into such a physique) most people harbor some degree of malice towards typical /fit/izens (who are walking penis extensions, of course) and general douche lifters (who, as /fit/ and misc exemplify, are on polar ends of the spectrum: either they're absolute narcissistic assholes or they're absurdly awkward, as they worked so hard to use their body as a faulty crutch to lean upon) ESPECIALLY if you'r doing so for the purpose of vanity, and not for sport of for your job. Doesn't matter if it's jealousy or ignorance, its effect is all the same.

>> No.6564209

everyone has a small indent

it has to be an inch+ deep to actually be called that

>> No.6564210


having a fit body will make you feel beta than clothes - ricky owens

>> No.6564212

it depedns what kind of gym you go to as to how impressive this really is. I used to go to some shitty planet fitness kind of place where noone got over 200. But at my new gym there are probably 20ish people or more who could DL at least that.

>> No.6564213

It's the inward curve that made me think that esp in the thumbnail

>> No.6564215

no its a great deadlift, especially for his age, I want trying to take that away from him

>> No.6564219

thats how your sternum is naturally shaped

>> No.6564227

lol i concede that i am wrong

>> No.6564225 [DELETED] 

Bad news for you, Anon, is that, if you had stepped out of your internet bubble, you'd realize that (really, unfortunate considering the amount of money you've wasted in such clothes) most people harbor some degree of malice towards typical /fa/ggots (who are walking penis extensions, of course) and general hipster cunts (who, as /fa/ and MFA exemplify, are on polar ends of the spectrum: either they're absolute insecure pussies or they're absurdly awkward, as they worked so hard to use their clothes as a faulty crutch to lean upon) ESPECIALLY if you'r doing so for the purpose of vanity, and not for practicality or for your job. Doesn't matter if it's jealousy or ignorance, its effect is all the same.

we're all on the same boat, don't talk like /fa/ isn't an equally shitty pool of self-loathing, self-consciousness filled with insecure social recluses who waste their time on a 4chan board, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6564228

Bad news for you, Anon, is that, if you had stepped out of your internet bubble, you'd realize that (really, unfortunate considering the amount of money you've wasted in such clothes) most people harbor some degree of malice towards typical /fa/ggots (who are walking penis extensions, of course) and general hipster cunts (who, as /fa/ and MFA exemplify, are on polar ends of the spectrum: either they're absolute insecure pussies or they're absurdly awkward, as they worked so hard to use their clothes as a faulty crutch to lean upon) ESPECIALLY if you'r doing so for the purpose of vanity, and not for practicality or for your job. Doesn't matter if it's jealousy or ignorance, its effect is all the same.

we're all on the same boat, don't talk like /fa/ isn't an equally shitty pool of self-loathing, self-consciousness filled with insecure social recluses who waste their time on a 4chan board, you fucking hypocrite.

>> No.6564232

What the fuck are you smoking??

>> No.6564233

>mfw reckoner got rekt

>> No.6564237
File: 39 KB, 500x333, 1268057862439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to go to the gym and I don't know how to work out from home or cook bulking up food.

>> No.6564245

then you're not gonna get big
get into the gym
go to /fit/ for a routine
learn what foods are good for brotein
tren hard eat clen and get ripped

>> No.6564251

You're viewing everything as black and white. I do not mean to categorize all of /fit/ as one solidly vapid demographic, but considering how its idol is a dead Australian steroid-abuser, and how degenerated that board has become (bawww, why hasn't muh muscles gotten me a gf yet?), their ignorance is glaring; but yes, you see the same here (baww, why hasn't muh sik faeds gotten me a gf yet?). There are people, here, believe it or not, who do not buy into designer bullshit and this 'fad' that is gothninja (autists wearing bed sheets), and I certainty don't fly their banner.

