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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 164 KB, 668x495, 24az2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6389581 No.6389581 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on my vibes?

been printing over the last 6 months, thinking about releasing the pieces out for sale

>> No.6389586
File: 67 KB, 1191x842, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6389589

look like shit


>> No.6389594

it's edgy tumblr-core shit, something out of a black scale catalog.

>> No.6389595
File: 20 KB, 1191x842, Untitled-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6389601
File: 41 KB, 1191x842, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6389606


what about hba and rick owens influence :'(

feel free to ask about their meanings

>> No.6389609


>instantly black scale

>> No.6389622

Oh, I get it. Shell is hell.

Gud 1

>> No.6389626

first off, if you plan to make any good money, you need to mark that shit up high.

and make some better designs or create a symbol / logo

>> No.6389627
File: 19 KB, 262x308, shell_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is the gas station logo supposed to be ironic or sthm? tbh i don't even see this selling with the tumblrcore crowd. the flag one might, but the other designs are "eh" at best.
also, your gif moves way too fast for anyone to get a good luck at the merchandise, price or anything really.

>> No.6389637

this is as ignorant as assuming a flag is tumblrcore black scale

if you recognise the flag from the tee, these pieces bear political relevance to New Zealand... currently the conservative right wing party currently holding government is approving shell's drilling on NZs coasts. the downside of this is that it would take shell 2 weeks to get to NZ to begin an oil spill recovery in the case of one.

this is status hell, or s-hell

>> No.6389644


drawing inspiration from brands without logos and complex designs

>plebtier marketing plan

>> No.6389649


look at the visuals for kanyes new slaves perfomance on SNL, thats my insp for that gif. hope this helps

>> No.6389658

i'm not sure what your post means.


>> No.6389662

ok cool but kanye performance *key word* is about art
marketing is about selling your shit and a fast-moving gif isn't something that's going to draw people in
and no one is gonna really care about your inspiration, sorry to burst your bubble, you're not important enough yet for people to actually care why your shit is the way it is
>protip: it has to be good first
>protip: it has to be innovative first

>> No.6389665


>implying the gif was marketing

>> No.6389671

implying anyone would know if they baught it

>> No.6389667


I am drawing my inspiration from brands that don't feature predominant use of logos and complex designs

Your marketing plan is plebtier

>> No.6389668

ok so shell is the bad guy.... so you're gonna sell a hoodie with their fucking logo on it
and the s-hell thing is really fucking stupid and borderline corny

>> No.6389674



>> No.6389678

oh god please take your retardation elsewhere
get better designs, or here's a novel idea, make your own graphics with the logos without entirely infringing on copyrights you dumb cunt

>> No.6389690


take your novel idea and show it to the huge bootleg movement featuring across hood by air and heron prestons work

>> No.6389694
File: 411 KB, 3185x887, b0132078_1134371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate logos just as much as the next guy, but it's good money, that is if you are in it for just the money.

>> No.6389696
File: 21 KB, 620x400, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


case in point 1

>> No.6389698
File: 184 KB, 405x464, Screen Shot 2013-06-25 at 6.11.00 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6389702

nah man, i think quite a few people are missing my swing here. im not trying to promote a massive startup brand.

all i was thinking about doing was knocking off some of the shit that im passionate about to some other black-and-white fiends. not particularly bothered about profit

branding it isn't really on my mind!

>> No.6389709

they did something novel-- they started the bootleg movement. HBA uses quality garments and is a brand worn by celebrities.
what are you gonna do? copy the idea and sell some shitty sweaters
the fact of the matter is it's been done before and better, but if you thought that it was good enough you wouldn't be asking /fa/'s opinion

>> No.6389718


sry then

but i do recommend you work more on some
better designs.

>> No.6389721

do you understand the concept of inspiration within artwork? i implore you to create a totally innovative idea and make it work. vary rarely does a brand work without the influence of other brands. i appreciate the input but i feel as though you're missing my intentions, have another read of the OP

>> No.6389726

i am more than capable of producing more complex but i am trying to capture the minimalist designs of the current popular culture. arguably the most popular and expensive designs these days are "basic", but its their minimalism that gives them impact.

high fashion is indicative of this

>> No.6389754

you're not just being influenced, you're completely appropriating the style, and ruining it. if you actually were as into this as you say you are you would understand the irony of having fifty logos on the shirt. your stuff is the commercial backwash of an artistic idea that had something behind, both philosophically and fashionably.
and really, the only way people do make it big is by having something innovative. no one has ever risen to the top because they recreated something. i'm not saying it's an easy thing to do, but that's why so many people fail when it comes to fashion and business.

>> No.6389757

i said "better" not "complex"

>> No.6389763

isnt better subjective?

>> No.6389770

im pretty sure everyone ITT will agree with me that you could do better.

>> No.6389773

these are bad designs, minimalist or not

>> No.6389791

bad. do it better

>> No.6389830

OP here, I appreciate the criticism guys. obv difficult to take negative crit, but nonetheless thank you

>> No.6389841

Negative criticism is incredibly important in ones growth.

>> No.6390464

can i do shit for you to print

>> No.6390482

you asked for fucking advice ngiga
you got it