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File: 917 KB, 3648x2736, ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6510845 No.6510845[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

trying to shake this addiction to adderall.
anyone ever gone through it or similar stimulants?

i thought id just feel tired, but i also felt achey and just like shit over all.
i couldn't sleep, despite being incredibly tired, and i was freezing. if i put on a sweater id start sweating and being too hot.

i was getting really bad back and shoulder pains too.
so i decided to take an adderall, and now i feel 100% better.

is it best to taper off slowly?
i'm aksing here because i know half of you are addicts.

>> No.6510850

flush the pills down the toilet
thats what I did
then again I had an extra onus to do it cuz my parents would sneak that shit into my food


>> No.6510851

I would recommend washing it down with some alcohol, writing some holy mackerel, actual or factual.

I just hope your dick is like the strap on a satchel, or else taking a capsule might be a hassle.

>> No.6510864

god I love adderall, not only does it make it incredibly easy to lose weight but it makes exercising so rewarding. It sucks you are addicted, I would taper off slowly then use it only occasionally when there is something big you wanna do. I biked a century (100 km) a week ago, going an average of 25 kph on adderall and afterwards I was barely tired.

>> No.6510876

if you have a gf, fuck her in the mouth and wash it down with tabasco, that should clear you up

>> No.6510886

i actually sold most of what i had left, but of course i need to keep some on deck because my job may depend on it. i'd still rather take them than pound energy drinks.

>tfw blue balls like an Avatar

what i'm hoping is that i can get to a point where adderall actually WORKS and not just makes me feel normal again.

>> No.6510894

Fuck man, update your shit jeez that crap annoys me! Even if it is just iTunes or some camera compatibility shit.

>> No.6510900

what's the problem?
you talking about the picture quality?

it's a shit camera.

>> No.6510904

No your appstore icon

>> No.6510908

thats not even the ops picture you newfaf

>> No.6510912

Stop lying, that picture is old as fuck.

>> No.6510919

Fuck you niqqa

>> No.6510927

yea that shit pisses me off too but i don't upgrade most things because i'm always working and to restart kills a lot of time. it may not seem like it, but it does when you're using and running things in five programs.
that was just a loaner when mine was getting fixed, and it had the newest OS which is just such bullshit. so many notifications popping up and you can't disable it.
a bar would slide over the top right of the screen saying "YOU HAVE UPDATES TO INSTALL" and youd have to click to close it, and then the appstore would open. and when i did install them, there was magically more that needed to installed 2 days later.

>> No.6510933

yea i took it though.
i think it was like Feb or March

>> No.6510944
File: 124 KB, 499x634, Edward-Furlong-edward-furlong-21846125-499-634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a fashion board full of teenagers. What the fuck do you think you're doing asking this here?

Also, I've been taking it myself for the past 5 months or so, I'm pretty sure there's no way to be addicted to it. The worst that happens when you're off it is being more hungry and oversleeping. It's not meth, you fucking pansy.


>> No.6510952

Wow that is right, just checked the exif.
My apologies.

>> No.6510955

I don't know how you're addicted to it. I'm addicted to the effects of it because it removes fatique and keeps me more aware of what's going on, if that makes sense. Also it helps me stay awake and I can just keep popping if I want to stay up for a long time as well as lessening appetite. No downsides or anything to the XRs.

>> No.6510972

what does the exif show?
i never understand how to cancel that stuff so i saved the pic with photoshop hoping it'd erase any personal info.

and does anyone know about what info shows up in the exif on iphone pics that are emailed?

posts like this are actually helpful, because i keep telling myself i'm not addicted.
the problem is it's been like a year and i keep taking more and more. when i don't take it i need caffeine to even have a chance of seeming alive.

>> No.6510974

it used to do that.
but now it just kinda does nothing.
it's weird, i can wake up in the morning, and type coherent, meaningful sentences, but once i take adderall things start coming out like this.