>> No.6564276

>we're all on the same boat
>we're still better than you

>> No.6564297

Get starting strength off of the Internet. Read /fit/'s sticky also. To work out at home, all you need is a squat rack, olympic barbell, bench and obviously weights, see http://startingstrength.wikia.com/wiki/Equipment

Make sure your ceiling's high enough to overhead press though
You don't need to cook up special bulking meals if you don't want to, it's really all about calories (determines whether you lose/gain weight) and proteins (determines how much of that weight is muscle)

>> No.6564324

Lifting = Years of dedication and hard work to look good

Skinny = 2 months of eating at a stupidly low deficit

>> No.6564362
File: 43 B, 1x1, bs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6564367

Ha you niggers have got nothing on me.
I'm both /fit and /fa,the way alphas should be.

>> No.6564582

>Wearing clothes for the purpose of attention

Bad news for you, OP, is that, if you had stepped out of your internet bubble, you'd realize that (really, unfortunate considering the amount of work put into such a fit) most people harbor some degree of malice towards typical /fa/ggots (who are walking penis extensions, of course) and general douche fashionistas (who, as /fa/ and misc exemplify, are on polar ends of the spectrum: either they're absolute narcissistic assholes or they're absurdly awkward, as they worked so hard on their wardrobe as a faulty crutch to lean upon) ESPECIALLY if you'r doing so for the purpose of vanity, and not for modeling of for your job. Doesn't matter if it's jealousy or ignorance, its effect is all the same.

>> No.6564586

Skinny-fat with massive belly. How do I into >>6564173
I'm already thin with little muscle tone and packing large amounts of fat in my torso.

>> No.6564595

I like being skinny. Sue me.

>> No.6564599

clothes look 90% better on skinny people. tell me why you dont see big/musclular people on catwalks?

>> No.6564608

I've been lifting since July 2012 and I'm satisfied with my OHP, Squat, and DL, but my fucking bench is stuck at 155 lbs (has been since April.)

What the fuck

>> No.6564619

do 5x5 and eat surplus

it has to go up

>> No.6564629
File: 93 KB, 469x700, 1356693795612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


While fashion has many different facets (as noted on /fa/: dadcore, gothninja, menswear, techninja, etc), fitness, in the sole perspective of /fit/, only has one outlet: "get ripped, or die mirin'". They (/fit/) shun all forms of cardiovascular activity (lol cadio kills gainz!) and anything to the contrary of aesthetics (as opposed to many, many differing designers and clothing styles discussed here) is ridiculed via banal insults and ad hominems.

Once again, I'm not saying /fa/ is infallible, I'm stating the glaringly false superiority of /fit/, as /fit/ and /fa/ are two sides of the social ineptitude coin.

>> No.6564634

I do lift

and it makes me feel like shit

>> No.6564633

I should add I'm 6'3 and started at 220 lbs, so a lot of the first half year was spent doing retarded amounts of cardio/neglecting compounds.

Sitting at 182 now, don't ever want to go back to having man tits and a second chin.

>> No.6564635

you're doing it wrong

>> No.6564643

is that supposed to mean you dont wanna eat surplus

if so then thats why youre increasing your bench

>> No.6564648

>lifting for over a year
>bench stuck on 155lbs
Man and I thought my stats were shit.

>> No.6564653

Well it feels good *when* I finish lifting but I get hardcore sore the next day

>> No.6564650

oh, no, I eat around 2300 cals a day, as per Goobsy's calculator.

I was just thinking that could explain my slow progress (/fit/ would have you think someone should be benching 2playt within their first month)

>> No.6564654

if you want to get big u cant be scared of gettn fat dude

your muscles wont grow if you don't eat at a surplus, you wont even gain that much fat and if you do cardio it will be easy to burn off later

>> No.6564659

I'm tryin', brah

>> No.6564666

>I eat around 2300 cals a day, as per Goobsy's calculator.
then you didn't do his calculator right

I just entered your stats you need to be taking at least 3k if you wanna grow muscles

>> No.6564664

this isnt appropriate for /fa/

its also not really true, unless by 'big' you mean bearmode or something

you can gain a lot of muscle and stay lean

>> No.6564679

nice trips
Just tried it, and you're right bro.
I've been eating 2300 since last year when I was losing weight. I'll step my shit up for Scoob's sake.

