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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 78 KB, 720x540, bracehare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6417641 No.6417641 [Reply] [Original]

I'm pretty immersed in the fashion world, insofar as I know how to match colors and wear things that fit, but my budget is fairly limited.

How does this look for something I quickly threw together? I'm a male-to-female transsexual, so I like wearing tomboy things to deconstruct gender barriers.

>> No.6417642

absolutely disgusting

>> No.6417646

hobo bum tier

>> No.6417647


>> No.6417649

Somehow I doubt you look any better. Give me constructive feedback or get out of my thread.

>> No.6417651

you look fucking gross

>> No.6417656
File: 36 KB, 800x600, bracehare2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, it's like totally not helpful to just insult me, does it make you feel cool to bully people on the internet? Get a life.

Here is a pic that's a little older. Any better?

>> No.6417659
File: 7 KB, 260x194, bert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417663

are you trolling this board?

>> No.6417670

Hurrrr someone doesn't fit your ideas of beauty so it's a troll. Why can't you just be helpful?

>> No.6417669

You shouldn't post this here.
I know it's a fashion board, but /fa/'s going to do nothing at all but insult you.

>> No.6417675

>posts absolutely terrible pictures (fashion-wise) on the fashion board of one of the meanest sites on the internet
>upset when people are mean

Look OP, I don't know anything about you (and chances are that isn't even you in the pictures and we're all being rused), but you need to expect this stuff. You might be a pretty cool guy for all I know, but come on.

>> No.6417677

where was this photo taken

>> No.6417679

Don't even feel like finding the .jpg
>All of you are posting in a troll thread

>> No.6417684

If not a troll Rick Owens has said that his pieces are made to be 3edgy and fux with gender barriers

>> No.6417685

your confidence is way to high to be looking like that

>> No.6417686

>im pretty immersed in the fashion world
>yeah most of my clothes are from the mall
>zero google image results
holy shit
even if you werent transsexual you just look like an autist

>> No.6417689

>pretty cool guy

What the fuck? I specifically said I'm a male to female trans woman, why do you have to misgender me as well as tell me I'm ugly? How does that help at all? What do you get out of being a bigot?

>> No.6417692

cute, but poorly dressed

>> No.6417695

There's no hope. Not with that build.

>> No.6417694

actual advice for op:

what you've posted itt is really bad

if you want cheap, decent clothing, uniqlo is a good brand

stop wearing baggy clothes, it's very out of style for both men and women

i can't say i love your choice in color either, i'd say avoid anything the color of vomit

cheap, pre distressed jeans will always look like straight shit. go for solid colors.

lose the hat

reddit's /r/malefashionadvice or /r/femalefashionadvice will be infinitely more helpful than /fa/

>> No.6417696

that post has no word of ugly

this is a troll thread

>> No.6417697
File: 17 KB, 79x91, Screen Shot 2013-06-29 at 9.06.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417700


>reddit's /r/malefashionadvice or /r/femalefashionadvice will be infinitely more helpful than /fa/
I've never been there myself, but until summer is over I suggest this place as well.
Too many swagfag type guys here for now.

>> No.6417702

He/She said I look terrible and THEN proceeded to call me male when I already let them know my preferred pronouns.

>> No.6417706
File: 77 KB, 369x368, 3f4fe10b7dd4a204e52d58a1ab637817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(fashion wise)
youre retarded

>> No.6417707


Someone else is actually pretending to be me from


>> No.6417708
File: 12 KB, 284x177, 1370190095079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6417709

/fa/, you're really easy to troll.

>> No.6417713

this is a really good troll thread i enjoyed it 8/10

>> No.6417716

You look like shit though, it doesn't matter who is posting the pictures. Take the advice as if it were for you.

>> No.6417721

I would into you OP if you would dress better:

I prefer your style in the second pic, there is no such thing as deconstructing gender barrier, you look like a lesbian tomboy.

Are you lesbian? If so I'm sure there is a lot better ways to achieve an androgynous look.

Captcha: esisne pretty

>> No.6417723


I don't have any problem with male clothing but I'm not trying to look like a bro here. The hat is necessary because of hair loss issues. Thanks for trying, though.

>> No.6417728


I am, but there are only three posts with actual advice at the moment.

>> No.6417729
File: 61 KB, 618x390, 1295268301929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, you're also balding. You're worse than I thought.

>> No.6417733

so you're a balding male to female transsexual who wears men's clothes?
how are we even supposed to help you

>> No.6417736
File: 35 KB, 540x400, 1368545228989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont curr u still look horrible for even an american

but hey i appreciate people like you you make people that are fashionable look 100X better

>> No.6417743

so, you are trolling?

