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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 374 KB, 1200x1200, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6532098 No.6532098 [Reply] [Original]

from /fa/tty to /fa/shion

Anyone else have success stories?

>> No.6532109

Also more like fat to skinny fat

>> No.6532108

i know im going to get downvoted to oblivion but i hate those type of outifts in right pic
it juts looks so weird
like idk

>> No.6532111
File: 29 KB, 307x346, Le Ironic Shitposting Face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6532113

you looked fine before
this boards "culture" is so fucking stupid lmao

>> No.6532121
File: 26 KB, 500x349, 1366261366590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6532122

I agree
I would prefer you with a little bit more weight.

But whatever makes you more confident, I guess.

>> No.6532123

hnnf legs

captcha: otherwife dopphre

>> No.6532134


>> No.6532138

nice pins you slag

but you dress like someone from dazed and confused

>> No.6532136

I don't know what it is about high waisted shorts, but I just hate them.
Def look better than before, though.

>> No.6532149

looked hotter before tbh

>> No.6532151

She looks way fucking better than before, good for her.

>> No.6532155

>skinny fat
Yeah no

>> No.6532156

why did i smile i that,holy shit i need to die.

>> No.6532159

being skinny doesn't make you instantly /fa/. pls lurk more.

>> No.6532174

left reminds me of my best friend

love that fat bitch 2 death <333

extreme danny you should change your name to extreme clammy since your breath smells like rotten shellfish from sucking so much smegma encrusted dicks also you have crabs

>> No.6532182

pls be in nj

captcha necessary woodcocks

>> No.6532184

the (hopefully) more recent photo of you reminds me of a girl who wants to suck my cock

>> No.6532193


>> No.6532196

Pls be in toronto

>> No.6532223

short thick girls make my dick so hard
not effay tho

>> No.6532240
File: 20 KB, 298x448, lily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf you look you like lily.

>> No.6532247

the only reason for girls to dress themselves is to make dicks hard so it is by definitin

>> No.6532253

gb2reddit pls

also your friend emilie isnt even that pretty

>> No.6532255

I kno dis f33l
Is liek "hey gurl I got a chubby 4 u b"
U got it? "Chubby"
Top kek namsayan?

>> No.6532268

So unfunny

>> No.6532297

who is funny on this board
no one

>> No.6532304

Don't have any pictures, but I've lost 85 pounds the past year. Lifting at maintenance right now to gain more strength, then going to start a bulk in mid-August

>> No.6532314

was that supposed to be funny? im not laughing like not even a smirk or a chuckle or anything

1.2/10 is the best i can give you

next time tone it down a little ok? :/

>> No.6532324


who is actually funny

>> No.6532320

*raises hand and smirks*

>> No.6532385

i like to think im p funny

>> No.6533289
File: 60 KB, 644x375, 2011 post.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.6533350

Let's take it from the top.
-Got a dumbass hat.
-Lost the shades
=Hairstyle hasn't improved much
=Still can't do your eyebrows well
+Looks like your pig nose isn't as noticeable
+Fixed the underbite and stopped mouthbreathing
+Lost the unnecessary accessories
=Still can't utilize pushup bras
-Color choices are very questionable
=Can't comment on backside, slight negative because you could just be holding the fat back with bulldog clips.
=Still accentuate your hips
+++Lost quite a bit of weight without noticable stretchmarks
=Shoes are still meh

>> No.6533409

fuck that noise.

dont listen to these fags, you look way better now.
good job.

>> No.6533456

>fuck that noise

this is a person who wants other people to take them seriously.

>> No.6533467

I think you're definitely prettier now that you lost weight, but I think I'm missing the part where you became fashionable. Your clothes, shoes, and hair look completely average.

>> No.6534714

>+Fixed the underbite and stopped mouthbreathing
b-but it can't be fixed after development stages lel

>> No.6534730

this is just copied from leddit
op is not in image lel

>> No.6534748

making fun of fedoras is more socially crippled than the people who wear them, cuckold

>> No.6534755

this was funny to me

>> No.6534791

hate to bump this shit thread, but i am.

>> No.6534809

Top leo, fuck off Extreme Danny you fat ugly piece of shit. If you don't like this board stop wasting your life lurking it.

