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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 29 KB, 640x753, url.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6417293 No.6417293 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw absolutely hideous, short hair doesn't look good on me, long hair, medium, etc
>tfw facial hair too patchy to try to grow and hide ugliness
>tfw weak chin and unflattering nose
>tfw buy expensive clothes but it doesn't help me look any better
>tfw give up on trying to be /fa/ and just dress like an ugly poorfag

>> No.6417298

okay bye

>> No.6417305

le feelerino when i cant commit to starving le me

>> No.6417299

pic post pls

>> No.6417306

Confidence plays a big part of being /fa/ as well. Once you get that going, looking good will start falling into place in my experience.

>> No.6417307

How is the personality?
Oh wait I bet you didn't develop one because you were too busy blaming problems on your ugliness

>> No.6417313

>le feelerino when i forgot to green my text
>le feelerino when yung pale nigha w/ 0 pigment

>> No.6417321

>that overly hairy feel
>that feel when skinnyfag with the body hair amount of a middle aged gay bear
i hate this feel

>> No.6417334

>tfw you look terrible from profile

>> No.6417337

i feel u dawg
>tfw considdering shaving / trimming body hair

>> No.6417347

>tfw reasonable attractive and dress pretty well
>still no gf

we're all in the same boat m9s

>> No.6417356

>tfw balding
>tfw going to have to get a buzz cut or go bald but my facial structure looks shit with no hair

>> No.6417358

but some have life jackets and some are wearing lead weights

>> No.6417362

that's 3deep5me

i wish i could sell my life jacket so then i'd just DROWN

>> No.6417365
File: 60 KB, 200x200, 1364670109338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw attractive
>tfw /fa/
>tfw not enough money to dress how you want

>> No.6417369

post clothes you want to be dressed in

>> No.6417370

>tfw look in the mirror and think you look nice
>tfw go to take photo of something with iphone and front facing camera opens up instead
>tfw see how disgusting you look in the iphone camera and your day is ruined
these feels ain't right

>> No.6417375

aka an otter

>> No.6417376

Pick a few key items and work towards them.
It's so satisfying to work hard towards an item.

>> No.6417393

raft swimmins duck otters
usually what i want 2 b dressed in

>> No.6417410

same here

which one lies? the 90 degree mirror or the iphone shit camera?

>> No.6417412

>tfw awful nose and jaw
>tfw manlet

I guess it sucks.

>> No.6417423

phone lenses make everyone look like shit up close because they have tiny lenses that arent actually any good for closeup portraits

try holding it farther away and you're magically looking better again

>> No.6417431

iphone camera is a wide angle lens, using it within arms length causes a lot of distortion that will make you look like shit

>> No.6417441

Nobody likes me :O

>> No.6417443


>> No.6417444


>> No.6417447

do it, bro, i shave my legs and stuff regularly, fuck anyone who wants to judge you for it

>> No.6417453

Well I'm bipolar so I'm pretty fucking depressed most of the time so yeah

>> No.6417462

Seriously, does moot hire people to go on every board to purposely make these self loathing beta threads? Like really. The amount of these threads I see a day is ridiculous.

>> No.6417478

Go on /a/ or something

>> No.6417492

tfw glowing skin after a sauna
tfw blow shitload of money on something you want and it turns out even better than you had hoped for it be
tfw kpop star looks
tfw turn heads when i walk by

tfw 5'5''
tfw small wrists
tfw cant pull off a good pale

>> No.6417500

>in park
> quietly sitting on bench breathing through my nose
>a bunch of mouth breathers walk up and start gasping up all the air
>can't breathe
>runaway crying yelling I can't breathe

>> No.6417504

>tfw this.
>tfw when I relate to this.
>tfw when I begin to burst out laughing because I relate to this.
>tfw what laughter suddenly turns into sobbing.
>tfw life sucks.

>> No.6417514
File: 31 KB, 300x360, 1367375994120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I just realized I added 'when' after 'tfw'.

>> No.6417516

You can still get pussy at 5'5". People won't really respect you, though.

>> No.6417520

I think we can all agree this isn't /fa/ related.

Take this shit somewhere else

>> No.6417585
File: 83 KB, 790x773, 1362883620858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw im somewhat attractive and attract women that i dont like
>tfw ill never find a girl i can actually hold coversations with and laugh at immature stuff like poop and farts and play animal crossing with

>> No.6417720

Indeed, all that ones that initiate relations with me are just unattractive and not my type. And the ones I would go for are just retarded.

