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File: 18 KB, 320x240, Morrowind_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6394930 No.6394930 [Reply] [Original]

Is morrowind the most /fa/ rpg ever?

>> No.6394932


>> No.6394935

Shattered Galaxy

>> No.6394953

earthbound is the most /fa/ rpg ever

>> No.6394956
File: 146 KB, 1152x864, shivering isles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best tes

>> No.6394967

>being /fa/
>not playing Style Savvy

fucking fuccbois


>> No.6394970

No, because despite being good it is worshipped by neckbeards.

>> No.6394977
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Are you fucking me right now? Are you literally fucking me right now?

>> No.6394979


i agree

>> No.6394986
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I once had a 6 month threesome with Daggerfall & Adderall. [Un]fortunately, that sort of behavior in my younger days burned me out on games a bit. With rare exceptions, they don't seem to shift from a set of two or three emotional templates.

>> No.6395004

...You bought a 3DS at release didn't you?

It's okay, /3dsg/, it's okay...

>> No.6395005
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Morrowind is better than Daggerfall

poet confirmed for pleb taste

>> No.6395025
File: 428 KB, 900x643, NV Roving_trader_outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fallout 3 and NV had some pretty sweet get ups. Most of the clothing was really nice 50's suits and dresses, and a lot of the armor had a great recycled/DIY aesthetic.

Would totally cop a trader jacket.

>> No.6395026
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is the dark brotherhood /fa/

>> No.6395031

Not rendered unplayable by modern standards.
Not the only engaging plot bethesda have yet to come up with.
>Anon confirmavit plebius esse

>> No.6395034

>tfw no rick owens ss13 clothing mod for skyrim

>> No.6395047
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Lost Odyssey

probably not 'indie-vintage' enough but the dreams are the best read

made the mistake of not reading any of them my first run through, i did the second...and third...and fourth #_#

probably rivaled by my wind waker, luigi's mansion clock and KH time invest

also have heaps of jrpgs ive drowned time into but the titles are always random bull shit so i never remember them haha B)

>> No.6395049
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Recon Armor. You know. For recon.

>> No.6395061
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Jumpsuits. Jumpsuits everywhere.

>> No.6395064
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tbh i always thought the vault armour was p.sick
that or the bandit combat armour

>> No.6395071
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>you will never be this techninj

>> No.6395078

MFW #____#


also what was the name of that community who were like...the drug dealing tribals in fall out new vegas? they were in vanilla

>> No.6395085
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4gt2pic ;s

>> No.6395087
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>most /fa/ RPG
>deus ex human revolution
Pick two.

>> No.6395090
File: 278 KB, 800x573, NV Joshua_Graham_armor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The boomer's jumpsuits would have been cool without all the U.S. flag pins slapped all over them.

I also liked a lot of the military's stuff. Really cool.

>> No.6395097

>tfw wearing armor solely for aesthetics rather than stats
I did this in Skyrim too
It makes alot more sense in Elder Scrolls setting tho but it doesnt light armor in that game is gay as shit and you will get rekt in some battles
Only Mount and Blade got the armor weight right

>> No.6395103
File: 1.32 MB, 900x720, NV Scientist_outfit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be this next level in the post-apocolypse

The Khans. They were punk as shit.

>> No.6395109

awwww shiiett. Lost Odyssey.

>Jansen Friedh
>Ming Numara
>Those fucking twins with shitty magic abilities
>Based old guy who uses the rifle
>fuccboi prince

that game is amazing

>> No.6395122
File: 324 KB, 1200x800, NV Jailhouse_Rocker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2281 year of the 2headed bear
>Rockabilly fashion is still a thing

>> No.6395134
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nah they just did a weight thing

it only fely cumbersome in regards to mvoement otherwise i never really felt other jankyness.

a lot of ps games did armour p.cool

alundra2 isnt really a good example of 'weight' but i always go back to for its great gameplay


>> No.6395146
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I feel bad :(, my fav game is LOL ;_; is lol /fa/

>> No.6395164
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>mfw no honourable mention of breast vein
tbh you really have to immerse yourself in the world and dreams otherwise its hard to fucking feel anything.the gameplay is p.shit too

>shitty magic abilities
fucking swerv you pleb core fuck
the buffs are gooooodddd tier
fucking pump my based kaim erryday

wtf i cant find any pictures of the floating Kritya city from ToV
bull shit

>> No.6395175
File: 1.42 MB, 1280x720, NV Fiends end.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never assault military outposts, high off post-apocalyptic designer drugs, using a bomb-shelter full of drug addicts and rapists as your base

I figured you'd be into Fallout, what with that retro-future aesthetic. Particularly the rad suits/space suits and what have you.

