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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 146 KB, 555x888, self_conscious-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6440937 No.6440937 [Reply] [Original]

Things that make you self concious.

>> No.6440941

there's already 2 goddamn feel threads

>> No.6440978

>5ft 8"

Will never be tall enough to please

>> No.6440996

thin dick and small balls

nothing else

>> No.6441005

scrawny as fuck

clothes drape nicely but i'm afraid to take them off.

>> No.6441021

My boob-to-ass ratio is off balance. Flat up top, well endowed back-there.

>> No.6441024


>> No.6441185




>> No.6441190

puffy nipples even though I'm very muscular :(

>> No.6441194

my neocortex

>> No.6441201

my long neck

fuck me

>> No.6441218

THIS GUY >>6441185


>> No.6441268
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>> No.6441283

i'm 5' 11" and weigh 125 lbs, do i win?
i'm trying to get pecs i already have a decent six pack

>> No.6441300

my acne. its not that bad but my complection from years of hormonal abuse is beyond repair. I can see people looking at them during conversation almost constantly.

>> No.6441304

Psshh. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6441345 [DELETED] 

When I hang out with friend's I've known forever an still can't talk so I just sit there quietly while they talk to each other about people i don't know. The worst part is they invite me so I'm sure they want me to get better.

>> No.6441351

those aint small titties

>> No.6441369

my face

>> No.6441381

any time I wear new clothes outside

>> No.6441382

first pic on hand my b

>> No.6441409 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1064x1546, 1370895289245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck off fag, tits >>>>>>>>>>>>> ass. ANY day.

>get mad

>> No.6441411

lol what



>> No.6441419

you serious mate? that's not even attractive. my girlfriend has b-cups and dat ass, you jelly yet?

>> No.6441427

I think I look fine.
I hate my personality.
People try to talk to me and I am completely unable to talk back.

>> No.6441425 [DELETED] 
File: 121 KB, 1064x1546, 1370895289245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tits > ass

Also...What the fuck, mod?

>> No.6441439

sfw board you stupid retard

>> No.6441448

a fresh haircut

>> No.6441449
File: 1.02 MB, 2918x1915, 1370573256514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think my acne problem is on its way out. I can cope with the acne marks, it's just the red bumps that kill me.

One thing that I hate about my acne is its untimeliness. I had such clear skin during adolescence and my high school years. We're talking about pretty, radiant skin.

And then as soon as I entered college my skin was all like, "Fuck you, bitch. We pimply now!" I'm surprised I was able to date anybody during my freshman year.

Aside from my pockmarked face, I don't give two shits about anything else. Maybe I need to find a better workout regimen and a new hobby, but that's about it.

>> No.6441495


mods actually enforce this now? stop snitching because you saw a pair of tits fag

>> No.6441531


what are you 12

>> No.6441575

Pics and we'll judge how self concious you should be

>> No.6441783
File: 294 KB, 800x599, ceel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my acne man, its killin my confidence.

>> No.6441816

Acne, skinny chicken legs, shitty facial hair, scrawny body type all around.

>> No.6441817

No because I am 5'11" and 117lbs

>> No.6441831


>> No.6441836

small man tits
slight belly
carrot legs
dont think my glasses match my head shape
small eyes
meaty nose
weird acne scar like thing on my upper arm

>> No.6441850

HOLY FUCK are you me?
I dont even get how this happened people usually have acne during their teen years but for some reason a month after my 18th birthday i was graced with the gift of acne. Its pretty much gone now but I panic when i get a pimple or two on my forehead thinking its all going to come back again

>> No.6441874

big front teeth
weak chin and receding jaw
slight pudge
reddish skin on face
nostrils a bit too big
eyebrows are too light
dark circles

i'm so critical of myself

>> No.6441883

it's acne. my acne just kills me. i had some cleaning treatment done today and i feel like the whole thing was a clever ruse because all they did was pop my pimples and rub my face raw with a million different oils

now my face looks like the god of acne shit all over it and i'm even more self-concious

>> No.6441892
File: 29 KB, 640x753, tfw_grying.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a scar right on the tip of my nose from a burn. Hold me, /fa/

>> No.6441894

bug eyes
forehead slope
big nose

>> No.6441903

the worst part is that I look like a solid 7 if I cover it with my finger, and
>6'2 140lbs
>31 waist
>good jaw and hair

I hate myself :/

>> No.6441958

Moles on my face- not even really that bad but im self conscious as fuck about it. It's either moles or a larger scar if i have them removed- not sure what to do.

>> No.6442260

Big mole on my forehead, short Asian tier cause I'm Asian, fucking oily skin, big nose, acne, posture is horrible.

>> No.6442271
File: 83 KB, 842x621, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to be my nose. but ive come to love myself bc i am no longer a faggot.

>> No.6442279

motherfuckin stretch marks all over my ass even though ive never been fat

>> No.6442346

i feel u

tfw never have flawless beach booty

>> No.6442349

apply bio oil

>> No.6442355

Did you buy a Norse Projects aardal blazer?

