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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 121 KB, 505x792, 8230453186_8114b92e0e_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6459786 No.6459786 [Reply] [Original]


5'8" and UNDER report in

>> No.6459790

wow people actually do this.

>tfw 5'11"

>> No.6459802

technically still a manlet but i'm going for proper manlets here

>> No.6459813

Is this whole overblown height bullshit an American thing?
literally no one cares how tall you are where I live, seen a ton of /fa/ as fuck short guys, seen a ton of short guys who pull mad pussy too

oh well
>6' reporting

>> No.6459819

5 4" anon reporting in

>> No.6459825

is that morning measurement?
>potential megamanlet detected

>> No.6459821

5'10 average


>> No.6459828

Do you feel insecure when talking to women since most are 5'7" with heels?

>> No.6459837

The good thin about being a manlet is, you can wear anything and nobody will notice.

>> No.6459838

/fit/ is leaking again

>> No.6459841

lol, confidence > whatever given height. Just dress for your body. And for women, there are plenty of short girls, average and even tall girl who will don't care if you are a little short.

>> No.6459845

pick 1

>> No.6459846


>> No.6459843


>> No.6459850

Definitely doesn't bother me at all like it used to.
Sometimes though, it can be rough.

>> No.6459865
File: 1.83 MB, 1000x750, lescientologyface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw a lanky faggot trying to get dat <5'9" master-proportions and silhouette by wearing dropcrotchs

>> No.6459881

so in the mornin ur prob 5'10.5 to 5'11
>not really a manlet

>> No.6459878

I'm 5'8" and women always seem to be as tall or taller than me but i guess I'm acting like a pussy in comparison to you.

>> No.6459880

colin probably just did that for a laugh, he's 5'10"

tom cruise and robert downey jr on the otherhand are seriously insecure manlets

>> No.6459889

i'm 5'11" and taller than most bishes unless they're wearing superho shoes like tripskank does...but insecure womanlets like trip are 5'2" so i'd still be taller

>> No.6459915

True. Bordering on 5'10" and the girl I like thinks I'm perfect height. Actually gonna fuck a girl at summer camp (yeah, we planned it) who's like 1cm taller than me.

>> No.6459940

'borderling' on 5'10"? does that mean 5'9.75"
fuccboi stop the manlet lingo

>> No.6459959

Yeah basically. Still a kid though. With any luck I'll grow a bit above average.

>> No.6459978

how old bud?

also was just fuckin with ya 5'10 is a legit height lel

>> No.6459993

>dat file name

>> No.6460001 [DELETED] 

17 guv. Not that it really matters if I don't grow any taller. It's not like height has ever been a hindrance.

>> No.6460064

5'7" reporting in.

>> No.6460092
File: 34 KB, 600x900, natalie1-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'6 fucci boy reporting in

>> No.6460095

5'7/5'8 reporting

>> No.6460119


hnnggg fuccc

5'7''/5'8'' also reporting in

>> No.6460120

you'll prob get an inch or so
work out, do cardio, sleep well, don't do too much alcohol/drugs, do stretches

ya gonna make it bro

>> No.6460128

5'6'' don't give a fuck

Once I reach my near final form, I plan on getting a 5'10'', thick hottie

>> No.6460134

5'5" reporting
it's really not that bad, especially here in Miami where the average height is closer to 5'7" for males

>> No.6460142
File: 36 KB, 600x399, 1363759478395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never had problems with girls but then again I don't usually go for girls taller than me anyway, unless they're rocking some ridiculous heels

They would imagine their ideal guy as someone tall dark and handsome but then I want a girl with big tits and a bubble butt but I rarely score both, as soon as you start getting to know each other I think these points become less important

>> No.6460165

Are there any two inch heels for men that don't look ridiculous?

>> No.6460214

Two inches can be noticeable so i wouldn't recommend them if you're below 5'6-7

>> No.6460238

Aren't we all, bro-o

>> No.6460263

Are most people on /fa/ and /fit/ manlets?

I'm 175cm, one conversion says I'm 5'7, one says I'm 5'8.

>> No.6460383

5'9 if you round up

175 divided by 2.54 = 68.8976377953

>> No.6460392

that's a relief

>> No.6460397

5'6" here

I bought a sewing machine to tailor my own stuff. Even XS shirts and 28" waist pants look like tents on me.

I'm getting pretty good at getting them down to size, and am bulking up a bit to make up the difference.

