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/fa/ - Fashion

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6439293 No.6439293 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty girls, do you find annoying all the attention that you get? If a guy randomly compliments your looks on the street, do you enjoy it?

>> No.6439316

I find it very annoying indeed my young padawan.

>> No.6439352

They don't, because they're all monsters.

>> No.6439358

most guys don't have to balls to make a complement so of course they enjoy it
however most guys are needy faggots who want something in return. the come from an inferior frame and put the girl on a pedestal which is the most unattractive thing ever. this is why "nice guys" get friend zoned. you need to set a man to woman interaction instead of tying to be friends first.

>> No.6439369

They find it annoying unless you are at least semi-attractive and then leave her alone afterwards.

>> No.6439642

I like it when they're attractive, and not rude about it, as in, I rather hear "Your smile made my day" then "DAMN gurl I liek yo ass"...

Also, don't like it when people ask me out and don't get the hint when I say no, wait 3 months and ask me out again.

I also find it awkward to turn people down so when I'm talking to guys I try to find subtle ways to mention my boyfriend, such as "Oh, my boyfriend'sin the same program!" or something like that.

>> No.6439760

I don't think you have to be pretty to get attention. I've gotten everything from "You are exactly the type of woman I want to marry" to "Yo girl wanna fuck my dog" and "You 18? Ever been spitroasted?" When you live alone in a city, you learn to walk by without saying anything or acknowledging people around you, then going home to cry about how humiliated you feel and cutting up the clothes you wore and throwing them away

>> No.6439766


There's your problem, learn how to be /fa/ without dressing up like a basic slut and maybe I wont hit on you like one

>> No.6439786

You sound like a tool. Have you lived life or just read the feminist newspapers?

Women don't like to be harassed or feel threatened but yes, they enjoy compliments like it's a drug. They're addicted to it, literally: http://mashable.com/2012/12/15/social-media-brain/

Models who use twitter love to favorite random tweets from strangers complimenting them. Check out Andie Arthur or Cora Keegan's twitter, half their favorites is just that, all comments along the lines of "I love you", "you're so pretty", "I want to impregnate you", etc.

>> No.6439791
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I don't mind the compliments. I compliment people too if I think they look nice. Nothing creepy, just a simple statement like, "You have a very nice face." or "You have aesthetic proportions."

Not too odd at an art school. We all know aesthetics so it's a language we can all speak and understand without thinking it means YO I WANT YO D

I do mind the harassment though - guys being pushy, touching my legs, smacking my ass, forcing themselves on me, etc., etc. I don't want to believe guys are pigs but I've seen a disappointing amount of evidence pointing at the fact they are.

But so are women, so whatever.

>> No.6439800

That's also a way to give a nod to them - it's not necessarily narcissism

>> No.6439818

>"Yo girl wanna fuck my dog"
See, I'm talking about girls that are so pretty, they never get comments like that. They're so angelic, no one dares to say anything rude to them. Well at least not guys.

Frida level pretty.

>> No.6439862
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>"Yo girl wanna fuck my dog"
This is why you don't visit the Bronx.

>Frida level pretty.
7s and 8s get the most compliments (and get hit on the most), 9 and 10s are so intimidating that guys are too terrified to speak.

>> No.6439880

>OP asks about real-life compliments
>posts unsourced infograph which doesn't mention compliments at all, let alone compliments in real life

you got anything better? you're pulling a lot of bullshit out of thin air.

>> No.6439879

No point in asking girls IRL, they'll deny it, bullshit modesty has been in fashion since forever.

Revealed preferences man: why are so many girls dying to be models despite the shitty pay, shitty hours, sexual harassment, etc? They're not dirt poor, lots of models are children of doctors like Sigrid.

>> No.6439961

>I don't want to believe guys are pigs but

i've had enough guys and girls get in my personal space / force themselves upon me to know that it goes both ways

>> No.6439989

>pretty girls on /fa/

its more likely there are pretty guys dressing as girls in public

>> No.6440004

I don't mind because being the benefit of being attractive and young far outweighs the cons. Random compliments can be odd but are usually better laughed off than getting annoyed by them. Recently an older biker guy at a bar just put up his hands in a "10" when I walked by and it was off putting but not all that annoying I just nodded and kept on walkin'. I think the attention that comes with being strikingly unattractive would be more annoying.

>> No.6440005

>Your smile made my day
>DAMN gurl I liek yo ass


>> No.6440018


>> No.6440027

>ON /FA/



>> No.6440031

Where else would they be?

