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6431519 No.6431519 [Reply] [Original]

any of you fuckers got any plastic surgery?

>> No.6431614

no but id get my nose made a little stronger but i doubt ill ever bother

>> No.6431620
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Picture 647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where have you been
you only notice u miss someone when their gone :(

>> No.6431632

been kinda busy not been on the computer too much been busy fixing my social situation and watching netflix

it was my b day on the 30th
im 18 now :^)

>> No.6431639


how u fixing ur social situation??

>> No.6431650


>> No.6431652

is ur skype still jojo or something
message me if you remember mine

>> No.6431659

where2cop those pants?

>> No.6431657



>> No.6431661

acne john over 150 bucks

>> No.6431672

im jealous if matt is getting pussy

>> No.6431682

ye i did what i said i would hit up some girls, theres 2 who want it so i just gota ge them 2 my house

thta isnt me
my skype is chilldude372

i already have friends who like me i just had to let them know i do actally want to hang out

>> No.6431692


u need upload sex tape

>> No.6431707

will do

>> No.6431709

wot u gunna do from now till enxt year september

>> No.6431722

is your mail .com or uk?

>> No.6431728

got my jsa interview on the 5th

they're fast, i only applied last night

gona sponge

me and my mate had this great idea for this website we are going to pursue but we want to get the idea patented first


r u the guy who wants the eph

>> No.6431742

yeah, so i sent the mail to someone else lol
mustve sounded sketchy

>> No.6431745



>> No.6431763


i want to apply for jobs seekers

actually wow now u said it i think i will right now

i leave for uni in september and i literally have no money until then when i get my grant

how do u apply for it???

>> No.6431772

fuck man just google "jsa" and it's the first result

i really doubt you're eligible though

>> No.6431779

google it

takes like 15 mins
not surre youre eligible though tbh
put ur mob # in tho i didnt n some nerd called me this morning saying they need it but then they texted me saying the interview is 11:10 on the 5th

only really want a retail job in a clothes shop lol

>> No.6431787

Nigger you can buy ephedrine in any pharmacy over the counter

just get some chest eze you fat nigger fuck

>> No.6431783

m8 jsa is shit, just got back from my second meeting

it's not just like you can walk in and sign and leave these days, they've set me up for some careers meeting and trying want to get me on training and shit and keep internet tabs on you checking if you applied for their recommended jobs. gotta keep a detailed diary of all the job seeking you do (which is expected to be multiple hours each day). they also say you have to apply for jobs up to 90 mins away even if u dont have a car. all i want is a retail clothes job too.

think i'm gonna sign off cause this shit is rubbish

>> No.6431791

nigger not in germany

>> No.6431794

fucking hell


i dont even want a fucking job lmao though u could just fuck up the interview if im getting set up with shitty jobs

typical american

>> No.6431797

nah m80, uk

>> No.6431795

got gynecomastia surgery

wasnt really noticeable but i was like fuckit i have the money may as well get it done now in case I want to do steroids or something

>> No.6431802

so whered u get chest eze

>> No.6431809

I had surgery on my ears when I was 14.

I got them pinned back so they didn't stick out as much. It was free as well on the NHS.

>> No.6431810

Lel I've been on JSA for like 6 months now it's not that bad. As long as you apply for 3 jobs a week they'll mostly stay off your case. I guess it depends on your adviser though.

>> No.6431815

ive a ton of ephedrine if people want to buy it

bought 2000 tabs because it was cheap

>> No.6431812

yeah me neither my dad was like "now you've finished college why not sign on for a bit lol" cause in his day it was literally free money

it's thought police shit they can kick you off if you dont give them access to your activity history on the gov job website

>> No.6431818

> access to your activity history

what... does that mean they know al ur internet history???? how?

bet i get some aspie with gonks on his desk

>> No.6431820

No the jobmatch site lel

>> No.6431826

6 months wow ur living the dream
im the guy complaining, perhaps they'll stay off my case more when ive been on it for a few more weeks

still dont want a fucking careers meeting and help writing a cv cause i dont actually want a job

nah the government job site, so they can see your searches and select jobs for you to apply to

ur porn is safe dont worry

>> No.6431827


yeah i just done it

why wouldnt i be eligible though? i dont have to say im going to university, im not currently receiving any forms of financial support for a course.

im jobless, never had a job, never received benefits..