>> No.6395186
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pretty sure VTMB is the most /fa/ RPG out there

its a shame it was released way too prematurely (they havent even finished writing the last quarter of the story) and using early Source was so buggy

community patches made the game probably top 5 RPGs all time tho

>> No.6395196
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fallout3 bst fallout

definitely think it had a much stronger atmosphere of like anarchy and desolation than fall out NV where everyone sort of more or less seemed to be friends and like life was otherwise normal.
>not mad max enough

>> No.6395211
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Fallout 3 got me over a pretty bad breakup, actually.

>> No.6395212


FO3 was so fucking bland

the writing was so fucking bad

the levelling system was useless, everything levelled up with you anyway, deathclaws are pussyfied etc

FO3 isnt even an RPG, its an Action FPS with RPG elements

FONV is a proper RPG

>> No.6395216

I liked NV for all of the factions and tribes.

>> No.6395221

Deus Ex is too nxtlvl

>> No.6395223

you guys are aware there were fallout games other than 3 and nv right

and that they were better

>> No.6395225
File: 11 KB, 320x180, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf are you talking about

i never mentioned gameplay or RPG

fallout always has shit end-games as do most Bethesda games
but its p.fucking immersive if you uncharge your autism fields for a second imo

>> No.6395229

completely different audience doe

1&2 are like a storybook
3&3.5 are like a bethesda game

>> No.6395239

and post-mw bethesda ruins everything it touches

>> No.6395243
File: 459 KB, 1920x1080, 11ecaa665bdb9061440f1e9a7fe3db7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys decorate your house in Morrowind/Oblivion/Skyrim?

>> No.6395245
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yeah i guess that sort of faction aspect was p.cool but everyone outside of the NCR and Legion just felt like...disposable side missions haha

its cool if you look into it but its always p.shallow unless you do the...fuck i forgot, the powerarmour guys side stories are pretty good (both factions)

yeah but i havent played them B)

anyone remember that playstation game w/ the white guy with a sword who loses clothing as he takes damage
i keep thinking its maximillius or s/t but google aint givin'

>> No.6395251
File: 695 KB, 579x605, SCS_Stalker_Suit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NV is probably my favorite. But I love the entire main series. Haven't played any of the spinoffs, though.

STALKER is worth checking out for more of the same thing. Less retro-future Americana RPG, more alt-reality post-nuclear survival shooter. Soooo good though.

>> No.6395261

That's because they..
1. got rid of the one writer who was really passionate about the series (MK)
2. made money on it

>> No.6395264
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>> No.6395266
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Waiting for New Leaf in the mail then I can finally feel like Rick and design nxtlvl shit for muh town.

>> No.6395270


>> No.6395276
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It's hard to say they were "better", they were entirely different genres of games. I enjoy them all, regardless.

>> No.6395283

the dreams made me cry like a baby.

>> No.6395284
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i like the music though

>> No.6395301
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yeah defs, went though stalkers a while ago
>tfw watching yourself climb the stalker ranking list and becoming buddies with top tier stalkers
felt elite man B)

i guess while we're here metro 2033 is like bitch version of stalker, still good tho imo

>> No.6395314
File: 21 KB, 332x249, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you!

>> No.6395324



p much Dark Souls for kids, that shit was punishing

>> No.6395328
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deus ex
metro 2033

all bad

>> No.6395332

I don't take manlet posts seriously.

>> No.6395337
File: 45 KB, 500x500, stalker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metro 2033
Got it but haven't started it yet, will have to change that soon. My backlog is HUMONGOUS

>> No.6395340
File: 909 KB, 800x1086, we__re_watching_you__scum_by_chilkat-d47l510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this soulless

>> No.6395345
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u just dont like them because theyre popular

>> No.6395350

The only games I ever truly loved:
Kingdom Hearts
Viewtiful Joe
Shogun Total War (the original, too old/lazy to try out the new one)

I think that's it.