>> No.6417747

The ones I would go for dont exist because I live in a dying town with very little options.

>> No.6417767

Can someone post the kanye feels pic

>> No.6417789

>video games

>> No.6417830
File: 13 KB, 425x363, 1363504011308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you somehow managed all of this and dress up in awesome winter clothing together

>> No.6417850

>tfw girls ogle me, but I'm socially retarded like everyone else here
>tfw quite attractive, but overweight
Time to get in shape and hope I'll gain more confidence.

>> No.6417861

>I'm socially retarded like everyone else here

speak for yourself, nerd

>> No.6417864
File: 44 KB, 453x668, thatfeelswhenbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not alone

>> No.6417869
File: 71 KB, 480x380, 1348257686863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw find a girl that you like and can talk for hours with
>tfw she has a boyfriend

>tfw you pass a girl and they smile and you're not sure whether its because you're ugly or attractive

>> No.6417871

you're posting on an anime imageboard online on a friday...

>> No.6417873

>quite attractive
you think so, fatty?

>> No.6417881

she smiled cause your ugly. when was the last time you saw a super qt and smiled instead of averting your eyes/ogling them with a neutral expression

you're a freak man

>> No.6417884

>staying home on a friday night instead of going out means you're socially retarded

>> No.6417885


If girls staring at you with that look is any indication, then yes. I have enough muscle mass to make me seem less fat anyway.

>> No.6417887


You must be confusing me with your mother

>> No.6417888

The thing is if I did see a super qt I probably would avert my eyes with a neutral expression

>> No.6417889

#rekt #ownd #pwnt #machinima

>> No.6417894

yeah if you did normal things instead of going on 4chan

>> No.6417900


Where in the world is it a Friday night?

>> No.6417902
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>tfw pregnancy scare

I'm moving to another state on the other side of the country and the only contact info she has is my phone number, I have no Facebook account and no other public information available on Google. Worst case scenario I'll change my number and avoid ever having to hear from her again.

>> No.6417906

lmao you're projecting so hard, your life must be shit

>> No.6417909
File: 580 KB, 2719x1454, time zones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

figure it out for yourself

>> No.6417919


fuck me son

>> No.6417927
File: 34 KB, 251x244, 1339448066329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got back from subway
>qt 7/10 serving me
>didin't look at her once and kept playing with my car keys
>i go to pay and she asks me what i'm up to today
>t-that's fine
>picked up my sub and quickly walked out

>> No.6417949

You do realize that it is currently either Saturday or Sunday, right?

>> No.6417955

oh shit, I thought it was Friday. Easy to lose track of the day of the week when you're unemployed

>> No.6417970
File: 2.51 MB, 320x227, 1355057876336.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw horrible mouth breather jaw
>don't even mouth breath, maybe when I sleep.
>receding chin
>Used to be good looking as a kid
>Ugly as shit and thinking what could have been

>> No.6417989

>be me
>crushing hard on a girl
>10/10 beauty
>as i talk to her and get to know her i find out shes amazingly intelligent and creative
>of course she already has a bf
>think to myself "whatever, at least i know girls like this exist now."
>time passes
>she breaks up with her bf
>we dont really see eachother for a while but finally end up having class together
>sit in class, talk, see each other 3 times a week
>still super friendly, still super chill and smart and hot
>the day before i promised myself i'd ask her out she changes her status on fb to "in a relationship"
>frustrated as fuck, i actually cry for the first time in years
>remain friends with her
>eventually we graduate college
>both move to the same city but were not super in touch or anything
>shes no longer "in a relationship" which makes me think shes single again
>randomly hit her up to spend a day with me
>to my surprise she agrees
>we spend a whole day together in the city walking around and talking and doing stuff just like old times
>for fucks sake im still in love with this girl
>lots of touching and eye contact on our "date"
>it's now evening
>we're having dinner
>she confirms that she's now single
>she tells me she's leaving the country forever in two months for medical school
>i immediately wish someone would come up to me and just shoot me in the head
>hide my sorrow until we part ways then cry on the train on the way home while people stare

i was probably friendzoned within 10 minutes of first meeting her but, still. fuck life. fuck everything.

