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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 128 KB, 629x400, 3rdweek.RickOwens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6553600 No.6553600 [Reply] [Original]

How much do girls care about what guys wear?
>TFW youre well groomed and /fa/ and have a good wardrobe but no qtp2t gf

Ive seen hot girls go for dudes dressed in volcom and bootcut jeans with lame personality


So how much do girls really care about guys being /fa/?

Pic unrelated

>> No.6553621

Every girl is different
My girlfriend doesn't give two shits if I'm wearing a bunch of workout clothes or dadcore or wearing a fucking manskirt
I get the most compliments when I wear something simple like #menswear but of course I get the most attention when I steez around town in full Rick or something
All girls are different though. And you can sure as hell expect them to react differently.

>> No.6553625

>implying i'm dressing well for qts
By now you should know looks mean next to shit.
If you're shit ugly, looks help, but for the most part they care about personality, and if you're fun to be around.

>> No.6553634

You have to be confident in your clothes. If you only wear Rick Owens because /fa/ says so and you don't even feel comfortable in them the ladies will notice.

>> No.6553642

>the ladies
atheist detected

>> No.6553658

>fun to be around.
This really is the most important thing, if you're trying to meet and casually date qts
Maybe you're fucking boring, OP, did you think of that?

>> No.6553661

This. As long as you're not dressing full autism-core you should be good.

>> No.6553651



>> No.6553712

I've never had a problem with boot-cut jeans.


>> No.6555597

how do i become fun to be around?

>> No.6555608

>implying those girls are anything more than basic
>implying you want to surround yourself with those girls
nope sorry dude. women i know care a lot about appearance and whether or not a guy is basic also.

>> No.6555615

Dressing well ain't about finding the magic combination that catches a girl's eye. Its about boosting your own self esteem, allowing you to carry yourself in a more confident manor that wins you a woman's attention. One she notices your confidence, she'll take in the rest of you, see your nice /fa/ and it will count as a bonus for attracting her. Being aesthetic doesn't hurt either.

>> No.6555620

>Implying girls don't care about your face

Being ugly makes it harder, getting asked out by girls is fun and easy.

>> No.6555632


have an interesting life and tell people about it, tell entertaining stories and make people laugh. be very comfortable with people and be able to make clever jokes and intelligent observations.

>> No.6555644

i think my problem is the interesting life and clever jokes

I also feel like if i talk to much about myself then it will seem like i am bragging

>> No.6555647


>> No.6555656
File: 162 KB, 820x608, 1364962631248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i posted this before but i'll write it out again:

You're at a party.

Two equally attractive girls walk in.

they're the only single ones here without a date so if you're going to get laid you have to talk to one of them at least.

One is straight qt3.14 gf status. twee down to the socks, pressed clean clothes, hair pinned back all fancy like, obviously cares a lot about her appearance.

The other has her hair down and is wearing a ratty pair of jeans and converses with a band shirt.

Which one is more approachable? Which one is more likely to have common interests? more easy to start a conversation with? nicer? more likely to fuck you at the end of the night?

My point is OP, is that striving to and being effay is all well and good, but there's times in your life when looking APPROACHABLE is more important, especially if you're not the type to walk up to women and start a conversation. If you ARE, what you're wearing won't matter as much and you can dress how you like.

>> No.6555664


dont tell people about yourself, talk about your experiences, there is difference between mentioning personal traits about yourself and talking about funny/unusual/exciting situations you found yourself in.

there more you spend time with people and talk the easier it gets

>> No.6555676

i feel like i gave talking to friends and stuff down super well, but when it is someone i dont know at all then i dont say anything

>> No.6555702


thats when being able to make funny/witty/clever observations comes in handy, or being able to come across as friendly and welcoming

i suppose it depends entirely on the context youre talking about but generally its much easier if youre put into a situation where you have a good reason to interact, like both being interns, or in a group of new co-workers, or studying abroad with a group, because then you have something in common to draw from.

if its a random person, it much harder to find things in common that you can talk about but if youre smart about observing the person, its completely possible to create an excellent conversation.

>> No.6555716

how do i get better at ovservations and stuff?