>> No.6395354

shadow of the colossus

>> No.6395357

ur on a roll of shitposting tonite m8

>> No.6395358
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I don't like them b/c they have shallow and unchallenging gameplay

>> No.6395362

fuck want

>> No.6395364

is that why oblivion was such shit? i never got around to playing Skyrim, but Morrowind is still in my top 5

>> No.6395365
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Poet-tier games

>> No.6395367

>challenging gameplay

if you like a game based on gameplay you're a nerd

>> No.6395370

yeah, based off ghouls and goblins

>> No.6395371
File: 220 KB, 1280x720, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as you post darksouls2 B)
you dont like them because you havent played them/dont know how to change difficulty.

>> No.6395372

>nearly anything by psygnosis

I remember seeking these things out when young and being so depressed that I wasn't a eurofag with an amiga and a burgeoning demoscene

>> No.6395376


it's kinda hard to like video games for everything but gameplay

i mean, most have p.garbage writing and stories

gameplay is the only thing that games have over movies, television, books, and theatre

>> No.6395378

>unchallenging gameplay
shut the fuck up.
I've beaten NG+2 on DS and I'll tell you right now that i've had a harder time playing stalker on maximum difficulty w/ mods than I've ever had playing DS

>> No.6395379
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>> No.6395385
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>i never got around to playing Skyrim
Just keep it that way
There isn't much in Skyrim that's worth playing it. It's enjoyable for a little while, then you'll just want to play MW again.

>> No.6395391

he just wants attention

>> No.6395392
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secret love

>tfw some fucking punk ass bitch stole my KH2 disc a few years ago
>have like a save file w/ everything unlocked etc
>can never open
fucking bs

fucking alundra 2, megaman legends, maximo, medievil

also, army men 3D and army men attack
fucking so many child hood feels

>> No.6395396
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Did you ever get them?

>> No.6395401

>put difficulty up
>u get less health while enemies get more
just makes the game tediousa
all those games have weak combat systems too
are there any stalker mods that make it play like a milsim b/c I would enjoy it that way

>> No.6395405

Really? I keep getting conflicting opinions on Skyrim. I just want something that captures that sense of magic I felt playing Morrowind the first time.

>> No.6395408
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The Void

Those Russians totally know what I want to play. Pathologic is absolutely batshit.

>> No.6395410
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>> No.6395412
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you sound like you've only ever played western games

seriously most j games are either huge acid trips or repetitive bull shit jrpgs so they have to push out some sort of fulfilling story to make a identifiable game

>> No.6395414

it's alright but the combat sucks even w/ mods

>> No.6395415
File: 76 KB, 896x366, Faded_Future.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mostly through early emulators. Gosh, I loved the Chaos Engine. I collected a lot of odd systems, and there were a bunch of DOS psygnosis ports. I also have a functioning C64 for older stuff.

>> No.6395418

god those were so cool. Fallout 1&2 all the way. So gripping, so intense, so full of details, so full of possibilities.

>> No.6395422
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>> No.6395423
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>> No.6395426
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lol yeah you havent played any of those games aside from oblivion and skyrim


>> No.6395431
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Are they worth it? I'd honestly be satisfied with box art like this sitting on a shelf.

>> No.6395433

I've played all of them is it really hard to comprehend that someone might not like them

>> No.6395435
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>> No.6395436
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Like I said.

If you can mod it out it can be a bit more forgivable. But vanilla is pretty bad. It's enjoyable for a little while, but once you start noticing the level-scaling, same-questing, quest-marking, and content-lacking, you'll just feel bad you spent time on it.

It has literally NONE of the feeling of adventure that MW had.

>> No.6395440
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but then why is your knowledge so poor?

im not questioning whether you hate them im questioning your taste lol

>> No.6395443

how are u getting mixed opinions literally anyone ive ever talked to about it agrees its shit

>> No.6395447
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, ni-no-kuni-wrath-of-the-white-witch-playstation-3-ps3-1329819173-190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ni No Kuni is tumblrcore as fuck. Dat galaxy print cape.

>> No.6395448

who even thinks that dark souls is that hard lol

theres harder games by faaaaaaar

>> No.6395449
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I like them as little cultural time capsules, and I love the way the code and engine is sometimes proprietary patchwork. There's something cosy about games with small teams. The team 17 stuff feels so much richer to me than say, an alex kidd game from the same era.