>> No.6440065


>> No.6440092
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i get embarrassed easily by it.

when strange girls compliment me in public, it's usually like, "your hair is so pretty!, i like your outfit!, you look like you came from a runway! (i'm tall enough for that, i guess)"

with guys, it's usually slack-faced staring, leering, or when they're in groups, i'll get, "EY!, EY GIRL!," or whistling or tongue-clicking like they're addressing an animal. i dunno if they do that to prove to their friends that they're dangerously heterosexual or what, but it always feels horrible.

the only times i haven't been uncomfortable when male strangers try to compliment me is when they're in close proximity, say it in a way that is polite and endearing (some examples for me have been, "i like that some people still dress up for going out!{that was an older guy}, i have a friend who dresses like that, too!, nice day to be out, isn't it?"), and they don't dwell on discussing their opinion of my appearance.

my recommendation: PLEASE DON'T DO IT to strangers, unless if you're in a situation where idle chatter is acceptable, and even then, proceed with caution. you bring any negative reaction upon yourself when you address a stranger about their appearance.

>> No.6440094

OP said >pretty girls
tho m9

>> No.6440104

aw shet

>> No.6440115
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Yeah, exactly.

I've done my own share of piggish behaviour I'm not proud of, I've just experienced far more extreme and crass things from guys, so from my perspective, it seems like guys are more piggish.

But it's all relative. Regardless of what your view on it is, though, you just have to be more guarded. Learned this the hard way, unfortunately.

>> No.6440124


>> No.6440127

life must be so easy for women

even if you are a disgusting cunt you will be complimented everyday, you will never be insecure

>> No.6440132

>what le gentlemen actually think

>> No.6440137
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>> No.6440139


its the truth though you fucking idiot

go and make an account on ok cupid with the most DISGUSTING and ugly girl you can think of on yourfacebook, then watch all these pieces of shit compliment her, all that validation, it truly is disgusting.

>prove me wrong

oh wait you can;t.

>> No.6440153

Who are they?

>> No.6440165


frida gustavsson and monika jacqiak

>> No.6440294

It was during Pride here. I was walking past a man with his great dane and smiling at his dog but not looking at him. Maybe I was asking for it

>> No.6440329
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maybe the guy was speaking for his dog and assuming that you had a dog too

>> No.6440390

was it cute?

>> No.6440406
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>> No.6440451


>> No.6440604
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>"Yo girl wanna fuck my dog"

>> No.6441882

Ok so this happens a lot to me

>walking down the street
>girl stares right into my eyes
>I stare back
>we hold until we pass each other

Does that mean she wants me to stop & talk with her or is she just checking me out like I am to her?

Eye contact goes such a long fucking way

>> No.6441886


Happens all the time with me.

>> No.6441905

i get this way too much for me to not know what to do with it

>> No.6441932

it means she is watching you because youre staring at her. wondering like "wtf why is this person staring at me"

learn to "see" people staring at you with your peripheral vision. if you're in a staring contest you'll never know. even then its still debatable. ok so for example i stopped looking at anyone in the eyes or face on the street but still sometimes i notice in my peripheral vision people looking at me. i don't flatter myself thinking "yeah must be because i'm attractive" no my internal monologue is "it's probably because i'm wearing all these weird clothes they've never seen before and they're just trying to wrap their minds around it, they probably think its weird and dumb." im also really tall so theres just the sheer fact that i'm a large object entering someone's field of vision, naturally getting attention, fleeting or not.

>> No.6441942

Whenever i see a very attractive woman, i blatantly stare at her tits, then eyes; i do it mostly for the laugh from the shocked, scared look they give me, and to look at something attractive.

>> No.6441948
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>once in a while some qt3.14s come into my place of work
>too beta to actually compliment them or make small talk
>pair tumblr/hispter girls came in again(didn't recognize them)
>handed them their drinks(Starbucks)
>one of them said "That's that guy who made your drink really good last time."
>she acted smilely and giggly
>all I could come with was "It might of been, I'm here all the time." and shrugged
>only guy who works at the Starbucks.

Even though the starbucks uniform is one of the more /fa/ outifits I'd be a lot more confident in my regular clothing without a hat on covering my beautiful no poo hairdoo.

>> No.6441964

>8 years ago, was 13
>go to busy part of town with friend buy shit
>he's Alpha McAlphason and I'm Beta.
>hey how do you hit on girls?
>Easy, check it out.
>proceeds to make eye contact with a girl and smiling briefly.
>motherfucker it actually worked, girl smiles back like she wants the cock
>see? just look at them in the eye and smile a little.
>Well al fucking right then! engage alpha mode!
>Proceed to smile like a creep at anything that had a pair of tits
>Girls look disgusted, almost as if I've asked them to fuck my dog.
>Don't stop until we reach home.

>> No.6441986

Personally, I like them.
From people honking/whistling/shouting from their cars or people obviously staring, I like it.

It makes me feel good about myself.

>> No.6441994

rover as fuck

>> No.6442001


I stare blankly straight ahead and sometimes I notice chicks staring into my eyes so I stare into theirs as I pass by.