>> No.6442358

my nigga lips

>> No.6442360


>> No.6442362

why would u think that

>> No.6442367

I don't know

>> No.6442372
File: 70 KB, 645x778, 1368899014562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'9 (not tall enough to look good in clothes for skinny guys)

no muscle (weak af)

i have a bump in my nose and from that bump down to my nostrils my nose slants to one side.

one side of my lips is bigger than the other side

my eyes are asymmetrical. the outwards corner of one eye droops slightly and looks more tired and closed than the other one.

i have three moles on my face. one big one on my left upper lip, and two small ones in a vertical line on my cheek.

i'm pretty sure i'm anorexic, but not a good anorexic like you guys love.

from the side my face looks terrible

i appear to have a significant overbite

my nose is way too long and makes me look ridiculous

my hairline is disgusting. the hair on the side of my head has receded back to almost my ears. i have a widows peak with very deep recessions where i would part my hair from the left or right.

on the back of my neck my hair grows down one side, creating a rat-tail.

i have bad backne that has traveled to my upper arms and neck.

i think my hands are too small.

i think my leg hair is repulsive.


my hair is brown. i wish it was black or dirty blonde, but i don't want to dye it (muh no poo)

in every article of clothing i wear i feel incredibly insecure in it, like everyone is staring.

i take weeks to wear a new shirt/sweater/etc

i have no friends, which makes me feel incredibly alone at times, knowing there's no one to lean on. except you /fa/.

there's never enough feels on /fa/

>> No.6442378


>5'9 (not tall enough to look good in clothes for skinny guys)

5'9" is a perf. height because you can buy XS and it'll fit v.well

>> No.6442383

Same- so weird, im skinny and have quite a small ass so ive no idea how it happened. Admittedly the amount of hair on my ass is more worrisome than the stretch marks.
Thank you based uuuhhhh

>> No.6442401

I'm 5'8 and Small is the only thing i fit in . M is baggy and XS is too tight :c

>> No.6442407

5'11 180lbs, need to lose 20-25 lbs or at least turn it to muscle

bad jawline from the side, good from the front

big forehead, bad hairline

nipples are a little puffy

Dick is a major grower not a shower, feel like I would be laughed at until hard

>> No.6442428
File: 115 KB, 497x445, 1317769110001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know exactly that feel, bro

>> No.6442436
File: 132 KB, 381x390, 1352189486649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya'll are reasonably attractive people with most likely active lives, creative minds and a awful shit bad self-esteem.

Should walk in the shoes of a dude past 300lbs.
I'm just sayin those cats have it shitty.

>> No.6442441

we are the same people

>> No.6442448

Lipomastia/puffy nips/ gyno makes my nipples visible through some t shirts ;_;

>> No.6442449

r u mE?

>> No.6442476
File: 87 KB, 960x650, 1368889734319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>growing up as a kid everybody tells u w0w annon u r so tall ur gunna go up so big :))))
>only 6ft

>slowly receding acne, general redness on some parts of face

>i sweat real easily, when I exercise after 20 min I am usually drenched in sweat even if I've drank half a liter of water in that time and can start to sweat just sitting in a slightly hot area

>been almost auschwitz mode, now pushing skinnyfat, no matter what still fat on cheeks, rest of bodyfat goes on ass

>> No.6442535

I'm self conscious because my masculine silhouette doesn't match my shirtless body

>> No.6442898

Yeah what the fuck, my 19th year was my most acneridden year and now it's subsiding at 20 y/o.

>> No.6443067
File: 19 KB, 320x240, underbite2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have a moderate underbite, not huge but large enough.
the worst thing about an underbite is that unlike an overbite, it actually makes you look pretentious, like you're in some sort of perpetual snooty contemplation about everything. ive lived my whole life dealing with people thinking that i think i know everything. its incredibly hard to socialize and im always self conscious on an almost subconscious level.
and then theres the horrible acne and scarring.
aside from that i actually like my face. i actually made out with some random girl at a club last week, i get compliments on my eyes and my face has no weak shape to it. maybe thats why i still get away with women here and there. like im an attractive guy with a few fucked up and hopefully correctable features.
i still walk and talk with more confidence than most people but its taken some serious effort to not be a total hermit. i intend on saving up, going to an orthodontist and a dermatologist and seeing what can be done, and maybe from there i can live a normal life.

>> No.6443073



>> No.6443111

>only 6ft
I hate you.Yeah I understand everyone strives for perfection and being the best but fuck. And all your other shit can be worked on with diet/exercise and skincare treatments.

>> No.6443119

I've got mid to long-ish hair, think of the band Smith Westerns.

However, its all really snaggy and broken now, and I have to wash/condition it daily or it looks like utter shit, especially as at my hairline/sides of my head the hair is really short, again refer to broken hair.

I'd like to get a haircut pretty short but some girls enjoy my hair, and I don't have an amazing hairline (I've not got a huge forehead or anything, just I have a U shaped hairline-ish instead of flat etc.

What do /fa/?

>> No.6443148
File: 51 KB, 480x463, 526659_329856127114667_445032192_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my skin
>my hair
>my clothes
>my age
>my tits
>questions about my lifestyle

>> No.6443149
File: 51 KB, 505x640, brussel coudenberg keizer karel 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Man, I know that underbite feel. Luckily I have a fairly strong jawline, so the moderate underbite isn't the worst part.

Haven't come across the "pretentiosness remark" though. People always tell me how I look like a "real man", even though I have no idea what that's supposed to mean.

Just relax man, a minor overbite is worse than a minor underbite (via no jaw vs fairly big jaw). Remember, all Habsburg monarchs had an underbite and they did pretty allright for themselves. Unless you're a woman, in that case an underbite sucks.