>> No.6418029

you should've responded and asked her about her day you autist
don't complain about being lonely now
beta faggot

>> No.6418035
File: 1.63 MB, 255x164, 1372011744317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve what you get bitch nigga

>> No.6418059

>tfw pretty bad acne from genetics on back and chest
>tfw it is pretty much my only aesthetic flaw
>tfw it is the only thing holding me back from being fully confident
>tfw no amount of clothes can cover up the uneasiness the acne gives me

im starting accutane soon, wish me luck guys

>> No.6418068

>that feelerino when shortfag for life
>that feelerino when good aesthetics but you will always be treated as a child

>> No.6418074


>acne goes away
>you forget you ever had acne
>"my ears are weird"
>"my eyes are too far apart/too close together"
>"oh god does my voice really sound like that"

You're always going to find something about yourself you don't like anon.

Might as well just kill yourself now.

>> No.6418076

>tfw I always laugh at short asian males
>tfw I meet tall good looking asian boys and feel really outclassed

>> No.6418078

>TFW attractive
>TFW social anxiety
>TFW I always think people are looking at me
>TFW they actually are looking at me

>> No.6418079

ugh i know this is always what i've been afraid of.
but i mean im already pretty confident now though since the acne is not visible when im clothed you know

>> No.6418108

>be fucking fuckbuddy since feb

>shes told me in the past that she has feelings for me etc but I've always been like "yeah yeah ilu2 now suck my dick"

>im considerably more attractive and confident than her

>always said since she first saw that she'd never imagine herself having a chance with a guy like me (raf simons dick ovens etc B)

>she starts speaking to some du on twitter recently (considerably less attractive and charismatic than me) and theyve already been out for lunch etc

>all his tweets to her are boring/unfunny af but he treats her like a typical nice guy and she says i never treat her nice enough (i treat her perfectly well i just feel like she wants a doormat)

>after seeing all this shit go down finally realise i have feelings for her too

>get in a huge imessage chat with her tonight which started with me asking if we were still a thing and if she wanted to be in a relationship or not

>expecting a straight yes tbh

>at the start of the text she mentioned she wanted something more just than casual sex but said she'll need to sleep on it to make her mind up

wat do lads? poet u there bro?

>> No.6418115


>think wearing dick ovens makes you a superior human being

>> No.6418116


in case u couldnt tell she'd be my first gf btw

>> No.6418128

>tfw was the ugly swan
>till 14-15 was unattractive
>then I lost weight and adolescence gave me high testosterone, facial features really came out etc., no acne, perfect skin

when you've seen both sides of the coin you realize how much value is given to good looks in our society, it's rather sad really. an ugly guy is always undervalued and a good-looking guy can do no wrong

>> No.6418142

>implying it doesn't

>> No.6418145

If she chooses you, make her cut off all contact with the other dude, or that skank will cheat.

If she doesn't, just bail. Never talk to her again.. Or wait for her to come back (and she will) and make her your bitch.

>> No.6418149

no shit. It's even worse when you're an ugly girl

ugly men have some latitude. ugly women have NONE. at all. shit absolutely sucks for them

>> No.6418154
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>> No.6418156


she's young doesn't know what she wants.

She cant feed off you emotionally or control you, so she's gone and found someone else.

Don't be a bitch. Tell her just do whatever she wants and go find someone else. Delete her contact. She'll call you eventually. they call every fucking time. because nothing eats at a woman like a man they can't control who doesn't appear to miss them.

>> No.6418159

this guy knows what's up. don't give women too much attention. Make them come to you

>> No.6418165
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Oh god, oh god, I so know that feel.
Fucking shitty wide lens mobile cameras.

>> No.6418166


thats what i had planned roughly bro cheers!

thinking of just letting her go and hoping that she comes back to me tbh. my texts to her are absolute 10/10 top lel camedy gald compared to that dus

and she always stressed about the possibility of me cheating on her if we were to get in a relationship because "i could get literally any grill i wanted" - her words

>> No.6418170

You realize that /fa/ trolls hard with the manlet thing right? Average male height in the US is 5'9"

>> No.6418172


thanks man. definitely going down this route now

>> No.6418177

A girl with that little confidence is a turn off.

>> No.6418188


i dunno it makes me feel better about myself, a horrible thing to say but it really does

all her guy friends are typical video game playing, metal listening music types and i lift, play sports etc

>tfw she might not call again

>> No.6418190

yeah i look so good in the mirror and even a bunch of qts said i do too but when i take a pic of myself i look so fucking horrible.

pls kill me

>> No.6418209
File: 220 KB, 640x480, wetshiba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw always get complimented by old people
>tfw always get approached by uggos and fatties
>tfw always attracted to unavailable girls
>tfw girls are into me but don't realize until its too late

fuck me

>> No.6418220


they ALWAYS call, especially the insecure ones, are you fucking kidding?