FML, real people, what does it feel like to take something off of the rack, try it on, and have it fit you? IDK this feel

>> No.6460403

it's a good feel, lemme tell you that.

>> No.6460409

it's a 4chan thing

>> No.6460420

and you have so many choices

move over to the xs section, and you have about two things to choose from, both horrible

>> No.6460417

I never understood why /fa/ is so worried about other peoples' heights.

>> No.6460427
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>> No.6460440

you must have a really thin build because I'm your height and xs / 28 fit me pretty well

besides pants/sleeves being too long ofc

also, designers put out more stuff in xs (or at least more retailers buy the xs)

>> No.6460452

If you're taller than most girls it's cool really.

>> No.6460464

I have tailored a couple shirts too. 5'9" tho. Don't really care about my height, mostly just great fitting shirts.

My question is.
How do you fix the poofyness on the back of your shirt. I can get it looking on in front, but almost never in back. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.6460508

according to google Colin is 5' 10", he shouldn't really need to go on tiptoes unless she's taller than average

>> No.6460513

Where is her dress from?

Pls respond.

>> No.6460519

how are you tailoring them?

also if you buy from better shirting brands they'll fit you pretty well otr

>> No.6460525 [DELETED] 

5'6" reporting
It feels pretty shity but I try to make due. I'm also asian.

>> No.6460531

I know exactly how you feel man, we're the same height. Still experimenting on what works best for me though.

>> No.6460540

inb4 gtfo mfa fag.

That's how I've been tailoring them.
This is the most informative guide on tailoring I've found.

The shirts I've tailored so far have the weird upper back pleats which might be why the back ends up so weird.

>> No.6460553

it might just be the pleats then

honestly I'd suggest spending more on shirts. all shirts fit me like shit until I started spending more money
they're better quality too and less trouble tbh

>> No.6460562

I wonder how tall I am

I'm 22 and I've never measured my height since adulthood

I'm the same as everyone else p much

>> No.6460559

I had the same problem as you before. Try the j.crew slim fit xs, they fit me pretty well

>> No.6460576

Shit son. Do you ever score any woman who are 50 ft tall?

>> No.6460590
File: 1.27 MB, 893x870, game of manlets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6'2" master race

>> No.6460603

i said i was average. i wish i was 6'

>> No.6460608

5'6 reporting in

>> No.6460615

> talking to women with heels
Heels are retarded and I wouldn't want to date anyone who ever wore them

>> No.6460620
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>> No.6460623
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manlet detected

>> No.6460641

how tall is 1m80?
it varies depending which website I use.

>> No.6460643

>average 6'1

>> No.6460652

according to my calculations: manlet

>> No.6460659

thats just shy of 5 11. 183 is 6 ft

>> No.6460660

Lel I'm 5'11
Just wouldn't want to be with someone that can't run and can barely walk cus of their retarded shoes
And when they do manage to walk they clop like a horse or something

>> No.6460661

5'5 here

i have a sewing machine and i tailor the easy stuff like jeans or shirts. it's actually pretty easy once you get the hang of it. i leave the more time consuming, difficult tailoring to a legit tailor.

also, i've noticed that it's much difficult pulling off all black when you're a manlay. i guess it goes back to the saying, black minimizes while white maximizes.

>tfw angel-core will be the next big hit with us manlays.

>> No.6460693

that bitch has some really weird titties

>> No.6460730

Fuuaaaaark. Im 182 and just about to turn 18, hope i make it into the six footer

I already defeated my natural manlet genes
>dad is 175
>eldest brother is 175
>elder brother is 180
>mom is like 150

>> No.6460739

non-manlet pls go

>> No.6460751

you basically are 6ft though

such a fucking faggot lol

>> No.6460755
File: 321 KB, 500x750, 1372545124991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godspeed short brodas

>> No.6460766

5'5" reporting

>inb4 why haven't you killed yourself

>> No.6460769

This is a thread of manlet, you're welcome here brother

>> No.6460778

I think she'd be really hot if she didn't remind me so much of my mom


>> No.6460783

don't kill yourself my man wear some lifts and kill a vagina

>> No.6460793

between 5'4 and 5'5 here

i had had a gf way taller than me once and i didn't mind at all but she was legit crazy

>> No.6460806

>not wanting to fuck your mom
What are you, gay?