>> No.6431828

they told me to bring my cv lol and i dont even have 1

gnna have to write somerhing shitty 2omoro ive never worked a day though lol did work exp in a music college too

>> No.6431830

should i judt go without it an tell them i didnt knwo what to write

>> No.6431831



my brother had to do a 4 week work course for jsa

he diddnt mind though because he never leaves the house and said he liked going out

>> No.6431832

just go get a template off the internet and fill your shit in

>> No.6431838


do u want my template m8

its ok decent all you have to do is remove the experience and contact info

holla at me on whatsapp if u want it

>> No.6431835

literally any pharmacy

>> No.6431840

yeah that's what i did

also just got a text saying my claim has gone thru and im gonna get my first payment soon

we should start a /fa/ benefits club


o shit
if that happens im just gonna sign off
also on a whim put "care" as one of the field i'll work in so im gonna have to wipe old peoples bums

>> No.6431841


btw if u dont have a C.V they enroll you onto a course where you get a proper c.v. done

my bro went on it and he said he never done anything and a woman wrote his whole c.v. for him

>> No.6431850

ye m8 can u email it me??

its justin ye

though maybe its eaier just to do >>6431841 to give me some time before having 2 look 4 jobs

>> No.6431847


yeah lol my bro had to work at a mobility place for old people

basically it was inside a shopping market and he had to wheel around old people in their wheel chairs to different shops for food

kind of embarrassing but i wouldnt give a shit tbh

he also worked with any people and he said there was some alright girls

and the old people gave him money (tips) for pushing them around

>> No.6431856


yeah give me your email and ill email it to you later today

on a mac atm

>> No.6431853

i just applied for ucas, cheeky cunts want 30 quid to start applying to places on top of the 10 grand per year lmao, don't even wanna think about the debt i'll be in in 5 years time

fucking cat walked on my keyboard before and changed it to a french config so i can't put pound signs and shit

>> No.6431867

>tfw I got paid £500 to sell food at glastonbury festival and got nights off to go see whoever I wanted and pulled a girl on my first night there
Fuck JSA just make some connections. Dizzee Rascal was fucking amazing btw

>> No.6431862

Yo me too but when i was much younger, barely remember it, it was more a parental decision. One of my ears has a weird bit of sharp cartilage behind it, can't see it though, only can feel it. They were a very strange shape though so it was pretty legit.

>> No.6431873


are you in first year college or 2nd year? if 2nd year why have you applied so late...if first why so early?

actually, i applied for UCAS in march lmao and i still got conditional offers from all my choices, i was shitting my pants though because i thought they would just reject me straight away

(my personal statement was 42% copied too, ucas detected the plagiarism, i honestly dont understand how i got offers)

>> No.6431874



>> No.6431879

My neighbour hooked me up m8. I even got a lift home lel and i'm going back next year

>> No.6431880



>> No.6431882

tfw finally have job in retail


>> No.6431884

a unit in college requires us to put together a massive file about stuff we can do after college.. i've actually already completed a college course and know everything i can do and stuff, it's just petty really

>> No.6431890


mate most people who apply for jsa dont want to work and are NEETS

getting 50 pounds a week for sitting on ur ass watching jeremy kyle is pretty good i must say

>> No.6431898

Yeah what i'm saying is get off your fucking arse and talk to people you know. I had free food , my tent was behind my stall so I had my own space and toilet and got to see whoever I wanted. Whereas you were watching Jeremy Kyle shout at some pikeys. All because I went up to my neighbour and was like "Alright m8 u got any work ?"

>> No.6431900




>> No.6431902

thanks, Anon

>> No.6431903

go suck him off u homo sapien

>> No.6431910

you'll be the one getting coated in motor oil whilst i'm sat in my ikea fantasy designing logos for corner shops m80

>> No.6431912

m9 ill find u i swear

>> No.6431919


no u wont though ur just a little batty boy posting mirror pics with his mums fake bling


no offense mate but back the fuck off yea

>> No.6431925

come to northwich see what happens lad

>> No.6431926

oi yh u fukken cunt dats it yh u cant b cussin my mum like dat u dirty pikey lets fite right now 4pm outside alis chicken shop next 2 londis fukkenpussyole i kno u wont turn up

>> No.6431933


i know ur just a poofta after i smash ur head in outside londis im going to go inside n buy a fucking chocolate doughnut becuz they are nice


norwich? more like poorwich u little bender, get bent n go suck off ur dad when u go fishing u little prick

>> No.6431943

northwich with a th you blind cunt, bet ur dad rapes u wen he goes looting lmao daft bellend fuck that meet us at afflecks 1 on 1 lad u hit 1st tho yea

>> No.6431944

m8 ur arse is gonna look like that doughnut wen im done wif u fukken inbred spastic

>> No.6431949


both shit holes u little spas boy, i bet u sound like that poofta form that insurance advert u little farmer go suck off a cow in ur back garden bcuz i know ur a animal fucker little retard, ur mum looks like vanessa veltz wasteman


i fingered ur lil sister u prick fuck off n stop chatting shit yeh

>> No.6431964

We England now

>> No.6431961

lmao ur mum sounds like gocompare man when shes cummin trust, looks lyk her 2 go an cry on fb lad ill unfollow u anyday

>> No.6431966

do acid face peels count as plastic surgery?

because I might get one of those.

anyone tried them?