Pic related, look at that motherfucker. Ruling an empire like it aint no thang.

>> No.6443152

cogito ergo sum

>> No.6443184

i got no/very little acne on my face

but FUCK this BACK ACNE BULLSHIT is driving me MAD. How fucking HARD do you want me to scrub in the shower??? And it's not even inflamation/pimples I get, it's these annoying hyperpigmented spots/blackheads. And I'm, going on a beach vacation in a week. I don't know what to do, I want to fade them/make the inflamed ones less red/make the blackheads go away.

I also have very disgusting keratosis pilaris on my upper arms, so even my skinny arms don't look /fa/. Apparently there is no cure.

Bit of eczema but hey I'm treating with steroids so it's subsiding

>> No.6443205

Go kill yourself you ungrateful fucking cunt.

>> No.6443220

less c em bby B)))))

>> No.6443223

You don't know what keratosis pilaris looks like, do you?

>> No.6443224

>4 inch penis
>chubby because I let myself go
>hair looks like shit
>forward neck posture

I only had the penis to worry about 2 months ago. Now look what has happened. Fuck.

>> No.6443227

5'7 and 112 pounds
boobs are too big
bad case of cellulite
weird teeth

>> No.6443237
File: 23 KB, 800x800, 1372277297320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wide hips
>lazy eye(mostly unnoticable, thank god)

>> No.6443241

R u a grill?

>> No.6443245

you shouldnt really call that a penis

>> No.6443248

thom yorke?

>> No.6443249

>small distance between eyes
>roman nose with a bigass bump in the middle
>6inch penis

>> No.6443262

>6 inch penis

>tfw because you're average, you'll never win girls by your sexual prowess alone.

>> No.6443263

I'm you except 5'8.

>> No.6443266

being 5'9 isnt great and ive realised id look a lot better if my nose was a little different but that isnt something im actually insecure about

other than that theres nothing except the fact im pretty fat atm but im cutting and have lost 3 pounds in a week and will keep losing 2 a week so ill be lean in 2 months

>> No.6443287

shit I never knew I had a statistically large penis

wow that's p cool

>> No.6443290

>other than that theres nothing except the fact im pretty fat atm but im cutting and have lost 3 pounds in a week and will keep losing 2 a week so ill be lean in 2 months

And then you will be yung lean

>> No.6443295

i guess im self consious that im still a virgin
but 18 isnt too bad right?

>> No.6443301

if you are virgin at 18 you will probably carry it well into your 20s unless you do something about it asap

>> No.6443322

Either lower your standards or improve your game/personality & looks. Or do both for maximum puzzies.

protip: always be decisive and take the initiative, don't let a "no" get you down.

>> No.6443326

I'm 6 feet 2, long and normal thickness penis, but very thin. My chest looks horrible.

>> No.6443349

Terrible posture so my ass sticks out.
Always sit or stand awkward in general.
Never know what to do with hair.
Teeth are getting yellow and I brush them twice a day.
Acne is bad.
Sometimes even the sound of my own voice pissed me off.

>> No.6443366

im also just kinda upset cause i had quite a few opportunities this weekend but i straight up told a girl no like several times. it was cause i wanted to hook up with her friend and i thought it was the right thing to do but in reality i think i should have just fucked the first one then she would have left me a lone so i could fuck the second
and now im just thinking that i just have the mentality of a complete beta fool

>> No.6443375

go do those monthly for half a year and it will get better

>> No.6443457

>my forehead
>the fact that im only fucking 165cm
>Knees that go inwards

>> No.6443502

it would be easier to ask what doesn't make me self conscious. Then the answer would be "I don't know".

>> No.6443660

How the fuck can knees go inwards ?

I'm sorry but I can't visualize that

>> No.6443736

Knocked knees.

>> No.6444303

all that does is makes me feel worse, knowing that someone else suffers from my feels

>> No.6444427

If I bend over, not even all the way (like when tying my shoe, for example) loads of blood rushes to my head and it goes red as fuck, and takes several seconds to go back to normal when I stand up. I probably have poor circulation but I exercise regularly and all that. Still it's hella embarassing

>> No.6444453

To be completely honest, my vaginal area.
Guys seem to be so picky with the how it looks and the layout of what a vagina looks like that the fact that I have a semi-large labia that sticks out makes me feel self concious that whenever I finally bed someone they'll be disgusted/turned off by it.

>> No.6444456

pls be in london

>> No.6444472


tbh guys expect vaginas to be disgusting, they're pretty icky organs by default. You can also get labia reduction surgery though if you really think they're bad

>> No.6444504

dis guy rite hear

>> No.6444509

I'm missing my left forearm. I've got scars all over my body. And I've got a brutish face (which some would call "ugly"). I look pretty rough all over.

At least I've got stories to tell.

>> No.6444525

Wow and I thought I was bad. My acne doesn't bother me all that much because it's moderate. My height bothers me, but then I stop caring. The only thing that bothers me daily is whether people can tell I'm rolling or not.

>> No.6444599

don't those like make them less sensitive though/not sensitive at all

>> No.6444635

I'm like a fucking satyr from the waist down. Makes me nervouse to do anything with a girl.

