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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 91 KB, 171x515, Screen Shot 2013-07-06 at 1.08.01 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6452857 No.6452857 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /fa/,

this is my first time coming on this board, and I have to say, you are a bunch of fucking morons.

There is no utility in the clothing designs you've chosen.

You have critically misunderstood from whence beauty comes in the absence of utility. I assure you it is not in the functionally useless and overpriced 'avant garde' you're all chasing after.

If there's any aesthetic that you people are emulating, it's "I'm a moronic tryhard faggot with no idea what I'm doing, other than parroting all the other idiots around me.". You are like the people who watch The Colbert Report and think it's serious. You are like the people who shop at Urban Outfitters unironically. You are the people that normal people chuckle at in public.

Without any doubt, I can declare that this is the most idiotic non-misc board on 4chan. I hope none of you ever reproduce.

Pic related, are you idiots fucking serious.

>> No.6452866

sorry not all of us work dead end construction jobs and have to buy clothes for utility

sorry not all of us are so poor that we have to buy our clothes to last us the rest of our lives

sorry we like things you dont like


>> No.6452871

plebs should be locked in cages and let out to do manual labour

>> No.6452878

bp summed it up pretty well fuck off uuuuhhhh
i cannot believe i like him more than you now you're such a douche
go have a panic attack or something

>> No.6452897

im sure the great churches in europe were built entirely for function

>> No.6452903

I work EMS, and I'm on my way to med-school. It's not an issue of being poor or not, it's an issue of purposefully making stupid decisions in the name of 'artistic beauty'.

Explain to me why you buy inferior products on purpose. I'm willing to concede that I may have missed the point.

>> No.6452904

i said pretty much the same thing as him

>> No.6452915
File: 285 KB, 542x693, Screen Shot 2013-07-06 at 1.14.16 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>giant austere building meant to inspire awe
>meant to glorify a god
>making a temple enormous and ornate is not functional

You see, this is the kind of ridiculous idiocy that frustrates me.

And look at this. I just saw this fucking picture. Can any of you honestly say that this doesn't look completely fucking retarded?

>> No.6452931


>> No.6452936

>You have critically misunderstood from whence beauty comes in the absence of utility. I assure you it is not in the functionally useless and overpriced 'avant garde' you're all chasing after.

See, now here's where the hard part would normally begin. By telling us that we misunderstand beauty in the absence of utility, you're setting yourself up to explain it. Hell, it's a bold move, it sets up the reader for the ultimate troll, but that knockout punch never comes, and your whole argument just falls apart.

Really, it was the start of something beautiful, but you ruined it with a cheap string of swear words and unsupported personal opinions clearly fueled by anger.
You have to understand that these base insults you throw around are old hat. This is 4chan, right? The average core user probably gets told to go fuck himself ten plus times a day. The entire meat of your argument is in that one line I quoted, and you never developed it, you just tried to use its eloquence as leverage for foisting a bunch of your opinions upon us.

Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink. So please, try again. But try harder, think more, hash out your ideas and put a little love into the project, for god's sake. It wouldn't kill you.

>> No.6452937
File: 117 KB, 1280x1624, tumblr_m0a2fvu2XY1r4ws78o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of this is actually a critical opinion, it's ignorance disguised with linguistic fluff.

>> No.6452942

do you even urban techwear?

>> No.6452958

Dude, we've got a deep thread on cargo pants going right now. Most everybody here is at least slightly into techwear. We cream over Rick "book, sandwich, passport" Owens.

And what's not utilitarian about this? This is close to as basic as it gets; the only unusual thing here is the funnel neck, which is practical.

A winter jacket for warmth. A hood to keep the wind off your head and privacy. A simple, thick funnel neck shirt. The image is low res enough that I'm not sure if those are cargo pockets or stacks on the jeans, but yeah. Engineer boots.

>> No.6452968

Didn't that image from the Hollister thread, anyway?

>> No.6452971

My resident boards are /fit/ and /mu/, but thanks for trying. I appreciate the blatant attempt at character assassination as opposed to any sort of argument.

I just don't understand the point of owning anything other than a set of formal clothes, a set of casually formal clothes, and performance/ utility clothing. Why do you let yourselves fall into the "fashion" sphere. There is literally nothing separating you from people who wear Hollister.

Is it because you didn't have money growing up? I did, and I tell you, the 'wealthy folk' don't wear the garbage you idiots do. In fact for the most part we used to take the piss out of kids who tried to dress overtly formally.