>> No.6431965
File: 81 KB, 800x468, lotteryh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right now my main motivation for studying is getting enough money to get all the surgery I want.
I want a new jaw, a sharper nose, my ears pinned and a restored hairline.
Fucking 4chan made me narcissistic.

>> No.6431971

>dat pic
2bad his kids are going to be ugly faggots

>> No.6431972

top guy should have got a nosejob first.

>> No.6431976


kk lad settle down yeah leave my mum out of this, can we just spud and cool it yeh? let me know

>> No.6431983

alrite soz lad just got problems at ome and shit, fukin washing machine broke so me school uniform smells like a fukin stable

>> No.6431997

they are the same guy

>> No.6432026
File: 48 KB, 500x750, chris-kightley-Tino-Criso-homotography-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus that's a lot of work...
but it also seems like there's some years in between. he's obviously tanner but that may be because he actually just got outside after he got his wonky face fixed.

personally, i'm alright. i mean, if i got a free surgery, maybe getting my forehead recontoured so that it's less feminine round and more masculine angular/broad. maybe hairline lowered as well, i just have a slightly high forehead, no receding or anything.

>> No.6432036

Is this one guy? That's just stupid nobody in his life will recognize him after the surgery. His parents wouldn't even recognize the person on the bottom.

>> No.6432042


it's not like he got the surgery in secret, stupid anon. as long as he stays a (n assumedly) nice guy and isn't a jerk there's no reason people won't recognize him.

>> No.6432046

This is the complete pic.
He got a rhinoplasty, a mentoplasty and bimaxilar surgery.
Then he got older and tanned, apparently.

>> No.6432049
File: 297 KB, 668x760, gallery02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6432048

the things i'd do for a nose job...

>> No.6432054

you can get one for free on the NHS if you're in the uk

>> No.6432060

Most of that is lighting, a haircut & weight loss

>> No.6432071

Not at all, are you fucking blind?
Look at his chin and his nose.
And what weight loss? He looks like a skinny fag in the before pics.

>> No.6432075
File: 55 KB, 330x357, Feelsgoodmangreen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you are prettier w/o any surgery

>> No.6432083

friend of a friend is having an operation on her nose. apparently they're gonna reshape it too for free, since they'll be in the area anyway

nhs doesn't really do cosmetic surgery though
unless it's something like reconstruction work after burn injuries or breast cancer etc

>> No.6432084

I've seen people change as much as that guy without plastic surgery.

My cheeks used to be all chubby when I was a kid and it made me have a baby face, then I turned 25 and I became a handsome fuccboi.

>> No.6432929

no but i have this dark birthmark on my left cheek and my grandma said if i wanted it removed she could send me to the plastic surgeon.

>> No.6433008

fuck. i need to fix my teeth and jaw
also does anyone know exactly what this guy got done?

>> No.6433046
File: 83 KB, 500x657, tumblr_lvdhrzltMK1qhodd8o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm sure everyone's heard that there's some sort of cheatcode activated when getting your wisdom teeth removed that gives you sunken in cheeks. i've already got good cheekbones but it would be prudent to get wisdom teeth surgery before i go off to college, so have any of you anons had any experiences with this? i've also heard horror storys that it ruins all definition in your face.

>> No.6433080


Actually, this is technically true, getting your wisdom teeth removed (granted you're not fat) does give more definition to your face. A downside is the possibility that you can get permanent lip numbness (not a joke)

>> No.6433090

I don't think that's real anon

>> No.6433092
File: 57 KB, 788x397, 10_noses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might have to get a nose job

>> No.6433109

Ditto. Lack of cartilage in the tip gives me a bit of a nigger nose, and I'm not about that life.

>> No.6433327


ok cool. i just didn't know if you had to like, only remove the bottom two and keep the top or do it in a certain way or break anything. idk. hahaha

>> No.6433346

im korean

mom is nurse at plastic clinic

i asked her if she thinks its ok. she says its just like braces. what i cant get over is that she says people actually get rid of old photos after the operation

>> No.6433351

Makes sense, I can imagine people wouldn't want others to know they got work done.

>> No.6433368

how much is it?
also post pics of nose

>> No.6433370

i came her to see if you fuckers had done plastic surgery but its just elders typing like a gangsta

is this what fa has come to

>> No.6433371

i want to get my chin/jaw/nose fixed

and lighter skin

and more height

and a personality

and money

and a gf

>> No.6433378

why not? what's the difference between being born beautiful and having it done for money? it's not like being good looking is achieving anything

>> No.6433380

I'm about to get a lot of moles removed. I am covered in them

>> No.6433379

you're born as a shit tier human being and should stay that way

>> No.6433384


>> No.6433390
File: 9 KB, 64x78, nose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have this one ;_;

>> No.6433411

lol why?