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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 274 KB, 610x260, 330358df_waywt..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6479384 No.6479384 [Reply] [Original]

last one is 230+ posts

>> No.6479559
File: 827 KB, 1911x3368, waywt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephan Schneider

>> No.6479577
File: 354 KB, 1080x1567, IMG_20130709_103309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479576

such a shitty outfit for such nice individual items

learn to style your fits you faggot not for putting a few designer names next to it

>> No.6479583

really nice, you could even sufu this

>> No.6479585

Looks a lot better without the bomber but it's new to me :S

>> No.6479589


>> No.6479598
File: 55 KB, 640x480, This is my 'I have to drive hours in the blistering humidity so I don't want to have a heat stroke' outfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose I can try this again~

>> No.6479602

>waywt starts with two nice fits
dont blow it now /fa/

>> No.6479619
File: 270 KB, 980x653, Myfit.kek.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao are you even trying
Pic related my dope fit

>> No.6479646
File: 163 KB, 588x784, eRMVs4s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cdg chucks

>> No.6479690
File: 878 KB, 3000x4000, IMG_0613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephan Schneider
Stephan Schneider
Robert Geller

I like the fit, but learn how to stand next time man, that pose looks weird. Jacket or sweater is schneider?

>> No.6479694

sweater is schneider
Yeah I was trying to peek at the cam..

>> No.6479698

>no pants

>> No.6479707

>no sandwich
>fake geos

>> No.6479709

"Essentials: A$AP Josh"
try harder fooshbwah

>> No.6479704


ur too skinny man


rly good

>> No.6479730

looks good

>> No.6479732


No offense but how is it good? The tshirt is a good tshirt but the fit is basic and bad. Are you saying it's good because you do the same thing (wear expensive individual items but make it look basic as fuck).

>> No.6479741 [DELETED] 
File: 1.03 MB, 2560x1920, top lel 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your worst

>> No.6479748
File: 130 KB, 960x720, Picture 701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going for a run. #NSWjersey #BlacktownGoLo

>> No.6479750
File: 1.23 MB, 960x1280, 2013-07-10 19.06.33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repost. Yeah still fat but i lost 10 lbs in the past few weeks. Think I should of cuffed the pants?

>> No.6479753

how is it bad?

>> No.6479764

it's summer man, what do you want? i've seen a lot of bad fits with that t-shirt and i think the pod shorts are a nice addition to the basic silhouette. with the right footwear it's a solid summer outfit

>> No.6479769

>complaining that a long snakeprint tee and dropcrotch shorts is too basic

I bet you wear triple-lapeled tartan duffle coats and oxblood loafers on the daily

>> No.6479776
File: 160 KB, 960x1280, WAYWT July 10th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6479793

that shirt doesn't look like it fits

>> No.6479786
File: 65 KB, 180x376, waywt 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cp chukkas came 2day

>> No.6479798


>> No.6479799


it's a bit of loose fit, not rly typical of wings+horns but i kinda like that

>> No.6479821


you look like a clown

>> No.6479898

why do you need to wear a tie?

>> No.6479900

nice basic fit except for the t shirt, too large, neck too tight, try a scoop neck maybe. not too large though.

>> No.6479909

Better than your previous attempt at least.


>> No.6479928


>> No.6479961


good fit, as long as you remove the fucking hat before leaving home. w2c jeans

>> No.6480067

How happy are you with the black Raf Velcros and how do they fit? Any thing else you can tell me about them is appreciated as I'm about to cop a pair.

>> No.6480113

camera that big and you'r still taking a pic like that smh

>> No.6480119
File: 729 KB, 750x1000, DSC01119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6480124

nah mayne
but forreal your arms are like toothpicks, and the shorts look ill-fitting (i know they're drop crotch, just looks like too much fabric)

>> No.6480129


>> No.6480126


I like it, but I don't love it. Slightly ungainly proportions, but not in that good, weird, clunky sort of way. Maybe a looser pant (even with a cuff) might work.

>> No.6480127

quite nice
would prefer low tops though
also apply suncream my nigga

>> No.6480128

How are you liking the Ann Ds?

>> No.6480130

Dont like the color, all too white/offwhite

>> No.6480132

w2c good looks

would pick a darker shoe but pretty solid fit outside of that

>> No.6480133

i love this

>> No.6480138

>Should of
>Should Have

>> No.6480144

easy there jimmy neutron
>tie w/o jacket
>button down collar + tie
>flap pocket
>any pocket whatsoever with a tie
>tie an inch or two too short

seems to fit well though i guess

>> No.6480145

fuck your head is big

>> No.6480152

why would you post this
why would trip on 4chan when you're like 40
looking craggy like mount rushmore dude

>> No.6480153

We've always had a wide age range on 4chan.