>> No.6452979
File: 62 KB, 400x526, 25revillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you own jeans?

>> No.6452983

I like you how you reply only to the insolent posts, and not to anything well thought out. it's a classic shitposter maneuver.

>> No.6452986

I don't feel the need to further explain that point. If everyone here is too stupid/ not well-read enough to have understood what I meant about beauty I'm not going to take the time to try and educate them about it. I don't really need to do the explaining here, you all do.

>> No.6452990

>There is literally nothing separating you from people who wear Hollister.
>My resident boards are /fit/...
Thanks for validating your opinions don't mean shit

>> No.6452994

Why are you so insecu-

>> No.6452997


>I just don't understand the point of owning anything other than a set of formal clothes, a set of casually formal clothes, and performance/ utility clothing. Why do you let yourselves fall into the "fashion" sphere. There is literally nothing separating you from people who wear Hollister.

it sounds like you arent particularly curious about fashion. if it is not something that piques your interest, you really dont have to bother pursuing it. your point of view isnt really wrong or bad, it just has no validity once you apply it to people other than yourself.

>> No.6452999

>There is literally nothing separating you from people who wear Hollister.

alright, and theres nothing seperating you from obese brokencyde fans

>> No.6453001

all the anime boards are worse

actually, this is the 2nd best board, behind /k/ imo

>> No.6453002

/fit/ has made every single other board worse

>> No.6453005
File: 397 KB, 1085x1600, gr83dbait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6453008

>My resident boards are /fit/ and /mu/
gj countering attempted character assassination with self-inflicted character assassination

>> No.6453009

you make this board worse

you got rekt in that thread you made about margiela rings and ran away

we see through you steamer

>> No.6453010


i think by making the world beautiful we are in a way glorifying god. you don't even need to be a believer to get what i'm saying. when you see something beautiful you feel the wonder of the world again. to me fashion is about that. its about cultivating beauty i everything.

>> No.6453011

pretty much mini/pol/

i can never tell whether theyre just trolling or if they actually think that people not liking their irrelevant shitposting are evil jews

>> No.6453033

>Is it because you didn't have money growing up? I did, and I tell you, the 'wealthy folk' don't wear the garbage you idiots do. In fact for the most part we used to take the piss out of kids who tried to dress overtly formally.
lel I dont know where the fuck you lived but that is wrong on so many levels unless you were in a higher bracket than I was which is pretty doubtful

>> No.6453036

I will totally accept that and now no longer view you as a retard, but rather as a scholar.

But the rest of you... Why? Why throw your money away for something as stupid as these stupid fucking clothes? They don't make you look better in the eyes of others, they make you look WORSE. I cannot fathom why anybody would want to do that, except for in the weird religious self-admiration way that anon mentioned earlier.

>> No.6453037
File: 546 KB, 800x536, 1364876016510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I work EMS, and I'm on my way to med-school.

you mean you're going to get rejected from med school and spend you life eating at big mac, doing patient reports, and getting lower back problems from putting fat people on backboards as a paramedic?

anyway you haven't actually typed out any coherent critique of fashion besides "it looks retarded" and "it's impractical." maybe techwear interests you?


to me, at least, it seems like there is fashion that emphasizes practicality even maybe if only superficially

>> No.6453042

why is he a scholar for liking fashion but were still retards

he basically said "i buy clothes to be beautiful" which is pretty much exactly why everyone else does it

>> No.6453047

>look better in the eyes of others
well thats your problem m80
do you lift to impress others? do you form your musical opinion based on that of others?

>> No.6453050
File: 154 KB, 640x960, tumblr_lhp3mi3S9D1qzg45so1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no1 care :B

>> No.6453051


>They don't make you look better in the eyes of others, they make you look WORSE

from your point of view*

and thats fine

>> No.6453052

>Explain to me why you buy inferior products on purpose.

if we considered them inferior we wouldnt have bought them, would we. different people like different things, how fucking retarded do you have to be to not understand that.

>> No.6453053

>Why throw your money away for something as stupid as these stupid fucking clothes?

why throw your money away on ANYTHING?

it's fun

why is it fun? self expression. doing interesting things with silhouette, color, etc. is artistic self expression. like a painting, you may not really get what people or doing or you may just think it looks stupid. but that's your plebe opinion and that kind of judgement ("that painting looks idiotic, why would someone waste their time painting a person that doesn't even look realistic?") shouldn't really count for much.