>> No.6417748

I am so glad I am not fat tranny

>> No.6417749
File: 34 KB, 493x276, ohmyfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a balding tranny


>> No.6417751
File: 230 KB, 688x767, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never thaught I would say that one day but I recommend a fedora instead of your ugly military hat

>> No.6417756

>Is ugly
>Asks /fa/ how to fit into their ideas of beauty
>gets mad when they try to help

>> No.6417758
File: 48 KB, 444x798, lolpic3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




Picture attached was an early attempt at clothing when I was at my lowest functional weight (~160)


Yeah, androgyny is fine. I'd look fuckawful in stereotypically gendered clothing but maybe I can look unconventionally acceptable in something else. I also ride a motorcycle as my sole form of transportation, and need to conceal a gun daily, so simple, functional clothing is better.

>> No.6417766


>> No.6417771

According to your name, do you wear braces of some sort?

>> No.6417777

you dress like shit, you can be androgynous and not look like you shop at fucking walmart.

>> No.6417780

>lowest functional weight
wtf why can you just be ana like a normal tranny?
oh wait, agp

>> No.6417781


No. I was on a cyberpunk kick when I came up with the name and it's normal in cyberpunk fiction for people to have single-syllable first names that they share with punctuation used in programming. Also I half-borrowed it from Curly Brace. I've been honestly considering just wearing a fursuit partial for the rest of my life, maybe with a plate carrier.

>> No.6417784

Quads confirm

0.5/10 at least you tried

>> No.6417786


Right. Well, I didn't post this thread, but it is labeled as an advice thread, so an explanation for how would be helpful and constitute actual advice.


I'm not a NEET so I need to be able to think clearly and actually move about and do things. Also, since I'm past puberty, the only thing left that hormones can do is redistribute fat, so I was going off of the "gain and lose weight repeatedly" hypothesis.

>> No.6417791

don't wear double denim for a start.

>> No.6417794

I'm not NEET either. I am skinny as fuq and actually do things. You look like you're a NEET though.
Looks like you buy your clothes with welfare money, and fat like you eat foodstamps food

>> No.6417795


In your situation I would be so happy to have all these possibilities in therm of clothing, and you seem to have boobs. Do you have boobs?

>> No.6417802


I do, but they're A cups on broad shoulders so they just sort of disappear. Also, if you're intoxicated by all the apparent possibilities, if you literally just want to tell me specific things to buy and wear in conjunction with one another I will totally do it.

>> No.6417812

You should try a floral print moo moo

>> No.6417815

if you've got the cash get some rick owens, it's all unisex.

just find a style you like the look of and emulate it.

you can wear whatever you want just make sure it fits well.

>> No.6417818

Obvious troll thread.

>> No.6417825

dressing like that makes you look like a dude, buy more womens clothing, cant help with that seeing that im a guy.

>> No.6417832

It may be unisex, but its ugly as fuck.

>> No.6417835

Ok, you seem to like khakis color, fine wear it but wear cargo pants instead of these jeans, you could even wear your guerilla hat but tuck your pants in some military surplus boots ( for the cheapness), then for something more androgynous-cliché you could wear blazers...now I dont know if you could wear blazer with cargo pants...

>> No.6417836

Seeing you are a man, how about you just dress like one?

>> No.6417839

so is the tranny.

>> No.6417843


Long flowy clothing is better at concealing larger handguns

>> No.6417846


>> No.6417849


Jeans are better motorcycle gear, but I've written down your suggestion. Thanks.

>> No.6417857

Don't wear cargo pants wear chinos

>> No.6417875

Do you still own the dick?

>> No.6417878
File: 158 KB, 450x450, 1371532123523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6417891


Yeah. I don't wear a gaffe or anything atm because I can't be bothered to give a shit about my appearance at all, as the thread demonstrates, but it's about 8.5" erect, 2.5-3" flaccid.

Some other measurement.

Current waist size: 33"
Current hip radius.37"
Shoulder width (measured across back): 16"
Height: 6' 0
Weight: 185lbs, currently losing ~1.5lbs weekly

I also have very long legs compared to my torso. If there's any other info that would be helpful let me know.

>> No.6417895

>but it's about 8.5" erect, 2.5-3" flaccid.

>> No.6417897


I don't want the thing, why the fuck would I lie about it

>> No.6417898

>I'm a male-to-female transsexual
>You might be a pretty cool guy for all I know

c-check your privilage cissy scum

>> No.6417903

But how will you be male without it?

>> No.6417912


>Hip circumference


>> No.6417921

>I have long legs compared to my torso


>> No.6417925

Powerful jaw, you don't even need to grow a beard :D

>> No.6417932


ITT men are somehow jealous of my body >_>

>> No.6417945

Yeah that is better.