They say a lot. I also love pixel art. They are also the kind of things that are doomed to be lost to history, you know?

>> No.6395461
File: 161 KB, 1065x800, pathologic - i am the player.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathologic is insane. A lot of walking, hard to follow, and pacing is kind of fucked up. I could never bring myself to play it again (mainly because of the walking).

But holy shit there is nothing(!) like it. The sense of dread it distills in you from beginning to end is so delicious.

>> No.6395462

I'm not going to type out in detail why I dislike each one but I've played them all and found them boring
mp games are better anyway

>> No.6395465


I played it an hour and couldn't handle it because of the fucked up resolution

need to try again

>> No.6395468
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>> No.6395477
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Normies love it because it's babby's first open-world RPG. arrow in the knee XD

I think it's an okay game (especially with mods - it looks pretty damn good, and you can make it work for you), but recommending it to a Morrowind fan is just wrong.

>> No.6395484

what are ur guys fav games not havin 2 b rpgs

age of empires 2
heroes of might and magic 3
curse of monkey island
call of duty 4 fuck the haters
dota 2

>> No.6395487

Well, take a game like Silent Hill 2 for example. At the time the gameplay was criticized for being clunky and antiquated, but I'd categorize it as one of the best games ever made. Why? Because of the excellent environmental design, plot, and writing.

There's a huge discussion you could have regarding what makes a great game and what makes the medium unique. Film analysts, for example, gravitate towards framing, camera movement, and editing to reveal the themes of a film. A great film will showcase its meaning in its filmic structure. This is central to film analysis because these aspects are unique to the medium. With games it's more complicated. "Gameplay" is obviously the unique feature of the medium, but it rarely contains much thematic value--that's still found in traditional forms of plot conveyance like plot, and dialogue. Silent Hill 2, however, is notable because it made an early effort of inserting themes into the gameplay (noticeably creature design).

>> No.6395489

i'd say something like final fantasy

>> No.6395494
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Dooooo it. It's a game that requires some patience, but it's rewarding as hell in it's own fucked up way.

I think someone made a bit of a resolution fix.

>> No.6395498

japs can't do character design for shit
90% of western devs can't either

>> No.6395499
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fuck the haters man

i liked ff12

>> No.6395509


>> No.6395518
File: 75 KB, 600x600, bushidoblade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bushido Blade - open-level sword fighting
Bushido Blade 2 - not open-level sword fighting
Beneath a Steel Sky - dystopian point&click adventure
Puzzle Quest - gem-matching puzzle game with rpg mechanics
Monster Rancher - monster raising/breeding sim
LSD - dream simulator
Pathologic - Russian plague simulator(?)

Off the top of my head

>> No.6395527

couldn't care less about the combat
god that's depressing. at least it has big titty mods
most of the people i've talked to liked it (including my brother who used to play morrowind when he was younger)

>> No.6395531
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1364624236784.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never help Penelo out of her body suit to unwind after a long day of killing monsters and fighting the empire.
>You will never be caught by a normally aloof, but now curious Fran mid-thrust in Penelo as she inquires as to the curious exercise the two of you are performing and asks to join.
>Princess Ashe will continue to deny your advances at every turn.
feels FF12 man

>> No.6395539

its just copypasted fetch quests in copypasted dungeons

>> No.6395544
File: 189 KB, 800x600, jet set.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JSR and Future are where it's at.

>> No.6395547

Silent Hill 2
Dreamfall: The longest Journey
Broken Sword

>> No.6395551
File: 836 KB, 1920x1200, final_fantasy_xii_ashe_wallpaper-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ff12 is god tier

Ashe's bubble butt


>> No.6395558
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>serious feels
>then it turns into the poop pokemon

>> No.6395564
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>start character
>play for literally an hour
>become a werewolf
>become leader of the Fighter's Guild, one of the main groups in the game
>cure myself of lycanthropy
>level six

>become leader of the mage's guild
>level eight

>become leader of the thieves guild
>level eight

>> No.6395568
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that sounds awful. pretty sure that kind of thing was impossible in morro

>> No.6395572
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Psychonauts was great. Dragged a little bit near the end, I guess, but IMO really lives up to the expectations set by it's fans. I loved the insane asylum levels - the Napoleon board-game level was genius.