>> No.6510978

>implying you cant get addicted to simple meds

my friend was taking some anti anxiety pills, tried to quit cold turkey and got sick as fuck. doc told him to wean off it

>> No.6510988

It can cause episodes of psychosis.

>> No.6510990


lmao fuck off junkie go blow a hobo

>> No.6511000
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I used it for years, OP. That and Ritalin.
Coming off of it was incredibly difficult and it took me over a year to regain normal mental function. I'm still not the same, but at least I can get excited about things and not sleep all day.
Worst part of withdrawal took me about 6 months, I hurt all the time and had to relearn basic shit like being proactive about things or handling emotions like a proper human being who hasn't spent the last ten years on speed (doctor recommended or no, it fucks with your development).
The hardest thing, an something I still struggle with nearly a decade later, is my interests. My hobbies and passions seemed dead to me when I stopped taking adderall. It took a long time for my brain to recover and be able to see the joy in things again.
I was also a terrible asshole for several months.

But this is after years of heavy use. YMMV.

Adderall is not a joke. There's a reason it's illegal in some countries.

>> No.6511006

are there any drugs you use now?

>> No.6511029

i guess the positives are i dont have too many hobbies.
when you quit did you just stop or did you taper?
did you ever get back on them once or twice?

when you say you hurt all the time what was the pain like?
today, which would have been day 2, i woke up with neck and back pains. it also kind of felt like i was having back pains in my stomach too, if that makes sense.

>> No.6511063

I take 50mg of Ritalin a day but its prescribed so how much are you fuckers taking because you're starting to freak me out

>> No.6511069

OP here and ritalin dose is a lot different from adderall. on a "bad" day i'd be taking 60 to 80mg a day off adderall. on an average day 30mg.
i'm 6'2 so 30mg isn't even excessive really

>> No.6511083

I've not read anything that's been said in this thread, as I imagine it's all bull. I'm a doctor, and just finished up a four month job in addiction and rehabilitation in Swansea (shithole), we had quite a few people on the ward in that time trying to come off stimulants, although in Swansea it's usually speed and they inject it. The principle is the same anyway - amphetamine withdrawals are long, between one and four weeks, and you will feel like shit for a lot of that. Nevertheless you have to get through it because the long term effects of amphetamine use are awful both physically and (I think) more importantly mentally. A lot of the speed guys who came in would get very serious episodes of psychosis - as though they were schizophrenic - they start to see and hear things that aren't there and become very paranoid, edgy, angry and horrible to be around. If you keep taking increasing (and they will increase if you don't stop) doses of amphetamines you will end up like this, and everyone you love and who loves you will not be able to stand to be around you. Take the his, or rather don't, and do the time. If you're in the UK your GP can refer you for our services, a few weeks in an inpatient detox unit would be very useful for you. If you're in the states, good luck with going it alone.

>> No.6511095

I take anti psychotics with my ritalin so i think i've got a good handle on things

>> No.6511096
File: 1.09 MB, 969x1431, At_Least_You_Tried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might want to get your bloodwork done, seriously, have them check your pancreas and kidneys. a boring, twisting back pain could be pancreas trouble, especially if it's a new kind of pain you've never experienced before.
It's more likely your digestive tract getting up to speed again, and may take some time, but if I were you I'd get my blood done. I'm paranoid about these things tho - I still have shit I gotta do, I can't afford to get sick or die yet.
Do you know how your dick gets all shriveled up when you take a good dose? I always felt that happening throughout my body - certain muscle groups had been literally clenched for days at time, maybe longer. You're damn right I hurt. Also, lacking certain neurotransmitters can result in pain. Stop a drug, you don't have whatever the drug mimics in your body, you feel like shit. Adderall works with dopamine and adrenaline systems, is it any wonder you feel shitty and tired?

I just kind of stopped. I've taken them again here and there but always regretted it. Once the magical 'spark' of the drug goes away, it never comes back, you've either burned out that part of your brain or it just doesn't 'convince' you anymore, if that makes sense.