>> No.6442010

my ex-gf (qt as fuarkk) used to always walk past a VA hospital on the way from our house to her school. So it was always a bunch of old black vietnam vets in wheel chairs to used to say shit to her. she liked it and found them endearing

>> No.6442014

Agent Orange is a hell of a drug..

>> No.6442030

Someone's a fat, rejected bitch. ;)

>> No.6442084

It's very strange when they compliment a specific article of clothing. I get cat calls a lot from car windows when I am driving. It's really fucking absurd. An old man tipped his hat to me one day, it actually made me blush it was so cute.

>> No.6442105

Thats the only time I compliment a girl, I only do it in two way.

Deep husky voice "You wear that skirt beautifully, I love the way it drapes"

...sometimes I do it in a gay voice incase they thought i was trying to pick them up so it seems less threatening.

>> No.6442111

Question: is there a way for a 20-something guy to ask a woman on the street where to cop something she's wearing without it being a problem?

>> No.6442113

And by "on the street" I don't mean "going somewhere, walking," but milling or in a line or whatever.

>> No.6442138

>Deep husky voice "You wear that skirt beautifully, I love the way it drapes"
All I can imagine is the girl hearing that, turning around and it being Batman standing behind her.

"Excuse me, I really like that (insert item here) you're wearing, do you mind if I ask where you got it from?"
If she looks confused say you are looking to buy it for your gf or sister or something as their bday is coming up.

>> No.6442139

"Hey that (insert article of clothing) looks really fantastic. I was wondering where you got it, my girlfriend would really like something like that!" The end.

>> No.6442159

hahaha shit i just imagined that too. Then the girls looks down and when she looks up again Batman is gone. lol

>> No.6442175

as a 9/10 guy i enjoy the compliments i get from girls

it's alot easier to do things to. i can make the shittiest joke to literally anyone and they'd just laugh as if i was a comic or something, and people treat me much nicer than they do my friends

i also catch girls and some guys staring at me when i walk into the room, and i get much better customer service

but overall it's nice. probably girls are different because are more physically weaker so they have to worry more about harassment issues and things like that from men

>> No.6442193

Hahah and just a pool of semen where he was standing?
T-too far?

>> No.6442214

hahaha i dunno where the semen came from, i was more referring to the girl looking down at the skirt haha.

I actually really enjoy telling well dressed girls and good looking girls what I think. Some of them probably have egos and know it, but I hope once or twice it gets to the girl who doesn't think she's any good or doesn't realise how pretty she is... not until a homeless looking samurai complimented her in Paddington.

>> No.6442219
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check your 9/10 priv cis scum

>> No.6442238

Nawww you big sweetie. Actually I was waiting outside the bathroom at a club for my friend recently and a girl that was really nicely dressed walked past, I was going to go tell her I thought so but decided following her into the ladies room to say so might not have had the same affect it would have had outside. My friend was finished before she came back out and now all I'm left with is this horrible empty feeling that there is a girl out there that doesn't know how good she looked. What do Mifune-sama?

>> No.6442254

he was being half ironic.
captcha: the manueur

>> No.6442262

>not so subtle "my boyfriend"
That doesn't do shit, most guys are on to you.

Confirmed for beta bitch

>> No.6442264
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that picture

>> No.6442278

but I've seen your face aaaasand nudes too youre p bleh compensating with styling clothes taste is subjective but u r no more than a 6.5 nop not even 7

>> No.6442288

>I don't think you have to be pretty to get attention.
>I don't think you have to be pretty to get attention.
>I don't think you have to be pretty to get attention.

She wasn't even saying she thinks she is pretty

>> No.6442289


>> No.6442315

Objectively speaking I'm a 6/10, 7 on a very good day. A teeny bit above average. I get a lot of attention though, I think because I tend to smile often I seem more approachable. I've gotten a lot of weird compliments and awkward date proposals, and one time this guy talked at me for about 30 seconds before demanding me for a hug (actually followed me down the street for a block or so pleading with me). I guess those were the negative experiences. For the most part it's nice. I get a lot of free stuff. I haven't paid for my morning and lunch teas in close to a year because this one Starbucks barista refuses to take my my money.

>> No.6442332

Hey wer u cop dat rick berry i fina cop it too say wat u got it on sale koo 30% off koo say u wat com w me get t 100% off.

What say you Berry, this is a halfrican american and he's dumb as bricks but he's qt trying hard and probay has enough to spoil his side ho with a seasons worth of rick

>> No.6442337

wow r u projecting?
ofc u r ahah nobody said she was pretty ur dumb af go soon

>> No.6442443

I thought tripskank stopped posting.

>> No.6442469

It depends on the kind of attention. When people say nice things like "You're so pretty!" or "My goodness, you are beautiful!" or "You have a wonderful smile" that's pretty nice, assuming it doesn't really go farther than that.