>> No.6564685

I wasn't telling him to literally get fat, but you have to eat at a surplus to grow muscle, 2300 at 6'2 and 180 isn't a surplus

>> No.6564687

good luck wearing giant relaxed fit jeans and tight ass shirts

>> No.6564696

nothing. you should look like that without doing anything

>> No.6564701 [DELETED] 

Tapered and slims still look fine on me

My thighs have actually gotten smaller after lifting

>> No.6564725

nah bro 514's look good and fit over squat legs

>> No.6564734

where to find calculator?

>> No.6564731

Outtermode, athletic, bodybuilder, bearmode. /fit/ has names for the wide variety of physiques one can pursue, too.
That's like saying"Everyone who cares about how they dress shuns colors" because "gothninjas" do. I run twice a week, 10 miles one day, 45 minutes of hiit the other.
And oh yes, because we all know everyone on /fa/ is extremely supportive of every outfit posted here.
I love being in shape, and I love dressing fashionably. But generally, fitness really is the more important of the two.
/fa/ is giving your car a new paint job
/fit/ is giving it a new engine

>> No.6564733

>went to /fit/ 30 minutes
>thinks he knows his shit

I just comment because of what you said about cardio, those who say that you shouldn't do it are either trolls or ignorants, as there are here on /fa/. If you just eat up the calories you lost with cardio you'll be great and in a fantastic shape. Just don't abuse of cardio if you care about getting big.

I can't tell which is better, I just know that in both there's people actually willing to help and to share what they know.
As a part of /fit/ I think we're more cynical, due that with muscles is 'easier' to get 'some' kinds of girls and we try to get the most out of it

>> No.6564741

>be /fit/ /fa/
>not extremely huge
>good facial aesthetics
>6' 180lb
>everything fits great

Really though why are you not lifting for yourself? Who cares what it looks like? Lift for motivation. Lift for a cause. Lift because it makes you feel great. Lift because you have something to work for. Set goals. Be what you aspire to be.

It's really a great feeling. It gives you a ton of confidence and gives you motivation in other areas.

I was on my way to dropping out of college because of a terrible semester, but started lifting and got a job. Lifting helped turn my entire life around.

You should really lift. Not just to look good.

>> No.6564742

He looks like complete shit, he has a laughable physique even for /fa/ if you wanna look like that just stay inside and don't do anything, including eating

>> No.6564790

>It's really a great feeling. It gives you a ton of confidence and gives you motivation in other areas.

see, people like to say that you become a different person throzgh lifting but to me that's not true at all. i'm being treated differently now but inside my head i'm still the skinny awkward kid i was 50lbs ago.

>> No.6564797

Well are you proud of what you've done? Think about all the effort you put in to get where you are now.

50lbs is great anon

>> No.6564809

not really. i think my head has not realised yet what my body has become now. can't wait for the day i finally finish my cut and look like a qt3.14. maybe then i'll be proud of myself.

>> No.6564817
File: 148 KB, 652x637, 1363115326751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys, I found the real /fa/.

>> No.6564821

keep up the good work. its worth it

watch some of the new zyzz videos for motivation

>> No.6564831

someone skipped stretches and relaxing.

>> No.6564839

just up your training frequency. when i started to work each bodypart twice a week i stopped getting that sore the day after.

>> No.6564850


why would anyone be motivated by that loser

>> No.6564863

yea right, try squeezing your fat muscle ass into my 19cm hedi era dior hommes

>> No.6564865

Hey guys if I am sore but it's like 2-3 days later and I need to work that muscle group out am I supposed to wait until I'm recovered?

>tfw you start working out b/c it's modern couture
>135lb bench 125lb squat 90lb OHP

>> No.6564869


Watch the tributes and remembrances, not his actual videos. They're pretty good actually.

