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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 519 KB, 800x1202, Cara-Delevingne-The-Great-Gatsby-Premiere-Cannes-and-opening-ceremony-FTAPE-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6546707 No.6546707 [Reply] [Original]

what do you study /fa/ ? (pic unrelated)

> tfw when i study japanese and japanese culture. i'm gonna end up unemployed.

>> No.6546713

i study geometry, english, spanish, biology, music and P.E

>> No.6546722



>> No.6546737


I'm only getting my BA now, and want to get my feet wet with some experience before I wind up coming back for my MA. If I could, I just wouldn't get the MA, but that's how the field is going if you want to actually be something other than a grunt.

>> No.6546747

I'm working on a degree in computational biology

>> No.6546752


>> No.6546762

lol psych...why?
ok, im in architecture BA

>> No.6546756

i sit at home and look at clothes

>> No.6546767

Business Admin. and Law

>> No.6546768
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civil engineering and railway design

>dat future money belly

>> No.6546770

Marketing and Theatre

>> No.6546772

architecture, the major for artists who are too afraid to pursue their dreams

>> No.6546779

Physics at uni.

Interested in starting a business in mid to high end clothing retail though, along with designing my own line.

>> No.6546780
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Holy shit that is exactly what I want to do. What year are you? And what quantifies "railway design" exactly?

>> No.6546787

I am majoring in electrical engineering and afterwards I'm finna go to fashion school when I can pay for it (my paren'ts aren't going to be down kek) and start my own brand

>> No.6546786

whats with all these random trips....

>> No.6546799

top haha if you guys are serious

>> No.6546808
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Economics and Mathematics

>> No.6546805

psychology, probably gonna go the industrial & organizational route with a master's or phd

>> No.6546817
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comp sci

>> No.6546812
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lel true

drawing on the side

>> No.6546814

what do you want to do with your life anon-kun?

>> No.6546825

Make audio equipment

>> No.6546823

BA in finance, minor in philosophy

>> No.6546830

computer information systems

>> No.6546834

i can't say because i don't want anyone on here knowing the company i work for- i'm a bit of a cunt sometimes. doing two qualifications which will catapult me into the final year of uni next year, so you could say i'm second year.

but i also work full time in track design, using CAD to design track layouts, curvature and points that kind of bollocks- but i want to get into signal design.

theres alot of money in it fella go for it (pro-tip; apprenticeships, i'm an advanced apprentice)

>> No.6546843

Psychology student here.

>> No.6546850

Computer Science master race

forever increasing job opportunities

>> No.6546860
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>> No.6546861


Highschool detected.

>> No.6546872

kekmao lame af

see how easy it is for me to say that?
>ps-i'm serious

>> No.6546880

Fair play m9

>> No.6546883
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nothing. i make food

>> No.6546884

>English (Writing) and Business (haven't decided concentration, probably either Law & Public Policy)
I'm going to school for free (tuition waiver) and hope to go to master's school for Music Business and have my day job as a Music Supervisor or work for a Music Supervision firm.

>> No.6546896

Robotics and nanotechnology at UNI OSLO

I'm becoming Ironman.

>> No.6546902

meant to say Law & Public Policy or Marketing

>> No.6546913

/fa/ as fuck

>> No.6546916

Yeah that's my plan. The only option I can see myself being open to when I leave uni would be to go into banking in the city, which will be banging cash but I'd be more content to just make 30k a year selling clothes once I can fund it.

>> No.6546923

Russian and International Affairs.

>> No.6546932

graphic design @ chelsea

>> No.6546935

You're saying you're a sophomore by credit hours then?

How could I get into such an opportunity, for reference? I'm an entering sophomore this semester with fifty-two credit hours towards my major, and am more than eligible for internships because of my stout profile

>> No.6546936
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>> No.6546941

Having an angle and experience is more important than your actual degree. Do a year abroad in Japan/get some level of JLPT certification and companies will want you.

I had a boring degree but a Japanese company in New York contacted me just because I put Japanese on my resume and gave me a job a month after I graduated.

>> No.6546940

fine art

>> No.6546943


>> No.6546956

He's rite though. You can't go wrong with CS.

>> No.6546954

architecture (the major for no jobs)

>> No.6546964

Architecture, I'm looking forward to working at Micky D's

>> No.6546979


cept that it means you have to study cs + all your classes will be with cs students


>> No.6546980

have no idea what any of that means, but i live in england, so i work full time, go to college 1 day a week and get paid less than other people for a few years.