Unpleasant attention is different. Like the dude in front of me at the grocery store who kept trying to look down my shirt. "Oh, I just need to look up and behind me for some reason ... and then down." Sexual shit, stuff shouted from cars, etc. is all definitely not flattering. Or the time the guy at the club stamping hands stamped mine a bunch of extra times and was like, "You don't really need that many, I just wanted to touch you longer." Creepy.

I'm pretty enough, but not particularly hot or shockingly beautiful or anything.

>> No.6442536

I stare blankly ahead and it makes girls act awkward. I don't know if they think I'm staring right at them or what, but it's fucking annoying.

I have to stare down at my feet for there to not be an issue.

I don't get it, honestly. Passing an attractive woman on the sidewalk is becoming such an occasion, that I'm considering crossing to the other side of the street whenever I see one.

>> No.6442569

>depends on the kind of attention.

A constant attention.

>When people say nice things like "You're so pretty!" or "My goodness, you are beautiful!" or "You have a wonderful smile" that's pretty nice

But if you hear it all the time, doesn't it get annoying?

>> No.6442576

ahah u'll never be insecure if men leer at you each day
fuucck man that was stupid

>> No.6442578

and you think if compliments are given this easy people become more secure?
>or maybe it just seems like shit to get in ur pants
>>which it is
ur a fucchild

>> No.6442581


Mifune the beta fat greasy creep. If you said that to me I would walk away very fast.

>> No.6442582

old men are endearing
they have game because its been honed for 50 years

>> No.6442586


shake my fucking head

>> No.6442584


>> No.6442616

Reading this comments I feel like /fa has some sort of a mix of inferiority and superiority complexes. I notice you guys complain about how bad your features are and how horrible your genetics have screwed you and how you don't have a girlfriend. But then you say that you're a solid 7 or that you're attractive or that you find other people (who aren't attractive) attractive. Sometimes you guys boast about your model genetics but lack of height or some shit like that. Oh and your love of "high fashion" i.e. desert boots and raw jeans with the occasional obscure designer piece thrown in be it undercover or rick owens. It's just an observation it's not anything personal. I just think that you guys are odd to say the least. Oh and I can't forget the Madonna whore complex that seems to be shared by almost all of you. I honestly don't understand you guys.

Also why are there no pictures of the people posting in this thread, considering it's asking the opinion of beautiful people.

>> No.6442695

berry why dont u use snpachat anymore :(

>> No.6442709

>tfw got a berry snap 2day nd u didnt

>> No.6442730
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/fa/ is not a hive mind, and the tendency to vacillate between self-love and self-loathing with such astonishing fluency is a very human one. Doubt and faith go hand in hand, remember?

In addition, some people come off as self absorbed on account of how much energy they're putting into actively trying not to hate themselves. They require a constant and elaborate narrative in order to maintain their suspension of disbelief.

>> No.6442763

Like >>6442730 said, there is no hive-mind. Not everyone is the same. We're just a gathering of random people in a fashion board.

>> No.6442774

I-I-I'm not a pig :(

>> No.6442800

someone doesn't get the irony

>> No.6442803
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>High fashion
>desert boots and raw jeans

>> No.6442813

I'm not like that at all
I have no complaints
I'm fucking pretty all the way around

>> No.6442817

>being this guy
>getting it
pick one

>> No.6442857

I'm sure.

>> No.6442879

>tfw never gotten a compliment from a stranger.
>tfw realize i am ugly.


>> No.6442947


This actually happened to me the other day. Some guy liked the shoes that I had, walked alongside me for a second or two before the "excuse me, your shoes are really nice, where did you get them"? Polite, nonthreatening.

>> No.6442956

Oh boy we got her hook line and sinker

>> No.6442973

>Rarely got compliments straight to me except by people I kinda knew
>Find out several people have been complimenting me behind my back from someone I sorta knew
It felt really weird. I didn't know how to feel about it

>> No.6443044

People honking at you from cars is a compliment now?

I get honked at at least 3 times a week and I'm pretty sure they do it because they think I'm a fag. I'm a guy Btw.

>> No.6443066
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>> No.6443068
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>> No.6443070
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>> No.6443078
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>> No.6443081
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>> No.6443084
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What the fuck are these pussy ass bitches doing.

>> No.6443083
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>> No.6443092
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>> No.6443100
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>> No.6443096 [DELETED] 


>> No.6443107
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>> No.6443297


>> No.6443299

Live without regret dude, tell her next time.

The chances of anything negative coming from her are so so slight.

>> No.6443388


>> No.6443398

look them srt8 in the eye
lean over to their ear
whisper ``w2c?????``

>> No.6443465

this thread is gold

>> No.6443523

always believe it

>> No.6443541

>tfw I look angry all the time
I live in the hood mayne

>> No.6443567

I don't mind that much when a guy is like "excuse me, I just wanted to say that you are really pretty" because even though it's somewhat nerve wracking I can usually assume the guy has good intentions.