>> No.6444706
File: 11 KB, 192x145, 1356750826725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18 and 5'6
>acne scars + redness ( gets noticeable is certain lighting)

At least my skin is starting to heal

>> No.6444716

> 5'6
I'd make you my girl bby, please be in london

>> No.6444735

are you me? my brother

>> No.6444956

i have really narrow shoulders
my hairline is slowly receding at the temples but it's just kind of halfway there and i want the temple hair to just fucking go away already so i can get a proper haircut, there's no thinning anywhere else and given family history there probably won't be so idgaf
my scrotum's kind of tight around my balls, i'm not insecure about it but it sort of kills my groove sometimes, i think it's because i masturbate too roughly
that's about it as far as stuff i tend to think about a lot

>> No.6445948

>5ft 3"
>117 lbs

Browsing /fa/ makes me feel over weight because there are people taller than I am who weigh less, but then I look in the mirror and think I'm okay. But it gets to me sometimes.

>i guess it helps bring a grill but still

>> No.6445954

girl can mess with my head so damn easily even though i try to prove to myself they cant

>> No.6445970
File: 6 KB, 384x384, 1318800353056 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one in my social circle knows I have a penis
>constantly paranoid that they know I'm trans and just haven't said anything about it
>also boners when wearing a skirt


>> No.6446005

you are a good weight :)

>> No.6446038

post pic pls

>> No.6446075

So basically I went from 210 lbs to 150 in a few months during a summer in high school (btw 5'11). I felt healthier, but I still have gyno, stretch marks, and extra skin. Currently at 145lbs and working out a ton and never exceeding 1500 calories a day. It feels like I'm never going to stop being a skinny fat baby face teen who can't grow a beard.

>> No.6446094
File: 31 KB, 600x400, haloween.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont like my nose....im the guy on the right.....

>> No.6446098

do the tuck under the waistband thing with your cock pointing up, boner hidden.jpg

>> No.6446112

>shitty teeth
>birthmark on face
>6'6'' but have average sized penis

that's about it really

>> No.6446120

Don't you mean left?

Nothing wrong with your nose you're plenty hot.

>> No.6446136

5'10" but few spine issues due to awful posture and whatnot
have potential to reach 5'11"-6ft if i actually start stretching regime and proper exercise
>implying i will

>> No.6446161
File: 58 KB, 720x960, long hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya i meant left i was remember the pic irl and i was the the right of her in the photo confusing lol

and thank you, i mean this kinda is a flaterring picture and was when i was in highschool im 22 now about to be 23

>> No.6446164

>5'10 manlet status because all my friends are like 6'2
>Scars on left side of my face from ice hockey
> one eyebrow is slightly lower than one and it's not at all noticeable except to me but it pisses me off
>5.9 inch penis tfw below average

>> No.6446214
File: 1.80 MB, 282x257, 1369851654072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.6446221

Can you read idiot? The first pic is now the second was then

>> No.6446245

You did a terrible job of explaining that
simply terrible

>> No.6446253

I'm not the guy, just a bystander

>> No.6446285
File: 171 KB, 2048x1365, hehe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im not fat....but i do look like a pedo

>> No.6446291


you look like a try hard

>> No.6446305

isn't that something to do with zinc? Maybe testosterone or something, there's probably something you can do

>> No.6446330

idk what that means

>> No.6446331

6ft 1"
Dominant jaw line
140lbs muscular build
Thick dark brown hair
Blue eyes
Only let down
Big features like big nose and eyebrows...

>> No.6446341

>had a lot of acne on my back and on my chest, and it turned into scars

besides that I'm self confident

>> No.6446344


>> No.6446348

being too good looking

>> No.6446351
File: 22 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130704_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel well... pic related

>140lbs muscular build
>6ft 1"
wtf you talkin 'bout, nigga? 140 at 6'1" is hungry skeleton mode

>> No.6446352

>muscular build

pick two

>> No.6446537

Muscular build does not mean he actually is muscular. 63kg is doable if its pure bulk.

>> No.6446556

Feel your pain.

tried accutane?
also diet is a big as fuck deal. No dairy.

>> No.6446635

You can get perscribed things for that

>> No.6446640

not being white

>> No.6446651
File: 68 KB, 300x300, that puke girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Girls laugh at me wherever I go
>Jocks took my ball, hold it above their heads, I can't reach it
>Chinese people call me "short stuff"
>Not tall enough to reach the ceiling and tie a proper noose

>> No.6446653



#brownbois we on dis

>> No.6446660
File: 73 KB, 720x472, acne-pustular-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had shit skin since I was 14, looked like pic related at its worst, except the red bumps had a longer radius (gross as fuck)
>took accutane when I was 17
>acne went away for two years
>it's coming back now
>i'm fucking 20 years old

Acne is probably the fastest way to go from 10/10 to 6/10. How many people do you see on TV with shitty skin? NONE

>> No.6446668

I have brown eyes. I can tell that girls aren't interested in me because looking at my face is like staring into two unbleached anuses. They want to date people with blue/green eyes even if they're dicks.

>> No.6446679
File: 820 KB, 1241x1652, Niclas_Gillis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have pretty shitty hair.

I don't even have too much of a problem with how high the hairline is because I know there are plenty of guys, models even, who have no problem making their hair cover or compliment it.

The problem is that, while my hair, while not falling out, has always been on the thinner side, and I just can't find a way to make it work the way I want.