Nope, looks shit.

>> No.6417957

Do you like girls, boys or both?

>> No.6417959

Go read some infographics on the sticky
Stop shopping at walmart
Stop pretending to be something you're not
Get a new hat

>> No.6417964
File: 113 KB, 473x757, 1372308451467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's an autogynephile, aka a fetishist who is aroused by himself as a girl

they make actual trans people look bad

>> No.6417973


I like boys. I have a boyfriend.


This is the person who posted the thread. He's butthurt because he's insecure and fucked up his life by not transitioning until late, and blames ugly transsexuals for scaring him so much that he couldn't transition young. The only thing he has to live for is the sense of superiority he gains from championing an obsolete psychological theory. I don't even match the criteria of the theory, but I undermine his frail ego, hence the attempted assassination of my (non-existent) image.

>> No.6417976


> Stop pretending to be something you're not

That's what I am doing. Other advice is solid though.

>> No.6417977

>wanting to be a woman
what the actual fuck
its like a Nordic man wanting to be an abo

>> No.6417979

>I have a boyfriend.

So you're a gay man who transitioned because he's too insecure to act feminine as a male?

>> No.6417981

on a scale of one to ten, how greasy is your boyfriends neckbeard?

>> No.6417997
File: 118 KB, 960x720, 381725_517343308325820_1209331086_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not feminine


< This greasy

>> No.6418008
File: 34 KB, 170x170, monvisagequand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't deal with this thread man.

>> No.6418014
File: 431 KB, 522x503, 1358436135730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're making yourself look even worse than the troll did.

>> No.6418024

Dat fucking hat!

Your hair are so bad?

>> No.6418038
File: 31 KB, 600x400, 1a.starfalcon1761226642664pumpprowinners.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a pre-transition picture showing my basic hair pattern. It's grown out since then, but only in the places where I still have it.

>> No.6418041

this is horrifying. oh my god. i cant take this anymore

>> No.6418044

get a fucking wig

>> No.6418052


I don't want to feel like a transvestite. Longer wigs also just accentuate my jawline. Proper human hair wigs are fucking expensive as well.

>> No.6418053

>don't insult me!
>don't bully people on teh internet!
you forget that this is 4chan

>> No.6418057

Two weeks ago I went to a really nice and fancy restaurant in my hometown, it just opened and it was an enjoyable experience and at the end of the night me and my date decided to move on for another destination. Sonewhere with a little more action!

She is familliar with the escort and porn scene of the downtown area, wich is great considering the lack of action there usually is in that region. So we head up to a swinger club 300 m. away of the restaurant...I wasnt really happy of that decision because we just knew each other since a week at the time, I was sure I had no chance with her, just like a friendzoned neckbeard...

So, we enter in the club, pay a huge cover... it is small, hot, dirty. And a lot of girls are there fucked by ugly dudes or old fucks. My date tells me then that the real action is on the rooftop. We go up stair and after having to left our clothes at the door and paying another time we go at the exterior. There is a group of men in circle jerking off. We approach and we see a girl in fetal position covered in sperm, saliva and piss. I thought at first she was crying because she was shaking a bit and moaning but then I saw she was actually musturbating furiously.

I said my date the poor girl was better making a lot of money for that! She answered she actually paid the cover like everyone else, she then joined the poor slut and began to suck the other men... I got the fuck out!

I didnt called her back, she seems a crazy bitch, but your post reminded me of her. Excuse my shit english, Im french as you could have guessed.

>> No.6418095

u wot m8

>> No.6418207

It may be worth it to save up and get a nice wig, rather than being forced to wear a hat every time you go out.

Plus, hats rarely look good.

>> No.6418213

okay then, wonderful story anon

>> No.6418248

Thanx, wasnt sure if it would be appreciated cause I didnt greentexted, it would have been even more hard to me to greentext and I think the story wouldnt have come up so nicely.

>> No.6418321

That was a great story.
Thanks for sharing it with us, honestly.And thank you for not greentexting it.

>> No.6418357

lucky dog, but you would be more fem if you dressed it.

>> No.6418408
File: 21 KB, 232x285, howthirstyisthisguysrsly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw balding transvestite bf

>> No.6418416

What the fuck is going on in this thread oh my god seriously

>> No.6418442


I honestly don't know how.

>> No.6418447

To be honest, lose just a bit of weight, and well...maybe try wfa or w/e the meddit board is.

>> No.6418452

also stop wearing what looks like men's clothing.

>> No.6420266

>the file name
>good lord

>> No.6420383
File: 340 KB, 195x199, 19084356335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even care if this thread is a ruse or not, i'm fyucking dying here