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/fa/ - Fashion

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6466127 No.6466127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


I never come here but I need some **decent and useful** fashion advice. I have a new semester beginning next month and while I'm not looking to expansively change my joke of a wardrobe, I do need some ideas of new stuff to wear. My current attire is mostly t-shirts and shorts (mostly because it's hot and humid all the goddamn time where I live.) I don't go out much and I'm rather poor so I've owned a lot of my clothes for years. Just looking to change things up a bit.

I have one pair of fitting straight-legged pants and am looking to at least pick up say, two more pairs. As far as shirts, I'm not sure. I'm considering picking up some basic v-necks as a friend recommended them and gave me some cheap places to find them; however, I'm not sure if I'd feel comfortable wearing something like that yet. For shirts, I can wear a Small size just fine. Lost a bunch of weight recently but I have practically no muscle.

So, uh, how would I go about finding out what would look decent on me and some acceptable places to purchase cheap clothes? Probably going to a thrift store sometime to check out what they have.
Picture obviously unrelated.

>> No.6466143

Read the fucking sticky

>> No.6466153
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Buy these sneakers OP.

They're over $1,000 but then that will mean that you can wear whatever attire you like and still be fashionable as fuck.

You can walk to class with a sock covering your cock and these sneakers and everyone will compliment you on how well dressed you are.

source: I am gay.

>> No.6466169

hello newfriend
i haven't actually looked at the new sticky, but does it not answer you questions?

>> No.6466165

I don't understand much about silhouettes and color stuff. I get to not wear a tie-die assortment of clothing but I've never once concerned myself with "fashion".

I am certain that I can walk to class with a sock covering my cock sans the need to purchase $1000 sneakers.

>> No.6466173
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go home fuccboi

>> No.6466186

Ok first of all no v-necks, if you want to show off your collarbones get scoop necks, they're a bit more expensive in general due to the lack of people making them but it's worth it. Second of all, straight-legged pants generally look bad, especially if you fit into small type clothing. Get something with a taper. I heard Levi's 511s were good, and if you're looking for something more "fitted", get 510s, which I can personally vouch for. Is there a uniqlo by you? It's a good place to shop for basics. As for finding out what would look good on you, that is something you have to decide for yourself. Poke around the sticky, and check out WAYWT threads every once in a while.

>> No.6466188
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Hey eeyore, fancy seein' you here.
Take this for some very very basic guidelines.

>> No.6466189
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well your question is pretty vague
if you don't know where to start, then buy simple, versatile things from asos, uniqlo etc
and figure out how clothes are supposed to fit. it makes a big difference.

>> No.6466197

that advice was bad

dont wear v necks unless youre gucci mane

>> No.6466200

I just said no v-necks, why are you calling my advice bad?

>> No.6466203

What's with all you /r9k/ faggots coming here? Anyway look at the sticky and lurk to find stuff you like. Straight-leg pants usually look bad unless your /fit/, get slimmer pants, always in a dark wash. V-necks are a no, just stick with crew or scoop necks. Uniqlo is probably the best place for cheap basics, Everlanes tees are okay (I've heard mixed reviews about the U-necks).

>> No.6466204

fair enough

>> No.6466205

eeyore you're a pathetic cunt anyway so don't even bother trying to dress well

>> No.6466219

that crew neck sweater looks perfectly fine
and how is a peacoat or a blazer a replacement for a sweater?

>> No.6466217
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t0p fucking lel

any insight on who this fuccboi is?

>> No.6466218

bum ass nigga not even reading shit before making judgement

Don't be rude

>> No.6466221

Well I found a list of websites to buy clothes and all that but I think I would need personalized help or something for everything else. I'd rather not run out and buy a bunch of shit that turns out to be wasted money, you know? I have no idea what I'm doing here.

I'm not really concerned about showing off my collarbones (is that a thing?) but they are prominent. I was just suggested those by a friend so I had it in mind for a possible clothing alternative. I don't know if I would fit into "small" jeans as I apparently have fucking woman hips or some shit. I'll save those specific brand numbers in a notepad file and take a look later.
I don't know what a uniqlo is. I don't know what would look good on me. I don't have the highest opinion towards my body, mang. I'm getting there though, and I appreciate the advice but I doubt I'll come to this board after today.