>> No.6446676

Fucking 5" 6
Awful haircut
Stretch marks on ass
Comp sci major

Just fucking kill me

>> No.6446695


use sea salt spray bruh

>> No.6446703

>>How many people do you see on TV with shitty skin? NONE

That's cause they wear tons of make-up and have lighting and camera angles to present them in the best possible way.

>> No.6446701

I have unusually red lips and pale skin. At times it looks a little like I'm wearing lipstick, and I'm worried some people will think I'm a fag.

>> No.6446706

no one has to know you are a compsci major
I know the feel of telling people though, they all think you are some stupid nerd who will be working a call center for minimum wage.

>> No.6446709

I have a weak jawline
My nose is a little larger than I'd like
My forehead is a bit too big/my hairline starts slightly too high
I think there's something off about my eyes but I can't put my finger on it (I look better in pictures if I cover my eyes with like my hand or whatever)

On a more temporary note I'm in the process of growing my HY out and it's at a real awkward phase where I have no idea what to do with it

Damn, that's about all I could come up with. Privilegeeee

>> No.6446716

terrible acne scars

scars on my inner thigh that look like cut scars

my back has really bad scars, one time someone saw them and called child protection

>> No.6446717

There's always Edward James Olmos with his terrible facial scars.

>> No.6446721

I just tell them I'm a psychology major so they stop asking for tech support.
Worst fucking part is that most of the people in the major have no idea what their major is about the first couple years. So many fucking spazs that want to make games or some bullshit.

>> No.6446724


I've heard argan, tea tree, and coconut oils were good, but I've never heard of sea salt spray. I'll look into it, thanks!

>> No.6446725

In my experience they all think you're going to be rich as fuck. Then again, this is at a school filled with people majoring in the humanities.

>> No.6446735

I considered saying I am psych but there are so many grills that take it they would all ask why they don't see me in class ever or ask for notes or someshit.

>> No.6446738

I sometimes get this, they ask if I am going to make the next angrybirds. Usually it does nothing for my game though.

>> No.6446756

>Usually it does nothing for my game though
Very true. I don't talk about it unless I'm asked. For how much money that the degree can bring in, our culture's perception of CS pigeonholes you into the scrawny white unathletic nerd stereotype. I'm a fucking athlete and I still have to deal with that.
>thanks le big bang theory

>> No.6446775

>scrawny white unathletic nerd stereotype
Well there are a lot of those people. But if you lack social skills in our field you'll never make it to upper management positions.

>> No.6446788

If it helps, I like guys with dark eyes (specifically brown) in comparison to blue/green/grey eyes. They feel more gentle and welcoming and instead of piercing into your soul they're reaching out and giving your soul a hug.

>> No.6446831

Upper management is boring though.
It's really nice to do no work and just have lunch on the company's dime, but there is little to keep you interested unless you like manipulating people. I moved down.

>> No.6446853

steve wozniak engineer for life brofist

Frankly though, I would rather get to upper management, earn a shitton of money, then retire and work on code that I want to work on.

>> No.6446858

Well upper management as in project leaders and stuff. It sounds pretty fun since you're in charge of a greater scope of a project rather a small portion if you're just a code monkey.

>> No.6446866

>steve wozniak engineer for life brofist
Wozniak sort of thing is usually the upper management positions I was talking about.

>> No.6446885

Perhaps you're thinking of Steve Jobs. Wozniak always preferred getting his hands dirties and not dealing with the business end of things, according to his autobiography at least.

polite sage

>> No.6446893

Project managers are still upper managerment. And Wozniak was definitely that. He was the one managing the various projects he was working on.
Upper management isn't just the business side of things, project managers are still part of it.

>> No.6446900

It all depends. Some places you are either a paper pusher or an engineer buttwiper as a PM. Some places are like you describe.
That works as well. The problem is once you are of that age it is difficult to keep up with the trends in technology and learn new things. Better to have your fun when you are young.

>> No.6447290

I'm not sure if I'm ugly or not and that makes me insecure.

>> No.6447476

i-i love you. me too anon.

>> No.6447522

>I have a stomach. Some days it looks fine and other days it's revolting. Jeans NEVER fit right.
>Have an afro.
>5'10" grill and "too tall" for most guys

Ugh, I'm so fugly.

>> No.6447614

>5'10 grill
bby u r perfect

>> No.6447760

>Have an afro

You wouldn't happen to be african-american would you? Not a lot of those browse /fa/

>> No.6447764

>african american


is every black person from the us now suddenly?

>> No.6447799

can u even read

>> No.6447817

I have neanderthal facial features

>> No.6447896



And b-cups + dat ass is most likely codeword for fat.

I doubt you are a millionaire or male model to get PlayBoy bunny proportions with thin waist.

>> No.6447928

I'm pretty sure you can have that scar fixed

>> No.6447930

aas only ones that can have afros, this just in

>> No.6447945
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>10/10 to a 6/10
Believe me, if your acne is that bad, you are NOT a 6/10.

>> No.6447949

I have this, too. The teeth are straight, but slight underbite accompanied with big forehead makes me look neanderthal. Somehow though, it also makes me look very masculine, strong and dangerous.

That's good, because I'm a male and can play the bad boy game easily.

I must do 2 plastic surgeries to make the forehead smaller and get the jaws right, but that will feminize me a bit and I'm not sure I want that. My bite is even after the braces, so no problems there.

