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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 117 KB, 557x592, nwoohooohoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6563469 No.6563469 [Reply] [Original]

hey /fa/

you jealous????????????????//

thank u based student finance!

>> No.6563472

you don't own any of that money.

>> No.6563480

You're going to have to pay that back you know. With interest in some cases.

>> No.6563485


who cares bitches

im rich

>> No.6563491


This is GB fuccboii we pay back at a fixed rate that doesnt effect any loans and goes after 20 years.

>> No.6563492

That's a loan. It's not your money.
If you don't need it all, there's someone else who desperately does, who will not be able to afford a life-changing education because you wanted to go to All Saints.

>> No.6563493
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>> No.6563496

You're stupid.

>> No.6563501

>getting 264€/month
>less than any NEET
>have to pay most of it back
fuck you too

>> No.6563502
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tfw no buying rick with my student loan this semester ;_;

>> No.6563505
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bitch im posh


pic related

>> No.6563509


>maintenance loan: £3823

lmao I get £6200 get on my level

and my tuition fee loan is only £3465!

>London 2010 master-race

>> No.6563516
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>> No.6563518


lol you must be disabled or some shit no offence

>> No.6563519

seems about right.

>> No.6563524

>not applying as a maimed war gulf vet missing several limbs, blind def and dumb
first time applying for things?

>> No.6563536


jelly american detected

have fun fighting for your scraps of chicken meat you filthy peasant!!!! i make it rain bitch

also have fun sharing your uni dorm room, top lel

>> No.6563538

>having tuition fees
finland mustard race

>> No.6563539

>implying I'm an amerifat
did I hurt your feelings, mehmut?

>> No.6563547

i can taste your tears and they taste delicious

>> No.6563544


i was watching the 'joe goes to sweden' videos last night and all the swedish people, literally everyone said finnish people are ugly and look like retards

they said denmark was the hot older brother
norway the annoying younger brother
and finland the retarded cousin


>> No.6563549

everyone in germany would say the same about france. what gives?

>> No.6563554

well yeah most finns look like mongs
but I'm part of the fennoswedish minority, we have superior genes

>> No.6563555


erm not really

germany and france are nothing alike

finland and sweden are both Scandinavian countries

>> No.6563556
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sure thing dude.

>> No.6563558

the only finns they know are hockey players and alcoholic immigrants from the 60s

>> No.6563561

he means that there's a rivalry or something like that

>> No.6563565


stop commenting

>> No.6563567


i dont believe there is a rivalry between france and germany lol

>> No.6563580
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>european education

>> No.6563582

there is. france has always been our great rival.

>> No.6563587



EDUCATION TOP 20 in order

South Korea
Hong Kong
New Zealand

lol at you ameristupid

>> No.6563586

trust fund kids we in this

>> No.6563591
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>paying for education

>> No.6563593

> 27 November 2012 Last updated at 08:31 GMT
despite that...tfw nz is 8th and above aus
lmfao fucking rekt

>> No.6563596


>> No.6563607

finnish student parties off tha hook

>> No.6563605


lol why the hell are you trying to refute it? the citation is right there you butthurt fool!

>> No.6563609

>Tuition fee loan £7800
>not in the £9000 masterrace

What shit uni are you going to.

>> No.6563612


mate when did u start uni u prick

>> No.6563613
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>tfw slightly obese kissless virgin
>have no ambitions
>community college
>small group of friends who never call me anyway
>try to use whatever money I got to strive to become /fa/ and feel less useless
>anons have tens of thousands on their hands to spend on clothes

Sometimes I contemplate suicide

>> No.6563614

under america is
hungry, slow, and rusha

>> No.6563615
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>> No.6563616


i cant really spend this on clothes though, maybe a bit

>> No.6563623

Daily reminder the USA is the 3rd most populated country in the world. There's a reason why they split up Hong Kong and Singapore from the rest of China.

>> No.6563624


>dumb american weeabo

>> No.6563641

get a loan and go work out

you can do this

>> No.6563644
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btw i dont have to pay back the grant

also i get other grants and scholarships from the university

future looking good bros

>> No.6563649

we can b frens

>> No.6563650
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>> No.6563673

Ok, let's clear a few things up.

1) I'm pretty confident it's compulsory to take out a loan if you're going to University. Most tuition fees are approximately £9,000 a year. This is directly paid from the government to the University, basically paying for the 'education'. This has very low interest and you only begin paying it back in small increments (monthly basis) once you start earning above £21,000 per annum.

2) The Maintenance Loan covers 'living costs', this includes food, accommodation, clothes, text books, etc. My Maintenance Loan comes to £5,500 (it varies dependent on parental income) which will leave me with £7 a week (£1 a day for food) because of the cost of accommodation. So already, I'm only left with £1 a day for food, nothing to spend on drinks, books, travel expenses, clothes, etc.

