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/fa/ - Fashion

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6458946 No.6458946 [Reply] [Original]

what does /fa/ smoke?

>> No.6458957

Crack. Because i'm not a coward.

>> No.6458958


>> No.6458956

i use to smoke cigs..but now im vape ecigs

>> No.6458960

Marlboro gold

>> No.6458961

Marlboro Ice Blast.
Only smoke when I'm out drinking though.

>> No.6458962

Lucky Strike unfiltered, Nat sherman classics when I want to spend the money.

>> No.6458963


>> No.6458970

bensons, weed and dmt

>> No.6458971
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>not getting the reference

>> No.6458984

What's up with that?

>> No.6458988

smoke weed all day errday

>> No.6458990
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pack of chesterfield blues a day

>> No.6458991


>> No.6458995
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the best

>> No.6459002
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>2013 smoking i seriously hope you fellas don't do this

>> No.6459007
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>tfw for the past five years my breakfast, lunch and dinner has been a smoke and a cup o coffee

>> No.6459042

>not making your own decisions in life
>criticizing others based in some sense of self righteousness
>seriously hope
good luck with your life friend

btw smoking is fashionable again it's seeing a huge resurgence in mainstream media - something that was frowned upon in the last decade.

>> No.6459049
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>> No.6459056
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black tar heroin

>> No.6459055

>tells other people to make their own decisions in life
>makes his decisions based on a "huge resurgence in mainstream media"

enjoy your shorten life plagued with morbidity
i hope you are an american so that the medical bills bankrupt you

>> No.6459066


>still believes smoking is bad for you

stay brainwashed, pleb

>> No.6459081


>> No.6459082
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Davidoff or Davidoff ID Touch

>> No.6459116

>smoking anything but cock

enjoy your cancer

>> No.6459189
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white ox maaaayte

>> No.6459216

I was pretty curious and bought a pack of lucky strikes. These aren't as bad I thought they be.
Great flavor and smoke is very thick.

>> No.6459232

are you in prison m8

champion legendary ruby

>> No.6459236


those are fucking fantastic aswell, i switch between white ox and champion ruby

>> No.6459237

Davidoff ID is probably the worse cigarette ever.
Classic is probably the best.

>> No.6459243


Color depends on my mood.

>> No.6459257
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>> No.6459275
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>> No.6459277
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>gold beyond's

>> No.6459309

you'll such a fucking coward

>> No.6459537

i mainly smoke pole

>> No.6459547
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>tfw haven't smoked a cigarette in more than a month
i wasn't that "addicted" but I would smoke a lot when i was out with friends n shit.

i do crave it when i'm stressed though.

>> No.6459545

>paying for cancer
Natural selection at work

>> No.6459556
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Get a nicotine patch. Can't go on without your nicotine

>> No.6459567


>> No.6459621

HAH wtf

>> No.6459653

lucky strikes and weed when I'm able to hook up some.

INB4 potsmoker lazy bastard
INB4 420 blaze it faggets retards

>> No.6459829
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Marijuana is illegal. Enjoy getting raped in prison faggot. You're being back traced as we speak

>> No.6459914

I live in mexico, I got caught once because I was smoking pot in a park, got a slap on the wrist.

Good luck putting me in jail amerifat

>> No.6459944

Sativa strains when I'm alone
Indica strains when hanging with friends

and Blu e-cigs at bars where they don't let you smoke
>muh vapor

>> No.6460041

I don't because smokings for losers

>> No.6460061
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I just ordered up a new vape.

>> No.6460071
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>I live in mexico
God, that must suck

>> No.6460070

wow where did you get it?

>> No.6460101

>not having rollies

You posting these pictures just shows how fucking gay you are


>> No.6460111
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that box mod is called the touchwood. it has a dumb name, but the product is nice.

>> No.6460136


queerbait die in a fire

tryhard burgerclap


real nigga

>> No.6460144
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>> No.6460184

du maurier

>> No.6460185

I'm an american I got married to a mexican girl and we moved to mexico a year ago and well, it's not really that shitty, it's pretty much like the U.S. same unemployment rate same bullshit

the only difference is in the U.S. you can get arrested for anything and you'll get tickets or fines for everything

here you can pretty much do whatever the fuck you want as long as you can pay the cops out of it and you can do it with between 10 and 40 dollars, which if you have a bunch of shit stupid laws that don't make sense it's pretty useful.

plus junk food here is dope, fuck taco bell, mexicans know their shit when it comes to making delicious greasy food (great for hangovers and munchies)

>> No.6460186


>American Spirit


>> No.6460192

>All that weed hate on 4chan.
Seriously, why? I mean, we all know that the 420 blaze it feggt kids are annoying, but what's so wrong about smoking pot occasionally?

>> No.6460201


shit-tier drug

>> No.6460211

the scent of my antioxidant-rich black tea

enjoy dying, faggots

>> No.6460212

It's cheap, easy to find and pretty fun. Also it has little to none backlash.
What makes it shit tier?

>> No.6460213

>corona punch

>not smoking corona punch punch

>> No.6460215

Smoking if for women, sometimes I chew Cope.
Either natural or straight but I haven't in four months now.
Not intentionally just haven't.

>> No.6460220

trailer trash teir

>> No.6460221

how so? It's one thing that this is the most popular/cheapest drug, but it doesn't have atrocious side effects like other hard drugs.

>> No.6460217


>> No.6460316

no side effects, it's pretty much like smokable alcohol without hangover and the uncomfortable feelings of being drunk.

cheap not physically addictive.