>> No.6564871
File: 372 KB, 1440x770, thenattyoverlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i'm a bit jelly

>> No.6564873

rick looks great if you got some muscles on you. when you're skinny it just looks overly feminine.

>> No.6564879


>> No.6564885

tfw hes gone

>> No.6564900
File: 154 KB, 560x362, a_560x0-797311343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would look like a horse, and the clothing wouldnt fit you, you'd probably get laughed at. Clothing lines are not designed for people above ottermode, and if you choose to be ottermode you cant workout legs. I used to be on the misc for a long time and saw atleast over 20 threads complaining that clothes didnt fit right and looked funny on them.

>> No.6564908

don't sweat it, my bench was stuck at 120 for the longest time, then one month my body magically decided it was time to lift 150, then the next month 160, and so on.

If you aren't on dat der proton powder, hop on it

>> No.6564925

lower your volume (the amount of sets/exercises you do) and instead focus on higher weight. maybe you don't get enough rest/sleep so who knows...

>> No.6564928

Don't work out the same muscle group 2-3 days later.

Do legs once or twice a week and chest once or twice a week. Make sure you have more than 2-3 days of rest in between. You're just starting so you're going to be more sore than normal. You'll get used to it eventually

>> No.6564931

lmao post your body

>> No.6564952

We have a couple of models on here. And preston appears to have lurked the board.

What do you have. Scooby1961 visited your board once? Fucking christ reddit did better than you, Frank Yang did an AMA.

>> No.6564958

why even bother asking as if it will happen
bitter autists will never back up their criticisms move on

>> No.6564968

I'll try to lower the volume, but go lower than 5 sets rly?

I definitely get enough sleep might be my diet though it is rather shitty

alright cool, if I went to fit they'd say "yo brah squats M W F all day brah get ripped brah" but after squatting for like 2-3 weeks I could already feel my legs getting bigger. It's cool to do pullups every day right? I try to do at least 30 but ideally anything over 50

I used to work out but that was like 2 years ago so I lost all that shit, how long do noobgains last?

>> No.6564972

I think you greatly underestimate how much work it would take for you to look like the guys in that picture.

>> No.6564982

your entire workout is 5 working sets and you're sore for days later ? what does your workout plan look like ? maybe your nervous system just isn't used to your workout frequency yet. i somehow managed to make my body workout 6 days a week and i don't have these problems anymore.

>> No.6564991

being /fit/ is several steps too far to be /fa/.
1) too bulky
2) the constant death farts.

>> No.6565003

only my legs get sore my chest gets kinda sore, my abs get mad sore if I use an ab wheel though

I'm probably not used to working out is why
I usually just do
>OHP (or with dumbbells)
>Pullups erry'day
>ab wheel

OHP/wheel/pullups on one day

squat/bench/pullups another day

>> No.6565005

>the constant death farts
just eat less protein. but seriously, i think i could cause someone to die just from farting next to them.

>> No.6565019

i suppose that's a solid founation. you probably just have to get used to it.

>> No.6565030

Stop eating. Some of my friends look more or less exactly like this. Know what they do? Eat one meal a day. That's more or less the minimum of muscle your body is ever going to get.

>> No.6565046

There are 10 times as many /fit/ /fa/ggots on /fa/ then /fa/ /fit/izens on /fit/.

>> No.6565047


I watch this inspirational video every day and so should /fa/ AND /fit/

>> No.6565056
File: 136 KB, 435x580, male-models-fashion-week-09122012-15-435x580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am ottermode. I spent like a half a year, doing weights at the gym and decided that I had different goals. Started doing exercise with what weights I had at home and bodyweight exercises, took like another half of a year, maybe a full year to reach ottermode.

>> No.6565062

that's because lifting is babbys first self improvement. who didn't have the urge to go to the gym the first time they saw fight club ? nothing against lifting though. if you stick with it it's more rewarding and resourceful than being /fa/.