OP is a little derranged is he/she believes they're able to spend all that money on clothes. Of course, how much money you have after paying for accommodation is dependent on the University but it's outlandish to presume that's all 'free' money'.

>> No.6563678


how the fuck did you get a 5k maintenance loan honestly

>> No.6563680


ur a dumb shit

when did i once say i was goign to spend it on money, quote the post. ass hole

>> No.6563684


on clothes*

>> No.6563682


>> No.6563689
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Oh, and to add to that. The more hours you spend working, the less likely you're going to achieve well in your chosen University course. There's supposedly a limit of 10 hours a week (average), but of course, the more you work, the more at risk you are of not performing well in terms of education. Furthermore, the British economy isn't coping very well at the moment and the high amount of unemployment means young people are the least employable, so there's little chance of obtaining work.

>> No.6563690

ireland is cool, they paid all my fees for me and gave me like 4g's a year for books or whatever

I lived at home for 2 years and with a girl the other 2 (her mother paid for her flat) but if you were rly stuck they'd get you accomodation and pay for it

they dont do that for everyone tho

>> No.6563691


what's that a reference to?

>> No.6563696
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Like I said, it's dependent on parental income. I don't live in cosy, middle-class household where my parents are capable of fulfilling my requests for technological advancements or superior educational equipment. Besides, as stated, I'll be left with £7 a week.


"ur a dumb shit" should be "You're a stupid shit".

"i was goign to spend it on money" I think that answers itself. Although the later comment (>>6563684) alters your original phrase, this was posted on /fa/, therefore I came to the conclusion that you were boasting about the amount of money you had. In summation, you posted this on /fa/, and so it was with the implication you were going to go on a 'shopping spree'.

>> No.6563698


listen dude

my parents do not get more than 20k a year combined and i only got 3k loan

>> No.6563700


le classy gentleman detected

im not in a test, im not trying to impress anyone so i type the way i want to type you stupid piece of shit uptight psuedo-intellect cunt

>> No.6563702
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>in summation

>> No.6563704
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is this guy trolling?

it is like i am 16 again trying to impress people with my Microsoft word synonymy's

>> No.6563710
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>There's a reason why they split up Hong Kong and Singapore from the rest of China.

USA confirmed for having shit education.

>> No.6563713



americans are so stupid

>> No.6563720


Well my parents, together, earn approximately £42,000. Our assets exceed there, as the money tends to go into the house. However, I also have a twin brother who's also attending University soon.


You're merely implying that I'm trying to impress people because of the way I type, I think that in itself is a reflection of your thinking. I wasn't criticising your style of writing, more rather the spelling and grammatical errors.

Please, there's no need for name-calling, it achieves very little, if nothing.


As I've already mentioned, the way I type/write is simply a reflection of my education and upbringing. I don't see why there's a need to make such callous remarks about something so insignificant.

>> No.6563733

i could kill u w/ one punch to the head

do u think ur grammer would save u u fuckin nerd? no

>> No.6563735

>tfw genuinely finding something basedprophet typed funny
w-w-what have i become #____#

>> No.6563744
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>> No.6563748


I think the fact that you believe you could kill me with one blow to the head is somewhat irrelevant in this discussion and deviates from the topic outlined by the original poster.

Call me what you will, but it's not of any importance. Of course grammar is of monumental importance though, and it may just save my life - if I'm capable of effectively communicating with people, then my chances are markedly increased in comparison to someone who's incomprehensible.

>> No.6563761


>> No.6563766

>overall education
american uni system is untouchable and thats all that matters

have fun with your superior elementary education while we get jobs that actually pay

>> No.6563777

>have fun with your superior elementary education while we get jobs that actually pay

isnt ur min wage like 6$ an hour or some shit lmao

>> No.6563780

maybe go lose some weight

>> No.6563783
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its funny and its from this guy

>> No.6563786

yeah thats why we dont work at mcdonalds like european immigrants or something

>> No.6563787

im built like a fuking chimpanzee m9 i could rip off ur head with little 2 no effort

ur looking at 200lb of solid muscle right there

>> No.6563794
File: 86 KB, 214x226, 1373212141053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw £157 spending money per week AFTER rent, + in catered accomodation

>> No.6563797

>Get 400 a month
>Don't have to pay anything back
>optional loaning with fixed rate and I only have to pay that back when I make enough money.

>> No.6563805

I don't believe you ever had history lessons.

>> No.6563807


how much is your rent per week??

>> No.6563818


What a typical response. You're evidently struggling to use any form of energy to develop a response that varies from traditional 4chan methods, no wonder there are calls beckoning for original content. You're clearly an individual who's partially to blame for the fedora epidemic. Please, construct some original.


Thanks for posting, that was quite funny.

