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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 56 KB, 451x485, 1372481808970.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6548504 No.6548504 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you have to wait months for the next sale season to start up before you can start buying things again

h-hold me bros.....
how does /fa/ deal with this drought?

>> No.6548506

dont be poor

>> No.6548508


>> No.6548517

sf sufu sz ebay
or you should use yahoo.jp or rakuten that all the cool kids use

>> No.6548515

pretty sure it's sale season right now

>> No.6548533

its the very end of a sale season
aka all the shit in normal sizes thats absolute disgusting thats lasted this long or sizes for complete freaks

>> No.6548537
File: 261 KB, 535x479, mfwreally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're model-tier proportions so you have to get in at the very start of a sale since your size is the first to run out

>> No.6548548
File: 38 KB, 550x400, 135381223254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i saw the apc marble tshirt on sale at tres bien in a size large and didn't hit the add to bag button

the fuck was i thinking?

>> No.6548550

oversized shit is 2nxtlvl4u fukken plebs with no imagination

>> No.6548552
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>wearing disgusting piss-stained shit little yellow nigger gooks have worn to strip clubs

no thank you

>> No.6548555


>> No.6548556
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>> No.6548557

post a fit

maybe you like constantly rolling up your overlarge sleeves but i sure as hell don't

>> No.6548559

>what is a sewing machine

>> No.6548561

they're aren't a lot of strip clubs in Tokyo

you're thinking of brothels with young-minor (yet legal in japan) Russian sex slave works

white people with blonde hair are the ideal hookers in japan

not to worry though, they most likely take off their Julius jacket prior to pretty much raping an adolescent Russian sex slave

in the shadow of a lit up hello kitty billboard advertising dunhill cigerettes to minors

>> No.6548575

God dammit I love you

>> No.6548576

tfw short and fat.

so I can be XL-XXL rick owensed out for $50 with NWT shit from CRUST

but I hate it so I end up paying more and fighting over zegna / brioni clothes that actually looks decent on fat short/fat people

my struggle with clothes is depicted in the seinfield episode where George fights over a suit with a similar short fat bald dude in a neiman marcus

>> No.6548587


how about....

you stop eating so much?

>> No.6548595


>i know how to tailor my own clothes therefore everyone that doesn't is wrong

go fuck yourself

>> No.6548600

. I eat because I'm unhappy, and I'm unhappy because I eat. It's a vicious cycle.

I've got more chins than a Chinese phonebook

>> No.6550398


>> No.6550425

When does the next sale season start???

>> No.6550429

i never buy anything on sale
at the end of the month all the /fa/ sizes are sold out anyways and i'm not risking that on things i want
looking through sales to see if there is something you might like is ok

>> No.6550440
File: 44 KB, 415x332, tippler.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read The Little Prince?

>> No.6550487
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>> No.6550490

wtf no

>> No.6550518


>> No.6550539

>tfw used to be S or M in tops
>tfw bulked up from /fit/ and now enjoy super sales on everything because I wear a L or XL

>> No.6550592
File: 11 KB, 198x177, 1330491353587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im ok with this

>> No.6550600

save money, go out.

>> No.6550605
File: 551 KB, 919x720, 1372482179660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you find the facebook of a girl you've been interested in from work
>she likes all types of ghetto hip hop

fuck why do i even bother getting my hopes up anymore?

>> No.6550629

maybe you should stop being an asshole and accept the fact that people have different taste

>> No.6550690

>be 6'3'' and thin but mostly legs
can wear small // medium in tops
get to buy off sizes in pants so I always get them on sale.
feels good man

>> No.6550700
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its not just that.
her interests, friends, & lifestyle are just zero compatibility with my own

>> No.6550735
File: 16 KB, 231x312, Quentincrisp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should get to know people and get a little reciprocation before you fall in love and plan your future together

>> No.6550739

I hate to break this to you, but the women who come into your life will rarely, if ever, fit some little pre-defined narrative of your own creation. It will usually play out how you least expect (assuming it plays out at all). People will surprise you.

>> No.6550753

this is some true stuff

>> No.6550754

like December/Januaryish
maybe earlier it always feels like its coming really early for me

>> No.6550763
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>> No.6550780
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I wish I had a girlfriend

>> No.6550784

no please tell me.

>> No.6550794

fuck off those feels are pleb and beta
>pleta feels

>> No.6550819
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>> No.6550821
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>> No.6550834
File: 112 KB, 640x791, Chasm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Little Prince is a traveller in time and space who comes across a series of tiny planets that serve as living hells for the people trapped upon them.
Even worse, these people could probably leave their little spheres rather easily, by exercising choice. The tragedy is that they are caught in self-perpetuating cycles of self-loathing that form the very bars of their own invisible prisons.
On one planet, the prince finds only a tippler, who does nothing but drink all day long.
"Why do you drink?" Asks the prince.
"I drink because I am unhappy." Replies the tippler.
"Why are you unhappy?" Asks the prince.
"I am unhappy because I drink." Says the tippler.
The prince finds other people in hells of their own making, and they too serve as examples. Eventually, the prince discovers an escape, a way out of these cycles of misery. That force is really the only way out, and it answers the human question where drugs, power and wealth do not.

>> No.6550871

i know that feel..

/holds op

>> No.6550877

i love you.

>> No.6550884

>wanted the new raf velcros from tres bien
>had to wait until pay day
>pay day comes around
>my size is sold out and don't know if they'll restock

A related feel
>your sizes are never on sale because you're too normal (UK9, Medium)

>> No.6550897

next time you find something you like but can't afford it try asking the clerks real nice if they could put it aside for you until you get your paycheck.

if you ask real nicely they will do it for you 9/10 times.

i do this in a lot of clothing/tech stores because the company i work for is retarded and always late with paychecks.

>> No.6551329

if you wouldn't pay full price for an item, you probably don't really want it

>> No.6551352

I would pay full price for it if I didn't know it was gonna price drop later on
Sometimes I like an item but not enough to fit it into my budget. So when something I want but don't have high on my priority list goes on sale, it tends to get moved up to the top of the list.

>> No.6551367


This is because you are a shopaholic. You buy a lot of clothes because you have no style and you are never satisfied with what you have.

>> No.6551370
File: 8 KB, 199x253, Happy feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you get sufu upvotes

>> No.6551380

My wardrobe is minuscule and adheres to one aesthetic and it's extremely satisfying.
>projecting on me

>> No.6551438

>mfw all the trips here get bad rep there
>mfw they deserve it

i always laugh at how they belittle tinfoil there. every fit he posted has gotten negs

>> No.6551474

lmaod at the most recent turnleft waywt post

>> No.6552808

i'm not seeing it

does tres bien really not restock their stuff? those velcros are a new release ffs

>> No.6552818

tfw i copped the last size medium i could find and am wearing it right now

>> No.6552870

what's turnleft's sufu username?
>pls respond

>> No.6552891
File: 34 KB, 625x456, J2qBN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope it shrinks in the wash you prick

>> No.6552905

m8 i handwash that bitch.

>> No.6553602

>tfw learned to slav-squat at work because I had to wear steel toed boots and squatting normally sucked

>> No.6555280

what do you do where you have to slav squat? time 2 find a new job m8

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