>> No.6555729

>Which one is more approachable?
the one who bothered to look nice
>Which one is more likely to have common interests?
obviously the fashionable one were on a fashion board
>more easy to start a conversation with?
compliment her on her sick fit
the one who isnt a slob
>more likely to fuck you at the end of the night?
i dont care the other one is date material

>> No.6555752


have something to say.

>what's you're name
>so what do you do
>oh that's cool i do that too/i have a friend who does that

you know, just ask questions, tell stories about yourself that aren't too revealing.

if she's folding her arms or looking around change the subject. if she's biting her lips or playing with her hair she's into you.

i mean, this shit ISNT hard.

>> No.6555763


i think it depends on the situation, but broadly, start looking at human interaction in more detail and try to notice the little oddities and funny mannerisms that people have, etc. I think being able to observe funny/odd/interesting things comes from being very attentive you human interaction and the minutiae of life in general.

>> No.6555765

For a one night stand girls only seem to really care about physical features. For a girlfriend its going to be a whole lot more personality. As for looks, I know I dress nicely because I like to look nice, it's more for myself than anyone else, if a girl finds it makes me hotter, that's just a bonus.

It's basically the same for guys as well, simple as that. You wouldn't hook up with a chick because they dress nice, that's stupid. Either they are hot or you like their personality.

>> No.6555771


attentive to human interaction*

>> No.6555790

I feel like it seems so awkward though.

I always thought when people said shit like "go ask them their name, talk about the weather" they were providing shit advice. Is this really how people pick girls up?

>> No.6555795

I'd be rather embarrassed to be seen walking around with a twee girl all the time

would rather date someone in abercombie/ae/etcetc

>> No.6555812


it is awkward if you sound timid and present yourself awkwardly and nervously. its not awkward if you dont come across as nervous at all and just interested in having a conversation, just chatting. people do it all the time, its really no big deal

>> No.6555823

>How much do girls care about what guys wear?
they don't really care. But all girls look at your shoes
>>TFW youre well groomed and /fa/ and have a good wardrobe but no qtp2t gf
dressing nicely isn't a prerequisite for anything broski
>Ive seen hot girls go for dudes dressed in volcom and bootcut jeans with lame personality
the "lame personality" is probably just you buttfrustrated b/c nobody wants to hear you talk about your japanese cartoons or gothninja tumblr
>So how much do girls really care about guys being /fa/?
They rly don't as long as you're not in a cape + fedora fit

>> No.6555853

They really don't care about what you're wearing day to day.
I think there's just tiers that they'll put you in like: he "dresses nice" (with a variety of adjective to describe), "dresses average", "looks like shit", "fedora-tier" subconsciously in their mind.

Honestly, though. Fashion is more for the individual than it is for others (in my opinion anyways)

>> No.6555993

>You wouldn't hook up with a chick because they dress nice, that's stupid.

If she had an interesting style, she probably has a developed appreciation for aesthetics. Observing ego, i.e. mentally mature. So the clothes themselves don't mean much, but it's what it says about the person.

>> No.6556001
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And by "interesting style" I mean not just flattering clothes but a cool aesthetic.

>> No.6556015

My friends who are girls often compliment me on my fits, and I do likewise to them.

But most girls find me intimidating because they know that I know way more about fashion than they do, not to mention i spend many times more than they do. idgaf tho, I dont dress for girls, if i did i would just probably go for the basic bitch look.

i only impress the girls i want to impress, the rest are plebs dressed in forever21

>> No.6556271

depends on the type of girl you're trying to get i guess

>> No.6556303

this. my dad always tells me the most important thing (in life, but it applies especially well to this thread) is to just "be memorable" seriously. break out of your comfort zone and do something, and make her laugh.

>> No.6556315


Depends on the kind of girl. In college I'd get all these hot rich black chicks who looked like Hillary Banks from the Fresh Prince after me because I had nice clothes and used good cologne. Never could see how that made me sexier seeing as I was a nerdy white dude with a gut. lol

>> No.6556366


>faggot detected

>> No.6556378

wait wait wait, if that makes him a faggot then i'm definatly a faggot, and you spend time on /fa/ so you probably fit that descripton too

>> No.6556424

>dadcore fagget detected

>> No.6558446

I thought it matters but i know this guy who probably has the worst style ever. Shitty baggy jeans, track jacket, affliction t shirts, always rocking a weird chain, anyway he has one of the hottest girlfriends around. Its all about facial appearance and status.