>> No.6534811

Fuck off you fat piece of shit.

>> No.6534814

That's because they're usually the slutty ones and you know that all you can get is some chick with the clap and low standards.

>> No.6534818

That sort of thinking is why half of the niggers in America are fat.

>> No.6535224

pls be in toronto

>> No.6535310

Braces can change it slightly or corrective surgery

>> No.6535513

fuck off /ck/

>> No.6535524

honestly though you looked like a qt before and now u look boring

>> No.6535536

from /fa/tty to /fuccgirl/ :)))))))))))))


>> No.6535554

I like both of these pictures
well excpet that black dress is kinda shit but in other clothes nah mean?

>> No.6535572

chubby chaser but if yo ureally think that it's probably becuase black is a god tier color to wear if you're a redhead.

>> No.6535587
File: 82 KB, 610x520, 1374345803984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6535599

you had such a cute face before.

>> No.6535600

Couple of fucking losers trying to keep women fat and hating themselves in order to get them easier.

>> No.6536080

I love FA because the kids who make these comments are the same kids dressed in desert boots and khakis with zero game and a mint condition virginity card who are complaining about why attractive girls don't like them. All these Madonna Whore complexes.

>> No.6536095

lost 31lb so far since June 1st, very easy

>> No.6536369

If by fashion you mean looking like every wannabe hipster girl in Portland then sure (in all seriousness it looks fine. Just not particularly unique or anything)

But good job on the weight loss. While I usually don't mind a little chub, your slim body suits you better.

>> No.6536784

what did you do?

>> No.6536806

Facial expression and clothes of the left.
Body of the right pic.

10/10 cute

>> No.6537385

Good job man. I'm about to hit 35lbs any day now myself. It really is easy as shit.

>> No.6537553

gtfo my /fa/

>> No.6537556

Kill yourself.

>> No.6537558

I'd say cute on left, looking insecure on right.

>> No.6537583


get your culture faggotry back to reddit

>> No.6537777

So easy.

>> No.6538604

she lost the shades because she was inside, you can't count that as a negative.

Her outfit is a total negative though it looks like she is trying entirely too hard to look artistic.

>> No.6538686
File: 684 KB, 988x541, Screen Shot 2013-07-21 at 3.23.26 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat wat

>> No.6538704

Not skinny fat dude but skinny fat means you have next to no muscle definition

>> No.6538722

no pics because i don't take any of self
>went from 215~lbs around age 16
>in one summer dropped 60 lbs down to 155lbs
>showed that I used to be fat - stretch marks, loose skin, and gyno
>now 20 and at 140lbs and 5'11
>still feel like a fat piece of shit with stretch marks etc

I have a feeling I'll never be satisfied with my body, and no matter what I do i feel fat

>> No.6538723

>you look hotter before

The fuck? No way
Chick went from average pass every day
To potential gf qt3.14

The down side is, its usually because they have a bf to dress for

>> No.6538731

50 kg loss, so 110 pounds

>> No.6538747


damn that's night and day man. congrats

>> No.6538754

Thanks, I'm still overweight but because of my height and build it doesn't really show, I still need to lose like 10-15 kg.

>> No.6538767

dat morning wood

>don't worry I am a girl

>> No.6538771

you're trying too hard GEO

>> No.6538776

keep going man. looking good. you've made it this far

>> No.6538781

Lol if it, but nah just a weird sitting on dem cheep drop crotches,

mourning wood ;)

>> No.6538813

+1 for high waist shorts

>> No.6538928

saw this on reddit last night lmao
(no i don't use mfa)

>> No.6538994


>> No.6539010

I know i cant be the only guy who finds high rise shorts and skirts fucking so unattractive :|

>> No.6539063


fuck off you red dit piece of shit

>> No.6539084

Maybe you could have read the actual thread and noticed like 2 other people mentioning that?

>> No.6540068
File: 195 KB, 930x1276, 530oJa7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

105 kg on the left, about 80 on the right. Sorry about the cropping.

>> No.6540097

doin the lord's work

>> No.6540113

Nice job , man.

fa forced me to lose weight and it has been great so far. Still a bit to go, though.

>> No.6540116

u look very g man

>> No.6540126


>> No.6540128

aw shit is this motherfucking Kraken?