>> No.6546983

and they pay for all of my education, even anything above and beyond the call of duty (lel)

>> No.6546988
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>> No.6546994

Chemical Engineering.
>$120,000 starting if I sell my soul in the gulf

>> No.6546991

If you're at a good school your CS classmates will be mostly cool dudes. Fedora-clad MLP fans are too dumb to make the cut.

>> No.6546999

Events management.
I took it because I'm good with people and would love to get hired to run fashion shows and music festivals.

>> No.6547006

Also almost all the kids I know studying architecture are effay as fuck. It's really the most fashionable major.

>> No.6547008

anybody in Pharmaceutical studies/Pharmacists??

>> No.6547013

FUCK that's cool

>> No.6547014

Art's and Culture at Maastricht in the netherlands, I'm english.

It is a good degree but I plan on doing another degree by distance learning while teaching english around the world after I graduate,

>> No.6547019

Fuck that would be cool. Would Marketing, Finance, Operations or Entrepreneurship be a good alternative major to work towards that career field?

>> No.6547023

im going into new media in the fall

>> No.6547033

studying chemistry

>> No.6547046

who dat trap

>> No.6547060

Probably, the course so far has pretty much been business studies but I get a full years work placement starting in September. The Events Management course itself isn't hard at all and I didn't even need many ucas points to get in, which is good because I'm pretty dim L.

>> No.6547066

Studying to become a high school teacher.
Learning Arabic, gonna work at a international school in Cairo.

>> No.6547085

I did study Media and Communication. But I hated it and was suicidal during the first term. Quit, did some courses and to the fall I'll be studying Graphic Design. So I'll join you in the unemployment. Even though I was one of over 3000 applying who got in, and I once applied for a job, didn't get it but the guy who was handling the employment said it was the best portfolio he had seen from someone that young. Though I don't have high hopes, I just want a degree I don't want to kill myself in..

>> No.6547090

I wish I knew Arabic to point out mistakes on peoples tattoos

>> No.6547214 [DELETED] 

political science at ucla with a minor in communication

>> No.6547256

majoring in political science at ucla and i wanna minor in public affairs

>> No.6547289

Communications: Media Arts & Production

>> No.6547313

thats what im studying op
im fukd

>> No.6547315

communications studies, psychology, marketing

>tfw at a top university and still afraid for job market

>> No.6547322

>computer science
Interning at a bank

>mfw guaranteed job upon graduation

>> No.6547323

computer science
>that feel when you're the only person in the lecture hall wearing decent clothing

>> No.6547341

Econ brother.

Finance & Economics double

>> No.6547372

Fashion design

>> No.6547383

any pictures of your work?

>> No.6547387

Economics (East Asia concentration)
Global management.

>> No.6547407

I know that feel bro, too well. Computer science major here, when I go to class I feel like im at a video game convention.

>> No.6547472

Communications with a public relations major

>> No.6547469

sick tell me about it

>> No.6547481

psychology. probably go into either cog psych or neuropsych

>> No.6547496

physics, end of 4th semester.

>> No.6547703

dude, you can't just tell us that's your major and not give any more information

>> No.6547741

hey man, i am going to start studying in a month. How hard is it at the start, and maybe there is some tips you can give?

>> No.6547775

Big Mac

>> No.6547806

finishing BS CS in a couple of weeks and will go for the MS as well (21yo)

>> No.6547810
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Illustration at uni.

>I have no interest in anything apart from art.

>Probably going to kill myself when i have to face the real world

>> No.6547843

Gonna study Business and Economics this Autumn.

Feels good to start with $75k annual salary after I finish my degree.

>> No.6547854

>tfw study fine arts
>tfw got scared about the real world and switched to architecture
>tfw i dont even enjoy it and want to go back to art
>tfw will be poor regardless
>tfw id be better off killing myself

>> No.6547863

halla broder!

>> No.6547918
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Political science @ uni

>> No.6547931

why would you go to school to learn japanese and culture

you can learn that at home for free

>> No.6547937

visual art studies

you are basically gonna be a teacher/mus. curator

want to teach

>> No.6547962

Woah, this is like me. Except I was in graphic design and I'm now in urban studies with an architecture minor.

>> No.6547968

Studying Pharmacy

>> No.6547980


no be a baller architect and work at zaha hadid

>> No.6547995
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>Zaha Hadid
>a shitty architect who designs horribly impractical buildings that can never be built

Pick two

>> No.6548000


>shitty architect



>> No.6548003
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Film and Television

Fuck you.

