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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 4 KB, 298x169, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6430311 No.6430311 [Reply] [Original]

/fit/ thinks thin girl is anorexic...


>> No.6430325

i fucking hate fit lards I really do

>> No.6430334
File: 119 KB, 600x900, jqnj1z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes 5'10'' 110lbs
hardly ano

>> No.6430341

/fa/ has a disgusting idea of what is healthy and attractive. I don't want to defend everything /fit/ says, but you faggots seem to think that being wafer thin is the way to go. Nobody thinks that's attractive except you and all the queers who run the fashion industry. You can all look forward to the disappointed looks on your lovers' faces when they see you naked for the first time.

P.S. - I'm not actually homophobic, and I realize I'm generalizing this board.

>> No.6430354

okay fatty

>> No.6430357

Fashion industry isn't run by homosexuals

And most ppl agree that ottermode is ideal

>> No.6430358

Maybe, my mind is just blown that they think this >>6430334 is unhealthy.

>> No.6430366

... that's not full ano but god damn it is fucking close.

>> No.6430364

>you and all the queers who run the fashion industry

you denounce an entire industry/practice/craft/lifestyle out of fear of rejection. it's okay, chubs, we get it.

>> No.6430369

People are criticized all of the time on /fa/ for being too skinny. When someone posts a pic where they look like a skeleton, there will be at least 3 replies about their weight.

Most people do agree though, that being slightly/moderately underweight looks better than being overweight, especially when it comes to the fit of clothes.

P.S. - You sound like a monstrous faggot.

>> No.6430375
File: 167 KB, 500x750, thinspo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post thinspo, i don't have much

>> No.6430380

are you fucking kidding. She's perfect, fuck off back to your fat acceptance blog

>> No.6430390

5'10 and 110lbs is arguably 20 pounds underweight - minimum

You guys need to step outside - you're all seriously getting delusional

>> No.6430396

My BMI is 22. I'm a little muscular, so this is well within what is considered healthy.

She >>6430334 has a BMI of 15.8 and what appears to be the muscle mass of a starving Sudanese child. This is well below healthy, and if she fell down a flight of stairs, she would definitely be hospitalized, and might even die.

>> No.6430397

spot on breh

>> No.6430400
File: 34 KB, 550x359, karlie shopped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6430401

BMI is a shit system, I know healthy girls with bmis of 15, same as I know healthy bodybuilders with bmis of 30.

She looks fine.

>> No.6430403
File: 84 KB, 511x667, Karlie for Numero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6430406

I don't denounce the industry. I go to /fa/ don't I? I'm at least more accepting of it than the average joe. Body image in the industry is fucked, though.

I agree that being underweight is generally better than being overweight, but why be either? This bitch is deliberately doing this to herself.

>> No.6430410

I'm 6'3 and 143
>tfw fat

>> No.6430414


>> No.6430423

I'm 5'9 and 143
>tfw blue whale

>> No.6432363

/fit/ doesn't even waste its time talking about you delusional losers. A board comprised of ugly hungry skeletons calling a board comprised of athletic, confident men "lards"?

get a clue nerds, nobody thinks your pea-cocking attire is attractive.

>> No.6432374

I'm 5'5" and 143
>tfw hamplanet

>> No.6432414


You do have a point though. I am /fit/ and /fa/, if you're not doing both then you're not doing it right.

>> No.6432527

Having low BMI or weight does not mean you're anorexic. Thats just one symptom. I know an bulemic girl who weighs more than that chick.

>> No.6432534

You ever been to the /fit/ meet ups? Its fucking hilarious.

>> No.6432548

This. She posted that she was eating 1200-1300 calories/day, which is low, but not even close to anorexic territory...

>> No.6432658
File: 80 KB, 423x637, photomiddef1735389fp0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bmi alone doesnt determine anorexia but a bmi under 17.5 is an indicator of malnourishment.

a 5'10'' 110 lb. female consuming 1200 calories is absolutely "anorexic territory". that's the lowest recommended caloric intake for even an extremely obese person's weight loss. 1200-1300 kcal is maybe maintenance for a bed-ridden elderly 4'9' chinese woman. people think if you're not isabelle caro status and eating half an apple a day then you can't possibly be anorexic and that's not true.

>> No.6432735

A bmi under 17.5 is an indicator that a person has below average weight, not that they are malnourished. (BMI is a statistical measure of height vs weight)

BMI also depends on your heritage, most 20-something girls in Russia will have a bmi hovering between 15 and 19.

Also, for someone who's basal metabolic rate is 1400, 1200 calories isn't bad, especially if they regularly get doctor checkups and have been to a nutritionist.