Most stimulants have an effectiveness curve, a sort o parabola that ramps down to zero over time. You try taking more and more to maintain the Spark, but you just end up edgy and paranoid after a 30 minute glow (that used to last for hours). I guess I tapered a little bit, as in I stopped taking forty mgs of quick acting at a time and worked down to 20 & 10, but still - Once I take one I always want to keep it going and the end of the experience is almost always a 14 hour panic attack unless I have benzos or liquor. It never used to be like this, but over the years it became this as the parabola ground down to zero and my brain began reacting more and more strangely to it. Hyper-sensitive sometimes, completely impervious at others.

When it's time to stop, you know.

>> No.6511106

benzos are worse to get addicted to than stims, breh

>> No.6511117

Back in HS kids were snorting 100 MG lines. I've done that a few times, I had a tolerance to harder stuff and I'm surprised I'm not dead or in a wheelchair. I expect to suddenly drop dead around fifty, to be perfectly honest.
In a boarding school I went to one kid had some kind of a seizure after snorting 80 mils. It was a bit fucked up, because apparently the kids who he was hanging out with just kind of rolled him into the hallway, locked their door, called the cops and went to class.

>> No.6511128

>Do you know how your dick gets all shriveled up when you take a good dose? I always felt that happening throughout my body
well that's great.

kinda scared about the pancreas and kidney stuff now.

the only reason i took one today is because i thought it would help the pain, and it did but
>Once I take one I always want to keep it going
yep. feeling that.
not that i'm surprised, because it always happens. gonna be pretty challenging, but i'm always down for a challenge.
i'm sure this will severely fuck up my sex life?

>> No.6511132

How much have you been taking daily?

>> No.6511137
File: 360 KB, 624x1024, No_Way_Back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably won't enjoy sex the same way for a while.

This is going to be a challenge for you.
If the pain went away when you took the drug, chances are it's not your organs failing in the first place. But seriously, go get yourself checked out, have an EKG done. This stuff works your heart heavy and it's always better to be sure. Like when you dump a girl and go get tested for STD's the next day, you feel me?

>> No.6511152

on a regular day 30mg. so 3 10mg pills, but it could easily be 40 or 50.
some days id take 70 to 80 but thats rare, especially now when i work from home.

the shittiest thing is it used to help me with work. now i work better when i dont take it.
too bad my brain craves it.

>> No.6511154

If you take it everyday you really gotta be chugging water. It totally dehydrates you and makes you sweat. I had kidney pains after taking it for multiple days or working for 30+ hours in a row and not drinking enough while pissing like a race horse.

>> No.6511182
File: 122 KB, 342x380, 1367793107135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 MG
>three 10 MG pills
Uh, you do know you're taking very little, right?

People with an actual *addiction* to it take around 60-100 MG daily.

You're not addicted, you've just gotten into a routine of taking it. Jesus, stop taking it and you'll be fine, 30 isn't even a lot.

>> No.6511206

oh shit another drug thread.

hunny its all in your head. Adderall is a psychological addiction. so literally the achiness is all a manifestation of your mind. not to downplay the difficulty of overcoming mental addiction bc its gonna suck and youll be depressed lethargic lazy bored anxious angry bored bored bored and unmotivated for at least a week. after that you wont be back to NORMAL** for at least a year or 2 but it gets better each day :)

**they say uppers cause irreparable damage to brain so it wont recover completely. youll probably have more anxiety than pre addiction

also my best friend was addicted to Adderall she took 300mgs/day (seriously!) and she quit cold turkey. she laid in bed for about a week until was able to take baby steps back to normal existence.

anxiety meds are a whole diff ball game. way more serious. you could die from withdrawals. you def cannot die from Adderall withdrawals

>> No.6511218

That's nothing dude, you'll be fine.
Just drink lots of water and rest.
You are getting dependent on it, but you've still got plenty of time to bounce. How long have you taken it every day for?
I've seen people kill a whole script in 2 days, you're only just starting to see the underbelly, and you have a long way to go before you're in dangerous waters.

