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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 188 KB, 1023x1294, simon dreamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6541687 No.6541687 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't you a male model yet?

>> No.6541711

because i am hideous

>> No.6541716

because i am not tall enough

>> No.6541729

mfw 5'8

>> No.6541738

Because Im mixed... and male

>> No.6541746


5'8'' master race...r-right guys?

>> No.6541753

>not handsome

>> No.6541758
File: 1.40 MB, 245x250, simon lips color.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no Simon dicksucking lips

i wish the lord would take me now

>> No.6541776
File: 103 KB, 252x339, Bert is mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6'5" and week cheekbones

>> No.6541811

because my alcoholism prevents me from having a flat stomach and I have a somewhat weak chin. I could workout and get a chin implant and probably be a model, though. 6'2'', thin bone structure, long legs, above average face, perfect mahogany hair, toned body (sans vodka gut)

>> No.6541815

but i am

>> No.6541827

There are so many attractive people on /fa/. A lot of guys here really do have potential. Hell, even some of the girls that have posted seem to have some potential.

>> No.6541829


post pic

>> No.6541835
File: 39 KB, 630x471, Photo on 13-07-19 at 11.47am.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6541841

>TFW you're too ugly to model and you're male height.
>That sickening, heinous feel where you are disgusted by your mere existence and all you can do is stare at yourself in the mirror until your self image is literally distorted.

>> No.6541845

Please have lots of children one day. These features are worthy of being passed down.

>> No.6541862

Because I have a prominent forehead, hairline recession, underbite and flat midface. Those are the only reasons. Everything else in my body is perfect.

>> No.6541869

No there aren't. Look at "what are you wearing today" threads. Full of asians and losers.

>> No.6541894

because i'm 5'9

>> No.6541901

kinda yes, kinda no.

>> No.6541925

ITT: delusional people

>> No.6541924
File: 38 KB, 500x594, 1339509436696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is... why aren't you a model male yet?

>> No.6541929

oh and 6'3 masterrace reporting in.

>> No.6541934

Because I'm not attractive enough or tall enough?
the fuck kinda question is this

>> No.6541937

not tall enough

>> No.6541945

it's worse the other way around trust me

>> No.6541954

because i'm too lazy to go to open calls

>> No.6541957

b-but I am

>> No.6541980

It doesn't get much worse than this. But if you're telling the truth and you're right, God help you.

>> No.6541989

Just imagine being rather good looking but the fact that your legs are 5cm too short holding you back.

>> No.6542001

6'1 and not bad looking

but doubt I could model

>> No.6542010

Just get a short girl. All my friends are around five foot flat. There are a lot of short women out there.
>TFW I'm nine inches taller than my friends

>> No.6542021

I've got a gf
I thought you were talking about modelling..?

>> No.6542049

>mfw half nigger but still decent looking, 6'2, slim, prominent bone structure all around
>mfw no face

I consider myself like a 8/10 on the nigger scale, but even a 10/10 on nigger scale equates to 6/10 on every other race's scale. A man can dream...

>> No.6542058

post a picture

there are some black models

>> No.6542093

The most recent pic I have of myself was over a year ago. In that time I lost like 30 pounds and my face had gotten more definition. Went from 180 to 150ish, which was a bit skinnier than I wanted but eh. Might take one just to post.

>> No.6542187

If you are 5'9+ you can be a print/commercial model.

6'0-6'2" for runway though.

>> No.6542224

>tfw could be male muddle
>been offered by agencies
>said no
>did what I love and became an artist

Search my name up if you want "Joel Sammut"
The money im making now isnt as good, but I really do love it and im located in the most /fa/ city in my opinion(london).

Never goin back to America

>> No.6542232
File: 88 KB, 960x736, 831_10151132942665899_2127922533_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture of me for the people who are lazy to look up my name

>> No.6542236

you look basic to me, what agencies contacted you?