>> No.6395582

I play one of the scenarios once a year.

The whole thing just leaves me emotionally drained and physically tired near the end.

Artemiy is probably my favorite scenario. What's yours?

>> No.6395584

Milkman level, man. Dem Steve Blum agents.

But the end was frustrating. Fuck. Played it just a few weeks ago for the first time. Almost raged-quit in the meat circus.

>> No.6395585

>Beneath a Steel Sky
best. adventure. ever. made. I started it and played nonstop until the end in one night when I was like 14 and my parents weren't at home. It was so intense.

>> No.6395586
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>level up
>digivolves to Greymon
>10 minutes later it dies

>> No.6395588

Nah, Morrowind was incredibly easy to break, but you had to know what you were doing and set out to do so.

The quest-lines in Skyrim are just poorly done and of no consequence.
>dragons are just a minor annoyance
>bears still fuck your shit up
And poor balancing.

>> No.6395594

Viewtiful Joe
The Last Remnant

>> No.6395606

Yeah, if you played normally.

It can be beaten in around 5 minutes without any sort of external tools.

>> No.6395607

that would be very easy in MW. You'd just have to not sleep until you've done all the quests. If you don't sleep, you don't level up. Still I agree, I don't like such "power-runs" either, it's not exactly the most fun way to play an RPG

>> No.6395614

I've only done Haruspicus and the Bachelor, I preferred the Bachelor.

>> No.6395626

Ugh, his is so grim.

Morphing into a fanatical hypocrite and being emasculated like that was tough.

>> No.6395629

>5 min
I call bullshit.
Firstly, because MW can't be "beaten" at all. It doesn't stop after the Nerevarine questline.
Secondly, because it'd take more than 5 min to get to Dagoth Ur even without all the artefacts you'd need to kill him.

>> No.6395631
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Before I played it I was only vaguely interested in adventure games, with only the most obvious being my favorites. But between BaSS and I Have No Mouth, I really started to see the genre in a new light.

>> No.6395634


Yeah, meant the Nerevarine questline, obviously.

>> No.6395637

i remember the level the level scaling making it difficult to, say, progress in the mages guild and simultaneously the thieves guild or fighters guild

>> No.6395647

ha. i've heard people complain about the meat circus, but i never had a problem with it.
it's one of those rate games that's just bursting with ideas. my favorite level is probably the one in that spanish artist's mind

>> No.6395651

I Have No Mouth was excellent, too. Just recently read the original short story again (which is even more grim, but not necessarily better, than the game).

I also liked the first two Broken Sword games - they too made me immerge into their own little world, sitting in front of my netbook in bed all night, trying to solve the puzzle around the Templars.

And - last but not least - Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. This I just played a couple months ago for the first time (shame on me), but it was fantastic. I felt as excited as I felt when I played games like that as a child.

Do you have any other cool adventure game tips?

>> No.6395652
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I Have No Mouth is just 2nuts

>> No.6395658

Thing is you don't have to power-game or min/max through Skyrim. One of the main complaints was such an important quest-line like the Companions being so ridiculously short, easy, and unsatisfying. You've barely played the game and you're in charge of one of the three main guilds. It makes the lack of content glaringly obvious.

And it's the same thing for the other guilds, they're just farther away from your starting location.

>> No.6395659
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>be in super /fa/ house telvanni
>"go bring me this robe"
>dem stats!
>put it on
>take it off immediately

still feeling these feels

>> No.6395664

could be remembering wrong but i thought enemies in morrowind had fixed levels/hp/etc. not scaled like in oblivion and skyrim.

if so, it would be more difficult if you never level up.

>> No.6395672

There is a far milder form of scaling in MW, some things scale minimally (main quest related, mainly) while others are fixed.

Though you can via. certain bugs permanently beef up all your stats while remaining at level 1, allowing you to steamroll the main quest.

>> No.6395676

earthbound isn't an RPG

>> No.6395678

huh, i'll have to play that. it was on my list a long time ago, but i never got around to playing it. I've always loved the format or at least the idea of adventure games, but many of them aren't emotionally involving. The reason I love broken sword is because the character development progresses so smoothly.