>> No.6511246

the 30mg a day thing is recent, and i'm happy about that.
it was 60 easily, and that was 2 XR pills, which is not a good feeling.

and it's been at least a year. started off low, but the problem is i'm pro at getting medication 'scripts so i went from having like 15 pills to 300.

>tfw 100% completion on Fallout 3 GOTY in two weeks while working and going to school

>> No.6511253

Adderall is a psychological addiction hohohoho
OP, if you quit now you will have a hard couple of weeks, if you keep being so weak minded and taking "one for the pain" as you did twice already, enjoy >>6511000

>> No.6511265

only once.

and now that i at least know it's normal to have that type of pain i'll be fine with it.

>> No.6511266

>300 a month
Jesus Christ.
A year is not too long a time but you'll certainly need to readjust. Look, do you, brother - but realize that it's not a free ride, that's all I'm saying. Once you cross certain lines, some things never fully go back to the way they were.

>> No.6511281

are you questioning my comprehensive assessment of the situation? are you questioning my knowledge? damn fool I know all there is to know about the subject at hand so you best step back before I react

>> No.6511285

Red bull

>> No.6511380
File: 121 KB, 500x750, blue lights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't sympathise with you exactly on strictly adderall-dependence-i had about two straight years of opiate abuse instead-but yeah, I can attest to that, it really kills your libido on higher dosages. it comes into your body, you let it do it's thing, then it drains out and you leave it at that-never rely on it for more than just sitting down and doing boring shit; the moment you feel you need it to do things of legitimate impact is the moment you have a major problem that 'tapering off' won't fix.
adderall for me has had essentially the same effect for both food and sex: I can recognise it, i know i should indulge at some point for my body's sake, but the core desire just isn't there. sexually I've definitely adjusted and am able to feel that basic want again but even with that eating-wise I can barely make myself get 500-600cals a day. man, look, it seriously screws up any sex life you intend on leading if you aren't judicious about your consumption. the will simply isn't there after a while.
to be honest, you just really should buck up and quit, imo. the drugs themselves in that low of a dose aren't habit forming, its the habits you form around taking them that start to really kill you inside.
mental dependence=/=physical dependence
that sounds a bit harsh, but you really need to just go cold on them, sleep a long time, drink some water, rest-it'll be rough for a week or two but it's nothing compared to that pathetic sensation of feeling as if you have to stuff yourself with stims in order to do anything.

>> No.6511436

thanks for all the advice. i understand what you're saying.

>> No.6511526
File: 152 KB, 500x741, shoulderblades, spine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again, sorry if that came of as harsh-it's just what is necessary, it really is. you'll feel so much better if you just drop it, promise :^)
sending some good luck stars your way & i hope it works out for the best, man. peace.

>> No.6511573

it didn't seem harsh to me.
makes complete sense, and was really well said.
it's not an addiction to the drug, just the "lifestyle" i've adapted from it.

>> No.6511854
File: 234 KB, 497x750, light set off by window.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's good you understand, thank you.
that was the issue I had when I was taking oxycodone. it was prescribed for medical purposes but then I just kept on ratcheting it up and ramping it up and hitting it hard to the point where I'd slam down four or five massive horsepills in one go, and on an inconsistent basis, too. bad shit. looking back, I was mentally weak and didn't have the desire to get over it until I realised that I was starting to exhibit the beginning symptoms of physical dependence, how fucked up it all was. i eventually bucked up and dumped the bottles down the kitchen disposal, but that's another story entirely.
point being, however, it's a bit of an infinitely spiralling pandora's box if you don't self-discipline, as with any augmenting substance: food, drink, gaming, and sex all spring to mind as examples.
that's an issue I'm starting to see frequently in times such as these with prescription drug abuse, personally. they have an original purpose and are meant to help you, but when taken out of that context for inappropriate purposes, the scales start to crumble. hence mental vs. physical addiction; mental addiction is still suffering but it's one that can be overtaken by the will of self. it's the life you've made around the drug that's ruining you, not the drug (myself, I realised that when I dumped all of my oxy-'oh, shit there went all of my painkillers' five minutes later-bodily it was worst few weeks of my life).
going cold is doable, and although it may seem daunting, really. you're capable. all it takes is acceptance, responsibility, and the real want to get over it. adderall isn't a hard thing leave, the hard thing is having to turn away from the plethora of outweighed benefits you've found for it in your life.

sorry for the verboseness, it's just a topic that really hits close to home. you can do it, op, just keep thoughts of faith close to you!