>> No.6540130

hey man i recognise those trousers and belt
they from H&m lel
nice work doe

>> No.6540135

Nah the belt is from Levi's but the shirt is from H&M.

>> No.6540134


>> No.6540148

How tall are you?

>> No.6540155

About 1.83, why?

>> No.6540162

I'm trying to gain weight myself and I want to build frames of reference. Thanks.

>> No.6540183

SVEA snälla

>> No.6540188

Flygis snälla.

>> No.6540186

>dkn ingen SVEA pv

>> No.6540193

>dkn du kommer aldrig vara så sexig som SVEA

>> No.6540191

naw, he's too scurred to reveal himself

doesn't even comment on my fits smh

>> No.6540213


>dkn SVEA är sexig som tjockis

brb, killing self

>> No.6540233
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 34545322632462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6 feet 180 lbs and still feel like a I'm huge

take my life

>> No.6540239
File: 29 KB, 500x410, tumblr_li89s1kGyw1qfyncko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6540244

>a goodlooking fatty
Thats it I'm fucking offing myself

>> No.6540245

i'm 5'11 and 124
fucking fatasses

>> No.6540252


>being fat
>still handsome

I'm killing myself soon, feels like I'm the only uggo on here. Only weighing 15 kg more than optimal and yet I look pure shit.

>> No.6540253

but I looked like an ogre

>> No.6540255

how much of that 80kg is muscle

>> No.6540259

too little

>> No.6540267


Maybe it's your choice of clothing that makes it... Not as if you're wearing brony Tees and looking autistic. Plus, still nice skin. I'm a skinny guy with only a slight belly, but my shit skin makes me unattractive regardless of bodyily shape.

btw, You'd look more tough/kick-ass if sporting that buzzed cut (from 1st pic) with your current body.

>> No.6540273
File: 985 KB, 650x887, WL2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all fairness it was a pretty bad outfit, but I see your point. I dressed pretty autistically when I was in my mid teens and a metalhead, sporting socks+sandals and metal shirts every day.

Here's me with a buzz cut which I love having because it's so effortless to manage, but I just think I look way better with some hair.

>> No.6540276

You went from a tank of power to a skinny hipster

>> No.6540278

>it's so effortless to manage


>showering without the need to pat dry/blow dry hair

I have hair down to my shoulders (~2 years of saving + regularly visiting hairdresser) and hate showering 'cuz of it... But I guess it's worth it when the hair is dry.

>> No.6540287

/fit/ pls go

>> No.6540295

u look a lot better with the buzz imo
your long floppy 'metrosexual' hair looks kinda homo compared to this strong masculine cut, really brings out ur features too

no homo

>> No.6540305

Kind of fucked up to say (due to encouraging eating disorders), but this proves the theory that everybody would look much more attractive if they were skinnier

>> No.6540307

>Kind of fucked up to say (due to encouraging eating disorders)

Not really. If you got so fat you were probably not eating properly or exercising enough.

>> No.6540320

I wish you kept the thick ass.

>> No.6541322
File: 117 KB, 825x1000, mecomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, /fa/. I went from 210lbs of fat and long haired metalhead to 140lbs. Now I need to pack on some muscle (which I'm working on).

>> No.6541328



>> No.6541333

did like, nobody notice this?!

>> No.6541345

How tall though? I'd go for the short back and sides if I were you

>> No.6541347


Thanks man

>> No.6541352


I'm 5"8. Not tall at all. But it's about average for a guy in Bongland, so I do just fine when I'm out in public

>> No.6541355 [DELETED] 

take my babies

>> No.6541357

lelder remember how bad u are as a trip then continue with ur day

>> No.6541376

Will you have my babies please?

>> No.6541569

saw this bitch on reddit. But I will share mine, was about >220 lbs in 8th grade. By the time I graduated high school was >160 lbs. Now 4 years later I am like 168-170. Also 6' 3"

>> No.6541679

Fun fact : Your eyes and mouth on the left pic actually remind me of Shrek.

>> No.6541836

No it doesn't

>> No.6541870


>> No.6541968

You look a lot less than 134

>> No.6541994

Am I the only one who thinks this guy looks like half downs

>> No.6542097
File: 250 KB, 1159x995, transformme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

120 kg on the left 68 on the right
was a hard time

>> No.6542108

what did you do about your large forehead ?