>> No.6548018

she isn't really an architect though. she gets a bit of plasticine or paper, scrunches it into a shape and then tells someone else to actually design the building.

it seems to work for her though, so w/ever.

>> No.6548021

eh, not my cup of tea, I;m more of a Libeskind or Calatrava guy

>> No.6548037
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i feel u on that, her stuff is very over the top, but it comes across as ignorant as fuck to call zaha hadid a shitty architect


its kinda hard to say she isnt an architect, look at the buildings shes designed, pic related.

>> No.6548072


fucking calatrava is more over the top than hadid

>> No.6548074


>> No.6548078

Computer Science
Minored in Data Science
Forever employed

>> No.6548087
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Calatrava is at least a Structural Engineer, so he can make organic and credible structures that are right the first time, instead of needing several revisions correcting zany cockery.

>> No.6548095

my nigga

>> No.6548098

Computer Science + Math

>> No.6548105

Currently 3rd year MD and 2nd year MSc student

>> No.6548101

I was majoring in computer science, but I don't like it. I'm thinking of culinary school, but I might as well get my business degree since I have all these credits at uni now ;_;. So I'll be off to culinary school shortly after this.

>> No.6548104

I'm studying medicine, I hate it. Don't wanna be a doctor. Wanna be something awesome like a member of a famous boyband.

>> No.6548128

going in to study international business and chinese enterprise

>5 year course for a masters
>2 years in the usa
>2 years in hong kong
>3 summers in hong kong
>1 summer in beijing

get on my level

>> No.6548144

Ive said this before on here but im deciding as to whether go with Engineering (most likely petroleum, maybe mechanical) or Drama/Acting. Ive gotten offers from colleges for both. I dont want to move to texas for petro engineering though.

>> No.6548142

Fuck you. Just finished freshman year with a 3.2 and now I'm in danger of not even qualifying to apply to med-schools, let alone get in. Don't take what you have for granted.

>> No.6548154

Can you give me a quick rundown of what urban studies is? I figure someone in the class can explain it the best.

>> No.6548162

Great. Another asshat AC. Just what I need working in Production.

>> No.6548166

I've just finished studying Media & Communication. I'll be going into the Air Force for a year this January (I'm Norwegian so basically I have to) so for now I'm just chilling and working.

>> No.6548192

Masters in computer science engineering in Paris along with a mentorship with a digital art designer in London.

>> No.6548193

Anatomy, so I can apply for medicine afterwards.

>> No.6548267

Wouldn't you need to know Chinese to do that?

>> No.6548358

computer science + economics

>> No.6548364

Hows computer science so far.

>> No.6548378

Isn't your major full of fucking weebs? Well mine isn't much better.
Computer Science

>> No.6548405

Wow, there's a lot of comp sci majors here. Just curious, what language is your uni strong at?
UMD here, traditionally strong at java weak at c++

>> No.6548445
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>Just graduated with a degree in computer science
>Job offers before graduation
>Only because I interned every single summer and worked part-time during the semesters.

You kids all think you're guaranteed jobs because your studying STEM.


PRO-TIP: You better have an internship by the summer between your 2nd and 3rd year.

>> No.6548449

Best of luck to you.
I'm working on PhD in computational Chemistry.

>> No.6548459

>PRO-TIP: You better have an internship by the summer between your 2nd and 3rd year.
Every non retarded person knows this. In Comp Sci internships are especially important.

>> No.6548469

at what school? i'm going to be a fresh at the university of michigan in the fall studying bio on a pre-med track

sister completed her first year with a 3.7 and she plans on going into pharm/dentistry

>> No.6548479
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Majoring in Fashion Design
Studying music production on the side

>> No.6548481

Just don't want fellow CS people getting fucked over.

You'd be surprised how many "retarded" people don't know this or don't put the effort forth.

>> No.6548489

Those people don't deserve to succeed anyways. Those are the types of people that get into CS because they want to make video games or some bullshit.

>> No.6548519

im >>6547854

i actually met charles renfro of DSR personally and he knows me by name now, and ill be going out with him and a mutual friend soon. id love for me to get some kind of internship there, it would be the only way i'd probably be able to enjoy architecture. they do some p sweet work at that firm

>> No.6548604

I feel your feel bro. I study design engineering at an almost exclusively engineering school and the way people dress is cringethreadworthy.

>> No.6548606


>> No.6548622

NYU. Unless you're incredibly passionate about it, choose something else besides just bio. I originally planned to major in bio, but have decided to do biochem instead.