>> No.6565065
File: 89 KB, 264x396, sk_DV_20081007114429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But even that isn't peak condition for being /fa/.

Skinny is better.

>> No.6565070

Working out is modern couture. No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fat body. Buy less clothes and go to the gym instead.

>> No.6565118

u realize that most models workout right? including the one you posted

>> No.6565125

just look at that v-taper in the chest and those shoulders

that guy definitely works out

>> No.6565133
File: 120 KB, 1600x1228, 3vyxw2exhgabygcq3z5a3dkom237192122012533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's anorexic, therefore he'd be going through muscular atrophy.

>> No.6565139



>> No.6565142

god genes

>> No.6565143

wow what a shit body damn

>> No.6565149

Not really. He has a pear shaped body, if he worked out and wasn't anorexic he'd be t-rex mode.

>> No.6565155

at least he looks okay in clothes

>> No.6565161
File: 76 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mdwp7wuimG1qf5oheo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? It puzzles me as to how he looks so good in clothes while being skinnyfat with terrible proportions.

>> No.6565182
File: 14 KB, 300x225, 1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah lol

reminds me of this guy

>> No.6565190

what's his name

>> No.6565200


>not knowing based RJ King

>> No.6565211

Ryan Mohr.

>> No.6565203

Matthew Helders

>> No.6565214

funny how a board of people who jerk off over Gosling and Daniel Craig deny that muscle makes clothes fit better

>> No.6565218

gosling looks like shit and is mfa tier
craig dresses terribly

>> No.6565219

But we don't jerk off over Gosling and Daniel Craig.

>> No.6565224


>le epic trolle faec :DD

6/10 people responded

>> No.6565226

>What is reverse google image search

RJ King.

>> No.6565358

/fa/'s opinions on the male physique are one thing:

pretty gay

OP's picture is impressive but that's too big imo. somewhere between ottermode and actually lifting is the sweet spot imo. like a non-roiding lower weight oly lifter.

>> No.6565391

I think I'm gonna hurl

>> No.6565419
File: 98 KB, 500x400, manofsteel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Difference between /fa/ that lift and /fit/ that lift is that the /fa/ do it for themselves, to feel better about themselves etc.

/fit/ lift becuase they want to impress others. That's why they always come off as massive douchebags.

>> No.6565523

wow knolefdge
such insiqht
human psychologist comin thru

>> No.6565546


Difference between /fa/ that lift and /fit/ that lift is that the /fit/ do it for themselves, to feel better about themselves etc.

/fa/ lift becuase they want to impress others. That's why they always come off as massive douchebags.

See how that works? It could actually apply more to /fa/, as they are already indulging in a consciously physically-expressive behaviour anyway rather than simply lifting alone. Applies again if you swap /fit/ and /fa/. Both boards say the same about the other, and both boards then do the whole 'implying I left/dress for girls' thing. You are human, probably under 25, and have an ego. Don't over think it.

>> No.6565560

>/fit/ lifts for themselves


>> No.6565572


>> No.6565605


the people who lift on /fa/ lift so they can look better in clothes

/fit/ lifts b/c they think they will get a personality when they can squat 3x their bodyweight
>"y-y-yyeah we all gonna make it brah someone looked in my direction they totally mirin' my gains brah!"

>> No.6565617

pls stahp

both sides of the spectrum are present on both boards

>> No.6565620
File: 124 KB, 480x640, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is sadly very true.

>> No.6565626

Um. no.

No, the only spectrum is the gay end that's on /fit/.

>> No.6565642

don't act like /fa/ and /fit/ aren't both shallow as fuck. nothing wrong with it. just admit it, man. it's not all about getting pussy but it IS about outer appearance.

>> No.6565649

I'm cute and have nice fits but it doesn't do much for me except have random people smiling and looking at you all the time

It's not until you talk and do things other than standing around that these come to your advantage. All being good looking does is make it so you can no longer blame your appearance for your shortcomings

>> No.6565654
File: 418 KB, 600x803, fitizens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is probably a fat fuck

>muh bulkin

>> No.6565678

you fucking faggots are arguing fashionista obsession over roid-level hulk bodies?

