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/fa/ - Fashion

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6401364 No.6401364 [Reply] [Original]

>2 years ago it used to be stylish to wear chinos, button ups, oxford shirts, and desert boots
>now everybody wears the same outfit, even plebs

>2 years ago barely no1 knew about avant-garde fashion
>now you see 15 years old kids wearing goofninja

>> No.6401384

yes anon, thats how trends work.
your learning at a 3rd grade lvl now
. . . I am so proud

>> No.6401411

thats why i no longer wear that shit
>back to wearing basics, V neck, skinnies and sneakers
i don't want people to believe that i wear such outfits because i just found out about them

inb4 pathetic hipster

>> No.6401465

You know chinos and OCBDs are basics, right? The only "trend" you mentioned that I really think had a rise and fall was DBs.

Also, "everybody wears the same outfit" is kind of stupid to say. Most people can't into fit or colors, which is why you see retards wearing baggy chinos with rotting boat shoes and neon green t-shirts.

It's still very easy to wear that stuff and separate yourself from the crowd of plebs.

>> No.6401469

2 years?
Good god, that was pleb tier already 2 years ago.
Also, V necks were demode even before the outfit you describe.
You are sad.

>> No.6401481
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uhhhh exactly how aware and conscious were you in 2011

ocbds, desert boots and chinos were practically the /fa/ uniform when this board started in 2008. i even think /fa/ was late to that stuff and it probably started in like 2003. next you're going to tell me that boat shoes and pea coats are trendy

>> No.6401494
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>V necks

>> No.6401506

>5 years ago no one gave a fuck about fashion
>now everyone and their grandma try to dress ''fashionable''

tfw some people don't even try to be fashionable or ''alternative'', they just wear what they see on TV or internet, you talk to them then realize they are clueless about fashion or music

>> No.6401521

>yfw people start trying to talk to you about fashion

FUCK. I have a gay friend who doesn't know the first fucking thing about clothes, and he's always going on about how he and I love clothes. No, nigger, I love clothes; that's where all of my money goes. You buy a new sweater once a season and get a hardon for how edgy you think you are.

FUCK I'm actually mad right now

>> No.6401524

nowadays its harder to out-stand

>> No.6401554

This is the most plebeian thread I've seen in a while

>> No.6401591
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I am of the opinion that you should not let trends be a major influence of your style, whether that be what you choose to wear or what you choose not to wear.

Honestly, I find it very strange how some people will pick a "style" that they cling onto based solely on that style's status within that individual's perceived social circle. In other words: people who dress on a basis that is influenced by other people.

Do you really not find any kind of aesthetic that you naturally gravitate to? That should be what you are looking for.
Once you find that foundation, that pillar that is the core of how you love dressing yourself, then you can start throwing in a few ounces of trendiness and a few touches of whatever is "in".

If more people dressed how they WANT to dress as opposed to how they think they SHOULD dress (for whatever motive ie: social status, presentability) then society would be a much better place. Honestly, this is because once you understand the sociological fundamentals of fashion, then you really have control over your style.

>> No.6401600

Great post until the last graf; how does understanding the sociological fundamentals of fashion being important (and I agree it is) square with the rest of it? It's kind of left hanging.

>> No.6401601
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>tfw you are currently trying to get into fashion more, and you own basics like OCBDs, chinos, and DBs

god damn it. i like clothes but its just so overwhelming trying to keep up with everything.

>> No.6401608

Agreed on all counts, especially the idea of sprinkling in some trends, rather than using them as the basis of your fits. If you like menswear that's looked almost the same for the last few decades, try out a Thom Browne blazer that's intentionally cut short, but don't buy so many that you cry your eyes out when the trend dies and you have to burn your closet.

As long as your end result is full of pieces that are congruent together, there's nothing wrong with mixing and matching eras and styles, cherry-picking your favorites. Take the good, leave the bad, and end up with a solid, unique style.

>> No.6401722


That's ok anon. OCBD and Chinos are the staples of my wardrobe as well. Just up your shoes, accessories, haircut and perfume game and you should be good to go.

Captcha: invocop some

>> No.6401736

Aw yiss. After finding /fit/ I started outgrowing all of my shirts and pants, so almost all of my money gets poured into shoes and accessories. And hair is a huge deal, too.

>> No.6401737

white OCBD is the best item anyone can own