>> No.6512085


take some LSD or mushrooms, that should help you stay away from them

>> No.6512151
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>passions seem dead to me
I've known that feel for a year and a half now after quitting painpills, Coke and Ecstasy except Everything feels dead to me.
Like zero serotonin.

>> No.6512202

I've never had adderal or any kind of drugs in my life but it's like you're describing me in some ways

>can't enjoy or get excited for anything
>don't find any kind of pleasure out of my interests (producing music, playing vidya, guitar, etc)
>feel kind of anxious sometimes and like I'm just not feeling right
>days go by extremely fast
>sleep way too much and feel tired all day
>lazy, unmotivated
>extremely unproductive and unefficient, messy, lots on my mind
>I could keep on going

Shit /fa/, I want to enjoy life again and be "good" at things or something.

I don't even know anymore.

>> No.6512223

You are depressed

>> No.6512240

Get tested for Lyme Disease. Then start exercising. It does wonders for your grasp on life! If that doesn't majorly help, consider a low dose of Lexapro as a last result (10 mgs or less)

>> No.6512244

should've thought about that before you became a drugnerd

>> No.6512254

It'll come back, it just takes some time to rebuild. Eating healthy can make a BIG difference! Try jogging and juicing carrots and celery every day, not even shitting you. With a surplus of bioavailable nutrients your brain will have an easier time spitting out those missing neurotransmitters.

>> No.6512268

This will sound retarded, but all I want in life is to live off making music and DJing, but my possible depression/issues make me so unproductive so I never advance or get anything done, I just get more upset about the fact that I'm shit at it and can't start or finish a song.

Nothing else would matter if I could get my shit together and get better at making music, but it's like no matter how hard I try I don't advance.

I just realised it's the fucking 17th of July tomorrow and I haven't touched a swimming pool or a beach, I can't believe how it's already the middle of the summer, holy fucking shit. I can remember last summer as if it was yesterday.

>> No.6512274

Popped my last 10mg ir 4 hours ago

Fuck I wish I had more

>> No.6512284

>tfw no ganja to blaz

>> No.6512287

Ha, that's one of the reasons why I got crazy into adderall - it motivated me to dig for old records and gave me the focus to program obsolete samplers with ZIP drives for fifteen hours at a clip.
When I quit, I had to relearn how to work. My best decision in that arena was setting aside one hour every day for it and planning out each step of the songwriting process ahead of time.
It's still tough, but I'm writing far better songs than I did on adderall.

>> No.6512300

find a hobby which gets you out of the house (hiking/gardening/carpentry)

>> No.6512297

Dude, nothing is worth that feeling.

>> No.6512315

Why the fuck would I have Lyme Disease?

But maybe I should start doing exercise, I hear all this shit about it giving you more energy and making you less depressed.

>> No.6512336

>Why the fuck would I have Lyme Disease?
because you're a limey cunt m80

>> No.6512337

Look it up. It makes you tired, depressed and unmotivated and it's one of the most underdiagnosed diseases ever. Slips by untested all the time because "Why the fuck would I have lyme disease?"

A short course of antibiotics changed my life two years ago.

>> No.6512384

I don't have any rashes or marks though

>> No.6512471

>tfw now too tired to even post or read 4chan.
>tfw gonna nap
>tfw hopefully i never wake up and go to heaven with 2pac and the other gangstas who have gone before me

>> No.6512545

I've been in your shoes, OP. I experimented with concerta (time release adderall) through college, at first I was taking it for tests, then for homework assignements, then to focus, etc

Eventually I was having to decide between going to bed or taking pills, and it started to effect my relationships. I was nowhere near running out, but eventually I found myself unable to function without it. My boyfriend eventually convinced me to pour the rest of my bottle down the toilet, been clean since then.

