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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 20 KB, 241x600, 2027184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6450604 No.6450604 [Reply] [Original]

hey guys I really need some help!

>i here my mom yelling "anon!!!!"
>wat mom?
>why on earth are your jeans in the freezer??
>there supposed be in there mom, you arent allowed to wash them
>well take them out, i have some frozen handburgers and theres no more room left
>so i take them out and she has this dumb look on her face, she hates the way i dress, pants too skinny, dry cleaning bills, asymmetrical cut shirts, etc etc
>w/e idgaf about what she thinks
>next day i come home from this summer class im taking, i look in my closet and literally HALF of my clothes are gone!!!
>her: i looked up online how much u paid for your jeans and it was way too much! you need to be saving for college!! and who the hell names a clothing company acne anyways! so i took all your expensive looking clothes to platos closet. the money i got will go straight towards your college tuition bill in the fall
>at this point i just wanted to punch her in the face but i restrained myself and went to my bedroom

so here i am sitting in my room with steam coming out of my ears. i am so pissed at her. the only nice clothes I have left are what were on my body at the time (n&f raws, a paul smith ocbd, and my guidi boots) (plus a drkshdw shirt in my closet she must have thought was cheap or s/t). i have no idea what to do. my only idea is to steal her credit card and go to platos closet and buy them all back. but i overheard my parents talking last week about how there cards are maxed out so idk if that plan would work. any other ideas? does anyone share my feels? pic related, i may never were my balmains again :(

>inb4 underage, i'm 18yo

>> No.6450607
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>actually fell for the old "put your jeans in the freezer" troll
Let me guess, you're doing squats right now, listening to ITAOTS on your new Gentoo install?

>> No.6450609


listen this is what u doin stuations like this op

u geti thur mummy and u stick ur willy in her earr

she get he knowledge - WOW

>> No.6450616
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>> No.6450619

only thing is to guilt trip her now, tell her how much she could've gotten by selling elsewhere?

>> No.6450625

steal it and go get ur shit back lol

what a bitch.

I would not let that shit fly.

>> No.6450626

If not troll go to the store and tell them exactly what happened and that the clothes were stolen, they'll refund them and if they don't make a police report against them

>> No.6450644

if any of it was leather your mom did the right thing.

>> No.6450646

I know right!! platos closet is for people who can't even afford hollister and have to buy it second hand instead!! i dont want those pleb fingers fondling my garments. i still have a bunch of clothes left, but its all shit i bought when i was like 16 and still thought macys was a hi-end department store

>> No.6450652
File: 50 KB, 300x300, unda da sea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get the fuck out

>> No.6450654

How much time do you spend drawing all those?

>> No.6450660

how did you pay for all of those clothes? im going to go ahead and assume it was your parent's money and therefore quit bitching

>> No.6450673




I don't go to /mu/, but I'm actually curious if this is a troll or not

>> No.6450682


Where do you live, OP?

>> No.6450683

Wearing guidis with naked and famous? Actually wearing Paul smith? top fucking lel

>> No.6450688

I like ITAOTS, I think the people who don't like it think that it's a troll album.

>> No.6450691


ITAOTS is a really, really good album, but it's a meme on /mu/ because the cover (and jeff mangum I guess) are pretty funny-looking and h sings about semen

>> No.6450692

if her mom didn't know how much he paid for his jeans there's a good chance it's his own money

>> No.6450710

muncie indiana.

hold me /fa/

>> No.6450706

>>owning those brands
ya ok he probably got his college fund and they didn't realize what he was spending it on

>> No.6450724


Holy shit, that place looks boring. Why can't you be in the Bay Area so that I can cop discounted designer clothing?

>> No.6450725 [DELETED] 


he's not asking because he's curious, he's asking because he wants to run to platos closet and grab your clothes haha.