>> No.6447952

Cut him some slack, he already feels bad enough as it is.

>> No.6447954

>tfw red mole under nose above lip
does it cost money to have them cut it out

would rather have a huge fucking scar than a mole

>> No.6447971

I honestly have nothing

>nice teeth
>"perfect" dick
>only get complements on my clothes

>> No.6447972

Can you post pic of your underbite? I want to see how bad is it. Do you still have normal teeth alignment or the lower teeth go forward?

>> No.6448004

Tall/prominent nose with slight curve. If only I was born with button nose like my mother. I would be swimmin in diq.

>> No.6448019


Same feel here. I'm A-cup/32 bust on top, and a 40"/size 9 booty. Swimsuit shopping and dress shopping are the worst.

>> No.6448034

I mean I could pick and pull apart everything about myself, but the thing that bothers me the most about myself is that inability to let go. And how aloof I am--I always put some distance between myself and other people.

>> No.6448047

I'd love to see a pic of your dick, please.

>> No.6448115

If yah got my snap I'll show you, fairy.

>> No.6448172


I'm a guy btw

>> No.6448201

>crooked upper teeth because got braces but never went to the dentist after that for two years
>flat feet
>ugly shape of head because i used to sleep with my head resting on the edge of the bed, the wood eventually deformed my head slightly
>cystic acne, scars on ass and upper back, face is relatively clean
>crooked nose, like that guy who gets posted here all the time with long hair
>too skinny
why do i even try

>> No.6448226

>Tits stretch out everything
>Make everything look slutty
>The only worthwhile bras are sixty-fucking-euros and hideous
>People keep telling me that shitty burlesque-inspired bullshit clothes would "look soooo good" on me, fucking peasants.

>> No.6448249
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>social anxiety
Shit sucks. I get the racing heart/body tension/shifty eyes/breathing problems whenever I go out.

>> No.6448290

what are you worried about exactly?

>> No.6448295

You know your jaw will look weaker after your underbite is fixed? You probably only have the nice jawline because of the underbite.

>> No.6448311

The permanent dark bags under my eyes

>> No.6448333

That feel.

Want to be stick thin A cup,
No matter how much weight I loose, D breasts.
D isnt even that bad, I cannot imagine having a larger size.

Breasts are not /fa/

>> No.6448337

it's called concealer -- wear it.

>> No.6448343

>All of these acne children.

18yo's pls go

>> No.6448346

I hate burlesque fashion. Also rockybilly. It's the female fedora.

>> No.6448362
File: 281 KB, 250x250, 1369386500916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slightly big nose
>tfw short as fuck
>tfw assymetrical face
>tfw brown eyes
>tfw skinnyfat >MOOBS ;-;
>tfw weak brows
>tfw slightly shitty hairline
>tfw hair grows outwards in back of head and looks fucking retarded.

>> No.6448376

I am so familiar with this feel. I will never have that Freja Bena front drape in clothing.

I'm a G. Fuck this earth.

It has become so over-exaggerated and cartoonish that you immediately imagine that the person in it has a pathetic personality 98% of the time.

>> No.6448377

holy shit post pic? maybe you should just kill self

>> No.6448375

This, I know a girl who OBSESSES over 50s fashion/rockabilly and it's hideous. Just because she knows how to put rollers in she thinks she's some sort of star

>> No.6448380

The first girl i was in love and had sex with were like that. I think i've modelled my tastes after her, i'm also hugely into redheads.

My recent girlfriend had a sloppy ass and large breasts, i really didnt know what to do with them.

>tfw long arms and legs, way too skinny no clothes fit me, i burn every calorie i eat its so hard to build muscle for me

>> No.6448387

>tfw lazy eye
>tfw afraid of photos
>tfw ugly lips
>tfw fucking ugly hands
>tfw small feet so I'll never make any shoes or sneakers look beautiful
>tfw neutral face is hideous

>> No.6448403

I got the same. It's not about being worried about something, it's about just being worried.

If i were worried about a specific person i would avoid him or do something about the situation, the problem is that it's basically every interaction with people. Literally every interaction, as in a person 100 meters away looks in my direction.

>> No.6448421

>Clenching jaw
>Pulling the lower jaw forward
>implying a real jawline

>> No.6448451

>Small hands/short fingers
>thin wrists/forearms
>lack of biceps/pects
>narrow abdomen

High metabolism means a fuck-ton of effort for minimal gains. At least I have skinny legs.

>> No.6448455

are u me

>> No.6448460


I would if I could find a shade that blends well with my tone.

>> No.6448475
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>> No.6448472
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>take picture
>look completely different to my actual self
>completely parallel and disconnect compared to mirror
>look like shit even though good looking in real life

>> No.6448482

I l-love you guys

>> No.6448486


>> No.6448532
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my hands
>bite fingernails can't stop
>sausage fingers even though im not overweight
>a wart is appearing

>> No.6448538

seeing my face in profile. i can't ever tell if everyone looks stupid in profile or if it's just me.