I get it, heroin is /fa/ or whatever

>> No.6460333

But just don't claim the shit like it's anything special. Way too many highschool fuccbois do this

>> No.6460335

I had a friend like you, he never had a drink, never smoked, ate healthy,excercised and got throat cancer at the age of 26

my grandma is 78 has been smoking 3 cigarrettes a day for more than 2 decades and is in good health

smoking doesn't gurantee bad health or a short life just the way being a health nut doesn't always guarantee a long healthy life

I smoke 2 cigarrettes a day sometimes I last weeks without it, fuck off

>> No.6460815
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>Not using snus
>Stay mad non-scandis

>> No.6460855

>go to glastonbury festival
>smoke 20 a day
>haven't smoked since
Found a broken grette in my jacket pocket so I tried smoking it but it didn't work. I go through random phases of smoking a lot then not smoking at all , dunno why.

>> No.6460870

Unfiltered Luckys and Malboro Reds

>> No.6460892
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and every credible doctor is in on the scheme that's being spearheaded by the jews/israel, right?

>> No.6460898


>not snusing granit or at least original portion

>> No.6460916

ultra smoking-pleb here. i have no idea what you smoke out of this but it looks damn sexy

>> No.6460932

Canadian classics

>> No.6461216


enjoy your cancer. People who start and stop a lot fuck themselves over cuz their lungs get damaged and heal and the change from one state to the other is what cause cancer.

also, nice dubs

>> No.6461251
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and a skruf extra strong

>> No.6461255

yeah smoking regularly is much better

>> No.6461388


well, more tar and shit in your lungs, you breathe like shit, but slightly less cancer risk. It's a tradeoff.

>> No.6461633


christ is smoking /fa/? idk man kinda smelling bad isn't but looking cool is but it might not look cool but if you doing it to look cool don't do it cuz fuck u thats dumb

what does /fa/ smoke? THIS IS BANAL SHIT nobody cares gb2 /smk/ or ask in the question thread

>> No.6461653


>> No.6461664

>citation needed

>> No.6462556

>not Göteborgs Rapé

>> No.6462592

if I smoke and quit before 30 (when it becomes un-/fa/ honestly) will I be okay? I'm fine with cutting 5 years or so off my life to further enjoy the present, but not 20 or 30

>> No.6462763
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>> No.6462770



>> No.6462773


No. Take the ride and have a huge chance of dying in your 50s, or don't ride.

>> No.6462811

Bad reading comprehension general?

It's okay I know you're insecure with yourself so you have to be in this thread making yourself feel better. I forgive you.

>> No.6463410

I smoke cigars every so often.

>> No.6463460

rolling perique tobacco all day because it's the only thing that gives me a buzz anymore
if I want machine-made I'll go with luckies or camels
camels are always effay

>> No.6463502


>"smoking" ecigs
>i want to dip my toes in the water with with the cool self destructive people without actually putting myself in any danger

>> No.6463539

Great bait, little guy!
Nicotine is actually a pretty great drug for some people. It helps them focus, cope and face their lives. Millions of people use it for this, but millions of people die because the delivery method for the drug is so harmful.
What if there was an alternative, though? What if millions of people who simply wanted their drug could have it, without dying or smelling like shit or clogging up the healthcare system?

E-cigs are harm reduction in action. their success represents a sea change in the way society views addiction, and they will likely pave the way for all sorts of other harm reduction initiatives.
Besides, smelling like shit is such a drag.

>> No.6463621
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>MFW everyone who smokes ecigs is a longwinded cunt who will talk to you for an hour about the merits of it, then turn around give the exact same speech to someone else almost as though they go over it in their head multiple times every day whilst sucking heavily on it every two minutes, like its some arcane pacifier

>> No.6463690


The fact of the matter is: you're not a smoker. You're not cool. You're just a nicotine addict.

That, and you ingest so much that sooner or later you're going to go into shaking fits if you're not puffing on it every 20 minutes to half an hour. So you're forced to look like a poser with a shitty addiction.

>> No.6463686

Natural selection has nothing to do with long term health, I can die of lung cancer but as long as I pump myself into some poor lady I am just as successful as some non-smokier who does the same.

>> No.6463717

You are like flaccid cock made of nerf foam.

>> No.6463744

>"hey guys, im quitting cigarettes!"
>"you are? that's awesome!"
>"yeah, i just got my ecig today!"
>2 years, 10 variations of an ecigarette and countless refill canisters and an arguably increased habit later
>"2 years clean guys! haven't smoke a SINGLE cigarette!"

fuck ecigs and the delusional people that smoke them

>> No.6463772

Where are the good places in Mexico? Planning a road trip to Mexico City need protips

>> No.6463782
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>> No.6463806

is grammar also for losers?

>> No.6463867

have fun being decapitated by drug lords

>> No.6463877

have fun being a gay lord

>> No.6463887

except it doesn't actually happen like that.

>> No.6463923
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>> No.6464385
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Don't worry breh I'm accounted for.

As a former smoker I can say that dip is vastly superior for my lifestyle. Used with proper disposal it leaves no scent, so nobody needs to know you're dipping unless you choose to do so in public. There's no nasty coughing to deal with, it's easier to dip while driving, and it gives an awesome buzz. If you can get past the initial feeling of nausea that most people experience and you don't mind spitting, I would highly recommend it.

Also it gives you that chic Southern vibe you've been looking for.