But more often it's like, some guy hollering at me from his Jimmy Johns delivery car like 'AY MAMI WAD IT DOO LEMME GET THAT NUMBA" or some scrubby motherfucker who's all "HELLOOo BEAUTIFUL WHY DON'T YOU SMILE"

It's hard explaining this to men because they they haven't experienced the female perspective. Obvi from your male perspective, if a random girl was like "oh you're a cutie" you probably wouldn't mind because you don't see her as a threatening being. Women have to be wary of male strangers tho bc they're usually physically stronger than we are and (at least in many parts of the US) sexual assault on the street is still common. Consequently, when a male stranger says something to insinuate that he deems our body desirable, we have an instinct to protect ourselves.

I literally don't know why I'm explaining this all to /fa/ tho so

>> No.6443571

What do you mean?

>> No.6443578

>sexual assault on the street is still common.

no it isn't

>> No.6443582

Oh, but I'm usually way more receiving towards compliments directed at my clothing because then it's regarding a choice I consciously made

I literally love the eff out of boys who say nice things about my shoes or whatever

>> No.6443584

how nice for u that u dont have to worry about it

>> No.6443587

idk where you live, but roundabouts where I am it's still a problem

I've literally been followed by random men, there was also a serial rapist lurking in one of our local parking garages for a while

>> No.6443598

Typical feminist bitch, shut up
All rapes are woman's faults anyway

>> No.6443602

lol typical basementdweller

>> No.6443613

just kidding, but seriously sexual assaults on the streets are not "common" at all. Sure they still happen, but not a lot at all

>> No.6443618

>I've literally been followed by random men

that's not sexual assault

>> No.6443627

I would agree with this statement, but it's still a thing most women keep in mind, tbh

I'm literally just trying to explain this in a way that males will understand w/o getting their dicks in knots

>> No.6443636

Another thing is that of the men who rape people (lol) I would guess that the majority of them don't follow ransoms around and then rape them. Most of the victims would know their rapist right?

>> No.6443656

as much as a I don't miss casemods, that illustration is fantastic.

>> No.6443683

yo rape isn't the only kind of violence/harassment people ever commit against women

I was once screamed at in a subway by a random dude who literally flipped a shit when I didn't immediately respond to him asking for my phone number

Idgaf if he was a potential rapist, it was scary

When men start screaming at me, following me, violating my personal space in general, I reserve the right to slice a bitch

>> No.6443707

>when women don't respond after I ask for their number I reserve the right to slice them

>> No.6443732

Back to your earlier post, where the hell do you live that this happens to you all the time?

>> No.6443761

yeah no you dont have that right

>> No.6443769

shut the fuck up.

>> No.6443792

well, if you do that to a man who was actually dangerous, unless you cut his throat or something, he is going to most likely kill you, and be kinda justified in doing it

if you do it to a not dangerous man then you're just a cunt and might go to jail

it depends really, if guys are following you constantly shouting 'I am going to kill you' then you should probably own a pistol.

>> No.6443812


>Also, don't like it when people ask me out and don't get the hint when I say no, wait 3 months and ask me out again.

So... you keep them around for the attention instead of just moving on with your life. You sound like quite the catch.
It's a dumb question to begin with. If we're talking about just straight up compliments, then why would that ever bother you? Someone is complimenting you. Accept it and move along or continue to talk with them. It's not rocket science.

>> No.6443821

I can see why guys are typically not want to do that... I mean what kind of guy goes up to a girl who's wearin' some prada ass shit and be like, "hey you have really nice shoes".

That can come off as if I had experience wearing women shoes and pulling a something about mary.

>> No.6443931

holy shit that is the greatest .gif i have ever seen

>> No.6443955


>> No.6444105

So why don't you have a conceal and carry?

>> No.6444157
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>capital of small yurop country
>can't hit on girls 'cause they can speak any fucking language
yesterday two girls said they wanted to kiss me in grocery store

>> No.6444344

obvious translation error is obvious

>> No.6444589

Same here.

>almost never complimented by strangers up front
>friends don't know what to think about my clothes anymore so they don't say anything


>get introduced to girl
>"Oh yeah I see you around all the time and always like your outfits!"

>tell random girl I like her fits
>she looks me up and down and compliments literally everything I'm wearing

It upsets me that I'm basically drowning in insecurity while there are potentially dozens of people on my campus who think nice things about me and never say them. Like they might think my fits are nice, but I'll only ever find out if I talk to them first.

>> No.6444634

though it's not
tell me what exactly is wrong in that post so I don't make same mistake on my English finals which are pretty soon

>> No.6444882

...why don't you engage in conversations with people you consider have a nice taste and find out if your hypothesis is correct.

> being this beta.

>> No.6444979
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>> No.6445132

...I do. Which you can see in one of the conversations I mentioned. The point is that it's annoying to only get compliments when I first give them, or otherwise initiate an interaction. It would be nice for someone to walk up to me for a change and say what's on their mind, rather than holding it in until I start talking to them.