Do you have a list of brands for the items in that image?

Fuckin' Gucci, he has the catchiest hooks.

I think straight legs would be okay in a month or two once I get back into running and possibly lifting.
Will check into those, thanks.

>> No.6466223

fuck off so I just didnt read it properly

youre an absolut cunt

>> No.6466226

I'm sorry, your description reminded me of a friend. If you fit into small clothing, chances are you fit into small jeans, but if you have disproportionately large hips then definitely get tapered jeans as straight leg jeans that fit you will drape on you in the worst way.

Calm down bruh

>> No.6466227
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>I would need personalized help

lol what are you an old man?

you need us to change ur diaper and whipe ur ass wen u shit too lmao rekt nerd

>> No.6466236

yeah fuck offfffff

>> No.6466237

>I'd rather not run out and buy a bunch of shit that turns out to be wasted money, you know?
That's part of the game, though.

>Do you have a list of brands for the items in that image?
Everything in that image is generic shit you could get anywhere in various levels of quality.
The shoes are converse all stars, redwing iron ranger and clarks desert boots

>> No.6466242

That's okay. I guess I'm "small" but I don't feel small, if that makes sense. Tapered jeans? I'll definitely keep that in mind.

But I don't have the money to waste so I cannot excel in the game.

Well okay. I'm not too interested in the shoes but we'll see.

>> No.6466247

u aint bout dat life son quit while u can

>> No.6466266

Bruh bruh. Calm. Down.

Work out/get skinnier. Preferably the latter if you want to step up in fashion since /fit/ people are grotesque and always dress terrible

>> No.6466267

Yeah, don't overthink it. I just picked the most simple infograph from the sticky.

Lurk more. Like, a lot more.

>> No.6466273

yeah seriously lurk A LOT more.

>> No.6466282

I'm working on getting skinnier. Lost 36lbs in the last three months. Granted, I'm not fat or anything as is.

I'll have to pass.

>> No.6466286


>> No.6466309

>expects /fa/ to be his personal stylist
>is told to look at the sticky
>is told to lurk moar
>does neither
>forever a fuccboi

good thread guys

>> No.6466314

>i want to be more fashionable
>but I don't want to lurk
Stop being a fuccboi, man. Also, if you're losing weight, make sure to do at least SOME exercise so you don't end up skinnyfat

>> No.6466323
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>> No.6466333

Understandable. I'll probably get back in weights or something once I can use my uni's gym. I went from being considerably skinnyfat to considerably less-so and lost a shitload of body fat.

>> No.6466362

Do calisthenics too. Lots of them.

>> No.6466383

OP, take up cardio/boxing.
as for clothes and stuff
if you want to keep it subtle, these guys do very good quality basics at cheap prices.
But go down a size though, if you're a small you'll probably need to go XS.

>> No.6466385

Hm yeah that's probably a good idea. God knows I have fuckall else to do for the next month and all the time in the world.

>> No.6466394
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uhm bro we get like eleven of these threads a day. it's like, "hi /fa/ I'm going to ___ next ___ and I want to dress nice so the bitches will be on my dick but I don't know how. when I was twelve my father kicked me in the dick so I enjoy wearing green bracelets. sometimes I like to look at the clouds. I want to buy 18 square meters of fabric worth of clothes."

anyway what you want to do is become a basicfag and then lurk /fa/ for a good amount of time before you invest in anything too specialized. this way the amount you are willing to pay for clothes will increase significantly and you'll be looking for cps on sale in no time.

seriously though, if you want to look nice in the traditional sense I recommend reading the stickies / the sidebar on reddit malefashionadvice. lurk the waywts and see what kind of fits get good feedback.

>> No.6466403

You know I actually have been looking for a boxing gym in my city but there doesn't seem to be one unfortunately.

Should I bother if I'm an American?

I figure so. It's a basic question and I appreciate all the help I can get.

I'll refrain from lurking but I'll check out that reddit board and. Thank you for your help.

>> No.6466426

self teach yourself that stuff, im sure your local gym would still have a speedball/heavy bag doe

sry dont bother if you're american, stick w/ uniqlo for basics

>> No.6466450

Cut gym scrip cause I couldn't afford it so gotta wait and see how uni gym works out.

It's all good. Will check that out.