>> No.6480154

get the chinos hemmed, but til then cuff

>> No.6480158

hem the jeans a little
nice jacket

>> No.6480160

swap tee
otherwise i like this

>> No.6480164


>> No.6480167

swing and a miss imo
shoes look too clunky
some labia lapels goin on
can't see textures or anything to comment

nice floor

>> No.6480172

yeah i know but you think you'd grow out of attention seeking

won't someone please think of the children

>> No.6480174

you are new dude
do you actually not know him
its not even a stupid trip celeb thing he made good posts

>> No.6480186

personally don't like it but whatever

>> No.6480201

nah i know who he is
he doesn't really make good posts he just pops up for waywt despite dressing badly

>> No.6480259

he used to post more
now he just posts late at night
you have to understand its diff for adults he literally doesn't care he just likes posting the pics for fun

>> No.6480281

You mean not goofninja?

>> No.6480285


N&F Hemp blend skinny guys

>> No.6480290


i wanted to cop those back in the day

how are they fading

>> No.6480300


They literally just arrived today

>> No.6480309

yeah fair enough i guess
i just don't really get tripping
exacerbated by him being old enough to know better

yeah rick owens 420 blaze it faggot

>> No.6480310



well post fades in 6 months 8)

>> No.6480388
File: 146 KB, 960x720, Picture 703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heading out for a cuppa.

>> No.6480397

>komme will never be your qt3.14 professor

>> No.6480459

Nice look dude. Mind telling me what you're wearing?
Are those pants denim? and what about those shoes?

>> No.6480467

literally the only trip I like.

>> No.6480479

Why dont you like shorts that go above the knee more than 1 inch?

>> No.6480502

haha i love this dude

>> No.6480525
File: 489 KB, 383x511, 06102016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


6'1" - 145lbs

Shirt size S
Sweats size M

>> No.6480533

get a longer shirt lol

>> No.6480535
File: 89 KB, 960x720, Picture 705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pants are shitty white jeans from Zara. They are denim but I'm pretty sure they're 1% elastane or something. The shoes are some Asos-brand derbies I got a couple of years ago for like $30.

You must mistake me for another.
I was arguing for short shorts years ago.

>> No.6480550


How awful. Why would you even bother posting...

>> No.6480564

auschwitz mode

>> No.6480575


fuck this dumbass, the shirt looks fine

>> No.6480585

Yes the fuck ton of pants showing looks like normal proportions.
>this guy is serious

>> No.6480591

I am intentionally distorting my silhouette with drop crotch

>> No.6480601

No shit, you're still doing it wrong.

>> No.6480606

I like this honestly.

>> No.6480623

Hat looks silly.
Everything else suits you.

>> No.6480624

Fuck your opinions. You just base them off of what everyone else tells you.

>> No.6480629

Thanks for getting back to me.

>> No.6480634

It was "run around and take care of errands" clothing. What would you suggest as an alternative then?

>> No.6480637

How can looking like you're wearing a diaper be appealing? I own drop crotch sweats myself, and there's no arguing that the silhouette is complimented by a longer shirt.

>> No.6480638

Those colors are super unflattering bro. Looking pink as fuck.

I like this.

>> No.6480642

The tie is actually perfect.

>> No.6480648

Clean your shoes.

>> No.6480662

Shut the fuck up, go back to your containment board.

>> No.6480668

Did you consider that maybe I don't want to compliment my silhouette? I am trying to fuck with your eyes

>> No.6480678

Calm down colonial

>tie w/o jacket
You can wear a tie without a jacket.
>button down collar + tie
Same as above, step it up.
>tie an inch or two too short
That is the perfect tie length, colonial.


>> No.6480935


you look like a mix of pedophile and serial killer

>> No.6481021

if that's what paedophiles look like
I'll start pretending to be 10 on forums

>> No.6481136

looser pants would work better in this fit

>> No.6481139 [DELETED] 

i'm gonna get those nazis

>> No.6481175
File: 441 KB, 259x1000, 1371550424094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this u

>> No.6481182


>> No.6481186

>how can almost showing ur dick be appealing
pls go
seriously, norms are arbitrary things picked by a society or culture
somewhere else your slim pants would seem weird af
if you can't understand this pls leave

>> No.6481194


>> No.6481199

ankles showing doesnt work w. this

>> No.6481203

jesus christ you're hot as shit do you have a tumblr or something

>> No.6481217

no, anon:(
I closed it long time ago

>> No.6481300

Those shoes really bring attention to how ridiculously large your feet are. Who cares though because your fit is better than the rest of this thread anyway.