>> No.6446255

he was referring to the two foreign girls who said they wanted to kiss you

>> No.6446278


+2 for originality

>> No.6446324
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You guys and the two pissed off girls in here get an A for effort

>> No.6446355

I was pissing my pants

>> No.6446362
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>full time student
>in high school never got pussy cause never payed attention to the whores
>keeping germs off the turff
>got good grades
>stay focused on studies
>straight up wall myself up
>girls be attracted to me for some reason
>1 month in college get laid 3 times
>it's like these women like being ignored and used

>> No.6446371



>> No.6446379

I was totally with you until you started fucking girls.

>never date in high school
>spend freshman year of college starting to get /fa/
>transfer after 1 year
>girls mirin
>literally never go to parties
>spend every weekend in my room watching shitty romcoms in my boxers while my roommate and his gf stumble home drunk
>probably accidentally made girls think I'm gay by complimenting their hair and fits but never asking for numbers
>closest I got to getting laid was a gay guy offering to blow me

>> No.6446412

I haven't been on this board since last winter, what happened to casemods?

>> No.6446413

>/fa/ is not a hivemind
we can get pretty close

>> No.6446488


see, that's why i don't get these weird virgins.

There's always some gay guy willing to blow you, even if you're hit as shit. You CAN get laid.

>> No.6446490


if all you care about is the well-being of casemods, don't bother coming back.

>> No.6446526

That isn't really the reason why I came here, just genuinely curious.

>> No.6446552

Never said I can't get laid; I'm just kind of a social retard, and I'm honestly not sure if I'd rather be alone and just wank myself off, or if I'd prefer to have a girlfriend. I'm not really ready for sex, I think.

>> No.6446643
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Shut the fuck up! And get out my way.

>> No.6446648
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Stop running red lights you damn cyclist

>> No.6446657

>be me
>in huge line for coffee at the coffeeshop attached to my school's library
>killing time
>checking emails on my iphone
>look behind me
>5'10" slim blonde with strong model features and designer shoes standing behind me
>dressed like she just stepped out of a /fa/ggot's wet dream (for studying at the library...)
>i'm a little surprised to be honest
>suddenly making eye contact
>gotta say something
>"wow, you really pull that outfit off"
>she looks at me like she is offended that i thought myself equal enough with her to actually speak to her
>silence, and then she barely chokes out "uhhh... thanks?"
>turn back around, resume checking e-mails
>i'm 6'3" btw

such is life when you're ugly.

>> No.6446671

>coffee shop

>> No.6446677
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You ever notice how in interviews models always say that they were unpopular in high school? They always claim to be ugly ducklings, every single one.


>“I was never the prettiest girl in class. But I do have a look that works on image and on the catwalk.”

Other top models say the same, even VS angels. Raquel Zimmerman, Karolina Kurkova, Erin Heatherton, etc.

I don't believe them. I'm fairly certain that Frida is lying and that all agencies advise models to pretend to be humble for publicity purposes.

Who can resist this?

>> No.6446678

do you go to uoft

>> No.6446692


nope, loyola chicago

>> No.6446732

Several options come to mind:
1. Many models have a bit of an unconventional alien-like look (they aren't "classic all-American pretty), so they might have been very awkward children/teens
2. They had and still have horrible self-esteem, which explains their willingness to starve themselves and be exploited by the fashion-industry.

>> No.6446742

Most are just late bloomers, in high school guys go for the girls with big boobs and butts. I was CONSTANTLY called anorexic, even though I ate more than the guys in my classes, and I was horribly unpopular. All the popular girls where chubby or straight up fat.

>> No.6446743


u sound like a jealous bitch LOL

>> No.6446768
File: 178 KB, 933x1400, Armani_Prive_Spring_2012_Backstage_Bm_Yaj_FGs2_K0x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2. They had and still have horrible self-esteem, which explains their willingness to starve themselves and be exploited by the fashion-industry.

That's a load of feminist tripe hyped by the media. That only applies to girls with low metabolism who don't belong in the industry anyways.


>How great is the press that you girl models to be thin?

>[FRIDA]: “Certainly there is a pressure that will be thin. Sometimes stylists go to squeeze the girls and say they need to lose weight a few pounds in a week. But there is nothing I have experienced myself. ”


>FW: How about the pressure to be thin? That subject is never going to go
>AR: No, I’m quite lucky in that I have a good metabolism, but I also eat really healthy
and I exercise. I do a lot of yoga and Pilates and I run. You know, the body of a girl
who’s a model, that’s her tool. You have to take care of it. It’s not even about being
slim or skinny but it’s more about being fit and the quality of the body and [that] the
skin is really nice. That’s super important. And now it’s a little bit changing, towards
curvier girls, so that’s a really nice change. But they get so caught up in the whole
weight thing. When you look at the world, people really die from being overweight,
that’s a much, much bigger issue than anorexia. And to be honest, there are a few
girls who are young who have difficulty dealing with their weight and what kind of diet.
But I think it’s a huge responsibility of the agency to take care of the girls and to kind
of lead them the right way.