>> No.6558456

post a fit you cockaroach

>> No.6558462

I dress dadcore and girls love it.

>> No.6558465
File: 117 KB, 500x504, dom from dick and dom in da bungalow (basil brusher not pictured).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All girls are different though
Listen to this guy, hes a pro

>> No.6558475
File: 134 KB, 1341x1178, dickndom010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats Barry from the Chuckle brothers? Not fucking Dom! I'M FUCKING MAD NOW

>> No.6558480

Dress the type of girl you want to attract.

>> No.6558490

if you want pleb girls dress like a pleb
if you want another type of girl... you guessed it.

>> No.6558501

>mfw you're especially sexy today but see no qt girls out.
Feels like a wasted outfit

>> No.6558505

>tfw hot girls on the day you decided to just throw some shit on

>> No.6558508


I know this feel all too well.


>> No.6558509

alot of grills are intimidated when they think you know more about fashion than they do

>> No.6558516

>tfw 2 15 year old girls walked past me and 1 turned round and gave me dat eye contact then her turned round and her mate did the same
Why couldnt they have been older ;___;

>> No.6558517

>tfw 2 retarted hot chicks sit next to you at a bus stop with 2 benches and 1 was empty

and I didn't say a damn word

>> No.6558514


eliminate pleb clothing. low drawer tier clothes should be awesome.

>> No.6558520

fuck em anyways

>> No.6558521

*she turned round

>> No.6558522
File: 56 KB, 300x167, Your life sucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558525

This. I said this earlier on in the week when I had a convo with a fat pleb in a bar the other night. That bitch rolled her eyes and then started to blush because she felt scared and nervous and didn't know how to fight of my superior knowledge about fashion!

>> No.6558527

>wear mcqueen shirt
>only girl to notice is some 16 year old
>"oh my god he's wearing mcqueen"

still feels good bra

>> No.6558550

Surprised there aren't more PUA and Redpill losers on /fa/ to be honest.

>> No.6558555


>> No.6558556

>implying post death mcqueen is worthy of praise

>> No.6558559

I don't know how i'm so good with girls tbh. I'm rude and arrogant and insult people 24/7 (for fun , not in a mean way) and i'm really blunt. Fuck knows how I get laid so often , i'm not even that attractive

>> No.6558561

was it just a tshirt that said mcqueen or what

>> No.6558581

>tfw a qt compliments your fit but not the part you wanted compliments on

>> No.6558584

I'm the same as you but I am attractive. I also know why, people enjoy banter because it means theres convo constantly flowing. I don't usually get along with people who take banter too seriously but, saying that my best mate is a really grumpy cunt who gets pissed at me for 3/4 of the time I'm with him because I love tearing apart his ego haha.

>> No.6558600

I just threw in the not that attractive thing to pretend I can be modest lel
U sound fun tho , we should pick up some chicks 2gether

>> No.6558647

I find guys who are well dressed to be extremely attractive. But when it comes down to dating, I'd be willing to date a dude in jeans and a graphic tee as long as their personality is great and hes attractive

>> No.6558678

>tfw reasonably attractive, well-dressed and funny

I get a moderate amount of ladies though sometimes get rejected, plz don't be jealous

>> No.6558722

>wear top drawer fit, get more looks from women
>wear mid/low drawer fit, get approached more by women

>> No.6558742


skull with mcqueen on the side of GRAPHIC T SHIRT OH MY GOD

>> No.6558743

>tfw universally agreed on being attractive

Why am I still a virgin

I have 3 months left of being 18, I need to get rid of this shit

>> No.6558749

Nah it was the dude from the movie Cars

>> No.6558751


>grow a beard
>get more compliments for it then anything

Girls don't want some fuccboi that dresses ALL THAT. she is only going to feel her shit doesn't match up.
DERP DERP. "I'm not good enough"

colour cord + simple = nice

>> No.6558754

yeah its normal but still don't talk about the weather that's boring. make like two or three jokes and if you can't think of things to say just ask them about themselves until they start saying things that are interesting.