Prove her right. Make her want you back. Its not fucking hard.

God you would be so fucking lost if i wasn't here to tell you what to do.

>> No.6418234

>get complimented by old people


>> No.6418236


u better be fucking right bro she thinks im some over sexed rockstar that gets a lay with each meal of the day

in reality she was the only fuck ive ever had lel

>> No.6418262


>she thinks im some over sexed rockstar that gets a lay with each meal of the day

she doesn't actually believe that she just says that to make you feel good because she likes you a lot, probably more than you like her.

It's whatever though, the important thing is to make a clean break.

you don't need to date anyone man, you have no idea how much young, clean, easy pussy there is to crush with minimal effort out there in the world, or the drugs, or the money.

Just THINK OBJECTIVELY, and the doors will open.

>> No.6418268

>tfw use to get attention from nice and cute girls when I was chubby
>tfw ottormode and only get attention from dirty skanks

>> No.6418284


it's because they're intimidated by you.

try to dress so you're more approachable, or go talk to them yourself.

>> No.6418293

>it's because they're intimidated by you.

Ever since I learned how to spot this, I've been having the time of my life. You would not believe what people will do, just because you look and ask a certain way.

>> No.6418305


>You would not believe what people will do

try me lol

>> No.6418527

how do you spot it?

>> No.6418569


when people around you act like you would around a really good looking girl.

>> No.6419813
File: 6 KB, 205x246, justkillmealready.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when looking in the mirror before evening shower and thinking how good i look
>tfw when looking in the mirror next morning before shower and realising that yesterday's reflection was a lie

>> No.6419820

>tfw I type "when" after "tfw"

>> No.6419839
File: 69 KB, 450x355, 1370429785738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a decent looking guy (according to people telling me so)
>tfw I have an incredibly boring personality and crippling social anxiety that prevents me from keeping a gf
>tfw I've only ever asked one girl out, 5 years ago, and she didn't even respond

>> No.6419854

>iktf when

>> No.6419857

>tfw only old ladies tell me I'm good looking and should model

>> No.6419868
File: 112 KB, 642x713, 1364787236892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to get a new haircut
>/fa/ sticky looks like it's the same several haircuts repeated
>too afraid to ask what I should get due to the amount of abuse and lack of answers I see people get
g-g-guys you scare me sometimes

>> No.6419880

Just post it. I'll let help you.

>> No.6419887

man i think /fa/ is pretty fucking gentle in that aspect. On other boards you will get insulted 50 times before you get one semi-serious answer. On here there are so many people who will try to help people with their different concerns, I sometimes don't believe how nice people are on here.

>> No.6419891

as long as you don't make a whole thread about it we are nice

>> No.6419899
File: 27 KB, 346x520, ss (2013-06-30 at 10.50.21).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw horrible overbite
My jaw looks fucking awful when I bite down. Whenever I close my mouth I have to leave a 2-3cm gap between my teeth in order to look decent. It's all fine and dandy until I have to bite something or smile, so I tend to show fuckall emotion. Is overbite correction worth it?

>> No.6419901
File: 161 KB, 683x1024, mouthbreatherninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you breath though your mouth a lot?

>> No.6419903

I'm not a filthy mouth-breather. I've had a lot of compliments about my jaw, it's just people don't realise what it looks like when I leave no gap.

>> No.6419926

>tfw bad teeth and you're at an age where braces would be really weird

>> No.6419931
File: 226 KB, 550x362, deep-overbite-correction-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pic related

>> No.6419930

>tfw in backseat of car
>look at reflection in rear-view mirror 7.5-8/10
>feel bretty gud
>"let my try to take a selfie with my ifones front facing cam!"
>3/10, every facial feature looks distorted af, eyes ugly etc
>feel like shit the whole trip

>> No.6419933


>> No.6419945
File: 46 KB, 604x604, XMr8dssFZgc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me working as a waiter.
>Notice some family coming to us, see qt3.14 with them
>Took their order.
>Everything went great with the service, food etc
>Decided to take grill's phone number .
>When they're leaving, come to their table and say to her - And your mobile phone, this is for me.
>Feels alpha.
>Chatting with her that night, she's absolutely great, plays piano, doesn't smoke or drink.
>Asked her out, she says yes.
>Left to party with friends the day we should've go out together.
>Ask her later again, she sayed, that she'll call me when her family goes home.
>Wait for 3 hours outside, nothing happens.
>Says next day, that her family left late at night.
>No apologies.
>I decide to move on.
>Walk out with other grill, who's the enemy of qt3.14
>Post photo of her standing in a lake to instagram.
>She asks next day, if I was going out with her enemy
>Nothing since
Wat do ? picrelated (she's on the right)

>> No.6419967

Keep going out with enemy and she'll get mad jealous and you'll get some sweet sweet rage and perhaps passionate hot lovin'.