>> No.6460803

5'9" master race

>he doesn't get to wear XS

>> No.6460808

king of manlets

>> No.6460812

5'8" king of manlets reporting in

>> No.6460818

no thats just a manlet, 510 is king
>he doesn't get to wear XS

>> No.6460823

Already did for two years topkek
she was bordering 5'6, had me by like a centimeter but whatevs good confidence increase through that time

>> No.6460829

I'm 5'6 and skinny but S is the lowest I ever go, what's with all this talk of XS you must wear your shit short and tight man

>> No.6460834

>I'm 5'6 and skinny but S is the lowest I ever go
No you're not

>> No.6460840

im not what

>> No.6460837

pics of your mom?

>> No.6460845

Skinny you fatty

>> No.6460843
File: 1.82 MB, 600x341, 1373173040331.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats with the sudden influx of manlets?
it makes me happy i am 5'7-8 myself

>> No.6460847

no bb

also >>6460829

agree too, xs is hella small and I only weigh 105-110 lbs (shit varies a lot)

>> No.6460866

nice joke DUDE

>> No.6460882

I'm 5'7/8 and around 8.5 stone and I wear uniqlo XS and S everywhere else.

>> No.6460896


>> No.6460954

5'5 lord of manlets here

hooked up with a crazy tall bitch a few weeks back. said she had a fetish for short guys, donno wtf she was on about.

i kinda like being short but it does get annoying when people point out how short you are all the time

>> No.6461009

>height by 4chan

and further

>height irl
5'0 manlet
5'1 manlet
5'2 manlet
5'3 "haha hey joe there is this sick idea we get you into a barrel and roll you down the street"
5'4 aw poor man (see above)
5'5 very short guy
5'6" short guy
5'7" dateable by most girls
5'8" king of manlets
5'9" average
5'10 above average
5'11 ---'tall' privilege starts here---
6'0 officially tall

>> No.6461014
File: 144 KB, 750x1059, 1370086543886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you can fuck girls but can't date them knowing that they'll always find taller guys more attractive than you, their boyfriend

>> No.6461017


Who is this?

>> No.6461021


>> No.6461024


Fucking lol'd

>> No.6461077

a-at least I'm a k-king...

>> No.6461101

>implying there won't always be someone more attractive than the person you're currently dating
are you retarded or just pretending to be

>> No.6461136

20. so i can still grow

>> No.6461142

5'9 but tell everyone I'm 5'10 reporting in

>> No.6461150

Boots are around 1.5 inches, and standing up straight with good posture will make you be taller

>> No.6461151

manlet detected.

>> No.6461163

>tfw 5'11 manlet and 18

>> No.6461169

I bet you're like 5'8. Calling it

>> No.6461179

5'11" isn't even manlet status, you are probably 6' with shoes on.

>> No.6461187

You're a mega manlet retard

>> No.6461182

Dude 5'8 isnt king of manlets, it's just a manlet, you're short as fuck.

>> No.6461195

Yeah maybe to a 5'8 manlet like you

>> No.6461212

kind of limiting yourself greatly

>> No.6461208

yeah only 1 inch below average is so fucking short

>> No.6461237

The average is 5'10, manlet.

>> No.6461240

Average is 5'10. If 6'0 is considered tall, 5'8 is considered short.

Stay mad, stay manlet :)

>> No.6461270

could you make it any more obvious that you're a manlet

>> No.6461284

I guess it depends where you are and your ethnicity

the world average is 5'8, in japan it's 5'7, america it's 5'9 to 5'9.5

5'8 is short, but it's not too short imo

>> No.6461288

some tees I wear S
but all shirts I have to wear XS or the shoulders don't fit

>> No.6461328

In america it's 5'10.

6'0 is tall. No denying it. Starting tall at 6'1 or 6'2 or whatever just sounds retarded

>> No.6461321

The anons who spout their height as a master race syndrome are insecure about their retarded diets and social autism. Not a diss against people of height, just a fact to people who use "manlet" in an extremely deragatory manner.
>5' 8" reporting in

>> No.6461326

5'6 reporting. Can nigger find shorts that don't go below my knees

>> No.6461327


>> No.6461330

Whoops I mean never. Lol

>> No.6461345

I'm just on the edge to mad pussy.
Only 6'1½

>> No.6461353

why can't all you guys just move to asia

>> No.6461354

5'8 asian here

>> No.6461365

y u so mad doe?

>> No.6461410

Where did you learn?

>> No.6461497

only for white males, overall it's less

>> No.6461676


>> No.6461700

>tfw 5'7
considering suicide if my need for social interaction continues to grow

>> No.6461718

what are u 14?