>> No.6448548

being underweight because I am an ectomorph, shitty haircut apart from that I'm 6"2 feels good bro

>> No.6448549

realised this morning ive been mouthbreathing p much my whole life oh my fucking god

I have a fucked deviated septum tho so I figure I'll get surgery for that asap and get that shit sorted

>> No.6448552

>the right side of my face
>if i look at myeslf from the left i look stunning
>rotate and look at self from other side and feel 1/10

>> No.6448573

>tfw one cheek is slightly more sunken than the other

>> No.6448582

>wide hips

>> No.6448592


>> No.6448593

>i'm who you replied to and i also share this feel
>w-why /fa/

>> No.6449321


>> No.6449837

I have a weak jaw, that's the biggest thing. It's not mouthbreather-tier receding or anything, but I still hate it

sometimes I hate my nose but it's probably fine

some days I feel my eyes are too close together but there's no way to fix that.

Other than that I feel fine. There are days where I feel really ugly, and if I had the money I'd get surgery, but for now I'm just tryna keep it cute

>> No.6450294

>5ft 10"

>> No.6450304



>> No.6450314

big nose and big nipples

>> No.6450332

>5'11.5 (6'0 when somebody ask)
>above average looking
>life is boring
>people are boring
>i want a dog so i see it grow and kill it when its old so i can feel like some kind of god

>> No.6450639

you're probably not here anymore, but I want to hear this fucking story

>> No.6450653
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>>i want a dog so i see it grow and kill it when its old so i can feel like some kind of god

>> No.6450664

When you flawlessy position your hair and then you walk out of your Mercedes and the wind ruins it.

>> No.6450726
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>that last line

>> No.6450752

I wish I could beat the piss out of you, you weird motherfucker.

Don't ever hurt animals.

>> No.6450760
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these feels haunt me everyday

>> No.6450765
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>don't EVUR hurt animalsss!!!
>but humans are ok :P :o
Congratulations, you're retarded.

>> No.6450839

No I'm not. You're a sick weirdo fuck if you hurt animals. I saw some fags fucking with a defenseless kitten at a pond and beat the shit out of one so bad the other kid just ran away.

My cat was ran over and crawled to my door from wherever he was hit with it's lower body completely paralyzed just to come back to me.

If animals don't like you odds are you are a dick. If you hurt animals for fun you're just fucked up.

>> No.6450866

Why so butthurt, fuccboi? I don't see you hurting over the babbys dying in Africa, yet a cat getting run over breaks your heart. What's wrong with you, zucchiniboi?

>> No.6450867


what the fuck, are you me?

>> No.6450868

No I'm not. You're a sick weirdo fuck if you hurt people. I saw some fags fucking with a defenseless child at a pond and beat the shit out of one so bad the other kid just ran away.

My son was ran over and crawled to my door from wherever he was hit with it's lower body completely paralyzed just to come back to me.

If people don't like you odds are you are a dick. If you hurt people for fun you're just fucked up.

>> No.6450874
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>> No.6452340

I'm slightly bowl egged. Shit sucks.

>> No.6452408

my boobs are too big so whenever i try to wear sweaters it makes me look like my frame is huge since my head is tiny because of my pixie cut

>> No.6452420

>big boobs
You have my attention...
>pixie cut

You sound perfect.

>> No.6452425

Legs are too big, specifically my thighs.
Face is a bit too round.
And I'm worried that my hair doesn't look good no matter what I do.

>> No.6452437

I'm sorry about your cat. I hope the vet was able to rehabilitate him well.

>> No.6452450

You're me from a year ago. I just embraced the legs and started squatting, and now my friends say I have "tree trunk legs."

Also weird M shaped hairline, so styling is a bitch. And bulking is making my face even more fat and round than usual.

>> No.6452619

>why would you need to if you aren't a complete autist
>6 inches is great in terms of pleasing grills

>> No.6452737

stretch marks on chest
skin dont always looks good on photos, specially at night

>> No.6452858


>> No.6452880

fucking knock knees. Why did my parents let me get fat as a fucking kid, for christs sake ma and pa when I was 10 and wanted mcdonalds everyday why did you say yes. lost 95 lbs so far have another 30 to go before I hit my goal of 160.

>> No.6452896
File: 141 KB, 375x523, 1372820472525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a manlet.
Bad skin.
Bad teeth.
Receding hairline.
Uneven beard growth.
I dress like an autistic 15 year old.

>> No.6452899

getting critizised in waywt

>> No.6452910

I was right with you until
>I dress like an autistic 15 year old

>that feel when qt3.14 10/10 Korean girl compliments me on always dressing so well

>> No.6452948

im 5'8 and 18, but should get to 6ft.

really big legs all muscle, but my ass is just so big, fuck muh italian genetics.

muh nose. it looks like ive broken it before, which i have.

my smile, people say its good but i feel like its shiit and i think i have a lazy eye.

thats about it im mainly self concious about my legs and ass. (yes im guy)

>> No.6453014

>muh nose. it looks like ive broken it before, which i have.
>my smile, people say its good but i feel like its shiit and i think i have a lazy eye.
are you me?? also my legs are longer than my torso and im built like a girl so everything i wear makes me look like a faggot unless i wear longer shirts but then that also looks fucking stupid so i sag my jeans to compensate but that's also stupid

>> No.6453162

my nose

my eyebrows

stretch marks on my thighs even though I'm not fat

self-harm scars

you can clearly see my ribcage but I still have pleb-tier collarbones

chronic depression and mood swings but am not cute enough to pull it off

>> No.6453246
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your what?

Captcha: this stealv

>> No.6453261
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>> No.6453299
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>Button noses

>> No.6453309

This, I had orthodontic work to fix my underbite (amongst other things) and whilst my profile improved, it came at the expense of my jaw.