I read enough here to really compromise my IQ.

You are so lost if you aren't aware that you need a healthy amount of training and style to be ideal. I'm not surprised so many of you are overdressed hipsters or skeletors. You don't need to be a douche like pitbull or kanye west to find your style.. and you don't have to be beefy like the hulk or zyzz.
Your style should highlight your shape.. not the other way around.

>> No.6565683

i lifted for about five months but I don't know what I'm doing too well as far as eating macros goes (aside from eating meat whenever I could) and can't afford it right now anyway. maybe In the future.

>> No.6565712
File: 166 KB, 480x640, 1362379066538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6565723
File: 129 KB, 500x596, giveup5panel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck man just give up

you're hopeless gb2/r9k/

>> No.6566368

I like /fa/ because Fashion is an expression of the current times, and who you are.

>> No.6566508


I started casually lifting recently after losing 60lbs when I was a 220lbs fatass. I'm now about 140, 32 inch waist and I've been getting stronger.

However, I only get 120g of carbs a day and about 1600 calories a day in total. I find it difficult to eat enough calories that would see me actually put some bulk on.

I'm 5'8 so I'd only have to get a little bigger to fill out my small size polo shirts.

>> No.6566579

>Slim Silhouette

Choose one or two

>> No.6568491

time to GOMAD.

>> No.6568496

I have a bmi of 18, but I think I'd prefer to get a bit lower

>> No.6568639

I do. Skinny jean bubble butt combo here.

>> No.6569058
File: 145 KB, 187x342, frank yang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree. Just watched frank yang's blinded workout video and those tights look really good on him(no homo). It's all about the fit and having a ripped body that's not too bulky.

>> No.6569101


Are you fucking serious? Are you actually insulting him because he works out?

Jesus christ the insecurity levels are too much, it's hurting me to read your gay post.

A little advice. No matter what you wear, your girlfriend would fuck a physique like that hardcore over your lanky ass... dressing pretty doesnt overall the basic female desire for a muscular man.

>Consider that a compliment in its own, i assumed you had a gf.

>> No.6569116

i am not the guy you are replying to but i would take it as an insult that you assume i'm heterosexual.
being gay is just better.

>> No.6569126

The common misconception many people have is that lifting makes you huge

it doesn't

at all

unless you chug tons of whey and eat like a bear

>b-but muh skinnyfat

>> No.6569132

also a misconception that being muscular makes you healthier. bodybuilders can have shit diets.

>> No.6569156

bunch of exercises that focus on abs & midriff.
-Roman Chairs (Various types of leg lifts)
-Etc./look more up

>> No.6569169

hmm ill pick.. two! Muscles & Slim silhouette!

>> No.6569249
File: 512 KB, 245x300, tumblr_mewdn9WZJ71rlayneo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw fit and fa

>> No.6570080

if they have shit diets then prolly either hes a powerlifter or on gear.

but to have mass and lean, you need good diet, if not perfect.

>> No.6570082

haha running man fag.

>> No.6570148

/fit/ doesn't know most clothes are not made for muscular bodies. The fit of those clothes won't be better on a muscular body, it looks best on an average body.

>> No.6570152

then you are buying the wrong clothes

>> No.6570169

>both fit and /fa/ (/fa/ has less pussy faggots)

Skinny/ottermode is easiest to get best fits. You will never be /fa/ with a body like op

>> No.6570185

this. ottermode is best mode.

>> No.6570263

Depends on the silhouette you want. If they're looking for the drapey gothninja look it's not going to go well with that body shape, and that generally applies across high fashion shit.

Shockingly though, if you want to look like a God damn man you need to look like a God damn man; lift some heavy shit.