>> No.6558767

If you can grow a decent beard (and don't dress like an autismcore faggot), it's easy mode engaged for the most part. How masculine people perceive you to be increases so much.

>> No.6558766

prob. matched real well w/ ur g-star jeans

>> No.6558785


but I feel too dad-core sometimes with a full ass beard.

There are LOTS of women that appreciate a well dressed man. He does it for himself, then she'll find that sexy.

>> No.6558796

People find me intimidating, either b.c I wear all black/ grey/ olive, am tall + handsome, or a combination of the two. Like I've been told I look scary and like a serial killer way more than once, also

> tfw you only get approached when you're wearing sweatpants

>> No.6558799

just say what comes into your head, as long as it's not too retarded

you dont have to talk about the weather

say you see a girl and think wow she has amazing eyes that look like a cats eyes tell her that, don't be like damn gurl it sure is mild outside

be weird but not turboweird

It's really hard to explain how to talk, I think it just comes naturally to some people

>> No.6558807
File: 11 KB, 214x314, 1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


obv you must be like ryan gosling (jacob palmer) from crazy, stupid love.

>> No.6558839

>damn gurl it sure is mild outside
Lost my shit.

>> No.6558848

I think dad-core is the least intimidating "/fa/" style to wear, you essentially end up looking like a Humanities PhD student, and while a lot of people find it pleasing to look at, who's going to find it scary?

Goffninja or streetwear is probably going to be more alienating.

>> No.6558899
File: 452 KB, 300x198, Cool Kid.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6558906


nr but I love that movie

>> No.6558918

>tfw thought the exact same thing when I was almost 19.
20 years old now and bitches still ain't getting my precious bodily fluids.

>> No.6558922

Here's the thing. If a girl is actually attractive, she's probably used to getting attention from guys, whether that be flirting or asking for numbers or just awkward stares. They're ready for that, and letting yourself be like those other guys is a good way to weaken your chances.

You're not those other guys, because you care about clothes. Look around your campus or wherever, and realize that if your shirt fits nicely, you already look better than 90-95% of guys. Use that to your advantage, and let your strengths be your reason for talking to girls.

Any retard can say "hurr weather" to a girl, but it's obvious to him and her that he's just making an excuse to talk to her. If she doesn't like you IMMEDIATELY, she has no reason to keep talking to you and will be indifferent at best.

But if your fits are as good as you think they are and you walk up to a girl and say "Hey, I love your shirt/sweater/hairstyle," the girl's going to have an instinctive "god damnit another guy hitting on me" response...until she looks at you. A nice outfit validates almost any comment you can make about a girl's clothes. A nice haircut or hairstyle that takes effort to style validates comments about hair. If you tell her she has cute shoes and she rolls her eyes but then sees that you're wearing beautiful shoes, she's going to be interested, surprised, and maybe even embarrassed that she judged you so quickly.


>> No.6558931

Considering how rare it is for guys to care about clothes/hair, you can get a huge leg up from being one of them but ONLY if you play it up as a strength. All of a sudden you're not just another faggot trying to get her number; now you're a cute guy with similar interests who makes good observations and is outgoing enough to actually share them with strangers. Fucking triple threat right there, all from complimenting a fit while wearing something nice. Now she WANTS to give you her number.

You'll be amazed by the reactions you get. I've seen girls stop mid-chew and blush, stare at me for a second before complimenting literally my entire fit, or smile ear-to-ear after hearing what I had to say, only to freak out and call out after me if I walked away without introducing myself.