>> No.6481304

J-James... Bond?

>> No.6481307


are those sweats from fabrixquare


>> No.6481311
File: 260 KB, 700x1109, pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6481317

Nope. Even cheaper.

On top of that - these were pulled from a lost and found bin

that's right - I found dropcrotch sweatpants in a lost and found bin

They're $30 and not even sold as drop crotch

may b if u bois r nice enuf 2 me I will tell u were 2 get

>> No.6481318

nice fit bai

>> No.6481321

Fuck off fuccboi, tell me or I'll rekt ur shit

>> No.6481330


>> No.6481332


Who are you anon? I'm intrigued

>> No.6481342


I like these


I think the shoes become the focal point and stand out too much, but it may be the angle of the picture


basic but I like it


overall shape is no go


I think you succeeded in what you're trying to do, would be nice to see shoes


no opinion because weird picture

>> No.6481349


some fuccboi

>> No.6481385
File: 282 KB, 1441x2708, me2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being pleb

>> No.6481411

Take a more level full-body view of your fit - blur the face if desired.

The perspective of your picture is someone awkwardly tall hunching to look down at you - a lot of fits are posted in such a manner and it's going to produce biased answers

>> No.6481421



>> No.6481548
File: 321 KB, 1198x786, july10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

repost from the other thread, using my second permitted

>> No.6481634

shorts are too tight imo

>> No.6481708
File: 81 KB, 593x831, Fierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hittin' da beach with ma beatches in 5!

>> No.6481719


I'd sink my face into those luscious titties.

>> No.6481992
File: 372 KB, 897x2843, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NSW supporter
fuck off cockroach

>> No.6482004

Why are you tripping?

>> No.6482017
File: 488 KB, 400x220, 198762897.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn son

>> No.6482021



>> No.6482032

You from qld bro? If so where abouts?

>> No.6482035

i love that hat. haters.

>> No.6482038

oh man are those the crazy textured acrylic/wool sweats?

i tried on the pants version at blackbird and they were sooooo comfy.

>> No.6482058

brisbane/GC, obviously

>> No.6482125
File: 1.63 MB, 3264x2448, image (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

copped these leather Gazelles at ROSS 4 like, $28

but yeah, Obey Tight fit jeans, Blvck Scvle Cinq crew, Old Navy shirt, & Decades ebbets field flannel hat.

>> No.6482144

finally got some shoes that aren't god awful

>> No.6482160
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, 1371894224655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he goes out like that

>> No.6482164

>damn he has like the perfect body to get girls his age

>> No.6482206
File: 150 KB, 705x1077, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like i'm wearing a skirt if i'm standing still

>> No.6482212


dude dont wear full swoosh

>> No.6482213

where are your thighs faggot
get some layering

>> No.6482215

yea i was worried about that but i'm not really planning to be stopping and talking to people mid run so they can see it anyway
i like my thigh size how big do you want them to be

>> No.6482216


>> No.6482221

i got them but these shorts are double layered i got some other shorts i think i'd prefer the tights with otherwise i'll look like a teenage girl in a netball outfit with these shorts
i dunno

>> No.6482224



>> No.6482241

lovely fit

>> No.6482250

just a weeeeee bit of a fuccboi tho

>> No.6482253

thx you bae

knew i would get this, how so?

>> No.6482284

toss the hat

>> No.6482291

It's a decent fit. You're biased to the dumbass expression

Get into the habit of looking at people as coathangers in these threads

If it's so much an issue - put your thumb over the person's face

>> No.6482303


take the hat off and this is p okay

>> No.6482308
File: 2.26 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hypebeast has the brown ones for sale on my size (28) right now.
They look great in person, it feels like pilled wool, comfycore as fuck.
I need to clean my mirror, sorry.

>> No.6482309


wow is that dude gay or is that dude gay

>> No.6482314

Chill the fuck out dude I was only asking.

>> No.6482315
File: 916 KB, 2572x2811, geller shorts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


By the way how do the pants fit?