>> No.6395691


>> No.6395692
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>> No.6395699

wow, now that was impressive. I mean he used a lot of glitches and all, but still - impressive.
How come he didnt get hurt by the monsters and could kill the Dagoth so easily?

>> No.6395700
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>all this micromanagement and abundance of subsystems and unique growth logic
Fits muh autism so good.

I don't even know what the fuck the story is about or barely even what the characters are called, I just came for all the micromanagement.

>> No.6395702

>This I just played a couple months ago for the first time (shame on me), but it was fantastic
good on you for taking the time to play a classic

>> No.6395704

The fit on those jeans is awful. That's the only in-game outfit I've ever found too disgusting to wear, which sucks because that outfit was great statswise.

>> No.6395710

Fallout 3 was terrible within the context of the rest of the series, but it's incredible when considered apart from the other Fallout games.

>> No.6395712

i don't think i've ever playing morro without cheats or mods. i always crank up my speed to 200

>> No.6395720

I though it was boring as fuck.

Like most (all) of Bethesda's shit.

>> No.6395723

I thought contextually it looked good, gotta remember everyone in NV is some texan inbred.

>> No.6395731
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Lately I've been playing ports of the Lone Wolf series someone did for the DS. Old-school choose your own adventure books from the 80's, with dice-rolling and character creation.

If you have a DS w/flashcard or access to a DS emulator, you can download these http://www.projectaon.org/staff/frederic/downloads.php

They also have just plain html versions here http://www.projectaon.org/en/Main/Home

>> No.6395734

It's fun to explore the world, but once you've done that it's boring as hell. There's no replay value whatsoever.

>> No.6395752

The Witcher
Persona 3
Ys Seven
The Legend of Heroes

None of these are very fashionable though idk you can buy skimpy costumes for your Persona 3 party members I guess

>> No.6395755

don't cheat, that's lame. The game is so extremely open that you just have to be creative to get everything you want without cheating.

For example speed: There are the "Boots of Blinding speed" - they make you blind, but you get an additional 200 speed. If you find a way to add Resist Magicka to your stats, the blinding effect will be reduced so you can see a little bit. That makes for excellent travelling.

My preferred way of travelling was an "Icarus Ring" - you'd have to make those yourself (Jump/Fortify Strength/Feather combined in a ring) - with those babies you could travel from one end of Morrowind to the other in like 3-5 jumps (depending on how many mountains are between)

>> No.6395762
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Personally I'd recommend anyone starting a character to bump up speed/athletics and agility/weapon skill at least enough to make the beginning less unbearable.

Morrowind is wonderful, but there is nothing fun about jumping everywhere and missmissmissmissmissing

>> No.6395766

wish there were more adventure style games on the ds

>> No.6395771

The only Loh game I've played is TitS. What others are worth checking out?
Also, loved Ys Seven.
Hated Persona 3.

>> No.6395776

I fucking loved Kingdom Hearts.
It hooked me onto RPGs. My standards were so high after playing the first one, and then the second one came out and everything got a bit distorted because my 12 year old mind couldnt understand any of it.

I'm going to play KH2 again before I get a new console for PS4. Not sure which console I'm going to get though.

>> No.6395799
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I never ceased to find enjoyment in constantly jumping over buildings and across the entire map

"Why walk when you can ride?"
"Bitch I'm going to hop."

>> No.6395800

I disagree. I love the game, but it has flaws. I wouldn't wish vanilla morro on anyone. I always install texture packs, better body, better head, creature textures, audio mods, etc. The only thing I "cheat" on is just increasing the speed because I find the walking speed to be unbearable. As for travelling I really liked using the boat system. The auto travel feature in Oblivion really took away some of the heart of the game.

Also--funny thing about the boots of blinding speed. I got really excited the first time I found them and went to try them on and they just wouldn't fit. Why? Because I was an Argonian and Argonians can't wear shoes because of the shape of their foot.