>> No.6461760



>> No.6461767

im a bottom, submissive twink so i was really embarrassed that i was 6'1"... i would bend my knees a little or lean to the side to appear shorter to guys i liked

now i like my height and have learned to embrace it, i stopped caring what other people think.

>> No.6461770


Matheus Verdelhos

>> No.6461820

anyone over 5'8 and still complaining are betasperglords

>> No.6461901

>tfw 5'6
>tfw you will never be an adult

>> No.6461925

Get yourself a peter pan costume since you're gonna be stuck in neverland forever

>> No.6461929

i dont know man like even if youre short doesnt mean youre a manlet like being black doesnt mean youre a nigger yeah?

>> No.6461991

no its really just a 4chan thing.

they are every quick to make fun of guys that are in photos with women taller than them but the thing is those men are with women. the people on 4chan are in their moms basement

>> No.6462078

5'6 Will never be tall enough.

I'm guy btw.

>> No.6462103

the whole blackman/nigger thing is kinda wack nobody really does that here its a bit euphoric but manlet is a putdown not a state of mind, if you act confident and dont give a damn you'll won't get rekt hard

>> No.6462166

>tfw when thought was 5'8 all year
>tfw when measured this morning and was 5'7


>> No.6462193
File: 9 KB, 296x170, 1369601034890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ssshhhttt, don't destroy the dreams of tallfags

>> No.6462231
File: 104 KB, 604x516, true feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys im 19 and ive been the same height (5'8 or 5'9 not really sure) since i was like fucking 14
will i ever grow again? all i want is a few more inches..

>> No.6462239

5'11" master race reporting in

sup manlets

>> No.6462277

If you haven't grown since 14 probably not. That's not a bad height, it's better to get used to that height and be confident with that rather than hoping for more height.

It's not tall, and it's not enough to be a model or anything but it isn't short and you can definitely be successful with women at the height so stop being a bitch.

>> No.6462280

>tfw 5"11 and a half
god damnit

>> No.6462293
File: 445 KB, 645x773, feel frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but i used to be tall and it was great and now i feel like a fucking pleb when some girls are taller than me in heels or whatever

>> No.6462299

Then you're fucking stupid. If you live in Denmark or something you have a reason to complain.

Otherwise just kill yourself because you are pleb.

>> No.6462300

1) How's your posture?
2) Do you stretch?
3) How's your diet?
4) Do you exercise/cardio/lift weights?
A) How tall is your father?
B) How tall is your mother?
C) What is your exact height?
D) How much is your height variance between morning and evening?

>> No.6462318

If you're self conscious wear lifts. Instant two inches.

>> No.6462320
File: 688 KB, 2012x2012, cskjdvljgsdvc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My stax are crazy and I'm perfectly confident with my height.
Most my girlfriend's are around 5'4 anyways.
Honestly, my height has no affect on my life.

>> No.6462323

I honestly wish I was 5'8'' (if nothing else, so i'd be able to fight in welterweight)
Im 5'6''

u lucky

>> No.6462339
File: 39 KB, 413x395, hahahahaha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh...Dont let your mind get warped by the insecure tallfags in here all you young bloods.
>Fuck plenty of bitch(only 8's and above at this point in my life), always grab the hotter ones when out with a group of friends and yes about plenty are 6+
>"that guy whose good with girls"
>Women are attracted to value unless your like 5'2 with a horrendous face or some shit
>You kids act like the perfect symmetry implanted in males brains isnt 5'4. (look it up) 5"8 or more and things start to look fucking weird. No big hands or size 13 feet please.
>Tallest girl i fucked was a volleyball player 6'1
>They actually feel insecure being so tall around you, dont forget that(unless your 5'2)
As a point of reference I also have a decently aesthetic face and I am in really good shape but it all goes back to what to my original statement(value)
>The tall aholes trying to drive pleasure from saying manlet usually are pretty bad with bitches anyways and probably have a bad face. I can recall many times hearing (omg hes cute look at that body, then the guy turns around and they all cringe)

>> No.6462346


if you want to fight at 141 just fight at 141 there are guys that are 5'5-6'2 in welterweight

>> No.6462364

It is because you are the only guy women can see eye to eye with. XD

>> No.6462374

141 would be overly easy for me to fight in
I want to fight at 170. In general, I just think it would be easier to be 5'8''
>5'10'' in boots

Thank you. Decent face/body here as well
This past year the internet has given me somewhat of a complex