>> No.6453055

why waste ur time lifting

>> No.6453056


>> No.6453057

>pretty doubtful

How much money are you talking here?

>> No.6453061
File: 168 KB, 500x632, 1367062709883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't make me bust out the dickovens rules of fashion

seriously though I don't get why /fit/ gets so much hate, they're always a couple of idiots from every board. and /fa/ is the first to complain if you're fat or your t shirt looks unflattering or whatever. the way you look and what you wear are inseparable.

I know you're trying to make a point but he'll probably say something like "it helps me pick up fat people" and you can't argue with that

>> No.6453062

without reading any of this thread i can read "throw your money away" and realize that whatever anger you have probably waters down to you not having money for luxury. and: get over it

>> No.6453063

my father was VP for operations in multiple companies managing thousands of factories internationally and my mother was a chief pathologist in a hospital who discovered some mutation in a hereditary disease
we used to live next to the Johnson and Johnson niggas

>> No.6453066

Top lel I scored a 37 on my MCAT and will be attending Tulane in the fall.

>> No.6453070

and now your on 4chan, bitching to /fa/.

>> No.6453071

b/c /fit/ likes to export its 'culture' to other boards

>> No.6453074

>Not lifting fat people with your knees
Wow faggot.

>> No.6453077
File: 85 KB, 571x903, Menzura-Korporacja_Sarmatia_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i feel like that shit happens irl too
i know a lot of guys who have gotten into weight training and they are always going on and on about how everyone else should also get into it
idk figure theyre high on hormones or w/e

>> No.6453075

>seriously though I don't get why /fit/ gets so much hate

maybe because we cant go a single thread without "dyel" and "thx hungry skeleton" and that bullshit

you guys are as bad as /pol/ here

>hey're always a couple of idiots from every board

lol, are you trying to tell me you get dudes saying "nice shorts fuccboi" on /fit/?

also dick ovens does not make the rules of fashion

>> No.6453078

/fit/ is invading
proof: >>6453069

>> No.6453084

>implying I am on my own yet
not everybody is a 23 year old art major making 500 a week

>> No.6453080


I'm sorry

>> No.6453081

And that is a coherent critique, fucknuts. The only one you forgot is that it's expensive.


These are literally the three criteria that put most consumer merchandise businesses out, but not fashion--because fashion is sustained by mongoloids.

>> No.6453088

Continuously, people will come here on /fa/ during the summer to complain about how awful it is while contributing nothing of value to this board and they genuinely think that by making threads like this they are putting a dint into the ideals and mindsets behind this board when really all they're accomplishing is riling up a bunch of summer casuals - time that could be used for something of actual value and worth.

>> No.6453091


also it seems like the people that are most vocal about it are the least /fit/ ones

i know some genuinely /fit/ dudes who dont mention it much but its always the ugly/short/chubby/beginners that feel the need to make it known that they lift

>> No.6453092

Yes I lift to impress others. No I do not listen to music to impress others.

What you people misunderstand is that the basest purpose of trying to look good is trying to LOOK good. LOOK. AS IN OTHER PEOPLE'S EYES--AT YOU.

>> No.6453093


you're going to have to expound on "retarded"

everything from fishing to flying model airplanes is expensive and impractical so I don't really get what your point is

>> No.6453097

Being different for being different's sake is idiotic.

Expression without direction is idiotic.

How have you people never learned this.

>> No.6453099


well you replied too so does that make you a metacasual?

>> No.6453102
File: 30 KB, 2560x1600, minimalwall-10-17-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What you people misunderstand is that the basest purpose of trying to look good is trying to LOOK good. LOOK. AS IN OTHER PEOPLE'S EYES--AT YOU.

You do not define the way I live my life, my purpose in life, or what I choose to enjoy. I dress for me and me only. My friends don't mind a bit.

What you are doing is called "projecting". You are projecting your reasons for wearing clothes onto me. We have different reasons for wearing clothes and you should respect that.

>> No.6453100

you dont lift to impress 15 year old scene girls that are into skinny guys

we dont buy clothes to impress retarded plebs like you :)

>> No.6453103
File: 44 KB, 461x672, Robert Geller Levis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you going to answer this question or should i finish the train of thought anyway >>6452979
there exist fabrics that wear harder and more comfortably than denim, and you could sew a pant more efficiently than a jean. as workwear, they're totally outdated. hiking in jeans? ridiculous, you'll be stewing in sweat. so why does anyone buy jeans?
>because they look cool
>because they like them
>because they just want a pair of jeans

>> No.6453105


I said expression; I didn't say anything about being different

good fits have direction. you may not see it but it doesn't mean it's not there.