>> No.6395805

But why even fight in the beginning? I always feel like a pleb when I fight in Morrowind. I usually start with Alchemy (Caldera - buy those two shroomz in bulk of like 500 at a time and then make potions of drain stamina and poison that you can sell for hundreds) and max it out until I got it at 100. Then I start building my trading empire of potions. Then I fix myself hundreds of potions I need for travelling (if I'm a mage: restore magicka with such a strong effect that it's instantly replenished no matter how much I cast, same goes for health, speed, strength etc).
There's also a mighty fine glitch: If you make fortify intelligence potions, the potions you create become progressively more potent. Therefore: brew 1 fortify intelligence potions, then brew another 1 (this will be a lot stronger) - repeat 10 times. Your intelligence should be in the 5-6 digit area now. If you make a single fortify strength potion now, you can kill Vivec by hitting him one time with a dagger. But that gets old too soon. Morrowind is far more fun if you don't abuse the open world too much.

>"Why walk when you can ride?"
>"Bitch I'm going to hop."
hell yeah

>> No.6395806

Dunno, I haven't even played Second Chapter yet.
Only played TitS

Ys7 is fucking rad, yeah

Which version of Persona 3 did you play?
The PSP version is the best, PS2 is... a bit dated

>> No.6395823
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1) Buy DS
2) Buy flashcart
3) Download ScummVM
4) Play sweet, sweet adventure games in your bathroom, perhaps while shitting. Or masturbating, I don't care I'm not a cop


>> No.6395829

Oh shit, yeah that Argonian feet suck. But then again, fuck that slave people anyway, Imperial master race here.

What you say about MW vanilla: I hear that a lot, but I don't unterstand why. I grew up playing Morrowind in a time when Internet connections were so slow that downloading gigabytes of mods wasn't an option, so I played vanilla all the time. And I love it. I agree that some texture packs are nice, but then again - I don't care much about graphics anyway.

>> No.6395836

what size flashcart would you recommend

>> No.6395838

>Dunno, I haven't even played Second Chapter yet.
You can read japanese? That's cool.

I played the PSP version. Just found it way too easy (not always a problem for me as I really enjoy easy games sometimes like Eternal Ring, The Last Story and TitS) but I didn't think the game had any redeeming features. It was way too long for the amount of story there was, and I didn't find the story interesting or enjoyable. I thought the social links were too formulaic and non-interactive to make me feel any connections with the characters.

I actually enjoyed Persona 1 more than 3, but that was still bad.

>> No.6395847

you can't create a character in earthbound

it's an adventure game, but an RPG must allow the player to create their own character or avatar and have the ability to insert his or her own personality in the game

>> No.6395858

gr8 b8

>> No.6395865

you're right, it is!

>> No.6395866

Ah well, I probably loved it hard because it was one of my first JRPGs I played.
The plot is hella weak if you look at it proper but I enjoyed the immersion and the characters.
Not for everyone I guess.

>> No.6395867

nothing is wrong with it, but it isn't technically an RPG if you can't roleplay. that's kinda the entire point of it being called a roleplaying game.

>> No.6395876

Ironically, I played the game in the opposite way. I never used magic because I've never really like the idea of magic in games. All of my stats went into swords and marksmanship. I played the game like a strong independent skeptic don't need no magic

>> No.6395879

Yeah I feel you. I think I was disappointed because I played it after finishing SMT Strange Journey so the challenge, characters and plot felt like a step down (which was more disappointing because I had heard so much about the plot and characters in P3).

>> No.6395882

I wish I could play Dragon Warrior Monster and Megaman Legends for the first time again.

>> No.6395887
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I just have an old 1st gen R4, not sure you can find legit ones anymore. But it supports a 2 gig card at maximum.

Newer cards support huge micro SD cards. I'm out of the loop, honestly, you'll want to do your own research. IMO you really don't need much space. 2 gigs = more games than I can honestly play.

>> No.6395890

>But then again, fuck that slave people anyway, Imperial master race here.
You take that back. Nothing gave me more pleasure than freeing the slaves and becoming a member of the Twin Lamps. muh people

>> No.6395892

tfw man...

cant believe i sold my ps1 and alundra 2 for $100
it was chipped too

ill always have the memories #___#

i still have MML i think.

>> No.6395893

Those slaves can't even handle the freedom you give them. They just stand around in their slave caves, ungrateful scum!

captcha Arian prinac

>> No.6395900

jeez. you sure ripped somebody off

>> No.6395903

lol, but it's the right thing to do, mate. i went john brown on that plantation

>> No.6395915


it was this cute old lady who was buying a system for her grandson

in retro i shouldve kept it but w/e

>> No.6395917

RPG = role playing game

If you're forced to play as a preset character on a linear storyline, you're not role playing. You're just following a story being told with someone else.