Are they just terrified of the industry and doing good PR? Doubt that. Anja has called out Terry Richardson for his bullshit.

>> No.6446785

There's definitely some truth to your first point; the girls who end up being Miss Alabama or whatever are often hot as hell as soon as they hit puberty.

Pic related. I'd be surprised if she didn't get figuratively shat on in middle school for those lips, teeth, eyebrows, and that eye width. Now she has an interesting face, but kids are stupid; I remember making fun of a girl for having thick, "angry" eyebrows, which I now fucking love.

I can't remember any girls (in a HS of 4000+) who had any kind of classical beauty about them. Maybe there just weren't any around, but maybe that's the kind of thing that comes to light a little later than big titties (which I agree brought all the high school boys to the yard).

>> No.6446795
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Fuck, forgot pic.

>> No.6446805

>Tfw never compliment girls because I've never been an outwardly affectionate person
>Tfw this lack of affection has often made me look like I'm not interested in girls I like, so I don't get anywhere with them
>Tfw I find out some of the girls I did this to actually liked me back but thought I wasn't interested

>> No.6446813

>implying that compliments alone will indicate interest

It's really easy to fuck that up. If you don't move on from talking about a girl's outfit, or if you don't ask for a number, or whatever, she's just going to think that you're a nice guy with interesting taste who either likes dick or just isn't interested in her.

>> No.6446814

I don't think its feminine tripe. Yes, some people are naturally thin, so don't call "fat murrican" on me. Are there many people as naturally thin as runway models are now? I doubt it. I've been to residential for an eating disorder, so my radar is pretty strong. I think there is pressure to protect the industry. The "big dogs" may fare okay; the average girls, I do believe, are exploited, not only for pressure to be thin but being paid very poorly. But that's my opinion.

>> No.6446826
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>I do believe, are exploited, not only for pressure to be thin but being paid very poorly.
So why don't they just not model? These girls aren't coming from impoverished subsistence farming families like the Bangladesh workers. Many come from upper middle class families from first world countries. Sigrid's parents, for example, are doctors. Loulou was at a university in Paris.

>> No.6446828

Sometimes I like to think about what my life would be like if I were a 10/10 girl.

I'd probably be a huge cocktease and endlessly flirt with guys but I'd stay a virgin till marriage. I'd also be really nice to everyone and be the kind of girl that can hang out with the dudes and play video games and shit.

Would be pretty fun.

>> No.6446835

>the kind of girl that can hang out with the dudes and play video games and shit

But most of them would want to give you the D

>> No.6446842

>I'd probably be a huge cocktease
But even average girls have that opportunity.

>can hang out with the dudes and play video games and shit.
Average girl can do that too.

Be honest. Are you straight up ugly?

>> No.6446849


That's the point. I'd pretend I'm oblivious to it though and "friendzone" them even though I know full well they only want to fuck me.

>> No.6446856


I'm a guy.

>> No.6446852

top lel

>> No.6446861

2 anecdotal examples do not an argument make.

I don't know why. Some speak poor English and come here to model. Many are teenagers, and teenage girls are idiots.

>> No.6446865

OK but just positing "if I were a girl" would be enough. 10/10 is redundant.

>> No.6446875


>I don't know why
Because they get paid to dress up and be photographed and travel all over the world?

>> No.6446886
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>I'd probably be a huge cocktease and endlessly flirt with guys but I'd stay a virgin till marriage. I'd also be really nice to everyone and be the kind of girl that can hang out with the dudes and play video games and shit.

Please shut the fuck up

>> No.6446895

>Many are teenagers, and teenage girls are idiots.

There's your answer. Too many of them live in the moment and are shortsighted with their goals. I don't even want to know how many girls have chosen modeling over going to university or a stable job just because they thought they could be the next Heidi or Giselle.

The smartest "models" only model part time and are rarely involved in anything major... most of the "models" I've met are students at my uni that shoot stuff with local photographers or are signed with a smaller agency... not the kind you'd see headlining the next Prada show.

>> No.6446908

Oh don't worry, I'm not an autist that thinks compliments are everything. It's just that I generally come across as disinterested (I'm still friendly though, I don't act like an edgy shut in)

>> No.6446947

Girls are bullys.

>> No.6446960


Shockingly, some of them are. So bully back.

>> No.6446995

"Eh YO GIRL! Waant some fuck?"

Gets em every time

>> No.6447020

Huh, funny. As the only good looking guy in my group, people have tried to pick fights with me for it. Had a group of highschoolers(?) drive up when me and some friends were talking after a movie. They seemed like the typical high school popular douche bags and for some reason kept telling me to ditch my friends and hang out with them. No joke, they did this for like 10 fucking minutes until one of my friends started annoying the hell out of them by telling them a story he would never finish. It sounds even weirder as I type this; they must have been high as fuck.