>> No.6542250

The big ones I can remember were soul artist managment from NY, and when I relocated to London I got contacted by storm model managment when they saw me open up my shop. The rest were small no names when I searched them up

>> No.6542263

honestly it's really hard to keep a 24 inch waist.

i'm 6'0 and 125lbs, but my measurements are stuck at 34-25-35. i don't see the point of trying if I'm not the industry standard.

>> No.6542277

you have a long face, FUCK...so it doesnt matter if your handsome or not, all you need is a long face to be muddle status?

>> No.6542299

I've been told by surprisingly attractive and trustworthy people I should be a model, but I'm not thin enough, and acne tablets stunted my growth to 5'11" when I was meant to be a projected 6'2"… Working on the slimming though.
I'd love to do some modelling for some local labels at Uni. That'd just be so flattering and fun.

>> No.6542309

post a picture,

>> No.6542325

>acne tablets stunted my growth to 5'11"
get the fuck out of my internet you retard

>> No.6542339

Whats with the awkward angle, post another picture

>> No.6542340


fuck of you self hating cunt

>> No.6542356

my jaw and teeth are shit tier. and even if i got them fixed i probably wouldn't be attractive enough. but i'd be significantly more attractive

>> No.6542358

baby I got dat balding

>> No.6542354

just search my name on googl

>> No.6542383



You're actually Joel's mate who's jelly of him, i remember your crybaby post on here a couple of months back

>> No.6542384


>Adonis Bosso

>> No.6542459

Literally, the key to being a model is having a face that looks different, that way it makes you want to look at them.

That guy definitely looks different.

>> No.6542467
File: 43 KB, 640x480, meh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already considering. Can't do much with it but don't wanna get a bland buzz. Need some kind of style that fits this hair type.

Not self hating though. There aren't many blacks (as far as I know) that are well known models.

He is glorious indeed.

>> No.6542468

If you've ever seen the post faces threads, you'd know the other anon is right.

>> No.6542470

*mole model

>> No.6542484

you got that tomato nose

>> No.6542482

I modeled, turned out I wasn't great at it, I quit and found something I did better.

>> No.6542483

Holy shit my webcam quality is worse than I thought. My bad.

>> No.6542495

Well aware. It's the first thing I notice in the mirror everyday. About the only thing I really wish I could change on my face. Nothing a nosejob can't fix I guess.

>> No.6542505

Because I am female, also acne.

>> No.6542510
File: 297 KB, 800x1132, Axel Serine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol no

>> No.6542525


Don't. Take pride in your crazy nose my mulatto brother.

>> No.6542521

I did print modeling as a teenager. I was a manlet back then though, I'm tall now so I can try to do runway but I'm not interested.

>> No.6542543

Because I am short and ugly.

>> No.6542552

Do you ever post on /ic/?

>> No.6542559

>what is good lighting?

My features aren't that amazing but can easily be seen with that kind of lighting and my hair pulled back.

>> No.6542562

ITT guys that think be a male muddel will guarantee getting an influx of pussy.

>> No.6542591

because the majority are fags and disgusting people

also i do not want to wear make up like a slut

>> No.6542618


I also remember this

"everyone fell in love with him and he got the job in stead of me"

hahahaha that post was funny

>> No.6542635

I'm 2handsome

>> No.6542639

Why are you so bitter? `

>> No.6542642


>> No.6542651

lmao um how new r u???

most ppl want 2 b a muddle 4 free garms

>> No.6542682


You get shit pay and most people won't recognize you. I know some people who participated in last years Fashion Week in NYC, all they got was shitty pay and sometimes people would recognize them if they got lucky as they worked their regular jobs at starbucks. 5 of them sleep in the same ONE ROOM apartment. There's 3 beds, two sleep together on the same bed.

>> No.6542771

Then they should start acting like it.

>> No.6542979
File: 163 KB, 1490x1000, Man of Feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acne at 25
>round nose
>not pretty enough
>160 lbs.

It could always be worse, though. My acne is under control and now I need to get rid of my hyper pigmentation.