>> No.6482316

I had horrible hair from wearing a hat earlier during class, so i just threw it on before i went 2 in n out, but thx 4 feed back.

thank you 4 the positive response. :+)

>> No.6482321


w2c navy

>> No.6482324
File: 726 KB, 245x255, tumblr_mnq5efIWjb1qfqnq8o1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more attractive than u
>has to be gay

>> No.6482331
File: 24 KB, 297x498, matty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


these ppl should drop their trips

>> No.6482334
File: 183 KB, 468x655, 78722_01 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the navy they have in stock at Blackbird in the webshop in like... 46 and 48 i think. It's not actually a vibrant navy, it really depends on the lighting. In store, it looked more like a really dark gray with the tiniest blue tint if you held it up to the light.

pretty loose around the ankles, but i'm a little biased because i pretty much only own tight fitting pants. i'm tryna change that though hah. this pic has it pretty much spot on.

>> No.6482341


was lookin for the shorts silly

still beautiful tho

>> No.6482348

o sry :S

ya they're really cool pants, even better in person it feels like ur touching an african american sheeps perfectly trimmed pubes

>> No.6482359

It looks like navy because of the lightning but it's a deep black
If that's your size go for it man, I'd cop if I didn't have the shorts.
For me it was a kind of hit or miss, the picture on ssense didn't really show the fabric, there it looks like regular sweatshorts. Without trying it on you can't tell how it looks, blackbird's photography is much better though.

>> No.6482366

brown shorts for sale in hypebeast, size 28.

>> No.6482372
File: 487 KB, 497x641, warriore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6482376

the background looks like a representation of your outfit.

>> No.6482375 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 1591x1094, fitpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is for tomorrow for dinner with my girlfirned's family. Because it's 2:30 in the morning and deciding my outfit is of upmost importance.

>> No.6482379
File: 2.89 MB, 1591x1094, fitpic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deleted because full of typos and shame.
Tomorrow night's fit, everything is thrifted except the boots.

>> No.6482380


Im looking for the navy shorts

>> No.6482381
File: 2.69 MB, 1280x1024, Snapshot_20130711_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naw im planning to buy a pair of cdiems soon or maybe some yohji or junya pants so my funds are tied up

tfw have to wear a full outfit outside so dont get bitten up by mosquitos

i hate living by a river

man this sweater is rly boxy

>> No.6482384

its like you like being abused

>> No.6482395


Talk shit, post fit.

>> No.6482399


Stop getting so butthurt. Your outfit is shitty and fucking boring, don't give me that summer excuse, i agree you can't layer as much but the fit is in no means good.

it sucks, sorry,

>> No.6482402


hahaha you look so fucking awkward

>> No.6482403

I haven't seen a good fit on /fa/ in nearly a month.

>> No.6482411


why dont u post one fucci

>> No.6482420

thanks friend
sorry friend

>> No.6482426

The Geller shorts I posted aren't navy, they're black, I don't think they come in navy.

>> No.6482431


if im being honest

your proportions suck, i dont know if its the mirror but your torso is way too long

dress to complement it because u look like some kind of lizard or some shit


>> No.6482434

ey where is this coat from

>> No.6482439

looks good m8

>> No.6482443

simple and good nice man, hate the hat tho w/e

>> No.6482468

nice fit, w2c coat and shoes

>> No.6482477

Don't like the top half at all.

>> No.6482497

>tfw great outfit but no camera
>tfw no iphone

>> No.6482500

>mfw I have 20 devices capable of taking photographs

>> No.6482502

sketch it

>> No.6482507


>> No.6482510
File: 355 KB, 1474x979, p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drew this is it any good

>> No.6482517

take this and post results pls

>> No.6482530

>tfw no scanner
>tfw I can only draw things that look like they're supposed to be horrible.

>> No.6482535

use ms paint, rub your entire body over the mouse so it imprints like a scan

>> No.6482546

>tfw no mouse
>tfw no MS paint
: - (

>> No.6482553

are you posting from a toaster?

>> No.6482573
File: 152 KB, 939x783, aq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this a joke quiz a lot of this stuff is just normal things
and a couple of questions were repeated but worded differently

>> No.6482580

It's a mac.
inb4, lol yeh it is a toaster haha!!