>> No.6453110

1) Because I pick people up and throw them in a car for a living.
>oh wow a functional explanation

2) Because being physically fit is good for you
>oh shit 2 explanations

3) Because it helps me have sex with people
>holy shit three in a row that's more than anyone else has put forth for a question in this whole goddamn thread

>> No.6453120

wow brah shallow much? you need to discover how it feels like to lift for yourself and you will understand why people on .fa. are the way they are
I personally think goofninja is fucking retarded but some of it looks good and if thats other people's style then who am I to tell them its dumb?

>> No.6453122
File: 71 KB, 500x750, balenciaga ss 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fashion is a vain hobby and it's not for the poor. there are other vain hobbies/luxuries out there to complain about somewhere. your senseless points are not going to change anyone's interest or mind, i think it would be better to move on

also i feel like it's worth noting that you just described fashion as "retarded"

>> No.6453123

op talk shit post a fit
but seriously i want to see what you consider good looking

>> No.6453126

there are functional reasons to wear fashion
u don't need to lift to be physically fit
fashion will help u have sex w/ other fashion people

time is far more valuable than money

>> No.6453129

red wings loose jeans and button down here we go

maybe even a blazer if hes feeling crazy

>> No.6453133

Plebs don't even know about red wings

>> No.6453134

>next level shit

Well shit yeah we didn't have that much money. But I came out of the richest neighborhood in my city and we associated with all the elite.

It's 30 minutes from my hometown.

>> No.6453137

Shut the fuck up dude ahahah

>> No.6453141
File: 30 KB, 552x441, thehillshaveeyespic2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the richest neighborhood in my city

so you come from some shitty town in Louisiana filled with gross mutants and shit?

>> No.6453146

dont worry nigga as soon as you hit high middle class you can basically associate with anybody except middle upper class they are faggots

>> No.6453148
File: 250 KB, 890x1222, thisishownormalpeopledress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

minus the hat

>> No.6453152

if you want to look "normal", why are you lifting? the average person is overweight and does not work out

>> No.6453154

honestly why do u even care
what is causing this insecurity

>> No.6453161

In this case 'normal' means non-mentally deficient. The implication is that things like >>6452915
are not normal.

>> No.6453163

>strides to be normal
>4chan user
>comes from a ultra rich familly

>> No.6453167

things like lifting are not normal either

also that outfit is awful, why are you so fixated on it

>> No.6453164

not them but out of curiosity twerk, what do you think would be best for hiking? outlier has some cool technically innovative clothing of which i'm considering. i have a pair of their shorts which are super lightweight. but what alternatives are there or what would be particular fabrics to look for for lightweight/outdoor purposes?

>> No.6453166
File: 1.68 MB, 1354x646, `02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a good thread

>tfw trying to negotiate supplement theories w/ gym-rat friends
'gym/supplement/drug' industries are fucking viscous

>> No.6453170

I thought this was poet at first
I also like how OP didn't respond to it, its essentially the truth

OP is just being hyper-judgemental like everyone on 4chan, it comes from having an extreme lack of empathy for others

>> No.6453171

I dont understand this thread

it's like going to /o/ and telling them that you don't drive


>> No.6453172

leggings are the best you can do for hiking, shorts overtop if needed

>> No.6453175

more like going on /o/ and telling them cars are stupid when you secretly cant afford one

>> No.6453176

what if they get torn
they're leggings

>> No.6453179


people actually do that


>> No.6453180

any kind of pants can get torn

long underwear/leggings are literally the best for hiking if it isnt wet out

>> No.6453181
File: 326 KB, 729x675, 104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6453183

why do you want to be normal so much did you have troubles fitting in during high school or somethin like what is the issue

>> No.6453184

I'm not fixated on it, it's just an example of what I think is a non-retarded thing to wear on a normal day. A t-shirt, a hoodie, and pants.

And lifting is pretty normal. Fitness is a thing that normal people do because it makes sense to do it--unlike playing dress-up.

And just for argument's sake, what is 'awful' about that outfit?