>> No.6462377

Eh, maybe not in the height department but I can assure you I've grown more than most people will in the more important categories.
My intelligence, for example, has grown to the point where I am now a revered member of my local MENSA branch and have astonished many learned experts in various scientifical fields with insights formed after only a cursory glance at their field of study. I read the entire works of authors such as James Joyce, Albert Camus, Stephen King and George Orwell before my teenage years. I was awarded a delta for the first CMV post I ever made, and I only really argue with people on Reddit for my own amusement.
Perhaps you'd like to hear about my stunning and exponential growth in the weights room, too? How about my success with maidens from all over Europe?
You probably like to make jokes about your height at my expense because it's the only thing you have going for you. So yeah, you might be taller than me, but at the end of the day, do I care? No. I have more important things to worry about, like the one million word novel I'm currently writing, adding to my $50,000 wardrobe, or adding to my impressive list of bullet hell game regional hiscores.

>> No.6462392

same here bro, cept im 6"2 and i go to harvey mudd.

dont be too mad..

>> No.6462400


>overly easy

Overly easy because it would be easy for you to make that weight, or overly easy because you somehow believe that a slight weight advantage is going to negate someone's skill set?

>> No.6462402
File: 193 KB, 419x331, internet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No prob, I was at the same place as some of these guys at one point in my life when i was younger and realized how full of shit everyone is. The ones that talk the most shit are usually the most insecure.
> The fear in a mans eye when you can take his girl is more powerful than any height or muscle volume.

>> No.6462403

is this pasta? omg my sides

>> No.6462406

Definition of pedantic

>> No.6462979
File: 25 KB, 253x250, 1369178444982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6463007

>tfw 5'6"
>tfw button up shirts are too long even in size XS
>tfw look like awkward stubby piece of shit

t-shirt and jeans everyday for me

>> No.6463023

Just start wearing drop crotch and claim you're playing with proportions

>> No.6463032

>tfw jackets are way too fucking long and big for you
>tfw can't wear m65 jackets

>> No.6463049


>> No.6463081


pretty much the perfect height

stay mad plebs

>> No.6463126

Seriously? Girls like tall guys, sorry, but that's fact. This is not a 4chan thing. And yes guys really do stand on their toes for pictures to look taller.. a lot of short guys are insecure about their height and over compensate that's why it's so funny. This is nothing new.. short man syndrome has been a joke for ages. My dad even jokes about it and he's 50 and he's one of the best looking older dudes I've ever seen (think 6'2 tom cruise with blonde hair and blue eyes) and he's definitely not insecure about himself he's just met a lot of the stereotype that fits manlet in his profession.. and trust me there's a lot of them out there especially if you've been around manly professions or downtown night life scene of a major city.

>> No.6463157

LOL. "i can still grow"

sure bud

>> No.6463299

I'm 6'3, reading this thread felt like those dick size topic as if I had a 9 inch dick.

I see all you small/average guys supporting yourselves saying it doesn't matter that you pull mad pussy anyway.

Thruth is, just like dick size you always wish you had better.

But it feels weird being in my position right, I guess I never realised how lucky I am.

And no, I don't pull mad pussy

>> No.6463379
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>> No.6463391
File: 872 KB, 735x465, manlet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6463430


fuck there's some serious overcompensation in that picture. I'd rather kill myself than be that short, I'm not even joking or just saying it. I'd rather jump off a building than own such beta genes.

>> No.6463495

used to wear S back in the 90's when you could just look like a baggy motherfucker and it was okay.

now working as a musician, I like form fitting stuff on stage. XS usually has to be tailored down for me. 5'6" 110lb but wanting to gain about 15-20lb

>> No.6463625

that fell when 4

>> No.6463633

i'll be honest sometimes when i was depressed/suicidal i just thought well at least i'm over 6 ft and can be happy about that

>> No.6463678

Not the guy you're commenting on, but I thought people still grow past 20. Not very many, but it is still possible.

>> No.6464659

i might not have the body or face worthy of being a model, but at least i'm 6'3"
>suicide evaded for another day

>> No.6464722

If every manlet was sterilised today, future anons wouldn't be having these feels. We wouldn't have any more Hitlers or Napoleons. Men would develop better personalities to compete. We would achieve utopia because everyone is equal.

>> No.6465244

I'm actually 5'9 but, I can't fit into clothing, so I think I qualify.

Shirts will fit me, but I always need a belt. My waist is about 26 inches around, and I can't find anything with my inseam and waist measurements.

>> No.6465252

I hope you guys don't really believe this shit.

I mean this doesn't have any bearing on reality.