>> No.6482584

ahahaha when I did it i passed as normal
>and a couple of the questions were repeated
>"do you find patterns in things"
I'm sorry bro but you have autism

>> No.6482586
File: 31 KB, 296x398, 1365886035632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn now i'll have to go buy a bandana

>> No.6482609
File: 106 KB, 710x549, wordswordswords.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's rite m8
ur aut

>> No.6482612


>> No.6482615
File: 81 KB, 640x400, poly12c[1].php_p1=28&p2=25&p3=13&p4=22&p5=13&p6=19&p7=31&p8=18&p9=6&p10=10&p11=15&p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright m8

>> No.6482620

might be stutterheim

>> No.6482617

seriously where to get this coat though

>> No.6482622

thanks friend i'll look at them

>> No.6482633
File: 1.82 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_20130711_121719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inb4 dressed by the internet
I know its true

>> No.6482635

yeah looks like this one

i thought it had asymettric closure in his pic but must just be the angle
i think i'll grab it when i've got some more moneys spare

>> No.6482640


>> No.6482656

Sweater is boxy, try tailoring it and removing the ribbed cuffs.

>> No.6482673
File: 104 KB, 643x617, asspie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6482678
File: 50 KB, 634x404, sssssssssss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this means im not retarded, r-right?

>> No.6482685
File: 651 KB, 699x1124, fr635065026981500000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supreme jacket
generic hoodie
Allsaints chinos

>> No.6482690
File: 744 KB, 750x1000, DSC01120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


okay I changed it up a little for today, wearing the only pair of drop-crotches I own (zara-core). Have a pair of Ricks coming in as well as some rick tanks doe.

>> No.6482691

loose weight and try again afterwards

>> No.6482692

even better than the last one. although this top half with the skinnys from the last fit would probably be even better

>> No.6482693

damn man that hoodie looks sick as fuck, you are killing it this time although im not a fan of the pants but I'm still feelin it

>> No.6482694


shoes still overpower the rest of the fit tho. they just don't work with all the muted greys and blacks with that lace contrast

drop crotch improves the silhouette a lot tho

>> No.6482695

I disagree, the shoes look mint nothing wrong with a little contrast

>> No.6482698

yeah man the pants are wack I live in Buenos Aires though people dress #menswear as fug, not a lot of local places to shop at, only option is online -- which I've only just recently started exploiting

>> No.6482700



lurk more

>> No.6482703


they do not work with the outfit

contrast would be fine if they were say all white, but with the black lace contrast it just overpowers everything else

>> No.6482705

gee my bad, I knew it wasn't a hoodie but damn you gotta call me out for it man...

>> No.6482709
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6482717

no. not dank

>> No.6482720

socks socks socks socks

>> No.6482729


shoes kinda ruin it, p neat otherwise

>> No.6482730

you should sufu this and the one before

>> No.6482732

nah they'll go full sruli on me

>> No.6482735
File: 19 KB, 250x250, 1372574044270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>he brings the clown

not a good idea

>> No.6482739

youll get ons of reps for this and if you dont, who cares?

>> No.6482750

if you do, who cares?

>> No.6482751


been on sufu for ~2 years

they will rep it, it'll get around +20

>> No.6482753


lol butthurt baby detected

why is it that every tripshit on /fa/ gets negged on sufu and cries here

turnleft, this babby hahaha

>> No.6482755

i'm not negged on any but thats not even the point
i meant whats the point of valuing positive but disregarding negative

>> No.6482756

wait i think my scientist one was negged actually

>> No.6482757

I'm planning on getting a few more pieces lined up. then I might post on sufu, maybe.

>inb4 i get my ass handed to me

>> No.6482758

Why do you care about rep on the internet?

>> No.6482764


I don't understand why you babies always say the same fucking thing. Reputation on sufu is a very valid instrument that separates bad fits from good fits. Did I say I cared about it? No I didn't.

Dumb fucking shit.

>> No.6482766

what has that got to do with my point though

>> No.6482773


What is YOUR point? Why It matters?

Sufu rep will ultimately tell people if their fit sucks or if it is shit. If it's shit people can improve and lurk more/buy more garments/find more inspiration/vision. By doing this they will improve their style you fucking dumb shit.