>> No.6548633

Architecture but I got connects at Go Welsh! so I might end up in graphic design.

>> No.6548640

Music Ed.
>inb4 unemployable-tier

>> No.6548647

Fine Arts and economics.

>> No.6548660

applied to school for japanese and east asian studies but am now double majoring in econ and comp sci.
> tfw getting an awesome job after graduation

>> No.6548662

I was in choir, orchestra and theater in highschool. So many of the choir and theater kids are doing music ed or musical theater at the local state uni. One guy applied to Juliard but failed and is going to a state school for theater. Can't wait to see them in a few years. Most were idiots anyway.

The orchestra people are all becoming engineers or doctors.

>> No.6548670

My BA is in German Language and Literature
My graduate degree is in Library and Information Science

I dunno, is that /fa/? Cardigan-core.

>> No.6548675

i was more interested with the education half of it than anything. figured i'd want to teach something i enjoyed
if teaching doesn't work out, there's always law school

>> No.6548687

I have a tuition waiver and can go to school for free for the next five years. I want to work in marketing or pr but don't know if I should major in Marketing, Finance, Law & Public Policy...

I want to minor in English and Journalism too...

>> No.6548699

most of those kids had dreams or being on broadway or didnt know how to do much more.
No disrepect bro

>> No.6548704

Where did you do Library and Information Science? I was thinking of going into IS.

I'm studying Book and Media Studies, semiotics and German

>> No.6548706

you native american or mexican?
Indians and asians don't count for that stuff anymore.

>> No.6548715

It's because my mom works for a private university. White privilege here.

>> No.6548717

it's aight, i feel ya
yeah, i've met kids like that too, and they're good for smalltown shit but they can't cut it for broadway/philharmonic shit.

>> No.6548722

so unfair.

>> No.6548729

Sehr toll.

I studied at UIUC's GSLIS, which, while okay for IS, certainly isn't the best. Look into the University of Michigan's iSchool (yeah, the name is mighty silly, but whatever) for a good IS program.

Other places that you might want to check: UNC Chapel Hill, UT Austin, UWash Seattle. Those are just off the top of my head as really respectable GSLIS programs in the US, U of M and UIUC aside.

>> No.6548747

I know, and I have a lot of internal conflict because I don't really deserve it. Plus I'm not good enough at math and science to turn it into an engineer or biochem career. I am decent at math and am pretty good at analytical interpreting and English. Which is why I think I'd do well in PR/Marketing, Policy Analysis or Public Administration.

>> No.6548774

taking a year off before uni.
Being part time at a local school and studying spanish and playing in the orchestra.

In the mean time im studying to become a totally ripped, fashionable, weeaboo.

>> No.6548796
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>computer science major
i've interned at the same huge financial institution for the past 3 summers. i'm like a normal employee there each summer, working with senior engineers in the data center engineering department. the team lead wanted to hire me right away after my 2nd summer but my manager said i should graduate first.

feels good to have my future secured.
>starting salary 70k
>not counting overtime, benefits, etc...

>> No.6548800
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Just out of secondary school and waiting for results of exams. Applied for just a bunch of computer courses, but it'd be miracle if I even got into the course with the lowest amount of points.
>tfw unmotivated throughout school years
>motivation wavered pretty much daily
>more than likely failed most of my subjects

>> No.6548803

Computer Engineering
>top 5 program

>making laser weapons upon graduation

>> No.6549427

well i have time to declare and each of those bio/chem courses have similar requirements. ap bio was my favorite class in high school and i've been exposed to the doctor life for a while now

>> No.6551085

Computer engineering b.eng.
Computer science master
Math PhD (still working on it)

>> No.6551108

>summer in beijing
enjoy looking /fa/ as fuck while wearing a gas mask

also the ones that actually protect you from poisonous air are expensive as fuck

>> No.6551128

I'm a film student.

>> No.6551150

I'm studying nursing. What scrub color is the mot fa? I prefer blue or green

>> No.6551175


>> No.6551185
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Looks like a lot of computer science mustard race in here.
>tfw also CS master race

>> No.6551678


Why did you switch to computer science? Just curious. I wanted to do computer engineering but I fucked up by taking Computing instead of Maths in high school, so I couldn't

>> No.6551685

Getting drafted in December, then hopefully medicine or agricultural/food sciences

>> No.6551700

daym cara is ugly as shit

i study medicine

>> No.6551798


> cara is ugly as shit
do you study medicine so that you can cure your obvious lack of aesthetic sense ?