>> No.6432870
File: 52 KB, 514x768, image(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's no way someone over 15 having a bmi below 17.5 is maintaining that healthily.

there's evidence east asians' bodies are naturally inclined to lower bmi and body fat percentages, but i have not heard the same from russia (average russian female's BMI = 27.21). russians may have a leaner diet but unless i see sources, i'm calling bullshit.

and no, someone's BMR being 1400 is only that if they're *completely* sedentary. hypothetically speaking, if a 5'10'' 110 lb. girl's BMR is 1400 and she's even the slightest bit active, then approx. 1600 is her lowest possible maintenance intake. if this girl went to any semi-decent nutritionist and revealed she was consuming 1200 kcals at her height and weight, they'd probably recommend an outpatient program or even IP depending on the country.

>> No.6432971


>> No.6432993

I'm male with a BMI of 17.1 and I'm healthy

>> No.6432997

Also I'm aged 19*

>> No.6433005

id fuck the shit out of that girl
fuck i just got a hard boner, i'd love to just lay her on the edge of the bed and ram her again and again, listening to her moan

>> No.6433018
File: 42 KB, 333x500, snejana_onopka[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433089
File: 112 KB, 500x749, tumblr_mipabdULXR1qepfj1o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

broscience is more like tossing around imaginary statistics, discrediting BMI "because it's old", and thinking 1200 kcals for someone with a 15.8 BMI is healthy and not an extreme weight loss intake. get help.

that's great/cute/anecdotal but 19 is the tail end of many male's growth spurts (in b4 "but i finished growing at 14 lol"). a 17.1 BMI probably won't last through your 20s.

>> No.6433111

I'm 20, and I've had a bmi of 16 since I was 15, I'm perfectly healthy...

And before you say I've stunted my growth, I've grown 3 inches since then, I've just gained weight proportionately.

>> No.6433122

nah skinny is beautiful stay mad fatso

>> No.6433131
File: 119 KB, 500x681, tumblr_m213j9E1JD1r2vwz4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433129

no but you actually are fat

>> No.6433155

I honestly don't give two fucks about fat people. If they fat and happy then fuck be fat. The only fuckin people I hate are the fat ppl who try to force you to accept their fat ways. "Oh I'm fat and I'm beautiful, say I'm pretty B/C I'm fat" fuck no you fat piece of fat fuck. I'm not going to accept any of your fuckin ideals because you force it down upon me.

>> No.6433156

>I'm perfectly healthy

Keep telling that to yourself, chump.

>> No.6433157
File: 719 KB, 2112x2816, bleh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for hipbones I don't even look that thin...

>> No.6433163

Well, how would you define health? I'd say it is being able to be physically active without problems, and not having any problems that are influenced by lifestyle (such as high cholesterol or anemia in some cases)

>> No.6433202

pls be in london

>> No.6433209

Pls be in ex-Yu.

>> No.6433213


Saved to my fap folder.

>> No.6433218

How about skinny dudes?

I'm 5'9", 110lbs with a 26 inch waist.

>> No.6433225

Skinny dudes look so bad if your face isn't a 9/10.

>> No.6433247

and if you're below 6ft lol

>> No.6433250

Post a pic of your body.
Skinny guys with tiny waists turn me on so much

>> No.6433266
File: 56 KB, 149x254, 1343406342921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6433281

>tfw 5'8", 120 pounds or less with 28-30 inch waist
>can see tips of hipbones

>> No.6433294

/fit/ is so wrapped up in their hivemind and shitposting they become incredibly deluded.

That's why you see all that "manlet" shit on there, the T-Rex mode crap, the "cardio kills ur gains".

They get their minds warped by /fit/ and all end up wanting xbox hueg quads and only finding muscular girls attractive.

>> No.6433295
File: 634 KB, 1000x1415, skeletons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not being 6' and 116 pounds
You ain't mah skeleton

>> No.6433304

>cardio kills ur gains

What, are they retarded.

>> No.6433336

>implying something like that exists

>> No.6433334

Or female

>> No.6433345

You guys are so cute when you alienate all female attention. So endearing. <3

>> No.6433374


w2c jeans? I am 28 inch waist and can't find a 514 28x30. 511 doesn't look good on me.

>> No.6433449

Check this out. Skinny but really healthy and athletic.

>> No.6433471

ITT: People with a pro-ana fetish.

>> No.6433482

what the fuck was that go away

>> No.6433596
File: 77 KB, 338x390, 120lbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a picture from when I put on some weight and was about 125lbs.

>> No.6433731

>>can see tips of hipbones

seriously, if the tip of your hipbones DOESN'T stand out, you're officially fat

>> No.6434019

Are you a mermaid?

>> No.6434121


No, I'm too good at drowning to be a mermaid.

>> No.6434167

/fit/ is considerably more delusional than /fa/


>> No.6434304

T-thank you hungry skeleton.

>> No.6434494


I actually eat a fair amount, but my medication makes me lose weight pretty rapidly if I don't eat an excess of calories.

>> No.6434572

what pills you on

>> No.6434582


Valium and zoloft.

Though don't go taking Zoloft thinking you'll lose weight because it can be pretty hit or miss with the side effects.