As a well-dressed guy, YOU are the commodity. You are possibly literally the thing of their fantasies, and thanks to how shitty everyone else looks, you have almost no competition. The reason those faggots in ratty, baggy jeans have hot girlfriends is because there are far more "hot" girls than there are guys who dress well. And how can you be mad about those guys getting girls if you're not out there approaching girls of your own? Their girlfriends very well might wish you would come talk to them instead of her supercuts haircut boyfriend, but if you sit in a corner and whine to yourself, she's going to say "I guess he's just not interested, so I'll settle for this guy who's kinda lame." They want you, but won't do anything about it 99% of the time because girls are still extremely passive when it comes to flirting.


>> No.6558934

cba 2 read nig

>> No.6558937

Let me make this clear: They outnumber you. As long as you aren't a fucking retard, you have the upper hand. They're far more insecure than you are, and literally ANY girl who cares even a little bit about her clothes and hair will want to talk to you.

If your campus is small enough, just walking around in nice clothes gives you an "in" with most girls, because one big issue with approaching strangers is that you have to create a connection out of nowhere. If you start talking about her fit, you've got that covered, but often you'll already have an extra layer of connection from "Oh my god I've seen you around and I always love your clothes."

So now you're talking to a girl who already thinks you're not like every other guy, that you say nice things and are outgoing, that you dress well and consequently share interests, AND she already "knows" you even though you've never talked, and possibly have never seen her in your life.

Play to your strengths, but don't dwell on clothes too much. Use them to get your foot in the door, to make the girl want you to sit with her, and then talk about whatever. Reinforce her assumption that you're a cool guy who isn't just trying to get her number, because that thought will make her want to give you her number.

Disclaimer: If you make a compliment and walk away without flirting or getting a number, you run a very high risk of people think you're gay.

>> No.6558947


Now I feel like I could fight a bear

>> No.6558952

You care about it too much. 4real, didn't lose mine until nearly 21 and I thought sex was going to be some transcendental experience or something but once you lose it you realise that it's not that big a deal, just a fun thing you can do, and once you realise that and the fact that most girls want and enjoy it as much as you do then you stop pining after it and, assuming you're attractive, can start getting sex on the reg with very little hassle

>> No.6558969
File: 2.93 MB, 300x200, ari gold nope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nigga you crazy

>> No.6558985

This this this a million times this.

>> No.6559031


.....what the fuck

>> No.6559038
File: 65 KB, 571x431, 1369708470119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's good advice doe I think

I mean whats stopping most of these lads from getting the girl they want or the thing they want

it's a mental block between your brain and your mouth, that what being anxious about something does

but the people you gravitate towards are the people who are honest and say the shit that you want to say but dont

so just say what you actually feel, whatever made you want to approach that person, tell them that

especially if its a club or somewhere you can just dissapear off back to your crowd if you get shut down

like, girls are people too, they want the same shit we do and how turned on would you be if some grill just came up to you saying she thought you had a sexy smile or sexy eyes or some shit

one problem I have is with adjectives

the adjectives my brain wants me to say are really weird like 'tell that girl her ass looks ripe'
especially if you've been drinking, the things your mind wants you to say get weirder, trying to fit the word engorged into the conversation and shit

>> No.6559057

>tfw nearly 21 and no oasis in sight
stay thirsty my friends

>> No.6559061

it isn't WHAT you say, it's how you say this.

obviously it's easier to think about than to practice, but it's true. as long as you are speaking in a fun way, the actual words don't mean anything.

>> No.6559078
File: 132 KB, 900x1033, the_inbetweeners_jay_by_chriswalsh-d4u0i94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you bent?

>> No.6559090

>tell that girl her ass looks ripe
as an E40 man myself, I know how difficult it is to not speak in hypyglyphics, but you have to understand that most people (especially the bops) aren't real enough to understand it.

PS i wouldn't really talk about a girls ass unless you've already gotten pretty physical.
it's one thing to say nice eyes, but another thing to mention her ass.
escalating the conversation sexual is important, and how you gauge interest, but you have to be subtle about it.

>> No.6559091
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total knob goblin yeh

>> No.6559099

*E40 fan
but sure, i'll be an E40 man as well.
we're pretty much the same person, except i'm not fat and i didn't drop four double albums in 2012 alone.

>> No.6559109

Like I said, calm down about it and it'll happen. You'll find the right guy eventually.