>> No.6465259

>we wouldn't have any more Hitlers
>if every manlet was sterilized today
>you are hitler

>> No.6465262

tfw missed tall privilege by an inch

s-shoes count r-right so i c-can get my privilege?

>> No.6465323

I was assuming that all manlets would have a sudden compulsion/cash incentive to volunteer for the greater good.

captcha: GOOD yesteeti

>> No.6465327

Sterilize you! Black Hitler.

>> No.6465362

grim prophecy

>> No.6465368

I'm 1.70 and had a girl that was 1.85.
We laughed our asses off when we would walk through the city arm in arm and people would give us strange rooms.
If you have charisma you can get any woman you want.

>> No.6465404

A 16 year old came up to me at a party and told me Im short as fuck.
>he was atleast 2 inches shorter than me(Im 5ft9")
>my crush saw it and was laughinggirls.jpg
>be so baffled I managed to blurt out you too

Does 5ft9" look as short as I imagine or was the other manlet just being a manlet?

>> No.6465413

are you 5'9" barefoot?
if you're nearly 5'10" in shoes that doesn't make sense

>> No.6465414

5'9 is short

>> No.6465416

it's p average mate

>> No.6465423

yeah just measured barefoot

i know right

maybe he was trying to impress the girl

>> No.6465431

probably mate
I'm 5'10" on the dot barefoot, if I get my boot swag on I can probably pass for 6ft and I've never had any grief like you've described

>> No.6465456

5'6 reporting
tailoring every pair of pants I buy general

>> No.6466215

sorry m8 :(

>> No.6466269
File: 23 KB, 640x443, 41a4583a-b820-410b-a4f8-1f15045258a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 6'2 and no gf

>> No.6467152

is 178cm manlet in england?

>> No.6467200
File: 1.22 MB, 150x150, fafewf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pants fit nicely

>> No.6467264

5' 6" here. Should I wait until I'm too old to grow any and/or start balding or should I just kill myself now?

>> No.6467392

holy fuck

>> No.6467408
File: 86 KB, 620x614, Joseph_Gordon-Levitt_2013_Summer_Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>First guy

Oh god, just got flashback of my prom night.
I'm glad I'm not that guy anymore.
5'7 here btw

>> No.6467512


>> No.6467553

they have 15,000 paparazzo's in the back screaming at them to get on their toes, so they can get a picture.... not all of it is "insecure" colin Farrell is a badass

>> No.6467555

How do I help my brother deal with the fact that he's a manlet?

He seems to be kinda insecure about it, always asking me how tall I was when I was his age and whether his pants make him look even shorter.

>> No.6467675
File: 59 KB, 248x400, sweaty gook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus fucking christ that image

this is the first time I've ever felt physically ill because of an image please tell me it was an elaborate troll

>> No.6467698

>that feel when gay so height doesn't matter as much because no heels

aw yea

not htat i have much to complain about I'm 5'10"

>> No.6467748

>thought I was 5' 8"
>get measured at the doctor's
>actually 5' 10"

Feels good, man.

>> No.6467771

I'm 5'8" and I have never felt short in my life except for 4chan. I'm skinny as fuck though and need to get more /fit/ but that's all.

Seriously - this is some weird shit.

>> No.6467778

shoes doe mate?

>> No.6467793

Not that guy, but I'm fairly certain the doctor would have you take off your shoes.

I at least had to during the army physical exam.

>> No.6467795

That depends on where you live in the world m8.

5'8 could be considered tall in some areas of the world.

>> No.6467822


>> No.6467880

I live in midwestern murrica - beef'n'cheese errday land.

Sure, some dudes are in the 6'+ range, but like 70% are 5'6"-5'11", and it gets pretty blurred by posture/shoes/proportions/etc anyways.

Mostly my problem is that cheap clothes are all cut for fat people here.

>> No.6467894

yeah, 5'8 would be like average then there.

I mean, sub-6' is only really short in countries like norway, netherlands, denmark, sweden etc.

>> No.6467915

sub-6' is p short in UK too

>> No.6467929

nah m8, i went to london once and p. much felt like a giant, which i don't at all here at home B)

>> No.6467932

how tall m8
london has a lot of inbred pakis who are 5'4 lel

>> No.6467939

6'3 bb ;)
>tfw cod b ur avg norwegian bf

>> No.6467953

>being anything below 6'0
You are all subhuman scum and should genuinely consider ending your pathetic existences.