>> No.6419974


>> No.6419976

Forgot to say, that I leave this city in 3 days, will return in september.
Enemy will leave this city to study.

>> No.6419982

fuck the enemy

>> No.6419989

Not sure is she likes me.

>> No.6419994

how much more beta can you get
just fuck her out of hate

>> No.6419999

tell qt that you're leaving in 3 days
get her all bothered and worried and ask her out somewhere

>> No.6420008

She knows, I think she doesn't give a fuck at all/
Nice quads btw
I don't really like her too.

>> No.6420031

>I don't really like her too.
you're gay
just start going after guys
there's no shame in it :)

>> No.6420113

>tfw have little body hair
>tfw perpetual acne
>tfw have bitch wrists, small frame. it's obscured by the fact that i'm 6'0" and 180lbs, but still.
>tfw weak beta shoulders.
>tfw got my mother's shit irish skin. can't tan.

>> No.6420163

>250 word essay due tomorrow
>still haven't started it

>> No.6420167
File: 72 KB, 550x893, 1372443105276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


forgot pic

>> No.6420194

>>"Love your shoes anon"
>"T-thanks, you too"
>>"Can I have them?"
> "How about no?"
> ruined atmosphere

what the fuck was I supposed to do?
she wasn't hot or interesting so whatever, but damn what a weird question.

>> No.6420208



>> No.6420248



>> No.6420263

That's not a lot though, is it? You got this anon <3

>> No.6420268

rused HARD

>> No.6420270

she probably said something stupid out of accident because she was so in awe of your beautiful shoes and had a little freudian slip

you should've just laughed a bit and continued the conversation with another topic

but no, you had to answer earnestly and brand her as an idiot

you fuckin fagoat

>> No.6420317

>you should've just laughed a bit and continued the conversation with another topic
I did that but she went on about it.

>> No.6420326

>tfw pretty okay looking guy, have pulled numerous 8/10's before
>nowadays, I have no confidence
>can't even hold a conversation with someone

fucking hell guys, if only I could communicate with people.

>> No.6420329

then get off 4chan

>> No.6420331

I got one sort of similar to this
>coming out of woolworths opening a chocolate bar
>earbuds in
>girl says s/t to me
>I take my earbuds out and ask her 'what'
>she asks for my chocolate bar
>I just say 'no' and walk away

>> No.6420341


I fucking love this site

>> No.6420443

So they're both bitches

>> No.6420454

>tfw you realise your hair looks ridiculous from every angle except front-on

>> No.6420462

>/fa/ racial minority feel

>> No.6420482

Protip: Women don't want "average".

Average = shit
Average = new ugly

>> No.6420485

happens to me at parties.
>look at girl and eyes meet
>quickly look away
>happens with same girl all night
>feel beta and get shitfaced drunk
>go home and masturcry drunk

>> No.6420489

What shoes?

>> No.6420494

sorry man, that fucking sucks

>> No.6420512

fucking chuckled at that photo

>> No.6420516

Haha that's pretty weird, was it a break-off bar or something? Can't imagine anyone thinking that's a good idea.
They weren't that special: Doc martens 1461, it was pretty obvious she frequented tumblr so that was probably why loved them so much.

>> No.6420522

I can't remember I think it was maybe a boost bar
she was hot af tho I was peeping that ass on the way in ;^)

>> No.6420523
File: 31 KB, 627x597, shig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not crywank

>> No.6420527

u wot m8

>> No.6420564

Don't go to /r9k/
They'll take you down a whole nother level, trust me on this one, they did it to me 6 months ago.

>> No.6420566

drop your trip

>> No.6420569

"can i have your shoes?"
>i'll see about it once i get your number
*le number exchanging*
"now can i have your shoes based anon?"
>i dunno, i think they'd look better on me

>> No.6420573

okay, i will come back when i am le nxt level fashun

>> No.6420630

Oh my basedgod that's hilarious.

You handled that terribly but honestly that's a weird topic to try and get of, I probably would've bombed too

>> No.6420638

>Tfw I know that feel
>Tfw knowing that feel is so quintessentially /r9k/

>> No.6420649

Maybe she still thought she was in prison or something.