>> No.6570274

ottermode has always been, and will always be the most /fa/

if you can't deal with it, i don't blame you, because its hard to get that way

>> No.6570299


___(fill the blank)___ has always been, and will always be the most /fa/

if you can't deal with it, i don't blame you, because its hard to get that way

am i doing it rite?

>> No.6570807

First of all, you are completely wrong.

There is powerlifting and bodybuilding. Powerlifting is trying to be as strong as possible without caring about looks. Bodybuilding is trying to be as attractive as possible. Most people try to be a combination of the two however.

Then there is natty and un-natty. Natty people have to lower their goals significantly and can never expect to enter tournaments or anything like that. Un-natty people have infinite potential.

Then there is the different modes. Some want to be a Russian weightlifting Jesus bearmode. Others are there for the summer and want to become an ottermode. Then there are those that enter small time bodybuilding competitions.

There is even a big variety of posters and trips. There has been quad, an NFL star who knew everthing about steroids. Stopped coming after he got doxxed and was fined in the NFL. There was Zyzz, internet celebrity and living (inb4) meme. Then there was Scooby and Frank Yang, popular YouTubers. There's also Jeff Seid, but everyone wants him to go.

>> No.6570853

frank is a fuckface don't mention him
i'm not even talking about his public nudity stuff that was funny he's just a baby

>> No.6572432

As someone who is somewhat new to /fa/, but a /fit/ regular, you're delusional if you really think that clothes look nicer on muscular people.

Look at male models, or any models in general. Look at who you see on catwalks. They're all really skinny people. That's who the clothes are designed for. That's who they look nicest on. A ripped body does look great, and would still look nice in really /fa/ clothes, but not as good as a skinny model.

>> No.6572438

thank u for not shitposting :)

>> No.6572501

wtf is that thing
looks disgusting

also nice lats lel

>> No.6572545

>6 week

Do your fucking research. Pro-tip: The inject able you should use takes 3-4 weeks to kick in

>> No.6572704

Heres the sad truth OP
/fa/ body type rankings

ottermode >>> skinny > auschwitz > skinnyfat > built/muscular (OPs pic) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> fat

>> No.6572719


you're so correct i have an erection

>> No.6572735

no offense but that body looks like shit
not to mention completely un/fa/

>> No.6572809
File: 29 KB, 300x300, jelly_light_red.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6572841

>8:42 UTC-4 No.6563919Replies: >>6563927 >>6563935 >>6563951 >>6564055
>Anyone else think proportional, low bf ottermode looks better?
>the level of ottermode where you do have muscle on your body, you look fit in clothes but you don't look like a big guy For You
>Imagine like 5'10 at 175-180 with 8-10% bf. That's what I mean
push ups. Ab work and running

>> No.6572863
File: 52 KB, 500x697, nickauger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking from experience and doing some time in the fitness industry, I can tell you that most women prefer something like in my pic, 6'1 to 6'4, and 210 to 240pounds(of muscle). Anything over that is too much for women, and bodybuilder tier is gross

>> No.6572868

that isn't body bulder tier in pic?

>> No.6572888

3x5 putting the fork down
3x5 caffeine + any other stimulant
1xF good genetics

really little no lifting involved in that physique, guy just has good inserts and low bf
maaaaybe some chest and shoulder work at best, so bench/flies and overhead press

>> No.6572903
File: 171 KB, 432x640, bodybuilder21sfw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nope, That's just "guy who works out tier". You could easily reach that in about 2years with proper training and diet.

THIS, is bodybuilder tier.

>> No.6572909

>not having tonnes of lean musclek13

>> No.6572915

Nah, he's just athletic

>> No.6572921

The guy is like 8x mr.olympia.

>> No.6572966

>most women
meaning plebs, sluts, fatsoes, plastic bishes

also nobody is talking about attracting women you doofus

>> No.6572996

>caring about a woman's opinion
absolutely fucking disgusting.

>> No.6573806



>> No.6573848
File: 344 KB, 2500x1650, Bodytypes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's ripped mode.