>> No.6468089

>hit major growth spurt very early at 13
>5'9, significantly taller than everyone else for quite a while
>highschool comes
>watch everyone else grow to tower over me while I stay EXACTLY the same

I'm 23 now and still the exact same fucking height I was in 6th grade. Why god? Why?

>> No.6468108

The story of my life.

>> No.6468110

>18 years old
>5ft 4
>from a tall family
>parents keep saying i'll grow
>tfw I wont

>> No.6468125

early growth spurts are so shit too

>tfw immeasurable growing pains as a very young teenager
>hurts so bad you can't even play outside

>> No.6468129

frogzilla frog of frogtech

>> No.6468145
File: 17 KB, 500x375, 1011376_330188313781044_381403397_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'5 hmu

>> No.6468151

nigga you got like 3 or 4 years left to have another growth spurt

go play basketball and eat chicken every day of your life from now on

>> No.6468202

Honest question here!

Would you guys rather have
a) Short body (5'8'' and below) but perfect face and body in terms of muscles and stuff (ottermode or whatever,fit)
b) Tall body (6' and above) but meh face and body (chubby/fat or lunky as fuck, not fit at all)


>> No.6468210

>19 years old
>5'7" - 125 lbs
>drinking a fuckton of milk now for DEM GAINZ, hopefully I'll grow another inch or two.

I'm not insecure about my height, but who wouldn't want to be an inch or two taller?
I'm holding out for a late growth spurt but I think I drink too much coffee/tea for it to happen.

What the fuck kind of diet promotes height growth?

>> No.6468225
File: 234 KB, 286x496, 1366664250642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6468232

isn't it pretty obvious b is the right answer?

you can fix a meh face and body by working out and taking care of yourself with facial moisturizers and what not

you can't fix height, ever

>> No.6468249

Too much milk is actually one of the worst things you can do to your body. Not only for your bones due to the abundancy of calcium, but also all the fucking hormones you're putting into your body that the cow had to take.

limit dairy to 2 glasses a day, you're better off eating junk food in its place if you have to

>> No.6468267

What's a good diet?

How does working out fix all the weak jaw/no cheekbones/crap nose/and other asymmetry and ugliness I'd assume would entail a "meh" face?

>> No.6468261


dem stax

What brand are those jeans?

>> No.6468354

6.5" reporting in :))))))))))))

Real perks of being tall
>Girls - "Omg ur so tall!"
>Conversation starter
>Being part of the Tall people Elite where you and other tall people see eachother across a room and do a nod or some shit because you are fucking TALL
>You can reach shit
>You will always have a 1 up on almost everyone

shit bits
>You have to walk through doorways like the hunchback of notre dam
>cant fit in normal beds
>Cars/planes etc are uncomfortable as shit
>Finding clothes can be hard (especially shoes if you have big feet too (i am size 13))

Pretty much it.

Being tall is great.

>> No.6468376


>You have to walk through doorways like the hunchback of notre dam
>cant fit in normal beds
>Cars/planes etc are uncomfortable as shit
>Finding clothes can be hard (especially shoes if you have big feet too (i am size 13))

doesn't sound worth it

it's prob. best to be around 6 foot for any situation

>> No.6468428


Definitely is worth it. And being 6 foot is fine... Until you meet someone taller? By being at the max height i can be without being seen as freakishly tall i can have height superiority over pretty much everyone I know.

When I go out with friends, if i'm looking for some action or whatever, the fact that i am taller than all of my friends contributes to a girl's view of me and just places me higher in the pecking order for a potential fuck, basically. I think if i weren't as tall as I am then i would be equal to my friends in terms of girls who i've ever done 'stuff' with. Height is just another factor that is indisputably beneficial to any situation, aside from the ones i have listed and a few others, and providing you pull off your height, then you will always have an advantage over others.

>> No.6468445

r u gd looking
i get a feeling if you're tall and ugly it's more pronounced and u're fucked
but if ur handsome and tall i can't really see a downside -- i agree

>> No.6468455
File: 27 KB, 554x327, shameless selfi yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This was for a shoot about 6 months back, its me. Hair isn't too good in it but judge for yourself.

>> No.6468463
File: 871 KB, 1126x1001, diet (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At your current weight... you shouldn't worry about a diet for at least the first few months of bulking. Have fun and order all the pizza and ice cream that you want. Srs. Just meet your protein goals every day through shakes/meat and you can literally just dirty bulk on pure junk food with success.

>> No.6468469

You're replying to a diff guy in a similar situation

What's my ideal protein intake?