>> No.6450738

not OP but i have a similar story

>roommate's long distance gf visits
>wake up, shower, open closet
>my n&f button up and acne bomber is not in normal spot
>my shirt smell like fucking beer and has a saucey looking stain right near the collar
>my jacket is ripped at the shoulders (couldnt be repaired) and smells like literal vomit and shit feces
>confront her
>admits she borrowed both for her friend
>"oh yeah sorry anon but [roommate] said it was okay :33"
>go fucking ballistic on the fat cunt
>she ends up in tears, roommate and me start throwing shit at eachother
>i get kicked to the fucking curb until it was sorted out, she was the "angel" and she "never did anything wrong" and she never paid me for damages to jacket and shitty shirt i threw out
fuck stealing without letting the person fucking know first
fuck people in general man

>> No.6450743

Did you make a thread about it a while ago? the girlfriend said it was worth too much so wouldn't pay for it?

>> No.6450755


Can't you sue them for damages?

>> No.6450756


>> No.6450763

if you have nice shit like acne, guidi, balmain, and drkshdw, then why the hell were you wearing n&f and paul smith
you deserve it for wearing garbage while there are good clothes in your closet

>> No.6450770

Just go to platos closet whatever that is and buy it back

>> No.6450771

Some guy had an almost identical story then, had an acne leather jacket and the girlfriend of his room mate took it without asking and tore the leather then refused to pay for it once she found out how much it was worth

>> No.6450779

Then must be copy pasta, I remember reading a story EXTREMELY similar to that went something like this
>out somewhere
>come home acne bomber cannot be found
>don't worry about it go to bed
>wake up find it
>smells like vomit
>tear on shoulder
>ask room mate what the fuck happened
>he said his girlfriend needed a jacket for a party the night before and he thought it was okay to borrow
>tell him he needs to pay for it
>tell him how much I paid
>he tells me i'm stupid for paying that much and he wont pay it back

>> No.6450782
File: 155 KB, 400x400, Vacation sharks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eh, depends

some only take about 2-3 mins
others 15 min

i draw them in my spare time for later use.

but if i feel i don't want to do another repost image i'll draw one up for a post.

pic related took like 30 min.

>> No.6450790
File: 27 KB, 640x480, 946956_527984470583653_1363355883_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously take all her money from her wallet/purse whatever, buy your clothes back and a lock for your wardrobe.

Take all her clothes and burn/sell them

>> No.6450786


It's a copypasta, i've seen it a few times .

>> No.6450793

if you can't afford to keep your shit way from poor people

or even worse live with poor people you shouldn't have anything nice

>> No.6450811

Sell her clothes, thats probably the best idea, after you go to Platos and tell them the situation or file police report.

>> No.6450813

while i dislike the fake siegs i agree
you should protect your clothes if they're expensive

>> No.6450816

ur fat

>> No.6450818

>it's a meme on /mu/ because the cover (and jeff mangum I guess) are pretty funny-looking and h sings about semen

nah it's just because of critical acclaim

it's not because anything's funny looking

>> No.6450827

Your mother is right. About everything.

>> No.6450828

Or even better, get a load of her clothes and go down to platos, explain the situation and give them her clothes in exchange for yours.

>> No.6450831
File: 46 KB, 259x256, 1372701877256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's his roommate dude
>tfw i'm going to university in 5 months with dormmate
i hope he's not going to touch my geos and cps

>> No.6450844

just sock him
if you're a smooth talker you can cook up some double edge sword shit about how he'll get charged to and from then on he'll never fuck with you because you socked his rat beta ass

when i read "threw stuff at eachother" i laughed

>> No.6450846

Oh fuck I remember that thread really well!
Fuuucking raging.

>> No.6450854

all my mom owns is cheap ass shit she bought at like targer or w/e

i cant really file a police report because because my dad would kill me. he doesnt care about how i dress, but thats probably because i rarely see him since he works 12 hours a day as a taxi driver.

i feel like such utter shit right now. i'm sure somewhere there are already plans being made to induct me into the fuccboi hall of fame

>> No.6450855
File: 11 KB, 450x253, cheetos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey bro is that real leather?