>> No.6563819


*31 week year, of 3 terms

>> No.6563814
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my total 'income' is about £10,300 (maintenance loan + maintenance grant + uni bursary) for a 31 week term, which = about £332 per week

accomodation is £175 per week and is catered

>> No.6563821

shut up nerd

>> No.6563835

Come study in Scotland yuropers! For you guys, no charge. We only charge our English friends trololol

>> No.6563868



I jello

>> No.6563881


Someone is awfully bitter today.


I find this discrimination someone entertaining. Scottish students have to pay nothing, nor do Northern Irish students. However, you can laugh to yourself as you think you're perhaps punishing the English, you happened to forget the Welsh, did you?

Not to mention, if Scotland leaves the UK, it will probably struggle to maintain free tuition fees for its own students and its education thereon will suffer.

>> No.6563899

You get the grant instead. The more grant you get, the less loan you can have.

>> No.6563906

>tfw English student in Scotland
I hope you get independence so that there's no reason to only charge us anymore.

>> No.6563910
File: 80 KB, 632x624, 1372775652325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America has 13 of the top 20 universities in the world, including #1 and #3.

>> No.6563918

I got you beat, all that plus a part time job, I get £13k and I don't have to pay rent because my partner already owns our flat.

>> No.6563921

America's the best at all that stuff. Always will be. That's why the richest families in the world send their kids here.

>> No.6563924

>he thinks that means they're good

>> No.6563930


damn man, your accommodation is pretty expensive.

i haven't got around to calculating how much i will need yet

>> No.6563936

>I didn't read the metrics

Can't read. Confirmed for nigger or Europeabrain.

>> No.6563941



It's somewhat*, dumbshit.

Confirmed dyslexic.

>> No.6563945


>implying the best university in the world isn't Cambridge

also nice biased .com link ameriturd

>> No.6563947

It's also, by far the most expensive and inaccessible to the general populous, without the $ ur fucked.

That's why Finland ranked 1 in the revised chart. But you don't know that, cus you couldn't afford school. TOP KEK

>> No.6563950
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>damn man, your accommodation is pretty expensive.

central london niggah

>> No.6563960

> biased
> ignoring the Top 20 list from the BBC in thread

>> No.6563957

.com is global...

>> No.6563979


what are you on? he posted a link to usnews.com

The bbc link puts UK 13 places higher than the united states of sass

>> No.6563986

I'm a poorfag and I attend the University of Michigan (#17). if you're smart enough to attend any if these places they will help you with tuition.

>> No.6563987

Wallow in it you little pansy, because your use-by date approaches apace. I give you 2 years before you're fellating tramps behind skips for your next fix. Eventually the shame and degradation will drive you to hurl yourself into the nearest river.

Your disappearance will go unnoticed and unlamented, and your hideously blackened, eel-gnawed carcass will be discovered under a burnt-out oil drum, 40 miles downstream by picnicking muslims.

Your emphatically mortal remains will languish unclaimed until identified by DNA taken from a stain in your fathers gusset, and you will be buried in an unmarked pauper's grave in the shadow of an abandoned dildo factory.

You student cunt.

>> No.6563992


i know i should probably just google this but can you just answer it maybe if you know

ok so i get the three loans, the maintenance grant, maintenance loan and the tuition loan.

which one do I use to support my living costs/books etc and which one can i use to spend on personal stuff

>> No.6563999
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>> No.6564002

Michigan perhaps, but Harvard, Brown, Hogwarts etc.etc.

>> No.6564007

Jesus, are you serious? How did you even get into uni?

The tuition fee loan goes straight to your university. You never actually see this.

The maintenance loan and grant go to you. They are not allocated to pay for anything in particular, you have to learn how to budget and pay for things yourself.

>> No.6564018


the tuition fee loan goes straight to the university, you never see that money

the maintenance loan+grant are paid into your bank account, and you use them for living costs/books/personal stuff

basically all the money you have to live on is your maintenance loan+grant

>> No.6564025

I'm >implying that the BBC top 20 list >>6563587
is bullshit because anyone can spout "hurr bias".

>> No.6564036


how much installments did you get each term

how much did you get at the start of your course

>> No.6564047


the company should send you a breakdown of when your payments are made, I got that like a month ago.

usually the whole payment is just divided into 3 and paid at the start of each term

>> No.6564046

They'll let you know by letter exactly what you get and when. Usually it's ~1/3 in September, then November, then January.

>> No.6564052

who /top5uni/ here?

>> No.6564058

You can also see it on your account on the student finance website if you go to "My Payments"

>> No.6564067

Just you.

>> No.6564071


that's not available yet, i guess i have to wait

>> No.6564073

You should probably do some research into living costs while you're waiting so you can figure out how you're going to budget everything.