>> No.6468464

>shameless selfi yolo.jpg

ya ur pretty qt
congrats m8

>> No.6468473


>> No.6468474

Depends on your bodyweight but it's 1g per your bodyweight in pounds if you're bulking. Go read the /fit/ wiki.

>> No.6468483

Take your GOAL bodyweight in pounds

i.e. if you want to weigh 150lbs lean, eat 150g of protein each day


>> No.6468484

dont wanna bulk tho
wanna maintain and grow vertically

>> No.6468488

Read the /fit/ wiki

>> No.6468489

pls brah sort me out
my cheeeesssst

>> No.6468494

if your growth spurt comes and you're still eating at a calorie def... you're going to be mighty disappointed in yourself

>> No.6468500

I am man. You should really read it, it has a lot of great information. It only takes like 10 minutes and it's a great investment.

I'm only doing this because I care about you

>> No.6468501

Women are attracted to resources first and foremost. It's a universal trait. There is no modern culture where the majority of women prefer attractive men who have no money. Height, dominance, size, age and symmetry are important in their correlation with your ability or potential to hold resources, but if you're wealthy, highly educated or intelligent, you can get by with shortcomings in one or two of the other criteria just fine.

If you're tall and symmetrical but have no money or no prospects or can't even pretend to be successful, you are just as ugly as a manlet to a woman.

>> No.6468529

goddamn that made me insecure

>> No.6468535

what if i'm at a calorie deficit but still high on protein m8

>> No.6468553

protein isn't everything dude. you need calories to get big, and pretty much ANY healthy fats like peanut butter are natural testosterone boosters. test has a significant impact on height

>> No.6468580

so if i cop a peanut butter sandwich every morning i'll be 6'4?

>> No.6468587

No but you'll probably be fat

>> No.6468602

yes anon, dont forget the strawberry jam doe

>> No.6468639

top lel
pls be in Moorgate

>> No.6468671
File: 2.17 MB, 300x169, ahahahaha cheese.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That t shirt
my sieds

>> No.6468695

blue on blue on blue, dat sick fashion sense

>> No.6468703

>>You have to walk through doorways like the hunchback of notre dam
>>cant fit in normal beds
>>Cars/planes etc are uncomfortable as shit
>>Finding clothes can be hard (especially shoes if you have big feet too (i am size 13))

Yeah. Clothes are especially hard to find. I don't honestly reap any of the benefits you mentioned. The "omg ur so tall!" just gets annoying, the fuck do you say to that?

>> No.6468713

tallfag pls leave

>> No.6468724

You're in a manlet thread

>> No.6468720


>> No.6468729

yeah, and I'm disgusted just being around you shortstops.

>> No.6468733

reply with
"im tall downsitars too bbyg"

>> No.6468742

tallfag pls go

>> No.6468737

how do i know when i'm at a growth spurt

>> No.6468745

You aren't, just deal with it. You're short like the rest of us

>> No.6468790
File: 2.91 MB, 400x225, 1367969720962.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so mad.

>> No.6468798

my fucking sides

>> No.6468815
File: 79 KB, 250x238, 1354631278236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there is no difference between your listings?

>> No.6468828

yeah in asian countries.

>> No.6468847 [DELETED] 

that midget guy is so fucking talented too

I think hes the best character in got

>> No.6468850

disregard that, I suck cocks

meant to post in the manlet thread

>> No.6468857

this is the manlet thread

>> No.6468911

It's manlet everywhere except some backwater town in rural China.

>> No.6468919

pretty much correct

>> No.6468920


not rly

>> No.6468971

>Buy Acne Standard O t-shirt in S and one of their Limit shirts in XS
>former looks like a dress, latter can fit over one shoulder

>> No.6469011

w2c growth spurt

>> No.6469147

the joke is that 4chan calls everyone under 6 foot manlet and then all of sudden 6 foot is tall, irl its like a colour fade

>> No.6469186

Chines growth hormones, couple thousand

>> No.6469697

When I was young I didn't eat that much, I was usually at a pretty big deficit, but I wasn't starving or anything.

Did that fuck up my height or does that even make a difference? If I eat a ton does it help grow?

>> No.6469833

That is bullshit. Diet has very little effect on height unless you're legitimately malnourished.

>> No.6470104

How do you guys do it? I'm 5 6 and sine days I question why I even try to be effay.

>> No.6471016

not possible m8

>> No.6471070

>If I eat a ton does it help grow?
Outwards maybe.