>> No.6450848


>tfw gonna live in a goddamn triple

i'm gonna have to have my own closet

>> No.6450850


nah at the very least she's a fucking idiot for losing all that money from acting brashly

the correct thing would be to tell her son (OP) that he should auction it all off properly to pay for college

getting upset and thrifting it is an idiotic thing to do either way

o well guess it sucks to be poor. my parents aren't idiots and my clothes expenses and college tuition isn't even in the same order of magnitude anyway.

>> No.6450858

i'm trying to make friends though

>> No.6450865

You should probably slice yourself, l'il buddy.

>> No.6450872

when someone gets away with doing something rly bad to you they will never be your friend, its a mental thing

they'll always think you're a beta from then on
i don't enjoy causing ppl any type of pain i find it unnecessary but dumbfucks only understand getting socked sometimes

>> No.6450869

i'm gonna need a gun

>> No.6450881

sell me ur guidis

use the money to buy back ur other clothes, its not like platos closet is gonna know how much theyre worth, theyre probably dirt cheap

yo if theres any /fa/ anons in indiana reading this id be hittn up platos closet right now for dirt cheap designer clothes

>> No.6450882


you never told us if it's your money

if you spent like two days of your parent's work for a pair of pants and didn't tell them, that would kinda suck. you have a responsibility to them since it's their money and their decision on what you should spend it on.

>> No.6450878

>people selling/destroying your expensive clothes
>not taking them to small claims court
That includes you, OP. Sue your mom.
It's the right thing to do.

>> No.6450885

Moving into a house with 4 girls in September to start my first year at uni. I already have girls stealing my t-shirts, hoodies and beanies all the time, doubt I could cope if it's every fucking day.

>> No.6450890

>it's their money and their decision on what you should spend it on.
no it isn't. a gift doesn't belong to the person giving it

>> No.6450891


>> No.6450897

Keep all your expensive clothes in 1 drawer/closet/whatever. Put a lock on it. Keep the key on you at all times.

>> No.6450893

don't scare me
i hope i'm going to have a lock on my closet

>> No.6450902

buy dreamboxes/zara sneakers and hide the real ones

>> No.6450910
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ty 4 shit posting with your shitty halfbaked troll thread c:

>> No.6450912


they probably didn't just give him money to spend on whatever he wants

they game him money, I would guess, to spend on whatever he needs for college and whatever reasonable expenses would be incurred from living away from home or whatever

clothes are a reasonable thing to buy but for most people's parents $1000 pants are a luxury and not what they would want it to be spent on

tl;dr it's conditional and he mad a bad decision if it's not his money

>> No.6450911

op here.

just remembered i kept my givenchy pervert tee under my matress because i didnt want her to see it! it's still there! every cloud has a silver lining they say

>> No.6450923

>tfw same thing, only my dormmate has more money that he spends on this stuff than me
Pretty great, and we're already good friends too.

>> No.6450919

Your mother knew how much they were worth and still sold it for a fraction of the price? She must be dumber than I think.

>> No.6450929

How did you pay for your shit?

>> No.6450927

i also should mention i cant get my mom in any legal trouble because she is on probation for stealing from hotel rooms back when she still had her job as a housekeeper at the marriot in and suites

>> No.6450937

It's called a job, get one nigga.

>> No.6450941

troll alert

>> No.6450945

Your mum sounds like an arse hole.

>> No.6450961

>dad is a taxidriver and mom is a criminal ex-housekeeper

too bad your parents sound too poor to take out life insurance policies, otherwise you would have the ultimate plan for revenge, not too mention all the great grails you could cop

>> No.6451561

thx for the advice guys. i'll go to platos closet tmrw to see how much they are selling for. my dad gets home in an hour, hopefully my mom wont tell him what happened :/

>> No.6451642

ur such a fkin beta faget op

>> No.6451849

>tfw your dad is macklemore
>tfw he will never let you spend more than fifty dollars for a t shirt

>> No.6451857

Haha nice try. You're obviously 17. Reported.