>> No.6542117

It got smaller when I lost weight

>> No.6542122

I'd stick my rock hard cock in that before and after.

>> No.6542128

good job m8

>> No.6542130

thanks man

>> No.6542124


>> No.6542125

Looking really good

>> No.6542135

That's amazing man, well done :)
You look black in the right picture haha

>> No.6542138

you posted a photo of you sideways almost. Sitting on a corner or bench ect. You doin real good man.

Could you post it again

>> No.6542144

I got a fucking tan working that time lol
Thanks dude wish I got the operation money for the loose skin tho :(

>> No.6542147


>> No.6542149

this is hard to take in, congrats man

>> No.6542168

Thanks dude. It was also hard to getting out of the fatty mentality...

Yeah fucking Toshiba. Now I'm using Dell.

>> No.6542182

She was cuter than before. She is an ugly skinny girl, and she dresses poorly.

>> No.6542191

i get that.

it took so much effort to stop seeing food as a reward and comfort.

after that i dropped pounds like a sack of potatoes

>> No.6542195

she probably got some muscle.

>> No.6542200

Food can still be a comfort, but you need to take the comfort in creating something wholesome and tasty for yourself. That's more satisfying than anything.

>> No.6542214

Get fat again, I like those curves.
I'd bang the hell out of you.

>> No.6543625


What the, im a manlet who is your height but weight 20-25lbs less

you look way thinner than me

>> No.6543630


please size up one or two on your pants, they look ridiculously tight in the top block

>> No.6543635

try exercise

>> No.6543700

Ive lost 40 pounds over the past few months. I weighed about 210 in early april and I'm at 170 now, give or take a few. (5'12" tall)

All diet and the only exercise is skateboarding. Lately Ive been becoming kind of anorexic... I really don't want to stop losing weight. I just want to be skinny as fuck and then remove every single hair on my body.

Still havent bought clothes because I dont want to spend my hard earned money on /fa/ shit that I'll be to skinny for in a month or 2.

Fat loss is a hell of a drug...

>> No.6543794

haha yeah you should kill yourself or something?

>> No.6543824

>pushup bra

>> No.6543859

why dont you just browse /b/?

>> No.6543900

wow u were amazing fat..

>> No.6543950

no lol

>> No.6543948

made my night. keep at it, man.

>> No.6543952

you look so much better! not to skinny at all, just right pretty much.

>> No.6544025

you just look like a fuckin neckbeard on the left.

>> No.6544034

god i love these threads, keeps me going. in the middle of improving myself as well, was 240 lbs 6' in february, down to 200 and just starting my first week of ketosis. already had alot of muscle so every 10 pounds off looks like a whole new me. will be sure to post before and after when i hit my target weight. people already tell me i have great facial structure. feels so good man.

>> No.6544350
File: 992 KB, 1632x1224, Progress.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lost about 7-8 kilos.
Slept more, skipped meals, ate meat, veggies, fruits.
Currently hit a plateau so I have to start exercising.My biggest fear is that I'll still look like a skinny-fat piece of shit with a big belly at the end.

>> No.6544359
File: 2.10 MB, 3264x2448, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also dress like shit now

>> No.6544401

OP how much did you lose?

>> No.6544406


>> No.6544429
File: 121 KB, 339x215, beforeandafter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty pleased tbh.

>> No.6544445


>> No.6544463
File: 99 KB, 500x723, tumblr_mpuypbIhWV1qhlw4do2_r1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that just from growing or did you actually work at losing weight?

>> No.6544475

Worked on losing the weight, Overhauled my diet and started going to the gym.

>> No.6544497

nice1 m9 (y)
Had a friend who went from you A to B doing nothing but eating fast food and playing Xbox, it was weird.

>> No.6544549

>Also dress like shit now

>> No.6544578

like the fit

>> No.6544627


>> No.6544852

>Implying it's not a shit fit

>> No.6544919

where can i buy that sweat shirt and for how much?

>> No.6545077


Sold out everywhere though.

>> No.6545465

well your not /fa/
but congrats on your weight loss
go to /fit/ or /soc/

>> No.6545477

u become an ugly morrissey?

top smiths haha

>> No.6545743

How did you change race?