>> No.6559123

hahaha I have such an issue with that

I'm liistening to hip hop all day and thats the type of shit that wants to escape from my mouth

I think my situation is different because I go to a huge uni in a tiny city, I already know like 60% of the people I talk to on a night out

you hear that new track with Q and Danny Brown?

>> No.6559142

no post link.

i did hear the Danny Brown song with ICP....

i actually have respect for ICP for the legacy they built from nothing, but damn i've never heard a single good song or verse from them.
Danny's verse was cool, but not worth listening to the song again.

>> No.6559163


I've not heard that, can't imagine it'll be good tbh

>> No.6559169

wait whats the name of the DB ICP track

>> No.6559183


>If you make a compliment and walk away without flirting or getting a number, you run a very high risk of people think you're gay.

I have a gf, so IDGAF but my wardrobe and and friendly conversations with female peers has led many to suspect my sexuality.

My gf and my sister both said they would assume a guy was gay when I asked them if they would notice a guys nice leather boots or oxfords.

>> No.6559198

certified slap

I don't remember the name but it's a shit song, and fucked up video where a bunch of grown men still wear baggy clothes and dress as clowns.

and originally kreayshawn was on the song...

>> No.6559191

i dont do it to impress girls i do it to impress myself, i just feel good dressing in nice stuff
and girls like guys who are confident, and who are attractive

>> No.6559212

Dohoho I'm gonna avoid that, Danny Browns been losing my respect with the last few tracks he put out

not that he gives a fuck about my respect obv

>> No.6559232

he lost my respect with the Old album cover.
but it'll probably be pretty good.

>> No.6559242

Yeah I got that a lot at my school last year. I'm friends with the really flamboyant gay guys and didn't have a gf of my own, so it seemed especially suspicious when I would strike up conversations with random girls about their hair or whatever.

It's lame that caring about clothes equates to sucking cock, but it's all good. Guys give me shit for acting "gay," but I've yet to meet a well-dressed girl who didn't want to chat with me.

>> No.6559262

>If you make a compliment and walk away without flirting or getting a number, you run a very high risk of people think you're gay

LOL. I do it in the club all the time to girls. It's whats on my mind when I see her.

>"wow I love your glasses"

then you gauge by her reaction if she is into you.

OR IDGAF and just say it cause its on my mind.

>> No.6559271

I hate myself for asking this question, because if I was getting regular sex I'd relish the confusion, but how does one project a bi-or-hetero vibe while wearing good, "out there" fits?

>> No.6559283

Really, you don't, in this day and age

even the fashion illiterate are wearing skinnies and plunging v necks, looking gay as christmas

just flirt with men and not women

>> No.6559287

or, women and not men, rather

or the other way around, i dont quite know what you mean

>> No.6559301

>looking gay as christmas

got me good anon

>> No.6559307

that looks like I samefagged so much lol

>> No.6559336


naw b it was all good.

>> No.6559519


Your not fooling anyone dan

>> No.6559819


99% of girls are plebs. they dont care whether you wear RO, made in italy sneakers. shave with DE razor, raw japs denim made by natural indigo and whatnot.

they only want you to look well groomed and smell nice, moreover have nice body and loaded af.

if you dress for grills. just copy whatever look on Zara or HnM catalogue, but if you want to be next level, then go with designer piece.

>> No.6559853

thanks dan

>> No.6559878
File: 61 KB, 1103x443, 1359289696330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fukn inspirational m8

>> No.6560242

>99% of girls are plebs
take the misogny back to rddit we don't want it here.
reported, saged and filtered.

>> No.6560446

your name is still green tho
brb watching sportscentre

>> No.6560466

What do you do if you're 5'8 though


>> No.6561189

how do i "be memorable"?

>> No.6561218

I am really nice to people I don;t know, but with some friends I purposely exaggerate my opinions on things i know they wont like and then using perfect supporting evidence break down their opinions and build up mine until they just stop talking to me for a few days

what is wrong with me
what is wrong with them for still being my friend?