>> No.6451864

i went to platos just now and copped all of your shit lol #ethered

>> No.6451885

Yea. Then tell them your mom is whore and sold your clothes for crack money and you work 90 hours a week to afford those.

>> No.6451933
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>the clothes were stolen

that's pretty clever, I guess they're his and he's an adult


there was this facebook that was like, " I'm not gay but I think gay people should have equal rights and shit" which I thought was pretty dumb because to me it's a contradiction to ostensibly promote equality while on the other hand avoiding associations with that party

it's like, you can't join a group called 'I support gay rights' because then people would think you're gay. but isn't that stigma what you're supposedly fighting against in the first place? same thing when people here are like, "what you said was stupid and racist and I'm not even black." is your point not good enough to stand alone without saying you're not black to make your opinion impartial?

I'm bringing this up because some dumb sorostitute I was doing a project with was like "hey did you hear that macklemore song about gay people it's sooo deep" and made us all suffer through it and his lyrics are basically shit. I thought anyway.

>> No.6451993

how the fuck do people tear clothes like this?

how is that whenever someone borrows something it somehow gets damaged but all of their shit is intact?

>> No.6451998


it wouldn't make a very interesting or emotional story if it was returned in pristine condition?

>> No.6452010

>let friend borrow t shirt
>forget about it for a couple of weeks
>at his house and see it in his bedroom
>pick it up
>its got blood and foodstains on it
>me "dude what the fuck"
>him "oh yeah sorry man, spilt some stuff on it"
>see a pile of clothes on his floor that had just been washed
>me "why the fuck didnt you wash it?"
>him "cause its yours bro"

and people wonder why i dont let them borrow my stuff

>> No.6452025

umm idk what kind of PLatos Closet you have where you live....but when I took 2 huge bins of barely worn (some w/tags) clothes they refused most of them claiming they were too "nice" and those brands don't sell well there....funny thing is that shit wasn't even THAT nice - im talking like Max studios, juicy, bcbg, coach, dkny, theory, 7mankind - tier. they took like the worst items I had - express tanktops and Abercrombie jeans, they also took a fucking complimentary purse I got FOR FREE bc I bought high volume of vict secrt or some other mediocre brand fuckin suckers

>> No.6452073

Yeah this,

Thrift your own clothes back? It's dirt cheap they don't know and on the plus side your mom keeps the money

It's a win-win, everyone is happy.

>> No.6452105

she did you a favour

you were obviously dressing like a sperglord

>> No.6452140

what is the definition of sperglord?
I hear it all the time and I can only assume it an awful thing to be...but what specifically makes someone a "sperglord"? serious question

>> No.6452146

the king of those inflicted with aspergers

>> No.6452176

Why do you save drawings as JPEGs instead of PNGs?

>> No.6452185

As if everyone can afford a wardrobe full of designer clothing at the age of 18. OP must be spoon fed to have any designer clothing at that age anyway.

>> No.6452186

gr8 b8 m8 id r8 u an 8 cuz this thread's ir8

>> No.6452203

It gives them more texture. It's like they're distressed.

>> No.6452206

>school system
>not saying f u n learning how to real world bills, work hard and self educate by 18
Most of you are spoon feeding yourselves.

>> No.6452264

that is her fault

>> No.6452332

story was cool b but that pictures dope as hell

>> No.6452346

>parents give me 250 for new clothes and shit for next year (it was from my dividends so technically its from my own money, but they still handle that shit till I'm out of uni)
>spend it all in one place
>there's no need to argue, parents just don't understand

at least I copped some bomb ass Lanvin jeans

>> No.6452384

>implying you can buy even one piece with that much money

Nah, I'm not really taking the piss, but it astounds me when people manage to make that little cash go so far. I probably spend that much each year replacing my blank tees, two pairs of chinos, and some socks/boxer briefs.