>> No.6551809

just say taste ffs

>> No.6551812


why would you get mad at that u autist

>> No.6552686

Architecture at ETH Zürich

>> No.6552705


why would you get mad at that u autist

>> No.6554441 [DELETED] 


>> No.6556176


>> No.6556214

environmental science. anyone else? smallest department in my uni. only one other kid was there with me at my orientation, and she wants to switch out.

>> No.6556243

Math & CS but gonna be into financial engineering + risk management.
We should be m8s.


>> No.6556309

these are all bretty good people, either because they combined CS with something useful (as opposed to stand-alone CS, which is suicide and stupid), interned with guaranteed job (especially the ones employed in finance-related fields, good shit), in an employable job so they won't be filthy poorfags (i.e. EE), or math/physics mustard race
everyone else are wasting money and postponing their potential careers with shit they should learn on their own time (arts, music, business, etc. they're great to learn about, but enjoy being unemployed)

>> No.6556324



>> No.6556330

How's that BA in womyn's studies? Able to get the next Rick Owens with that fat check?

>> No.6556339


more autism

>> No.6556381

Biomedical Engineering

It's a bullshit degree. And I go to michigan which supposedly has one of the top programs. I wish I would've chosen CS like everyone else in this thread but at least there's always grad school and I plan to study Electrical Engineering then. 6 figures and yuppie lifestyle here I come (hopefully)

>> No.6556399

>I wish I would've chosen CS like everyone else in this thread
No dude, just do EE.
This is coming from a CS major too.

>> No.6556407


EE masters it is then

>> No.6556876

>not knowing how flexible a university trained historian is

Most politicians are historians for a reason, you need to be able to process huge amounts of text and be able to condense that into a page or two in a short amount of time.
Not to mention the amount of research you're already doing during the courses.

>> No.6557009

Industrial Design

>> No.6557027

chemical engineering

>> No.6557203

why is biomedical engineering a bullshit degree? i'd think that shit had lots of potential for earning hard dough and living the yuppie lifestyle if thats your wish.

>> No.6557222

Half way through the following course:
>Bachelor of design
>Master of architecture

>tfw most effay career choice

>> No.6557226
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sonic arts

>> No.6557297


>> No.6557349
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My nigga.

>> No.6557399

Did my bachelor for biomedical science because I wasn't selected for Med School multiple teams.

In a few weeks I'll finally study medicine.

>> No.6557402


It's Mia Matsumiya, violinist of the Avant-Garde metal band Kayo Dot.

>> No.6557403

I studied Japanese and I'm still unemployed 7 years later. Unless you are really fluent at the language you can start looking into alternative career choices.

>> No.6557419

Aerospace Engineering.

>tfw 23 y/o, starting second year classes, and already have a degree in philosophy with a shitty GPA.
>Don't have fun in college kids

>> No.6557416

>kayo dot
mah nigga

Physics and maths, probably going into medical physics. Always wanted to do philosophy so i kind of wish i stuck to what i really wanted and did physics and philosophy, it sounds much more /fa/ and might have made me a better communicator

>> No.6557438

Japanese, History and Secondary Education

The Japanese will give me pretty good job prospects in coming years

>> No.6557499

Economics and business economics

>> No.6557503

Nothing mentioned in this thread.

>> No.6557511 [DELETED] 
File: 98 KB, 960x720, fb213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majoring in japanese and not getting a job
My friend got to move to Japan right after college to work as HR, I think during the time he hanged with all the japanese international students and perfected his speaking skills. All is photos is basically him at restaurants and drinking beer - living the ZUN life

>> No.6557516

mechanical engineering

>> No.6557519
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>tfw this is what you see in the CS presentation on a french website

>> No.6557531

hahahaha putain

>> No.6559104

>Going into a trade, probably pipe fitting or plumbing

>> No.6559157
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>> No.6559189


>> No.6559276

Is it worth studying English?
I mean, it's not bio-chem. But you don't need math.

It's not my native language mind you.

>> No.6559330


>> No.6559524

Where are you from? Do you have to pay for it?

>> No.6559531

>Japanese culture

So you're NEET?

>> No.6559557

Sweden. So education is free.

I'm more worried about time. Spending three years(and some student loans unless I want to continue living in the country) for no jobs would be a bummer.

Then again. I like the language, and I can be pretty good at it when I put my mind to it.

>> No.6559746

> OP is studying japanese culture.
> "So you're NEET?"

NEET stands for "Not in Education, Employment or Training" : are u retarded ?