>> No.6395926

dude i know you must be joking but its sad some people actually are actually this autistic

>> No.6395928

you play the role of kid earthbound

>> No.6395929

You can role play as that character.

>> No.6395938
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>> No.6395961

Mother 3 is a pretty cool guy he kills all the and isn't afraid of anything

>> No.6395963

decorating your house in morrowind was the endgame.

>> No.6395965

How is telling you the truth autistic?

That isn't what role playing means in gaming.

>> No.6395982
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>mfw putting 50 pots in the space of one

>> No.6395992

Then why do many games where you play a pre-made character get called RPGs?

>> No.6396008

I just started Morrowind using Morroblivion because fuck missmissmissmissmissmiss1damagemissmissmissmiss

Great game so far, cleared out the cave with slavers in it and It was incredibly rewarding.

>> No.6396010

winners don't use drugs

>> No.6396014
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The same reason the media refers to pic related as clips. The target audience doesn't know any better.

>> No.6396020
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>the RPG argument
Very fresh, you guys.

>> No.6396021

>Role-playing video games (commonly referred to as role-playing games or RPGs, as well as computer RPGs or CRPGs) are a video game genre where the player controls the actions of a protagonist (or several adventuring party members) immersed in a fictional world.

sorry m9 doesnt say anything about it not being a preset char

>> No.6396027
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>> No.6396029

So game developers are wrong in classifying their RPGs as RPGs?

There's no agreed upon objective standard. Your point of view is outdated by about 30 years.


>> No.6396033

Fuuuuccckkk I want this so bad but don't want to buy a 3DS just for Animal Crossing. Lel. Wild World was awesome. The first one was awesome. Haven't played the other 2 but I want to so much. Fuck I'm autistic.

>> No.6396067
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B-but Rune Factory 4 is coming out. And new Pokeymans. Plus there's a Proffy Layton game.

That's pretty much it for me :(
But I'm considering pulling the trigger on one simply because my DSL is trash now, and my Phat's on it's last leg. Shit's rough.

>> No.6396070

I bought Morrowind when I was too young to understand what in the actual fuck was going on in it. I literally went into every house in Seyda Neen and killed every person that was in a house by themselves. I did this all across Morrowind. I later realized this made many quests undoable and expelled me from nearly every guild. I also inadvertently modded the main game file to include chests with full glass armor. So being as young as I was I thought I was just really lucky. I killed shopkeepers and stole all their stuff. I killed so many innocent Morrowind inhabitants.

>> No.6396076

Dude I still have my original DS. Like the first version. It came with Nintendogs I think. Shit man. Feels. I need to break out my DS again.

>> No.6396079
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You sound like a fucking crazy person.

>> No.6396087
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I got it used just after launch. The shoulder buttons are pretty worn out, but I'm just amazed it works at all. I've gotten more use out of it than video-game device I've ever had.

>> No.6396092

I also stole Caius Cosade's moon sugar so I screwed myself over for the main quest. I think I had to kill him then resurrect him to get past that retarded puzzle box quest. I seriously didn't find that fucking puzzle box until I had the game for like 2 or 3 years. I just killed everyone in the cave and explored the shit out of it. lol. I had no clue what I was doing. God I love that game.

>> No.6396095

I played the one on DS, too. I met a housewife from tennessee who painstakingly used the tiny little postcard system to tell me about how her husband was presently deployed in Iraq, and how she was glad he was there because they always argued and the arguments usually ended in beatings (followed by sex). She would send me those really hard to get metroid statues and a letter about her latest bruises. Shit like that.
It was twisted, but I was really wrapped up in the narrative and I remember hunching up to the wall in the living room to download one of her missives off a neighbor's wifi when my internet was down.
Thank god I never gave her my phone number.

>> No.6396102
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>> No.6396105

lolwut. How did you do that? I don't remember a postcard system. But that sounds crazy.

>> No.6396119

Don't you remember sending letters to people who had your friend code? going to other villages and whatnot?

I imagined her drinking alone and grinding like crazy to get those rare statues and I never knew whether to laugh or weep.

>> No.6397465

I remember that but I misinterpreted your use of the term "postcard system."