>> No.6573911

"working out is modern couture" - Rick Owens

>> No.6574693

doing ab workouts, doesn't give you abs.

>> No.6575274

>You could easily reach that in about 2years with proper training and diet.
What are you, retarded? That body takes more than 2 years to accomplish unless you're genetically blessed, for some it may even be impossible without roids

and it certainly is above "guy who works out tier", it's fitness model tier

>> No.6575278

>"O-on plebs, sluts, fatsoes and plastic bishes like ripped guys, m-my qt 3.14 twee waifu would t-totally prefer my malnourished physique"

Who are you kidding bro

>> No.6575392

This thread is samefag as fuck. Just stop

>> No.6575425

>248 samefag replies

>> No.6575488

>hurr clothes aren't designed for people bigger than ottermode

Obviously almost everything off the runway will look shitty on someone who isn't model-thin. But how many of you actually wear things off the runway? Most of you probably wear tees or button-downs every day, both of which look better with some muscle mass underneath them. Some of you might wear Rick, and even he thinks lifting will improve how you look. "Clothes aren't designed for muscles" does not apply to 99% of you.

It's sad how similar this is to fat people saying they don't want to be thin, or shabby people saying they don't care about clothes. You have to choose between: (a) Temporary shame/annoyance because you admit that you want something but don't yet have it, and (b) Permanent stagnation: No immediate feeling of "Fuck I'm really far from my goal," just the possibility of years of nagging shame and regret.

Chances are you already know what the former feels like, thanks to clothes. When you first start caring about how you dressed, you look like shit for a while, and it was embarrassing and frustrating, but eventually you became proud of your progress, and were glad to have toughed it out at the beginning. You might not be at the top of the mountain just yet, but you've left Base Camp, and with it all of the faggots staring in awe and saying, "I wish I could be like him."

Lifting is just like that, except instead of wearing art, you become it.

At the very least try lifting. Give it 3 months on a proper routine+diet and then pass judgment. If you don't like it, fine; it's not for everyone.

>> No.6575503

I already tried lifting, got muscle, clothes didn't fit anymore and I don't like it.

Can you please shut the fuck up now you ignorant prick?

>> No.6575514

>I got bigger and thought my old clothes would accommodate a different size body

If you don't like lifting, that's fine, but are you seriously that fucking stupid? Obviously you'll have to replace some stuff.

>> No.6575518

they show tees and button downs on the runway

>> No.6575522

>I already tried lifting, got muscle, clothes didn't fit anymore and I don't like it.
sure thing, you're saying that like it's a process that takes a month tops. to actually be muscular enough that clothing doesn't fit anymore you have to lift a solid 2 years (or you bulked too dirty), and by that time you'd be hooked so you wouldn't stop.

Can you please shut the fuck up now you ignorant prick?

>> No.6575523

honestly i don't really care about being ripped people who cut down to 0.1% bf for the summer are just as stupid as people on /fa/ who think being a skeleton with abs looks good

i just want to be able to carry someone or something if its demanded of me

id hate to be that skinny skeleton who cant pick up his gf or who cant carry an unconscious guy out of a burning building

>> No.6575524

I don't want to though so fuck off with your preaching to /b/ or something

>replace several k worth of designer clothing in small sizes

stay poor and eat some oats or something

>> No.6575531

>implying anything you say matters
Fuck off shit trip.

>calling someone else poor
>complaining about paying for new clothing

>> No.6575534

>having money =/= retarded enough to buy something again to do something that you don't actually want to do

great logic there poorfag

>> No.6575541

You'll never carry anyone. Ever.

>> No.6575542

what I said is right

>> No.6575549

ew that trapezius and those thighs. wtf
the rest is sexy but totally ruined by ugly legs and neck

>> No.6575548

If you don't like lifting, just say you don't like lifting. But if you're complaining about muh clothes then you're whining about money, and not exercise.

>not spending most of your money on shoes/accessories anyway

stay pleb

>> No.6575550

point is being weak sucks