>> No.6561231

yeah girls always tell me i dont wear enough color even though I like dressing in black and dark blue

>> No.6561249

almost everyone is see, their t-shirts fit ok.

maybe the arms go out like wings, but that happens to me also since a M is too big, and a S fits well except in the sleeve

>> No.6561263

holy shit what type of clothing do you wear?

>> No.6561306

>nigga thinks he owns fa or some shit

go back to your mom's basement. oh wait.. you're there already.

>> No.6563421

I don't know if all of this rings true, but at least it was inspirational. Thanks anon.

>> No.6564342

Glad you enjoyed it, anon. Try it out; at worst it just won't work, but I think you'll be pleasantly surprised (as I was).

Nothing crazy: Simple tops/bottoms with decent fit and color coordination, and really nice shoes + accessories. To the casual eye they don't even look that fancy or expensive.

I think that the more nxtlvl your clothes are, the harder it is to use them to connect with people; plenty of girls might like clothes, but few will really appreciate high fashion. I've always liked menswear, and the fact that it's respected among so many people (especially adults), even those who know nothing about clothes, just made me like it more. It's something that everyone seen and is comfortable with, which I suppose is why lots of people here hate it, but I both like the style and the effect it has on how people treat me.

>> No.6564457

what shoes?

>> No.6564538

Ignore this shit, i'm about to give you veteran advice:
>approach said girl
>check out her fit (check for rick)
>bitch where's yo rick at?
>compliment your own rick
>girl on your dick

>> No.6564579


>> No.6564593
File: 95 KB, 1141x466, 1372879162413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can dress like the common pleb they don't really care OP.

Girls aren't even that effay as they try to come off as, as you get older you'll learn that most women and people in general dress like shit. Of course if you're looking for more than just the common pleb (like a girl who can dress) then yes clothes are every thing.

>> No.6564590

Girls care alot about guys being /fa/. But the most important thing is your personality. Consider this tho. You might be the only one thinking you are /fa/. If youre walking around with fucking geobaskets, you can be a 100% sure that you're not getting any pussy.

>> No.6565022
File: 743 KB, 1600x1200, Photo Apr 13, 11 21 54 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stuff like pic related. Calfskin or cordovan, mostly boots, mostly leather soled (some Dainite), mostly custom. I've grown so much after finding /fit/ that shoes/accessories are really the only things I can pour money into, and a good pair of shoes makes even tee+chinos look nice.

>> No.6565037


what if u hang out w/ girls that wear rick?

>> No.6565134


Most girls are rather submissive, especially when it comes to picking guys, if you look like you groom yourself you are probably more attractive to them (depends on which style they like and which style u'r rocking) but in the same you're looking harder to approach.

tl;dr You newfags need to stop thinking decent clothing will sort your social anxiety, most of us went through the phase of dressing for other people thinking wearing a fit with a designer name behind it will seem likeable to the plebs, just dress for yourself and enjoy the style u'r wearing.

>> No.6565145

I've had a few girls start conversations with me while wearing all Rick with dunks. Seems to happen a lot less often than when I wear a button down, jeans, and CPs though.

Good thing pussy isn't my concern when I get dressed.

>> No.6565151

They still wont find them very attractive (Probably). I mean if they're a shallow hypebeast that like those ugly ass shoes just for the hype, then they're not that great of a catch anyway. I mean SERIOUSLY. how the FUCK can anyone find those shits good-looking

>> No.6565241



>> No.6565243

yeah most girls think stuff like forever 21 and h&m is the best

>> No.6565355

I WISH girls would wear Forever 21. Seriously, have you been in that store? It's cheap and basic as fuck, and looks way better than the shit girls are wearing now.

When I went into a F21 for the first time a few months ago, I just looked around and got pissed, because I realized that there's no excuse for girls to look as bad as they do. If you can buy a dress or jeans+top for <$30 and you're still wearing gym shorts or yoga pants every day, something is fucked up.