>> No.6453318

there's probably no indent on his head, fix it

>> No.6453438

my nipples

>> No.6453456

post nipples

>> No.6455583



>> No.6455936

>6 inches is great in terms of pleasing grills
as compared to a 7" or 8"?
Stay delusional.

>> No.6455943

Grills can fuck 9x9 dildos, but instead, a lot of them choose real human penises. Why? Because there are more elements to pleasing a girl than dick size.

>> No.6455969

>there are more elements to pleasing a girl than dick size
Of which both you and the guy with a larger dick can learn. But he'll always have a larger dick.

>> No.6455970

>average vagina is like 4-6 inches deep

My boyfriend is 6.5" and if he was any bigger having sex would be more uncomfortable than it is exciting.

>> No.6455991
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>> No.6455988

I'm not even the guy with the 6 incher, I'm just confirming that it hardly fucking matters in the long run.

>> No.6455989

Hormonal abuse? please explain, i have acne too and have just started taking accutane

>> No.6455998

ITT: normal looking people that are ridiculously self-conscious

Jesus guys, chill the fuck out. At the end of the day, no one will notice your flaws because the they will be way too preoccupied with their own.

>> No.6456013

>tfw button nose and my profile makes me look like a caveman

>> No.6456085
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Holy shit this, and

>tfw no friends

self-perpetuating neuroses are wonderful, but I'm starting not to mind the solitude

>> No.6456122

I have puffy nipples (according to my doctor, it's not gyno. Just need to lose some of my skinnyfat)
It's really the most unaesthetic thing ever

I'm also short and becoming more and more aware of it (thank you internet)

>> No.6456130

>5'11 (honestly 5'10.5 barefoot)
>may start balding in a few years, my hairline is m-shaped
>slightly scrawnier than i'd like, wish i had bigger chest and arms

other than that i'm pretty happy about myself. chicks mire quite occasionally but i'm fucking awkward, so don't think that having good looks makes you more interesting and good socially. i doesn't :(

>> No.6456134


I'm ok with the acne marks too, but the REDNESS, FUCK THE REDNESS, FUUUUUCK

I just bought some visine yesterday to put on these red fuckers.

>> No.6458649 [DELETED] 
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Can't grow a proper beard (I'm Japanese/white)
Small nose.
big lips
big head
Wish my hair was thinner
5'10 140, but my thighs are kind of big makes me feel like sqidward post krabby patty gorging
long body, short legs.
struggle with self esteem issues/ anxiety etc.

result: can't get women lol.

>> No.6458686

This is perfect for me.

>> No.6458689

> 6 ft
> stutter like a motherfucker at times
> weird profile
The stuttering is my biggest problem.

>> No.6458709

having friends with huge dicks.

how many guys here know how big their friends dicks are?

i'm seriously wondering if it's normal for guys to talk about it as much as my friends do...

>> No.6458711

I know these feels, I'm 6' tho.

I have to stare at a camera when I'm in a picture so it isn't obvious. My left eye lags behind my right ever so slightly, in a picture it is noticeable if I'm looking good away quickly.

Also right side of face seems bigger than the left.

Weird smile

Bad acne marks on back and shoulders as well as on ass. Takes years to fade so I've avoided anything water related for the past 5 years.

Big head

Weird hair

>> No.6458725

My man chin and "athletic" body (no boobs and muscles everywhere)

>> No.6458728

>Wish my hair was thinner

are you fucking mental?

>> No.6458731

become ftm

>> No.6458738

my frenz nevr talked about personal dick size

>> No.6458742


>> No.6458744

female to male transexual

>> No.6458748

no why?
my brother has thinner hair and I wish I did as well, he has more options. His hair lays flat, while mines sort of stacks.

>> No.6458757


>> No.6458754

Aw hell no.

>> No.6458769

when you are balding or losing hair in the near future you will not think this way sonny

>> No.6459204

>being 5 ft since high school (3 yrs alrd)
>123 lbs
>small-average sized boobs
>acne filled oily face

constantly being compared to and looked down upon by other perfect looking ppl

>> No.6459207

all these #lazyeyefeels

>> No.6459214

tfw happy about my face and confident

>> No.6459224

Where to start...

I have a large, long, Jew nose inherited from my mother. I hate it.

My eyebrows end halfway across where they are supposed to go, looking ridiculous and giving the impression I fucked up while shaving them or something equally terrible.

Although I've not yet finished growing, I'm 2 inches taller than my dad and 7 inches taller than my mum, and I'm only 5'8'' myself, not looking too positive.

I have a noticeable overbite, and although it doesn't force my mouth open, it makes side profiles and smiling revolting. I missed my chance with braces a few years ago

Although I haven't been inflicted with acne, my massive nose tends to produce numerous blackheads, which although not intrusive, still makes me very self conscious.

At least a still have friends...right?

>> No.6459233


Also, curly hair, been cutting down on the Jew Afro action of the past, but it still makes me self-conscious. Although they are the thick, black, nice kind of curls I still feel terrible about them.

Incredibly skinny, but not quite tall enough to pull off nice clothes well.

Look terrible in all photos.

At least I'm intelligent and have a strong jawline and high-ish cheekbones.

On a personality note, depressed, running out of motivation for my final year of school and worried about my life.

>> No.6459826

no my name is not william