You really can't enforce yourself to not take the pills when they're still accessible to you somehow. You can't hide them, even giving them to a friend can sometimes not work. Your best bet is to sell them all or to dump them if you want to break your habit.

>> No.6512553

Take modafinil (Provigil) to wean yourself off of it. It's slightly dopaminergic and will keep you awake. You can buy this on sketchy Indian online pharmacies with bitcoins, but it is real and you will really get the pills. The Indian brand is "Modalert."

I was addicted for over a decade. Still take it sometimes, but now that college is over and I'm in a cushier job, I can afford to downgrade to this.

Just in time too, since it tends to stop working at human dosages after a few years.

>> No.6512599

>Juicing carrots and eating celery.
I'll give it a twerl.

>> No.6512678

*time release ritalin

>> No.6512687

Are the blue ones IR or XR?
How much does it take to feel something?

>> No.6512797

Those are 10 mgs. Are they circluar and powdery? they are IR.
20 mgs is a good threshold

>> No.6512794

Juice them both together.

>> No.6512808

what are you taking them for :^)

>> No.6512839

Weight loss.

>> No.6512897


>> No.6512923

fuck yeah danny brown

>> No.6512954

w2c adderall?

>> No.6512985

if you're >18 just say you feel distracted
they'll prescribe concerta probably
say it isnt strong enough after a while
mention adderall
there you go

>> No.6513189

Could just lose your will to type correctly. I shift in between a lot.

Maybe you need a break from it. I feel as if I do sometimes.

Sounds like IR I guess. XR is capsule pills. I notice it takes around an hour to feel an effect and it's stronger/more noticeable if I personally take two in a day.

>> No.6513209

ahahaha it sounds exactly like a fucking heroine or ice addiction. fuck that.

ween yourself off it.

or, better yet, go see a fucking doctor and ask him what he thinks you should do to treat the symptoms while you go cold turkey.

>> No.6513219

how much can you sell a months perscription worth of adderall for to a dealer/as a dealer

>> No.6513236

How can I get a hold of adderall? I need some to get shit done.

>> No.6513283

i can sell hundreds at a time but i'm pro at getting 'scripts

anyway i just woke up and feel a lot better than this morning

>> No.6513289

i had one earlier but i stopped for some dumb reason so im sure i can get it again

or was that ritalin i cant remember lol

>> No.6513306

Shit, I think I watched a Vice feature on Swansea. Or something. Anyways, props for truthiness. The psychosis potential is some real shit. I got hospitalized for a week following what I guess would best be described as a mental breakdown... I've abused a dozen or so different things, and I just remind myself how crazy I was in order to try and keep away, nowadays.

>> No.6513459

Do you have a friend with asshole syndrome who's taking medication for it?
Otherwise you'll have to contact your dealer.

>> No.6513519
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>If you're in the states, good luck with going it alone.

You really had to slip that shit in at the end, didn't you you stupid fucking faggot?

>> No.6515446

If your exercising on adderall your cardiovascular system is in for some fun times in the near future. Stimulants speed up your heart to great bounds on their own, combined with exercising your will more likely than not explode and you'll end up like zyzz

>> No.6515459

>i thought id just feel tired, but i also felt achey and just like shit over all.
>i couldn't sleep, despite being incredibly tired, and i was freezing. if i put on a sweater id start sweating and being too hot.

Know you sort of understand the discomfort of PMS. That was just a joke, for the record; don't take it seriously. If I were you I would just try to take less and less and less so that you slowly become more and more independent.

>Macbook Pro
It's okay, I'm also a macfag. I also have pro.

>> No.6515511

D'you still deal, OP?

>> No.6515662

OP guaranteed fucking middle class pleb from the suburbs.

>> No.6516643

screenshot the pic in snipping tool

>> No.6516663

>board full of teenagers
>sages with image