>> No.6453187

idk probably to make themselves feel better about not owning a car

why do you think the "fat is beautiful" movement is such a big thing, why do you think they spout that "bones are for dogs" bs so much. people are much more happier trying to shit on people better than them than actually improve themselves

>> No.6453190

np, i was staring at it and new it was wrong somehow

>> No.6453194

sometimes I wish I was a dog or something

hell rly is other people

>> No.6453195
File: 346 KB, 500x377, tumblr_m2bu0bEftV1qargt4o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to op

>> No.6453196

>A t-shirt, a hoodie, and pants.

most people here wear similar things, just with different quality, designs, and prices compared to what youre used to
>Fitness is a thing that normal people do because it makes sense to do it--unlike playing dress-up.
the fashion industry is just as big as the lift pieces of metal up and down industry
>And just for argument's sake, what is 'awful' about that outfit?
i was talking about the one you originally posted, not seth rogans. his is just basic and boring.

>> No.6453200

So fucking tell me what your reason is. What does it do 'for you'. That is all I have asked.

>Explain to me why you buy inferior products on purpose.
>Why? Why throw your money away for something as stupid as these stupid fucking clothes?

>> No.6453203

because that is what we enjoy

youre not going to change your opinion no matter what we say, so i wont bother explaining it

please leave

>> No.6453204

why are you so angry

>> No.6453206
File: 18 KB, 96x96, xtinct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone's jimmy-rustled

>> No.6453208

For the same reason i enjoy the sea breeze, or play video games, or watch tv, or go to a party and dance without picking anyone up. I enjoy it, and you can never take that away from me.

>> No.6453210

go away or I'm going to spam the living fuck out of /fit/ with \༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ށ

>> No.6453213
File: 136 KB, 476x354, Screen Shot 2013-07-06 at 2.30.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fashion industry is just as big as the lift pieces of metal up and down industry

The fashion industry exists exclusively because idiots fall for it. That. is. it.

>barbell + plates my uncle welded
>"weighlifting industry"

>> No.6453214

U mad son?
TOP lel

>> No.6453217

>The weightlifting industry exists exclusively because idiots fall for it. That. is. it.

>clothes ive sewn
>"fashion industry"

all of your arguments work both ways... when you get to that point you know youre just throwing petty insults

>> No.6453219

>>Explain to me why you buy inferior products on purpose.

What makes these products you speak of inferior? The quality of said products shit all over your american apparel hoodies.

>>Why? Why throw your money away for something as stupid as these stupid fucking clothes?
Because they look better than the stupid fucking clothes you buy, simp. Disagree? No one gives a shit.

>> No.6453225

>implying I would ever touch American Apparel

>> No.6453230

You do know the fashion industry includes all forms or clothing even the ones your wearing right now. I also believe you have this delusional and misinformed idea of what is /fa/ believe it or not but not all of dress up like goth niggers. Hell even what you consider to be normal clothes we take in high regard. North Face purple label as example.

>> No.6453232

>american apparel hoodies
try Loro Piana and Balmain hoodies son, and no, nothing can shit on my sweet and soft LP hoods assboi

>> No.6453238

is wearing an American Apparel hoodie in the post you made indicating what normal people wear.

>> No.6453242

Which I didn't know because I'm not a faggot fashionista.

>> No.6453248

Right now I am wearing a free Guinness bathing suit and nothing else. I am still in my post-drunken 4th of July state.

>> No.6453250

>i like american apparel
>wait a second no i hate american apparel
>haha just kidding i dont care about american apparel, fashion is for gay nerds

having a hard time making up your mind sweetie?

>> No.6453251

Are you the OP? If not explain why you felt the need to respond to me when I clearly wasn't talking to you. Just sort of felt like showing off that you bought a shitty balmain hoodie because your idol Kanye West has one?

If you are OP then you've just contradicted yourself.

>> No.6453257

Glad to see that you've given up and are resorting to play this off as a troll thread. Go back to /fit/ or whatever shithole you came from.

>> No.6453269

>being this angry

Lol. I don't shop at American Apparel. I would never shop there because it represents the same stupid shit Hollister and this board do. What you caught me doing is making a mistake based on an image I found by googling "seth rogen". I never said I didn't care about American Apparel, I said I didn't know he was wearing it.

>> No.6453276

so you liked the hoodie, but once you found out it was a brand you disliked you didnt like it anymore? sounds like you do care about fashion after all honey

>> No.6453313

>feeding the troll

>> No.6453321
File: 51 KB, 500x625, Woody+Guthrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fun sometimes :)
notice all the posts he's ignoring lmao