>> No.6452402

Yeah they both shop at Kohl's/Macy's exclusively

they were telling me how I should be able to get three pairs of jeans, shorts, some shirts, and have some left for some shoes or a coat

I was like


>> No.6452426

I honestly forget that some people legit shop at places like Walmart. Macy's isn't even the worst thing ever, but the people who shop there tend to know fuck all about clothes, and end up looking awful.

Have you considered getting a job and setting aside money your parents don't know about? I'd be pissed if my parents limited my money, especially to that extent.

>spoiled brat masterrace

>> No.6452444

Yeah I have a job, minimum wage but so it goes for now.

tbh I'm just happy and grateful to have money in stocks that my parents set aside, I love them to death. I don't expect them to understand, but it's still fun to share their opinions with you.

>> No.6452454

>tfw rich parents
>tfw they dont give me money
I have to wait until one of them (usually my dad) is in a good mood and just splurges

>> No.6452470

Fair enough. If you get the chance, try your hand at reselling some streetwear, like Supreme five panels (retail $40-50, can occasionally resell for 200+). Very inconsistent, but it's a nice little boost every once in a while.

That never made sense to me. My family isn't even that rich, but my mom appreciates that a few hundred bucks here and there can completely change how a college kid lives.

>tfw she just gave me money for second-row Black Sabbath tickets in August
>tfw she helped pay for my $500 denim jacket two weeks ago
>tfw she's going to completely cover the cost of a $1000 pair of Thom Browne sunglasses for me

God I feel like a cunt with how much money she spends on me, but I love clothes.

>> No.6452613

Thanks :)

>> No.6452626

$1000 thom browne sunglasses.

>> No.6452649
File: 83 KB, 636x318, TB-002B Thom Browne US750 Shiny 12k Gold-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$750 retail + $250 for prescription lenses on the inner frames

>> No.6452773


ITAOTS is awful. Fucking plebs.

>> No.6452788

You're a sappy fucking faggot that is upset over clothing.

I'm leaving this fucking board.

>> No.6452875

if you own balmain jeans but live at home your priorities are fucked up and its prob for the best that they were taken away from you

>> No.6452883

its a gr8 album i think

>> No.6452957
File: 1.06 MB, 247x248, momi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spoiled little faggot 18yo mad because he bought expensive clothes when he clearly can't afford them
>seriously considers stealing his parents' credit card to buy them back
>not one single post calling him a moneyboi

This is the worst thread I have ever read. This makes Casey spam look like quality content. I fear for your future OP because you are a faggot of the highest caliber, something that years of forging in the fires of 4chan's faggotry could never make one come close to. You are a grade A piece of shit and I doubt you will go far in life.

>> No.6453026

if he can't afford them then how did he have a closet full of them dumbass

>> No.6453838

wtf logic???!!

he got the money from his parent you retard.

>> No.6453846

actually it makes a lot of sense. most of the time less rich parent splurge more.

I have pretty rich parent but they stint on me.

>> No.6453850

250 for a year?? I hope thats on thousand.

>> No.6453857

take a dump on his washing machine and put all his clothes in it.

glad I never lent anything to my friend. oh wait.. I dont have any.. at least ones that care bout fashion and whatnot

>> No.6453859
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man I feel you op, you should kill yourself to get back at them.

>> No.6454105

It wouldn't get nearly as much attention if it weren't so silly when you quote it out of context ie; semen stains the mountaintops, I LOVE YOU JESUS CHRIST etc.

>> No.6454183

>not enough to cop even 1 item
>"it astounds me when people manage to make that little cash go so far"
jesus christ why the hell is everyone on /fa/ rich as fuck?

>> No.6454198

all my niggas be rich as fucckk

>> No.6454206

>tfw single mum
>family holiday arranged
>refuses to pay for my airfare
>have to put hours into my minimum wage job to save up for the ticket
>trying to be /fa/ on a budget is horrible

>> No.6454325

Yeah, my mom used to be poor, so now her mentality is "We have money, so why shouldn't you enjoy it?"

Christ how horrifying.