>> No.6420849

But I didn't want her number, I was more or less attacked by her conversation.
Yeah as I said I kinda laughed it off but she returned to it.
Maybe, she was tatted up and shit

>> No.6421183

Well, the way i see it, if she's asking you for something, doesn't matter what it is, it gives you leverage. When ever a girl asks me for something, i'll always ask or request something in return, if she asks me to come over, i'll say that i want her top of by the time i get there.

If you wanted to be casual about it, i'd slip in the line
>i dunno, they're pretty expensive
or once again
>i think they'd look better on me.

>> No.6421282
File: 109 KB, 563x364, 1351828136997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw very, very attractive
>tfw bitches 'miring
>tfw you don't give two fucks
>tfw you like middle aged bearmode men
>tfw you want a relationship with one but all you've gotten is fuck buddies telling you you're pretty and then leaving right after you fuck


>> No.6421410

Sounds like a fun way to approach something like that if it happens again.
I went the casual route though e.g. "I think it might be better If i keep them on seeing as they're my size and all"

>> No.6421503


>> No.6421586
File: 98 KB, 640x480, 20130630_211519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my face, /fa/?
I'll post a profile shot next.

>> No.6421605
File: 86 KB, 640x480, 20130630_210918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sory for the pics' rotation issue. For some reason it won't upload correctly from a mobile device.0

>> No.6421624

average, you're fine. Cute enough, just won't turn heads or anything. If you have a shit personality and confidence, you should work on that. Your sides need a trim though. Your hair is turning into a fuzz ball.

>> No.6421650

Thanks for the review.
I don't really have any personality issues. People usually think I'm funny and easy-going, so that's good I guess.
And yeah... I really need to do something with my hair soon.

>> No.6421668

you kinda look like the guy with the "this is art" tattoo above his eye

>> No.6421675

>tfw you have a very attractive face complexion
>tfw when you start losing hair because of androgenic alopecia
>tfw when you have slightly bad teeth
>tfw when you have belly fat and stretch marks


>tfw when you still get the girls you want because you're confident and charismatic as fuck and genuinely arrogant.

OP, nothing is lost.

>> No.6421725

So long as you're not insecure, and don't let little shit ruin your confidence when it comes to women, you're golden.

You just need a trim, sides should be shorter than the top, but don't go HY

>> No.6421746

>Hey anon you're hot
>anon you're like an american apparel model
>Anon you are pretty attractive
>anon you're so hot

>look in mirror and think i'm ugly
>pictures of me look even worse
>no idea if i'm really attractive or no

>> No.6421826

>tfw hitting it off with a model thin qt whose favorite musician is MF Doom

>> No.6421847

>>tfw absolutely hideous, short hair doesn't look good on me, long hair, medium, etc
Try rocking a chrome dome

>> No.6424025
File: 605 KB, 526x786, weakchinprobs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw weak chin
I know that feel. My weak chin/jaw ruins otherwise decent photos.

>> No.6424920

Watch this, might help you with photos.

>> No.6424983

>large nose
>weak eyebrows
>oddly shaped enlogated head

i have no idea what hair looks good on me anymore

>> No.6424998
File: 132 KB, 720x480, 1365016637574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6425012

>be half black
>get nigger nose
other than that i'm all good. Straight hair, no acne, tall, jawline, symmetrical face, good hairline

fuk u dad

>> No.6425136

What's my biggest goal in life? To lose the weight I need to and tone up, to have nice hair, to get my healthcare loan and get braces so that I have straight teeth, to have perfect skin. It sounds stupid and vain, right? I should be focusing on a career and money, right? No. I want to eliminate every physical flaw that I have before I worry about any of that. I want to have nothing wrong with me so that nobody can use my weaknesses against me to bring me down. I don't want to be called fat or ugly or made fun of for my teeth. I want people to look at me and think "woah, she's something." I want to make up for all the times I was made to feel like shit as a kid because of my appearance. Not because I'm vain, or superficial, or stupid. Because I know I can be better. So much better than what those people made me feel like. Once I am perfect on the outside, I can work on using what I have on the inside. Don't give up just because people are hurtful and insult you. Use it to motivate you.

>> No.6425142

U r my hero

>> No.6425520

>be half Filipino/Irish
>get wide flip nose
>get tight curly Irish hair

just die in my sleep already

>> No.6425546

That actually sounds kinda attractive to me.

>> No.6425586

Me too

>> No.6425598

t-thank you, y-you too.