>> No.6565368

ah well i get what you mean i was mostly talking in my school (nyc) although there's still a ton of yoga pants + hoodie + uggs people

>> No.6565392

>shallow guys getting the shallow guys
>being suprised
we're just waiting for the patrishuns B)

>> No.6565406

>go to Forever 21 website
holy shit basic bitches for actual bitches is so fucking cheap

>> No.6565415
File: 20 KB, 600x350, 1365263181876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf doesn't understand why I like spending a lot of money on a few items
>tfw she can't justify more than 100 on a piece
>walking around in Visvim, Samurai, W+H
>she's in mossimo, Levis, f21

>> No.6565439

It's almost offensively cheap. Dresses for $15. Now all I feel is hate when I see a girl dressed like shit, because I finally know how cheap girl clothes can be.

>tfw friends think I'm crazy because my watch costs almost twice as much as my laptop
>tfw friends have to find lots of reasons to justify any purchase over $20
>tfw any purchase under $80 feels negligible to me, and isn't even worth planning

>> No.6565592

Shit guys, now I'm mad too.
I've been trying to get rid of my attitude towards people who dress like they don't care. Because face it, it's mostly a (pretty expensive) hobby. But there seems to be no actual excuse for women to dress as bad as they do.

>> No.6565624

I think I'm gonna start buying her quality shit so that she will be able to tell the difference.

>> No.6565639

it's cheap for a reason though
the materials are so fuckign disgusting to the touch and they fall apart after like a week of wear
it's like fast fashion taken to the extreme
everything i've ever bought there has been a huge mistake
you can't build a decent wardrobe with nice materials for cheap

something that amazes me is comparing the mens f21 to womens f21 items because even though the mens are also shitty, they're still made of nicer materials than the womens
try comparing sweaters in fast fashion places like f21 or zara
it's infuriating how shitty womens clothing is in quality

>> No.6565666

>grill reporting in

I do not take is as a necessity for guys to dress well - I mean, the majority of them are cargo shorts graphic tee plebs, this seems to be the "normal" standard.

Those who put effort in their clothing get serious extra credit in my book.

>> No.6565697

serves you right

>> No.6565701

>I mean, the majority of them are cargo shorts graphic tee plebs
do you live in socal and do they also wear jordans?

>> No.6565705

The only thing I care about wrt what guys wear is if they wear things that fit nice and look decent. A guy could just wear plain t-shirts and jeans and if they fit well I'd find it attractive.

I tend to not be interested in people with really ostentatious styles either way.

>> No.6565706

I like telling a guy what to wear, going shopping with him, and telling him what I think looks good on him, and what I think will last long. I dress like shit, because I can't justify buying expensive clothes because I'm a seamstress, but I'm too lazy to make my own. Sucks, man. Though, sometimes I dress nicely anyways.

>> No.6565717

why? because you're a basic misogynist bitch?

>> No.6565722

>tfw friends have to find lots of reasons to justify any purchase over $20
>tfw any purchase under $80 feels negligible to me, and isn't even worth planning


seriously, it's such a small amount of money. do these people just not have jobs or what, i don't get it

>> No.6565729

>damn gurl it sure is mild outside


>> No.6565734

b/c she was upset that her $15 dress is shitty

>> No.6565764


Fuck man greatset thing I've seen her for quite some time. First real advice I've seen on girls too. Listen to this guy, I can confirm this shit works.

>> No.6565779

im upset that mens clothing of comparable prices are way less shitty
and i'm just explaining why it doesnt make women 'lucky' to have such cheap clothing options because they're so worthless and doesn't actually make it easy for women to dress well at all

not to mention everything at f21 and similar stores have the tackiest fucking designs
that's neither here nor there but sometimes i go there just out of curiosity thinking "it can't possibly be as bad as i remember" but it always is
they clutter the designs so much and then it's made of the most disgustingly cheap polyester shit it blows my mind

>> No.6565783


I work for minimum wage. 80 dollars is a full days pay. I need that money for life shit.

>> No.6565832

Just having a giggle m8 don't have to be all uppity tighty bonnet lift if you catch my drift

>> No.6565841

If you look handsome/hot, then women do not care what the fuck you wear.

The same as how you probably don't care what a female wears if she's cute/hot.


>> No.6567422

is that blood near the curb

>> No.6567561

the bear in my heart whose worst fear is rejection

>> No.6567607

you're definitely just ugly.

>> No.6568106

kill yourself