>> No.6560250


>> No.6560263

he's either implying OP's "studying japanese and japanese culture" means "going on 4chan and watching anime"

or implying that OP is a future NEET

>> No.6560273
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>be living in glorious scandinavia
>education is free
>can even get paid for it and live off it if circumstances are lucky

>> No.6560412


but you live in Scandanavia

>> No.6560447

Linguistics, bitches

>> No.6560459

I study environmental sustainability....essentially the same degree but without physics and calc and shit. There's only 15 of us in my major too.... most of em are abunchafags

>> No.6560472

I know, it's fucking great.

Sorry if it's hard to understand, my "well-fed, proud and patrician americlap".

>> No.6560571

I will be in the fall. I was thinking of minoring in PoliSci and trying to get into Environmental Policy. What school?

>> No.6560669

Computer Engineering with a minor in Business.

Might do a minor in math as well depending on how comfortable I feel after finishing DE.

>> No.6563415

Don't you like, need to take out an extra mortgage to pay a speeding ticket around there?

>> No.6563435

No one speeds though, a 15 year driving course to get your license takes care of that.

>> No.6563448
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starting to study physics in october.
>mfw 90% quit after the first semester

>> No.6563452

Well the Dutch isn't much better, I think you can attest to that. Scandinavian roads are much more inviting for that kind of behavior though.

>> No.6563454

We get a few hundred (350 or something, can't recall the exact number) applicants every year, 50 get in. End of the year we are left with 19 people over 2 classes. ]

Let it count as motivation to outperform the rest.

>> No.6563458

Truth. 3 types of bike licenses and a minimum age of 24 for anything over 25kw is an example of that.

>> No.6563467


>> No.6563466

Are you a Norwaybro by any chance?

>> No.6563507

Oh yeah, I scrambled to get my license when I heard that. Within 3 months I got my 25kw license which will automatically become unrestricted in two years. Otherwise I would have had to do seven exams in total (3x skills 3x general roadtest and 1x theory if I'm not mistaken).

>> No.6563901



>> No.6565123

Tell me more.

Why not EE and ME? We share the same dream brutha

>> No.6565163
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Did that for a while working under an awesome chef in San Francisco, it was pretty fun. The pill popping/coke habit that I picked up trying to keep up with the work not so much. Going back to school to study biology and journalism.

>> No.6565246

Oh great a major thread, could I get some advice pls

I don't know what to choose, my dream is to move to the San Francisco Bay Area and found some kind of hot tech company, I know you don't necessarily need a degree for that but I'd like to attend college to study an interesting subject, meet people and have a backup plan (be employable).

Several fields interest me in general, but I'd better go for something more "practical" which I can really put to use and which would make me versatile enough to take on other subjects if I feel like it.
Should I study CS because all entrepreneurs do it?
I'm also into Chemistry, EE, Physics (and related fields)...

Help me

>> No.6565388

mah nigga
I'm doin this same exact thing

>> No.6565458

computer engineering

>> No.6565467

business school

>> No.6565715


Don't minor in business. Just do an Information Systems internship.

Don't minor in math either. Being an engineer already implies you're good at math. You are wasting your effort.

I am speaking from experience.
>finishing my 5th internship in two weeks
>3 Fortune 100 companies
>already have a job lined up upon graduation in Dec.

>> No.6565727

cs seems like best decision
although numbers of people with cs degrees is increasing so wages likely wont stay as high as they are rn

you should do math though addition because math makes you hella attractive and employable and upper level cs stuff is all math anyway

>> No.6565732

Garment construction. D:

>> No.6565744


Sonology gives me the oppurtunity to both get a real job or just waste all my life doing shitty art. Win win!

>> No.6565746

wow cara looks ugly as shit in this picture

i just want to dump her in a trash compacter so that I don't have to look at her anymore

>> No.6565750

Yeah but as I said, I'm into practical things. Stuff I can use to build real, tangible projects, or to solve daily problems. CS seems VERY theoretical, and math... Well, it's the most theoretical major/minor.

What about my other options? EE, Physics, Chemistry, maybe even ME or Aero.
One of those + minor in CS? Damn I don't know what to do

>> No.6565754

Physics and math, second year starts in a month.

Physics is good because it teaches you how to solve problems, which is helpful for any field that you would want to go into. One senior from last year got a fellowship for neuroscience at Harvard simply for that reason. Even though she doesn't have a neuro degree like others, she has the problem solving ability that is required. Obviously she did take neuro classes and do research during undergrad, but her physics degree was why she was picked over other applicants who had neuro degrees and field experience.