>> No.6482778

there was a fellow saying to post it so he will get positive rep, but if it gets negative rep it doesnt matter.
i was trying to draw attention to the fact that you cant look at opinions you like and completely disregard others if they dont suit you

>> No.6482780


sufu rep system is pretty volatile

if youre asian you get +10 point 4 free

if youre post some gothninja shit it better be good because otherwise youll get fucking negged

>> No.6482791


>if youre post some gothninja shit it better be good
>it better be good

I honestly don't know wot u was thinking when u posted this

obviously it has to be GOOD to get GOOD rep

durrr hjurrr

>> No.6482795


also theres many examples of asians getting negged

alex (his fits sucked and just threw together rick hoping to be unique and rare)

teddy (read above)

>> No.6482805


he's saying the standard is higher for that aesthetic coz it gets posted out the ass and has garnered some less than desirable associations now

>> No.6482809


the standard should be high

>> No.6482810


yeah. if you post some basic gothninja designer fit like a rick owens tee and a pair of dropcrothes with ramones it will get negged

if you post a shit outfit in visvim youll get at least 5 or 10 even if the fit on everything is shit and the dude wearing it is fat as fuck

asians getting negged are an exception and they are usually wearing rick in not the best way

>> No.6482812


but the 'standard' for sufu rep is completely inconsistent

that's the point of this discussion u absolute moron

>> No.6482815


bad fits get negged, good fits get repped

the end

>> No.6482816

ya im going through their waywt thread and some weird shit is getting repd doe, >>6482812

>> No.6482819


lol ok

>> No.6482822
File: 142 KB, 503x581, feelstalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This used to be a waywt thread.

>tfw /fa/ also used to be more nuanced than 12yo swagfag wiggers sucking rappers' dicks all day

>> No.6482823

are you unable to read holy shit
why do you exist

>> No.6482825

lol victims of sufu neg

what does it feel like to have so many internet emotions


>> No.6482830

i've never posted a fit on sufu and I wouldn't care if I got negged into the floor just like I wouldn't care if effay tore me a new one
you're completely misunderstanding everything everyone is saying and saying the same thing in every post "hur durr sufu rep"
do you have dyslexia or something

>> No.6482833

is tripping wearing three items of clothing only?

>> No.6482838


have a tissue baby

>> No.6482841


>endless circlejerk oxfords and cdbs

hows ur first day fuccboi

>> No.6482839


really cool

>> No.6482842

i'm not angry at u i was just trying to get you to understand
i'm p. confused at why ur so angry tho why does it matter you should dissociate urself from ur internet posts

>> No.6482851


>> No.6482852



that is the nearest hotline for distressed internet babys i hope you seek help

>> No.6482858

fuck off to r9k

also that sufu rep dude is hella mad lmao

>> No.6482861

pls be in london

>> No.6482863

don't see why so much hate. Different shirt/sweater and it would be dope. Maybe a Patrik Ervell piece

>> No.6482865

I love you. pls become tripfag.

>> No.6482866

hi who wants 2 be my bf

yall kawaii ^______________^;;

>> No.6482870


dude if youre going to samefag do it better

>> No.6482872

i want to hate so baad because of that face you're making.

all i can say is remove the hat.

>> No.6482873

Nike marketers please go.

>> No.6482877
File: 5 KB, 398x119, same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I did pretty well for not being the same fag.

>> No.6482881


nice shop

>> No.6482880
File: 6 KB, 398x119, same.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting these pictures doesnt mean anything

>> No.6482884
File: 4 KB, 398x114, fixsamefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fixed 4 u

>> No.6482888



>> No.6482915

God no. /fa/ is hilarious for all the wrong reasons.

>> No.6482949

Long as fuck arms. Lanky.

If you weren't such a skinny puke you could try boxing.

>> No.6482948


this is horrible

looks like you are an emo teen

>> No.6482955

he have a purse

>> No.6482970

Yeah? I'm actually very interested in the idea of boxing but my city seems fucked for boxing gyms.

>> No.6482996

Decent face. Everything else must go.

Hey, my bathroom shelf.

>> No.6482999

fuck as a dude may i say youre fucking hot

>> No.6483002

even the headgear?

>> No.6483027

Keep it. It looks like a nigra sperm fusing with your pretty face.

>> No.6483138
File: 1.27 MB, 960x1280, 2013-07-11 11.03.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another fit. Both of these pants don't look slim enough.

>> No.6483148

Is that a stutterheim? If so, how visible is that logo in real life?

>> No.6483153


too many grayish, dirtyish colours. Would probably be better with black pants.

>> No.6483183

I think your right. I don't own any dark pants besides some indigo raw jeans. You think a khaki would of worked too?

>> No.6483203
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, 20130711_112502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close up of the colors. I thought it looked better in real life.

>> No.6483213


Maybe if it is a darker kind of khaki. Best thing is to try it out and see how it looks. You should buy some black jeans though, they work with pretty much everything.

>> No.6483244

Not a fan of black clothes or colored jeans for that matter. I may buy a pair for work though cuz we have to wear all black at Starbucks

>> No.6483248
File: 1.97 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]