>> No.6564074

oi you lot I wouldn't be so happy about this loan cause the way cameron's doing shit he's probably going to change it and we're gonna be paying back sooner than expected

>> No.6564103


i dont have the set amount yet, once i know how much i am actually getting then i will, they are still reviewing my mothers information

>> No.6564108


he obvs cant change it for people going uni this year

just like how they changed the tuition prices my brother was the last year who could pay £3000 continuously without paying £9000 the next year

>> No.6564128

>tfw only getting 238$ every fortnight


>> No.6564135
File: 25 KB, 470x292, studieschuld3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MFW i live in netherland, Didnt have to pay school this year which is around 1 , 2k including books.

Getting Free public transportation from monday till friday cause i am student.

And getting $1000 to spend on anything i want from goverment cause i go to school, and getting more cause being a half oprhan but lying that i am fully orphan.

Its so good to abuse the system :)

>> No.6564136
File: 175 KB, 321x282, basedgod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw scholarships and grants means I get a check from my school's Financial Aid this semester

Based God

>> No.6564143

Also $1000 per month.

>> No.6564148

>tfw on £140 a week summer job
g-geos in f-five weeks h-haha

>> No.6564147



>> No.6564150

>half orphan

That's not orphan at all you fucking faggot.

>> No.6564152


what are you doing?

you're lucky

>> No.6564156

shop work

>> No.6564194

THATS THE JOKE, cause of my father not having a dutch nationship. they automaticly think i am a orphan.

so i get like 400% more money form everything from the goverment :)

MFW i still life with my father pay him 250 to help with rent per month, and he is out of the country 24/7

>> No.6564230

> says mfw
> doesn't post a face

>> No.6564238
File: 271 KB, 758x668, hue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hyuk yuk yuk, oh golly

>> No.6564240

>tfw Finnish born
>tfw should've gone back to Finland
>tfw instead staying for UAL


>> No.6564247
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Thefuck i clicked it ooh well.

>> No.6564274


It would be more if your black

I get 150k each year.

>spend it on shoes
>dont live in dorms anymore so have alot leftover for clothes

>> No.6564286



what is the point

>> No.6564291



what is the point of fucking lying man

>> No.6564299

>ITT: Americlaps who don't understand finance, or indeed anything... at all.

>> No.6564332

>tution fees
You island monkeys are almost as shitty as 'murricah.
You have ten seconds to explain why on earth you haven't moved to Austria/Switzerland/Norway/Sweden yet.

>> No.6564375

This is going to be my third year at school where scholarships are paying me to go. Free ride bitches.

>> No.6564377

>TFW I keep getting locked out of my fiance

It's really fucking annoying

>> No.6564381

Because Scotland pays my tuition fees.

>> No.6564451

ur nz?

>> No.6564528


>cant understand cause you aint black
>become minority
>do high percentile on standardized test
>obama gives me money

Stay whiteeee

>> No.6564548
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tfw 5k a year for shitty state school because I dicked around in High School

>> No.6564558


what is a state school

superior brit here

>> No.6564561
File: 1.40 MB, 375x283, bX5ag[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw my maintenance grant has fallen by 90% because my mum graduated

>> No.6564564

tfw my state school is actally quite good and a graduated without any debt, but i still got a useless liberal arts degree

>> No.6564566

It's the equivalent to going to London South Bank uni

>> No.6564570

A public university, which is cheaper than private institutions, and even more so for residents of that particular state.

>> No.6564583


ok right so what is a community college

>> No.6564592

Is your loan means-tested? If not you just get the default shit.

My loan+grant came up to about 7k because I was in London and my parents are poor as shit. After rent I had £800 for the entire year, was retarded as shit.


Don't get too comfortable with the terms bro. According to this http://www.guardian.co.uk/money/2013/jun/13/raise-interest-rate-student-loans-secret-report they could be changing the interest rates retro-actively, and if they're prepared/allowed to do that then fuck knows what else they'll do to get more money out of us.

>> No.6564596

Fuck you. I was forced into a 48-week contract at my halls. Obliterated my loan completely

>> No.6564602

A step down from a state school.

>> No.6564607


means tested? I provided my household income. They are still reviewing my Mothers details so I'm not sure.

I'm OP btw.

>> No.6564613

Go joing the army or something you cunt

>> No.6564622

I live in Scotland. Free University.

No Loans. No Problems. Just a job to pay for food and rent.

>> No.6564631


aren't all americans immigrants though. your country is like 200 years old or some shit. you certainly arent from that part of the world.

>> No.6564632


i was joking

belive ion ur self :)

>> No.6564750

Is your university not 9k a year? top lel

>> No.6565327

lol just kill yourself then no one gives a shit anyways.

>> No.6565503


>> No.6565598


do you even go to any of them?
forget that, do you even know someone from your hgih school that went to them?
#1 and 3 i mean

>> No.6565636

You do realize you're on an anime cartoon image board bragging about your poorfag student loans, right?

Selfmade master race reporting in