Best advice is to just try them and find what you like the most. Intro physics, chem and cs classes are usually not too bad, I recommend not taking them all at once though.

>> No.6565758

was meant as a reply to

>> No.6565809


>implying a Bachelor's in Physics will get you a job

You need a grad degree to be of worth.

>> No.6565815

I'd probably get an MSc and perhaps a PhD if I really love the field so I can get into research if entrepreneurship does not fit me.
Thanks for your advice, see >>6565750 though. Physics seems more practical than CS and definitely very versatile however, so I'll think about it.
It's a lot of math during the first two years though, right?

>> No.6565831

she's fucking disgusting

>> No.6565839

She kinda looks like a frog

>> No.6565851

true dat

>> No.6565868

similar. geography here. many courses with environmental sci and ecology though.>>6560459
i guess mine was most similar to yours.
Have you guys done any GIS? i feel like that's the only practical application of this sort of degree :(

>> No.6565869

AI and maths.

If you suck at maths you don't deserve to call yourself computer scientist. Fucking code monkeys everywhere.

>> No.6565878

>implying a Bachelor's in Physics will get you a job

I don't think that I implied that, though a bachelor's in anything will get you a job, just nothing very good. Physics is a good choice because it gives you many opportunities to do other things that aren't physics. If you want to work in the field, just like most others, you do need a higher degree.

Uh, not really a ton of math classes. I'm only required to take one more math class for physics since I got credit for AP Calc. The courses themselves involve a lot of math all four years.

>> No.6565885

just graduated with a liberal arts degree and no experience. Am i completely screwed? At least I enjoyed the classes I took... :\

>> No.6565903

hi everyone : i'm here for advice too. i've been studying mandarin chinese and chinese culture for a year, and i'm thinking about giving up chinese culture and take international relations and international affairs instead. what would you do anon ?

> tfw when i know nothing about international relations though.
> tfw when i like learning mandarin but i don't really care about chinese culture.

>> No.6565958

Telecommunications and Business Administration Double Major here

Someone is bound to hire me once i graduate

>> No.6565964

Ah okay. I thought physics was almost all calculus until junior year.
Well I'll definitely think about it, but what do you think of my other options considering what I want to do after college?

>> No.6565968

Yes, do that.

>> No.6565984

Fashion design
>tfw I've got more than enough $$$$$ to pay for my schooling from my current business

>> No.6566135

Psychology and Economics.

I graduated from undergrad not too long ago. Now, I'm putzing around as a research assistant in a psychology lab while I figure out what I actually want to do.

Because really, I don't give a shit about psych or econ, at least not anymore.

>> No.6566210

Econ or finance are also good options, either by themselves or with something else

>> No.6566219


don't really want to do it but if i could major in whatever i wanted it'd be History or Pol Sci and that's deadend for jobs

wish i was rich so my parents could pay for everything for me while i get a PhD in Medieval History

>> No.6566250

>Not wanting to pursue a career in psych
>Still have a job as a research assistant

I hate you, I need a research assistant position so bad if I want to get that sweet PsychClinD but there were no openings anywhere.
Give me your job.

>> No.6566941
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entertainment design

i.e. concept art for film n vidya n shit

>> No.6566965


>> No.6566990

Your degree will look nice over the sizzling burgers you flip for a living.

>> No.6567001

Geography here too. I start after summer, i'm hoping I'll like it.

>> No.6567039

this one but then upgrading to contractor after getting journeyman if I want more money

>tfw 3-4 years of payed on the job training vs. paying to study for however many years

>> No.6567110

Philosophy, logic and scientific method at London School of Economics.

>> No.6567127

I'm majoring in theoretical physics, minoring in economics.

>> No.6568555

In Norway we have secondarry schools where we learn the very basics of stuff, e.g i learnt a lot about electronics my first year, computer electronics my second year, and space technology (a lot of advanced computer electronics) my third year, which gives me a solid foundation for robotics. This way i can go hardcore ironman right after robotics BSc.

>> No.6568622

I studied art history and linguistics at a low top-25 univerity. I did an unrelated paid internship in a boring corporate environment for six months after graduating. denied their full time offer because I would have killed myself working their any longer. accepted offer to go to grad school for "human-centered design and engineering" but I don't want to spend the money for it, so now I'm putting off telling them I'm not coming (they didn't require deposit, lolz) and looking for a new job.