>> No.6447032

Models, above all, need to be photogenic. A lot of them lose their charm in real life, and a lot of good looking people look bad in photos.

>> No.6447036

if eye contact lasts for more than 6 seconds, it's a sign of them either craving sex or murder.
>source: idk, read it somewhere, take it or leave it as fact

>> No.6447126
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>> No.6447187

>pretty girls on /fa/
where can i find a collection of /fa/ girls pics?

>> No.6447369


>> No.6447394
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>> No.6447589


We must be clones. I have a very hard time showing someone I'm interested at all--I'm really distant emotionally. Or just retard.

OT: I have nothing I am not a pretty grill.

>> No.6447934

Attention is annoying when it is rude and vulgar. I guess I have a sort of 'sweet' look or something though so I have been fortunate to not have had to hear too much of that. Polite compliments are always well received and I in turn like to compliment people when I think they have nice features or fashion.

There are girls who seem to have thin skin about it but if you don't want to go insane I think you should just roll with it.

>> No.6447963

>mfw I don't compliment girls because they would probably give me a look as if I'm some peasant.

It's like I'm not supposed to be polite either. Why? I can understand if someone's obviously just trying to get into someone's pants, but giving a dirty look over a compliment as if I'm not allowed to? Do I need to meet a criteria before I give one?

>> No.6448411

Getting shouted at on the street by a bunch of guys is just frustrating, do they honestly think that I'll turn around and start sucking their dicks or something?

Though like the others have said in the thread, a lot of it depends on WHAT they say, such as if someone said I had nice shoes or whatever then that's an opener for a conversation. Staring at my legs like you haven't eaten in days and moving to the back of the train when you're spotted just makes you look like an idiot

>> No.6448417


>> No.6448440

I personally find it so romantic when shitty boy racer cars pull up beside me and five total strangers start screaming that they want to fuck me.

>> No.6448447

I have a bitchy resting face apparently, so I get a lot of "You're so pretty, you should smile!". The next cunt who thinks my face is his business is getting glassed.

>> No.6448453

sounds hot

>> No.6448489

If I want it to be hot I'll burn him with a cigarette.

>> No.6448501

Fuk off back to perth ya cunt

>> No.6448503

Try again, sunshine.

>> No.6448509


>> No.6448599

i hear that a lot from girls and that gets me fucked off, dont know why it should be any different for women

>> No.6448608
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>207 posts and 36 image replies omitted. Click here to view.

>> No.6448641


>> No.6448639

I get it less from women, but when it is women it's usually grannies. When I get it from men it's usually cunts who think they're clever.

>> No.6448644

M = Male

>> No.6448657 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 500x653, tumblr_lnjgau2rwB1qzdzbuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never given a compliment to a stranger before, but I often smile and say "hi" to cute girls I pass. There's no point in saying "wow so beautiful" it sounds cheesy. And there's no point saying "I like ur dress" cause it sounds gay.

I feel like a smile and a hello is obvious enough that I'm saying "you're hot" while leaving something to the imagination.

When I get drunk I've been known to tip my invisible fedora and say "madam"

>> No.6448658

Aha, no, I'm the other type of thing.

>> No.6448675

>the other type of thing

I sort of used to experience something like this myself when I was shy and more inwards. Whenever I did smile or laugh, I'd get told I have a nice smile and should smile more etc.

What is it about your face that makes it bitchy when it's neutral? What I've noticed is that it's often the eyebrows which make a person look more -- tense. Is this the case for you?

By the way I wasn't >>6448509.

>> No.6448696

I get what you mean, I get that, with an added "I see you've cheered up!".
I think it's partly because my lips are quite full, so it's easy to look like a toddler pouting. People tell me I look bored and impatient when I'm not actively engaging with something/someone. I was once told that I look like I'm waiting for someone to answer and important question and they're talking shite.

>> No.6448712

I can't imagine how it would only be from your full lips. If you were to seem like you're pouting, your eyes (+ eyebrows) definitely come to play in the "emotion". I can't really figure out how to solve the issue here other than something about your eyes, because you'd just look odd if you were constantly doing something with your mouth.

>> No.6448718
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>> No.6448746

cba read the whole thread, im a grill and get compliments alot. i mostly ignore them, when the guy insists on continuing i will most likely flipp him off. If a guy comes and talks with me, generally seems to be interested and then gives me a compliment, i gladly take it.

>> No.6448760

>makes you look like an idiot
are you implying there's a correct course of action in the situation?

>> No.6448781

are you qt or just self-delusional tho
please respond

>> No.6448844
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>> No.6448905

I'd like to see you fuck a dog, actually.

>> No.6448912

>i gladly take it.

Yeah, gladly take the dick.