I consider my choice of major to be a big mistake. even if you don't like cs or engineering or whatever, it's good to make $70k while suffering. now I'm lucky if I have a chance to suffer to make $40k. fuck.

>> No.6568628



>> No.6568631

Studied film. Now I'm a financial analyst. Make about 60k. I credit being a white male with an ability to bullshit for my success.

>> No.6568643


how exactly did you end up doing that? just started in a training program or lower position and work your way up?

>> No.6568650

Business admin with a minor in law

>> No.6568653

that could be said about every degree/trade in this thread
post a fit, fuccboi

>> No.6568674

architecture @ su soa

>> No.6568693

Started out at lower position. Most people I worked with were brain dead old people so wasn't hard to shine. Worked hard when it mattered otherwise didn't do to much. Became friends with the right bosses and now I do slightly harder work but to be honest it's pretty boring excel fill in the blank stuff. I occasionally get to boss people around though which is fun. If i had to compete with someone that was smart and knew finance I'd probably get fucked.

>> No.6571083


>> No.6571149
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Ma niggas.

>> No.6571162

I'm a NEET that sits at home and reads philosophy and classic literature all day. Does that count for anything?

>> No.6571180
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Mechanical Engineering.
Where should I move once I graduate?

>> No.6571191

Psychology, mainly cognitive behavioral therapy

>> No.6571220


>> No.6571256

I studies mech eng. but never took my job search seriously, so I always end up taking AutoCAD jockey jobs whenever I need some cash. It's mindless shit, but kind of like a video game.

I think it would be best to find a company that looks interesting, move to wherever they are, and then pester them continually until they find a position for you. It's not like CS, where there are loads of opportunities available. If you just wait for opportunities, you'll probably end up with something shitty.

>> No.6571262

was meant as reply to


>> No.6571584

spanish philology

>> No.6571593

Biology, going for honours neuroscience.

>tfw poor forever unless I write popsci

>> No.6571596

anyone know any GIS?

>> No.6571623
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archaeology.. I like to examine large bones

>> No.6571666

Nah, yo. You can become a translator.

Me? I'm studying computer information systems, and then I'm gonna get my MBA later on for dat dere corporate rank-rising own all you plebeians masterrace

>> No.6571674

>all these future starbucks employees

yep just solidyfying my thought to never take advice from /fa/ since you are all too retarded to get a real degree.

>> No.6571681


>sir, why are you not le stem master race???

>*tips fedora*

>> No.6571689

fedorators aren't nearly smart enuf 2 do stem they just do sumb shit
lmao enjoy ur burgers bich :))))

>> No.6571697


have a good day fellow classy gent!

>> No.6571712

Literally just qualified as a pharmacist today.

>> No.6571716

This is late, but I figured the business minor would help as I will eventually take over two of my father's companies one day.

>> No.6571802

dis nigga knows

>> No.6571804

Does anyone know what it would take to become a successful hedge fund manager ? It's always been a dream of mine

>> No.6571836

have a rich as fuck uncle who knows the right people, go to an ivy league.

>> No.6571843

>ivy league
nah, it's all about stanford and mit now, bro

>> No.6571860

Dat cs degree + Silicon Valley = game over

>> No.6571881

Any degree from Stanford or MIT will give you opportunities for the Silicon Valley, though

>> No.6571906
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Taking criminology atm, writing my LSAT in the fall. Hoping to get into environmental law.

>> No.6572009

Architecture at ETH

>> No.6572037
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I'm not very smart, I'm heading down the same road.

>hating life mustard race

>> No.6572073

>tfw actually somewhat intelligent, graduated from university with a good gpa but have zero motivation and the most beta personality ever so will probably end up in a similar position

>> No.6572095
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I could consider myself "somewhat intelligent", but I'd just end up doing the same thing as you. Graduating with a good GPA and doing jack shit with it.

Welding/plumbing, here I come.

>> No.6572115

welding is p cool though

>> No.6572116


Hey, look on the bright side, at least that's quite a decent salary and there's always demand for it.

>> No.6572126

Comp sci

shits a fucking nightmare but I know if I knuckle down Il end up with a decent job. Cant explain it to normal people so I just say a mix of english grammar and learning another language.

>> No.6572348

>tfw wasn't able to get into Stanford nor Harvard for undergrad
Should I commit Seppuku

>> No.6573744

No, it's okay. Everyone fails in life at something occasionally, however the strong and powerful learn from their mistakes and use them to facilitate success. If you are diligent you can do just as well as those Harvard and Stanford grads!